Random set of the day: King's Castle Siege

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King's Castle Siege

King's Castle Siege

©2007 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7094 King's Castle Siege, released during 2007. It's one of 8 Castle sets produced that year. It contains 973 pieces and 10 minifigs, and its retail price was US$99.99/£73.39.

It's owned by 4,248 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

46 comments on this article

By in United States,

Fantasy Era was my favorite Castle subtheme, having so many factions and so many mythical creatures really put it a cut above the rest.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice dragon!

By in United States,

Some of the 973 parts might be big and chunky, but you get a fully formed castle, a dragon with a lot of articulation, and 10 minifgures with those 973 pieces at a mighty respectable $100 price tag. That's a Star Wars fan's dream for just a starfighter and three to four figs these days.

EDIT: I was going to make a comparison about Star Wars from 2007, but looking at the lineup, man, we were living it up good back then. Everything's a solid PPP ratio, and that's not excluding the MTT with it's 20 droids at only $100, and the Rebel Base with it's 8 figs for $50. Ironically, the worst of the bunch is the classic Clone Trooper Battlepack with only 58 parts for $10, but in terms of Clones, you couldn't be happier to get so many so easily.

2007 man, what a time to be a LEGO fan.

By in Canada,

It's a leak!!!

Kidding. But we'll take it as a sign of good things to come this summer.

Side note, Fantasy Era was HIGHLY underappreciated at the time and actually is one of the more innovative Castle subthemes. If anything, it is proof that a modern fantasy spin on a classic theme (Castle) can work, and work very well.

By in Germany,

@Matt_Z_ said:
"It's a leak!!!

Kidding. But we'll take it as a sign of good things to come this summer.

Side note, Fantasy Era was HIGHLY underappreciated at the time and actually is one of the more innovative Castle subthemes. If anything, it is proof that a modern fantasy spin on a classic theme (Castle) can work, and work very well.


It does! The ONLY sets I bought during my dark ages were 5614, 5615 and 5618 =)

Anyway, I see this pick as froshadowing/confirmation of the castle set that is said to come out this year!

By in Australia,

In my personal opinion, this is probably the best medieval castle LEGO has ever released (outside of Lord of the Rings of course). But then again, we'll just have to wait until August.

Really wish I got some of the fantasy era sets, particularly this one and the market village.

By in United States,

@MCLegoboy said:
"Some of the 973 parts might be big and chunky, but you get a fully formed castle, a dragon with a lot of articulation, and 10 minifgures with those 973 pieces at a mighty respectable $100 price tag. That's a Star Wars fan's dream for just a starfighter and three to four figs these days.

EDIT: I was going to make a comparison about Star Wars from 2007, but looking at the lineup, man, we were living it up good back then. Everything's a solid PPP ratio, and that's not excluding the MTT with it's 20 droids at only $100, and the Rebel Base with it's 8 figs for $50. Ironically, the worst of the bunch is the classic Clone Trooper Battlepack with only 58 parts for $10, but in terms of Clones, you couldn't be happier to get so many so easily.

2007 man, what a time to be a LEGO fan."

Too bad I was learning to walk and talk then

By in Germany,

@R1_Drift said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"Some of the 973 parts might be big and chunky, but you get a fully formed castle, a dragon with a lot of articulation, and 10 minifgures with those 973 pieces at a mighty respectable $100 price tag. That's a Star Wars fan's dream for just a starfighter and three to four figs these days.

EDIT: I was going to make a comparison about Star Wars from 2007, but looking at the lineup, man, we were living it up good back then. Everything's a solid PPP ratio, and that's not excluding the MTT with it's 20 droids at only $100, and the Rebel Base with it's 8 figs for $50. Ironically, the worst of the bunch is the classic Clone Trooper Battlepack with only 58 parts for $10, but in terms of Clones, you couldn't be happier to get so many so easily.

2007 man, what a time to be a LEGO fan."

Too bad I was learning to walk and talk then"

Besides LEGO, this wasn't a particularly good decade. So, you didn't miss much. Really.

By in United States,

@R1_Drift said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"2007 man, what a time to be a LEGO fan."

