Random set of the day: Toa Hordika Nokama

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Toa Hordika Nokama

Toa Hordika Nokama

©2005 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 8737 Toa Hordika Nokama, released during 2005. It's one of 46 Bionicle sets produced that year. It contains 48 pieces, and its retail price was US$9/£5.99.

It's owned by 1829 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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29 comments on this article

By in United States,

Yo Yo Hordika!

It's amazing how the Piraka Rap can be manipulated and still work.

By in United States,

@MCLegoboy said:
"Yo Yo Hordika!

It's amazing how the Piraka Rap can be manipulated and still work."

It’s the greatest song of all time. Works in every situation.

By in United States,

One of the fun/weird/different things about Bionicle when it comes to set reviewing is the batches of slightly-varied sets: each year's cannisters or Matoran or Turaga, etc. So, in this case, if we try to assess Hordika Nokama, we're 90% talking about the Hordika in general and the rest is her unique variations from the other Hordika.

As to the Hordika generally... their build as a novel variation on the Toa has grown on me with age, but their misshapen (well, bestial) appearance and utter lack of a classic Kanohi really turned me off when they first came out, and as I stuck to the red variants with occasional others, Nokama lacks the nostalgia factor that pumps up even the LEGO I didn't care for.

As far as the dual-wielding Hordika weapons go, Nokama's are fine. They might even be better than her normal Metru weapons. And I don't mind her Hordika head relative to the other Hordika, whereas I really didn't care for the Great Rau.

Ultimately, as Bionicle cannisters go, this is very much forgettable: a pro forma Ga-addition in a generally unnecessary year.

By in Canada,

My favorite Toa.
Whatever a Toa is.

By in Canada,

"Hordika... Is it's name"

- Rahaga Norik (Correct me if I am wrong)

By in United States,

@CarolinaOnMyMind said:
"My favorite Toa.
Whatever a Toa is. "

According to the internet, a “valiant Polynesian warrior”.

By in United States,

Fun fact for non-Bionicle fans: This character was supposed to look female.

By in United States,

We demand Bionicle lore!

By in United States,

I much prefer single-color weapons. With a two-tone design, it’s far too likely that you’ll want half of it for a MOC, but the other half simply doesn’t fit the design or color scheme.

By in United States,

Okay so I'm more or less just gonna copy paste my lore breakdown for Vakama here, replacing info where necessary:

Part 1, Chronicles:
The six Turaga where the village elders on the island of Mata Nui who helped instruct the Toa and guide the Matoran. Whenua, Onewa, and Matau didn't really do much, Nuju and Nokama had quite a few interesting lines and story beats, and Vakama was the most developed of them all.

Nokama was the Turaga of water and head of Ga-Koro. She would use her Kanohi Rau, Mask of Translation, to understand the written and spoken words of man and beast alike, and her trident forged from the bones of a Makuta fish to lead her tribe of fisherwomen.

Throughout the first few years of the story Nokoma helped guide the Toa Mata/Nuva. As Advisory to Gali and (practically) second in command of the Turaga, her wisdom was often sought by the Toa. She had the most belief and faith in Takua the Chronicler, and if it wasn’t for her he may not have become the hero that he did.

Perhaps her most interesting moment in Chronicles was when she sent Gali on a quest to retrieve a Nuva Mask from an underwater cave. Gali was trapped in the cave, and while there found an illustration of six mysterious figures.

Eventually at the end of Chronicles Takua was transformed into Takanuva, the seventh Toa, and Vakama chose to reveal to the Mata/Nuva his biggest secret. They were not the first Toa, those six figures Nokama had shon Gali were none other than the Turaga themselves!

By in United States,

Part 2, Adventures

Adventures takes place 1,000 years before the events of Chronicles, and details the history of the Turaga and Matoran from their old home, the island city of Metru Nui.

On Metru Nui, Nokama was a teacher of Ga-Metru. She would take the discoveries of her fellow scientists and teach them to experts in other fields to keep the flow of information strong.

