Review: 40539 Ahsoka Tano

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BrickHeadz were launched during 2016, offering an amazing collection of characters from unique sources. Something completely outlandish could therefore have celebrated this 150th BrickHeadz milestone, so Star Wars winning the vote was potentially disappointing.

Fortunately, I think 40539 Ahsoka Tano appears outstanding! The model avoids excessive reliance upon printed parts and faithfully recreates Ahsoka's colourful montrals, undoubtedly distinguishing this BrickHeadz design from others.

The Completed Model

BrickHeadz inherently follow consistent design standards, hence their repetition is sometimes criticised. However, this rendition of Ahsoka Tano appears distinctive, integrating elaborate montrals and lekku which rival the complex hairstyles seen on previous BrickHeadz models. Furthermore, the bright colour scheme looks great and perfectly corresponds with the original character during the climax of the Clone Wars.

This model contains surprisingly few printed elements, instead requiring creative construction techniques to form a detailed torso. While the arrangement of plates and tiles on their side is fairly simple, that is definitely preferable to relying upon printed pieces. The pronounced belt buckle looks superb too, displaying an accurate shape relative to Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Ahsoka's face does feature some printed elements, including the normal 1x1 round tiles which form her eyes and two orange 1x4 tiles that display authentic facial tattoos. These achieve an ideal balance between detail and BrickHeadz styling, in my opinion. However, I think the light bluish grey band above her eyes appears too simplified, despite including appropriate yellow highlights on either side.

An interesting combination of plates, tiles and wedge slopes comprise Ahsoka's montrals and lekku, shared by all members of the Togruta species. The resulting blue and white colours are impressive, although dark blue would have been more fitting than this bright shade. Even so, I think ensuring a contrast between these stripes and Ahsoka's clothing was paramount.

The points on top of Ahsoka's head are particularly effective, while her orange arms stand out nicely against the surrounding colours. The former Jedi wields two blue lightsabers that match her weapons during the Siege of Mandalore, including one held in a reverse grip which reflects the character's unconventional combat style.


While something unique from an unusual source would perhaps have been most welcome to celebrate the 150th BrickHeadz, I am pleased with 40539 Ahsoka Tano. The character looks fantastic here and achieves sufficient distinction from previous figures, especially with those spectacular montrals and the vibrant colour scheme.

As expected, this BrickHeadz costs £9.99, $9.99 or €9.99 and Ahsoka is among my favourite examples from the series. I would recommend adding her to your collection and can easily envisage some people purchasing Ahsoka Tano as their first BrickHeadz model, since the character remains exceptionally popular.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group, but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

14 comments on this article

By in United States,

I’m a little surprised she hadn’t been made up to this point, but a great model and excellent review, as always.

By in Australia,

I’ve never been a fan of BrickHeadz but this is a day 1 buy for me. Thanks for the review!

By in Netherlands,

She really let go of herself, even before the holiday season began.

By in United Kingdom,

I was wondering who they were going to choose? I half imagined Jar-Jar Binks with a Christmas hat, but glad they found a more interesting build than the usual human.

By in Belgium,

I love the character but I never got the appeal of those brick-built Funko pops, which I find extremely boring and ugly.
Well at least they're cheap and more power to you if you like them, they're just not my thing.

By in United Kingdom,

I think it’s going to be my first Brickheadz, so Lego succeeded on that front

By in United Kingdom,

Probably gonna get cancelled like everything seems to be atm.

Nice looking brickheadz, defo one I will get (assuming it doesn't get the chop)

By in United States,

so good i'll buy 3 - use those face print tiles and make her season 1 clone wars version, and her Rebels (or Mandalorian) appearance for another

By in Croatia,

Where's Huw?!!
He is not reviewing BrickHeadz?! 0.o

By in United States,

Would love to see Morai included in some form. Maybe if the show generates more sets.

By in Austria,

@monkyby87 said:
"I’m a little surprised she hadn’t been made up to this point, but a great model and excellent review, as always."


By in United Kingdom,

I certainly like it and will be buying.
But still wanted a Jaws brickheadz for this 150th anniversary!

By in United States,

You may be right! I’ve never been a huge BrickHeadz fan but this may be my first! Thanks for the review!

By in Australia,

Looks so good.

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