Too bad I was learning to walk and talk then"

I had been out of college for 12 years and had my drivers' license for 19 years. I must seem like some kind of senior citizen to you.

By in Australia,

I will never understand why a set like this (with updated pieces and building techniques of course) couldn't sell today.
I personally prefer more realistic historical themes, Kingdoms was my favourite and the one I collected. But I understand kids prefer fantasy and fantasy medieval stuff is still very popular, just look at games like Legend of Zelda, Clash of Clans, World of Warcraft, plus there's LoTR, Hobbit, GoT, How to Train your Dragon etc. etc.

This is definitely one of the better castles Lego did. I like the properly built mini catapult (a lot better than the tiny one piece ones my Kingdoms castle has), and the dragon (while of no interest to me), is still a really cool piece and would definitely be a lot of fun for young children.

Let's face it, Nexo Knights was literally a fantasy castle theme just with different colours and a sort of mash with Classic Space stuff. Nexo Knights (the first couple of waves anyway) was very popular and frankly I think that proves kids ARE still interested in medieval themes, nor do I think Lego needs to make it futuristic either. After all, the knights still rode horses and used largely medieval weapons and certainly the bad guy factions could easily have come from a more traditional theme like the 2007 Castle theme.

The only reason historical themes like Castle and Pirates failed in more recent times was because Lego kept doing the same thing over and over again, literally doing the same sets like prison carriages and outpost towers being attacked by an enemy catapult.

All Lego needs to do is have a fresh take on Castle, maybe reintroduce Forestmen or Fright Knights, think of new set ideas and back it all up with a good TV show and well developed characters, rather than just dumping a grey, blocky castle with barely any play features and then wondering why it doesn't sell.

By in United States,

I got this set, either winning it as a convention door prize, or buying it on clearance. I enjoy taking pieces out of the bags when I need them to build other things. Dragon’s cool, too.

Batman got cancelled during its third year, too, with a criminally underproduced final wave that evaporated upon arrival, immediately preceding the opening of The Dark Knight. Seems to have done pretty well since hitting San Diego in 2011…

By in United States,

A nice return to form after KK2. Still, the portcullis looks funny when raised without a proper gatehouse and I've never liked that empty half-spire placed precariously to the side of the rear tower

By in Canada,

@chrisaw :
The Dragon is not 'good'...he's attacking the castle after all...:)

If the rumor is true, supposedly we're getting a "new old" (or is that "new ole") castle from the Lion Knights line...wonder if we'll get space-stuff "next year"...(And 'yes', I know about the 'City stuff', but come on...)

By in United States,

Batman was cancelled before the 2008 wave hit shelves because retailers weren’t really interested in it after the 2007 wave didn’t sell that great. The decision was to finish the third wave that was already in production, and call it quits (I got that much straight from Kevin Hinkle). My entire state has one LEGO Store, which opened two years later in 2010. Between TRU, Meijer, Walmart, and Target, I saw the 2008 sets exactly one time, bought double copies of them all on the spot (thankfully), and when TDK premiered the sets didn’t fly off shelves because there weren’t any more left to sell. Even that stupid little Mr. Freeze set was listing for around $100 by the end of the year. So, I don’t know where you were finding them so easily, but it definitely wasn’t within 30 miles of where I live.

By in Turkey,

This looks like a fun set with lots of gadgets and minifigs. You're fighting against an army of undead for gods sake. I don't collect castle but I had one of the smaller sets back then and I got myself a black skeleton. I call it a success.

By in Estonia,

No wonder the siege happened once the king displayed his treasure in the highest tower for the whole world to see and covet. Now in a few moments the dragon will just fly in and snatch it up. A treasure should be hidden and/or buried. Bit safer that way.

10/10 for playability though.

By in Australia,

I loved that style of dragon.

By in United States,

Crazy to think there was a time when people didin't really care about Batman in LEGO and Castle was one of their top selling themes... Man, how have times changed.

I am really curious, why has Batman become so popular after its reboot in 2012? If you looked at the number of Brickset people who own, the most owned Batman set from the original line is barely 3,856, while the most owned from the rebooted line was 12,737. That's an absolutely insane difference in interest! I wonder what cause such a huge resurgence in popularity just four years in between LEGO releases?