While Nokama’s teachings were gentle, the city as a whole was in turmoil. A giant plant called the Morbuzakh was strangling the city and their Toa heroes were disappearing left and right, and eventually there was only one left. Toa Lhikan. Lhikan crafted a plan to ensure the city's protection and survival, and created the six Toa Stones. He handed out the Toa Stones to a Matoran from each of the cities Six Districts and instructed them to go the the Great Temple. The last Matoran he visited was Vakama in his forge. After giving Vakama his stone, the Dark Hunters appeared. Nidhiki and Krekka. After a brief duel the Dark Hunters threatened to kill Vakama unless Lhikan turned himself in, so the Toa surrendered and the Hunters dragged him off. Vakama went on to blame himself for Lhikan's capture and depression started to kick in.

At the Great Temple Nokama and Vakama met Lhikan's other four chosen ones. Once in the temple, the Toa Stones began to pulse and grow in power, and eventually the six Matoran were transformed... into a new team of Toa! Vakama took up the mantle of leader of the Toa, and with the help of mysterious visions helped guide them to save the city. Nokama was supportive of their leader, while others were critical of his leadership, Nokama saw value in his visions, and tried to lift Vakama’s spirits and his sense of self worth.

Vakama led the Toa on a quest to find six chosen Matoran who each knew the location of a Great Disk of Power the Toa could use to kill the Morbuzakh. Nokama’s target was rather interesting, her top student Visola. When visiting Visola’s abode Noakama found the student had created a shrine dedicated to Nokama, obsessively collecting photos and letters of her. When Visola found out Nokama had become a Toa she had seemingly set out to kill herself since the two could no longer be together. Nokama tracked down Visola on a rooftop, about to jump, where the two reconciled their split paths and Visola revealed the suicide was all a ploy from the Dark Hunter Nidhiki who was trying to kill Visola and capture Nokama in one fail swoop.

The Toa recovered the Great Disks and killed the Morbuzakh, but when they tried to prove their worth to the city Turaga Dume branded the Toa as imposters and sent the Vahki enforcers and Dark Hunters to capture them. Onewa, Whenua, and Nuju ended up locked in a cell with a mysterious figure in a golden mask, while Vakama, Matau, and Nokama went on an undercover race through the city to rescue them. While looking for the prison, Vakama discovered that like normal Kanoka Disks the six Great Disks could be fused together, and he combined them to create the Great Disk of Time! During the journey all the Toa (except Vakama) uncovered their mask powers. Nokama managed to tame a rampaging herd of Kikanalo by using the Mask of Translation to speak with them. The Kikanalo helped Nokama and crew raid the prison and free their allies.

In addition to the three captured Toa, the mysterious stranger was freed.. The stranger revealed himself to be none other than Lhikan, now just a humble Turaga. With Lhikan's help they uncovered a terrible secret. Turaga Dume wasn't Dume at all. The real Dume had been kidnapped several years ago and trapped in a mysterious pod, the man who had requested the Mask of Time and declared the Toa criminals was none other than Makuta Teridax (the main antagonist of the series.)

Makuta had developed a sinister plan. He was going to trap all the city's Matoran inhabitants inside of strange pods that wiped their memories, cast a spell that forced Mata Nui into eternal slumber, then awaken the Matoran and claim to be their savior so they would praise and worship him and not Mata

By in United States,

Makuta had developed a sinister plan. He was going to trap all the city's Matoran inhabitants inside of strange pods that wiped their memories, cast a spell that forced Mata Nui into eternal slumber, then awaken the Matoran and claim to be their savior so they would praise and worship him and not Mata Nui. Worst of all, the Toa were too late. The Matoran were herded into pods by the Vahki, and with a thunderous crash Mata Nui fell into a coma, and the universe was cast into darkness.

Lhikan and the Toa had to do something. They decided to steal a Vahki transport with a handful of Matoran Pods, take to the sea, and escape the city in search of a new home. On the way, Vakama finished his work on the Disk of Time and finished crafting the Legendary Kanohi Vahi. Maktua wasn't going to let his Mask of Time get away from him that easy. Makuta killed Nidhiki and Krekka and absorbed their power, and took to the skies after our heroes. While the other Toa tried to protect the Matoran Pods from a violent sea, Vakama grabbed the Vahi and went to face Makuta Teridax one-on-one atop the great Sea Barrier around the island.

Using the power of the Mask of Time Vakama tried to slow down time and stop the Makuta, but he could not control the Vahi's power and froze himself! Makuta launched a killing blow towards Vakama as the two were trapped in slow motion, and all seemed lost, until Turaga Lhikan leaped in the way and took the shot for Vakama. With his dying breath Lhikan told Vakama how much he believed in him. With newfound confidence Vakama finally unlocked his mask power, Invisibility! And with it he distracted Makuta long enough for the other Toa to arrive. Together the six Toa created a protodermis seal around Makuta and trapped him atop the barrier.

Soon the Toa discovered a new paradise. A tropical Island beyond Metru Nui's Sea Barrier. They decided to return to Metru Nui, and no matter how many trips it took, rescue the Matoran and bring them to this paradise that they would name Mata Nui (in the comatose god's honor.)

The return trip did not go as planned. The Toa arrived to find Metru Nui in ruin and covered with strange green cobwebs. Vakama was adamant they reach the Colosseum and it's Matoran pods, and in the end lead his team into a trap! The Toa were captured by the Visorak, a horde of murderous spiders led by the powerful Sidorak and Roodaka. The Visorak injected the Toa with their strange venom which transformed and mutated them, transforming them into hideous creatures. The Hordika, half Toa, half beast.

The Hordika were rescued by the Rahaga. Mysterious creatures who had been wronged by Roodaka in the past. The Rahaga revealed to the Toa that the only way to cure the Hordika venom was to find the legendary entity Keetongu, a beast that could cure any disease. But the hunt didn’t go as planned. The beast half of the Toa made them more aggressive and disrupted their teamwork, especially Matau who flew off the handle and blamed Vakama for the entire ordeal. Eventually Vakama stormed off from the group in anger, and was captured by Roodaka.

(At this point it's worth mentioning a debatable part of the canon was Toa Matau used to have a crush on Nokma, which got extra intense with his beastal form. Greg Farshtey later decanonized “love” in the MU, but Matau’s awkward and unrequited flirting was so funny most fans still cling to it.)

By in United States,

While in Roodaka’s capture a combination of the team belittling him, the beast-side of his Hordiaka form, and Roodaka’s knowledge of Makuta’s mind control techniques took hold on Vakama and he was convinced to join the side of evil and become a lieutenant of the Visorak horde.

Eventually The Toa Managed to find Keetongu, but Vakama was still working with Roodaka and had captured the Rahaga. The Toa went on a raid of the Coliseum to rescue their friends, and while the others fought the Visorak horde at ground level, Matau scaled Dume’s great tower to confront Vakama. Matau apologized for his actions, for his prejudices, and begged Vakama to come back to the people who truly loved him.

Matau managed to get through to Vakama, who used his power of lieutenant to give the Visorak one final command. Leave. Be free! Do whatever you want and not what Roodaka demands! And with that, the swarm of Spiders disbanded and fled the island. Roodaka managed to get away (and free Makuta Teridax in the process) but Keetongu healed the Toa of the Hordika venom, and soon the Toa managed to load up several airships with all the Matoran Pods and took them to island of Mata Nui (but not before one final adventure of Vakama to recover the Vahi.)

On Mata Nui the Toa Metru had gathered all the 1,000 Matoran Pods containing the people of Metru Nui. But there was a problem, the amnesiac Matoran were still comatose. Vakama made the first move, and sacrificed his Toa power to awaken a portion of the pods, becoming a Turaga in the process. The other Toa followed suit, and soon six Turaga stood over a group of lost, confused, and frightened villagers.

One villager was in particular trouble. Jaller (future Captain of the Guard.) His mask had split in two and fallen to the floor. Without a mask Matoran are vulnerable, their breathing slows, they go comatose, and eventually they die. But Vakama had a solution. Turaga Lhikan’s own mask, a golden Hau, and with it he gave his mentor’s greatest tool to who would eventually be his own pupil.

Over the course of Adventures Nokama went on a variety of other heroic missions, including fighting the 40-foot tall Tahtorak Lizard, the territorial shapeshifter Krahka, and the energy absorbing Rahi Nui. At one point she and Matau destroyed an entire Visorak Battle Ram on their own.

Part 3, Legends, takes place back in the present day after the Turaga finished their tales of Metru Nui. Upon returning to Metru Nui the Turaga made a devastating discovery, Mata Nui was dying! Vakama sent the Toa Nuva out in secret to find the legendary Mask of Life and save the Great Spirit.