Sadly for Castle, I am afraid the failed 2013 line is what killed it. Juniorized builds, that looked almost the same as the Kingdoms sets from two years prior, must have really killed consumer interest at the time. But it has been almost a decade for goodness sake! If the interesting Batman case from above proves anything, is that people's interest shift in different directions as time goes on. 2013 Castle may have failed with the rise of LotR, but that doesn't mean wouldn't sell like hotcakes today. The fan-demand I see online is absolutely insane, and LEGO can't deny it.
But oh well, a 350$ set is better than nothing I guess.

By in Australia,

@LegoDavid said:
[Sadly for Castle, I am afraid the failed 2013 line is what killed it. Juniorized builds, that looked almost the same as the Kingdoms sets from two years prior, must have really killed consumer interest at the time. But it has been almost a decade for goodness sake! If the interesting Batman case from above proves anything, is that people's interest shift in different directions as time goes on. 2013 Castle may have failed with the rise of LotR, but that doesn't mean wouldn't sell like hotcakes today. The fan-demand I see online is absolutely insane, and LEGO can't deny it.
But oh well, a 350$ set is better than nothing I guess. ]]

Some good points, although I return to an argument I always make, it's not that people lost interest in the subject matter, merely that the sets at the time had the problems you described well. LoTR for example remains very popular, but Lego doesn't make any sets. We didn't have Harry Potter sets for years, and during the years we didn't have HP, it wasn't that there weren't any HP fans, simply that 1. Lego refused to invest in it and 2. Like you say, the previous attempt ruined people's perception of it.

Lego has this stupid idea that "Oh kids aren't interested in (insert theme)". Well how can they be when there isn't any sets for them to buy? Take Atlantis for example. It's not that kids don't like the idea, it's simply that there aren't sets on shelves for kids to want to buy, and/or the execution of one line of that theme doesn't go well. You wouldn't say "Oh kids don't like submarines or underwater stuff anymore" just because they aren't buying the specific Atlantis theme, yet that's what people do when discussing themes like castle and pirates. Kids LOVE pirates, there are whole isles in dress up shops dedicated just to pirates.
Hidden Side was a great attempt at a new idea for a spooky theme. It failed, (which was again due to execution; obsession with technology overshadowed the Lego part), and yet I don't see anyone whinging that kids don't like spooky stuff?

The problem with the Lego pirate theme is that Lego only ever released one expensive ship. The whole point of pirates is two ships shooting cannons at each other. Imagine if the Pirates of the Caribbean movies had just one pirate ship and then the good guys fight them in rowboats.

Lego should reinvest in historical themes. Kids need to be educated about history and made to appreciate the past, as well as just have fun with it.

Lego just needs to sit down and actually think about new historical themes. Maybe try a new location or time period, like Vikings or Ancient Greece (Greek mythology is very popular), or indeed just try fresh ideas with castle and pirates, maybe bring back Islanders.

In regards to castle, perhaps a massive $100 grey castle isn't the best idea. Maybe one could place more emphasis on smaller factions with smaller bases. Bring back Lion Knights, Black Falcons, Fright Knights and Forestmen for example. Each has their own medium sized base and have starter packs to allow one to build ones army, and let kids decide which faction is their favourite, who's good and who's bad, who wins and who loses.

I think that would work really well, especially since Forestmen and Fright Knights are very different to the regular grey castle realistic knights, and both have opportunities for really creative ideas, like perhaps exploring nature a bit more with Forestmen (sort of like Elves did), maybe have a big spooky castle on a mountain for fright knights and have them ride mini dragons instead of horses or something.

By in Finland,

@PDelahanty said:
" @R1_Drift said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"2007 man, what a time to be a LEGO fan."

Too bad I was learning to walk and talk then"

I had been out of college for 12 years and had my drivers' license for 19 years. I must seem like some kind of senior citizen to you."

I was 9. Perfect age! ;)

By in Netherlands,

By the way is this the first lego box art that’s showing a minifig falling to his death?