With the Toa gone and the Turaga keeping secrets the Matoran went on strike, and led by Jaller demanded answers where their heroes had gone. Nokama was heartbroken to see the people divided, and against the wishes of the other Turaga secretly told Jaller what happened. She helped Jaller, Takanuva, and five other Matoran sneak out of the city in secret and sent them south to find out what happened to the Nuva, which would lead to the Ignition Trilogy.

By in United States,

@CarolinaOnMyMind said:
"My favorite Toa.
Whatever a Toa is. "

Depends on context

In real life: A Polynesian warrior.

In the story (figuratively) : They're a representation of the chemicals in cancer medication.

In the story (literally): The second stage in a Matoran Life Cycle. Toa are essentially the guardians of Matoran, capable of accessing Mask Powers and Elemental Powers that Matoran can't, in order to protect tribes (think soldier ants vs ant drones.) When a Toa is ready to retire they can go into the third stage of the Matoran life cycle, Turaga, where their Mask and Elemental Powers are weakened and they go on to be leaders/elders of the villages they used to protect. Usually Toa are created through a "passing of the torch" process, where one Toa sacrifices their power, becomes a Turaga, and creates six new Toa.

Depictions of Matoran vary, but usually Matoran are around 2-4 feet tall while Toa are 6 feet tall, so they're also giants.

"Toa" in the Matoran Language roughly translates to "Hero" or "Protector"

So, in short, they're the heroes.

By in United States,

@GSR_MataNui said:
" @CarolinaOnMyMind said:
"My favorite Toa.
Whatever a Toa is. "

Depends on context

In real life: A Polynesian warrior.

In the story (figuratively) : They're a representation of the chemicals in cancer medication.

In the story (literally): The second stage in a Matoran Life Cycle. Toa are essentially the guardians of Matoran, capable of accessing Mask Powers and Elemental Powers that Matoran can't, in order to protect tribes (think soldier ants vs ant drones.) When a Toa is ready to retire they can go into the third stage of the Matoran life cycle, Turaga, where their Mask and Elemental Powers are weakened and they go on to be leaders/elders of the villages they used to protect. Usually Toa are created through a "passing of the torch" process, where one Toa sacrifices their power, becomes a Turaga, and creates six new Toa.

Depictions of Matoran vary, but usually Matoran are around 2-4 feet tall while Toa are 6 feet tall, so they're also giants.

"Toa" in the Matoran Language roughly translates to "Hero" or "Protector"

So, in short, they're the heroes. "

Not every Matoran becomes a Toa though; the vast majority of them stay Matoran and are intended to, if I recall correctly.

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
[[ heroes. ]]

Not every Matoran becomes a Toa though; the vast majority of them stay Matoran and are intended to, if I recall correctly.]]

When did I say they did?

By in United Kingdom,

The Lego marketing department, circa 2005.
Manager: Have you come up with the names for this year's Bionicles? Better be really careful, some people get touchy about that sort of thing
Designer: Yeah, there's one called Hordika
Junior: Wait, doesn't that sound a bit like...
Everyone: sssshhhhhh

By in United States,

My first Bionicle G1 set I ever got! A few years back, I managed find this set almost complete in a flea market for very cheap. This triggered my years long obsession with Bionicle that still continues to this day.
As you can tell by my avatar, this set means quite a lot to me, for getting me into Bionicle G1, which I was previously very unfamiliar with, being more of a Hero Factory guy at the time.

By in United Kingdom,

@goldenguy880 said:
"Fun fact for non-Bionicle fans: This character was supposed to look female."

Well, the character is female but I don’t think the set is supposed to be look it. The Hordika were all clone sets to a greater degree than any of the previous Toa line ups so poor Nokama here suffers from serious genericism

By in Germany,

@EvilTwin said:
"The Lego marketing department, circa 2005.
Manager: Have you come up with the names for this year's Bionicles? Better be really careful, some people get touchy about that sort of thing
Designer: Yeah, there's one called Hordika
Junior: Wait, doesn't that sound a bit like...
Everyone: sssshhhhhh

I don't get it, what does it allegedly sound like?

By in United States,

@Gatanui: I'm not getting the joke either. The only thing I can come up with is "horde."

By in United Kingdom,

Nokama's head design has grown on me, over the years. I never explicitly disliked it, but it also didn't stand out to me compared to some of the other Hordika, with the consequence that she was the last one of them that I got when I was in my collect-'em-all Bionicle phase. Now though, I dunno, I think her head is a pretty effective design.