*edit* i think he is not falling YET

By in United States,

@TransNeonOrangeSpaceman said:
" @PDelahanty said:
" @R1_Drift said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"2007 man, what a time to be a LEGO fan."

Too bad I was learning to walk and talk then"

I had been out of college for 12 years and had my drivers' license for 19 years. I must seem like some kind of senior citizen to you."

I was 9. Perfect age! ;)"

Make that 3 - choking hazard age!

By in Netherlands,

Has castle been revived yet?

By in United Kingdom,

I know people on this site tend to wax nostalgic about the Castle sets of old so it’s heartening to see so much support for what is a legit good set like this despite it being more modern

By in Italy,

Not my favourite castle (I prefer more classic designs), but this series has the great credit of taking me out from the dark age! I couldn't resist to a huge discounts combo. ^___^

Unfortunately at that time I thought about it as an occasional purchase, so I missed many sets of this series. I didn't make the same mistake with the 2013 castle series (I bought all the series, excluding the battle packs, that was not available in common shops). I agree that it has some kind of knight kingdoms flavour, but recently I revalued it, especially the castle 70404, and I think it is a great set.

By in United States,

On the one hand, I prefer brick-built dragons. On the other hand, I do like the reference the this set's dragon in 71021-7.

By in United Kingdom,

How log has the siege taken? Well, it's been dragon on for a while now...!

By in Sweden,

Man that's a good set! They should have made Fantasy Battles into something like Warhammer with a ruleset for battles.

By in Netherlands,

One of the greats. Back in 2007 it was great to see castle and space (and in 2009 pirates) return to store shelves. Too bad that bionicle took priority for me at the time. And besides that... my budget was usually not very large anyway.

@TheOtherMike , I think it would more likely reference the dragon from 7093 Skull Tower or 70403 Dragon Mountain . That one is red and black, this one is black and red.

By in United States,

Remember that the movie Batman & Robin had pretty much killed the movie franchise. Batman Begins was a success, but didn’t even clear $375 million worldwide. After Titanic, LotR3, and PotC3, TDK was the fourth film overall, and first superhero film to join the Billion Dollar Club. It was the first superhero film to bag an Academy Award for acting. More than anything else before or since, it undid the damage that Schumacher caused, and Batman became a bankable franchise again in Hollywood’s eyes. Basically, they cancelled the Batman theme right as it was primed to take off.

Depending on which minifig you’re referring to, I think the skeleton is trying to climb up onto the walkway, and the human isn’t likely to fall to his death, unless it involves baby dragon mouths.

By in United States,

@NatureBricks said:
" @Brickchap said:" Nexo Knights (the first couple of waves anyway) was very popular and frankly I think that proves kids ARE still interested in medieval themes, nor do I think Lego needs to make it futuristic either. "

How popular could it have been when it failed and was canceled in it's third year? "

It was cancelled in its third year because that's usually how that kind of "Big Bang" theme works. CHIMA, for example, only lasted three years, and other fairly popular Big Bang themes like Games, Power Miners, Agents, Atlantis, etc. lasted only one or two. NINJAGO and Bionicle are the two big outliers that became essential evergreen themes. A theme's cancellation doesn't make it a failure, sometimes it's just run its course as expected.

By in Netherlands,

I missed out on Castle between 2000-2014.

This doesn't look bad at all, sure you get a lot of wall "panels" , but it's quite big.

And a lot more figures/horses compared to 3-in-1 Castle (best set for 2021 but figures/horses are lacking there)

I don't consider Nexo a failure, it had a lot of books, magazines, a game app, and great sets.
It was the theme that got me back into LEGO in 2016.
Sure, it had a huge amount of vehicles and not really many Castles, but a set like Jestro's Lair could fit right into a Fantasy layout.
Knighton Castle wasn't bad either if you look past the color scheme.

Year 3 (2018) was a bit weird, the show had stopped at that point, the story was sort of explained in 9 magazine comics that year, Berserker Bomber was probably one of the coolest sets from that wave despite having nothing to do with Castle at all.

By in United States,

@Brickodillo said:
"By the way is this the first lego box art that’s showing a minifig falling to his death?

*edit* i think he is not falling YET"

If you mean the black skeleton soldier, it looks more like he's climbing *up* the bridge and holding onto it, rather than falling off of it to his doom.

By in United States,

I think this set is the last appearance of the “classic” castle panels before their redesigns in 2010ish. Truly the end of an era!

By in United States,

@jkb said:
" @Matt_Z_ said:
"It's a leak!!!

Kidding. But we'll take it as a sign of good things to come this summer.

Side note, Fantasy Era was HIGHLY underappreciated at the time and actually is one of the more innovative Castle subthemes. If anything, it is proof that a modern fantasy spin on a classic theme (Castle) can work, and work very well.


It does! The ONLY sets I bought during my dark ages were 5614, 5615 and 5618 =)

Anyway, I see this pick as froshadowing/confirmation of the castle set that is said to come out this year!"

Cool as that would be, this is the “Random” Set of the Day. Even if it were deliberate, I doubt Huwbot has any inside information at Lego.

By in Germany,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @jkb said:
" @Matt_Z_ said:
"It's a leak!!!

Kidding. But we'll take it as a sign of good things to come this summer.

Side note, Fantasy Era was HIGHLY underappreciated at the time and actually is one of the more innovative Castle subthemes. If anything, it is proof that a modern fantasy spin on a classic theme (Castle) can work, and work very well.


It does! The ONLY sets I bought during my dark ages were 5614, 5615 and 5618 =)

Anyway, I see this pick as froshadowing/confirmation of the castle set that is said to come out this year!"

Cool as that would be, this is the “Random” Set of the Day. Even if it were deliberate, I doubt Huwbot has any inside information at Lego."

Sure? What if we're within an area of hidden self-aware AI and advanced technomancy? Maybe huwbot became a conjurebot. Maybe he technomagically inhibts us from realising what he/she/it is actually doing. We can't know for certain!

By in United States,

I barely got any Castle sets since I was mostly interested in Indiana Jones as a toddler, but we did get the dwarf mine. I never remember it being fully together, so I’ll try to rebuild it at some point.

By in United Kingdom,

I wish I could have got the black dragon from this set at the time but it was too expensive. I have the red and dark red ones that use the same moulds. They’re in my display collection along with my mod of the building from 70403.

By in United States,

This was a good castle: a working drawbridge and portcullis, fully-enclosed walls to defend with plenty of space for the knights inside, and it feels big but not juniorized.

I wasn't a big fan of these dragons though. If they were going to go the special-mold route, I preferred the less-cartoony, more Lego-animal look of the Dragon Masters dragon. But they also could have done brick-and-constraction monsters like what appeared in the Vikings theme around the same time, which I thought were remarkably effective.

The best dragons are the ones in Ninjago, but each of those is a medium-size set of its own.

By in United States,

I don’t think most of those were ever “Big Bang” themes. Ninjago, Chima, and Nexo Knights were for sure. Bionicle ane Hero Factory both feel like they were, but I don’t know if they’d formally defined what a Big Bang theme actually is.

If @Huwbot had those powers, every set in existence would have been converted to Clikits.

Wait…there’s a red _and_ a dark-red version? Shoot. I missed one.

By in United States,

If you want to feel old, 2007 is as close to the glory era of Castle with 6086 in 1992 as it is to 2022, but yet 2007 feels like yesterday in so many ways. There's a lot of play value in this set.

By in United States,

@ Zander:
Yup, figured that much out. I did get “both of them” when that dragon design landed in 2007, but I didn’t notice when they revived it for 70403 six years later.

By in Germany,

@PurpleDave said:

If @Huwbot had those powers, every set in existence would have been converted to Clikits.

Huwbot is still in preparation phase!

By in United States,

@rishi_eel said:
" @TransNeonOrangeSpaceman said:
" @PDelahanty said:
" @R1_Drift said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"2007 man, what a time to be a LEGO fan."

Too bad I was learning to walk and talk then"

I had been out of college for 12 years and had my drivers' license for 19 years. I must seem like some kind of senior citizen to you."

I was 9. Perfect age! ;)"

Make that 3 - choking hazard age! "

I love this about lego as a hobby

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