And I've always liked the Hordika weapons; one of the first recorded instances of dual-moulded pieces, if I recall correctly? The handle was the standard plastic used for weapons, the other coloured bit was more of a rubbery consistency to give it more flexibility. It made for a neat look, imo.

Also this is the part where I remind everyone that the 2005 distribution of set waves was WEIRD: America got these guys, the Hordika, as the January wave of sets, following the previous year's trend as you would expect. Europe, however, got the Visorak (e.g. 8743) as the January wave; and didn't get the Hordika until the summer, when America then got the Visorak. This... makes it very complicated when trying to determine which wave of 2005 canister sets came first, since it depends entirely upon which part of the world you were in.

(Judging by design language, however, the Hordika were probably first; they retain the previous year's absolutely identical builds and grey secondary colour; while the Visorak have at least superficial differences between them (leg pieces varied from set to set, mostly) and more varied secondary colours, in a trend that would continue into the subsequent year.)

I suspect, though, that this decision came about because the story needed both sets of characters right away for that year. Previously, the heroes turned up distinctly before their enemies, meaning that a half-year gap between having heroes and having villains was justified, story-wise - and the heroes sometimes had toyless characters to fight in the meantime. Subsequent years went the opposite direction, introducing the villains first and only having the heroes show up to fight them mid-way through the year. But in 2005, the Hordika needed to be established right from the beginning for story purposes - but the Visorak were the ones who turned them *into* Hordika in the first place, so they ALSO had to be established right away.

Hence, two lots of set designs existing more-or-less simultaneously. So rather than releasing them all at once and not having anything new to sell in the summer (playsets notwithstanding), or holding onto one wave as a 'secret' even after they'd appeared in the story, someone at Lego instead decided to release a different wave on each side of the pond.

I want to say 'chaos ensued'; but I think most of the fandom just took it in stride? I don't remember now, honestly... just that it was weird to be one of the seeming minority who had a couple of Visorak while everyone ELSE on the fansite was bantering about the Hordika.

By in Netherlands,

@Gatanui said:
" @EvilTwin said:
"The Lego marketing department, circa 2005.
Manager: Have you come up with the names for this year's Bionicles? Better be really careful, some people get touchy about that sort of thing
Designer: Yeah, there's one called Hordika
Junior: Wait, doesn't that sound a bit like...
Everyone: sssshhhhhh

I don't get it, what does it allegedly sound like?"

I'm guessing whore dike. Lovely..

By in United States,

Both Nokama and Gali can join the club of "character who kept their team together during tough times but wasn't the official team leader, because THAT role had to go to the red character."

By in United States,

@xboxtravis7992 said:
"Both Nokama and Gali can join the club of "character who kept their team together during tough times but wasn't the official team leader, because THAT role had to go to the red character.""

Hey now, don't forget about Gen 1 Pohatu! If he wasn't around Kopaka probably would've killed someone.

By in United States,

@GSR_MataNui said:
" @xboxtravis7992 said:
"Both Nokama and Gali can join the club of "character who kept their team together during tough times but wasn't the official team leader, because THAT role had to go to the red character.""

Hey now, don't forget about Gen 1 Pohatu! If he wasn't around Kopaka probably would've killed someone. "


Pohatu and Gali: *Working overtime to fix up Tahu's mistakes, keep Kopaka in line, and make sure to give Onua a call every time Lewa ends up mind controlled again.*

Gali: "We really need to talk Tahu..."


Gali: *Dear God please kill me now*

By in United States,

The Metru version works as well:

Onewa: "Hey when is Vakama going to step up and be a GOOD leader for once?"

Vakama: *Blasting Emo music from his room, the door is locked, and the sound of sobbing can be heard. A questionably sexualized poster of Roodaka hangs on the door.*


Nokama: "Um... give him some time, he'll get through it. In the meantime..."

By in United States,

@GSR_MataNui said:
[[ @SearchlightRG said:
[[ heroes. ]]

Not every Matoran becomes a Toa though; the vast majority of them stay Matoran and are intended to, if I recall correctly.]]

When did I say they did?

Your statement of “the second stage in the Matoran life cycle” made it sound as though every Matoran eventually would become a Toa.

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