Review: 76194 Tony Stark's Sakaarian Iron Man

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76194 Tony Stark's Sakaarian Iron Man appears intriguing. This mech shares obvious similarities with previous creations, albeit constructed using discarded material. However, experience proves Tony Stark's astonishing resourcefulness, which improves survival chances on Sakaar.

The model therefore features distinctive colours and shapes, differentiating this mech from comparable designs. Furthermore, this armoured vehicle cleverly transforms into an outlandish speedster, although several equivalent models have appeared before. Their prevalence might reduce interest in this example, unfortunately.


LEGO has produced several Tony Stark minifigures, originating from throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The double-sided head remains unchanged from previous appearances, featuring the standard heads-up display which seems strange since Tony is without his typical Iron Man armour. An exclusive design would therefore have been preferable.

However, the torso seems certain to prove popular! Tony wears a shirt from Black Sabbath's 1978 tour during The Avengers and this component takes inspiration from that unique design. The style certainly remains intact, but the helmet has been updated and now makes reference to Exploriens and Rock Raiders. I appreciate the blending of realism with LEGO humour.

Valkyrie originally appeared in 76084 The Ultimate Battle for Asgard and her appearance has seemingly changed little in this alternative reality. The facial tattoos remain perfectly authentic, but this character's demeanour seems cheerier. No alternative expression is present because Valkyrie's textured hair component only partially covers the reverse of her head.

This element returns from 2017 while the blue cape appears similarly familiar, wrapping neatly around Valkyrie's shoulder. Her cuirass has been updated though and more closely resembles the character's appearance during Thor: Ragnarok than the earlier minifigure achieved, as one might anticipate because more comprehensive reference material is now available.

What If...? is narrated from the perspective of The Watcher, whose minifigure representation appears fittingly majestic. The cape certainly looks impressive and comprises two fabric parts, although their texture differs which is unusual. Nevertheless, the prominent collar corresponds with the animated character, framing Uatu's severe expression.

The Watcher's pale eyes are excellent too, while the dark orange skin tone seems appropriate. Additionally, the asymmetrical robe is effective, but continued decoration across the legs would have improved the design. The golden emblem adorning the torso looks splendid though, again matching promotional images of this enigmatic observer.

The Completed Model

Thor: Ragnarok introduced the planet Sakaar, establishing its colourful culture and technology. Sakaarian Iron Man encapsulates that style, displaying the same vibrancy as previous models based upon Thor: Ragnarok. The mismatched colours seem especially effective in that regard and convey the impression of a mech constructed using junk, which is common across Sakaar.

Comparing this model with 76190 Iron Man: Iron Monger Mayhem and 76201 Captain Carter & The Hydra Stomper reveals surprising variation between them. Certain consistent features are inevitably present, given the shared subject, but their sizes and proportions vary. This creation measures almost 16cm in height and appears relatively squat, surpassing even the Hulkbuster in that regard.

Unsurprisingly, articulation is therefore limited. The hips, ankles and shoulders incorporate ball joints, but the elbows are completely static. This definitely restricts options for display, although the stance displayed on the packaging is especially unflattering, in my opinion. Moreover, these Technic elbows enable easier transformation into the speedster.

My favourite section of this model is definitely the chest, which combines multiple angles and gives the impression of bulky armour. The recessed head looks brilliant too, nestling behind a 3x6x1 windscreen piece. The whole model is surprisingly reliant upon stickers, although these stickers complete the strange red, orange and teal colour scheme. Metallic silver accents also decorate the head and chest.

Opening the torso reveals ample space for Tony Stark inside, with an excellent control screen. The shoulders appear relatively bland though, lacking detail above the orange and teal wedge slopes. Moreover, the aforementioned fixed elbows are disappointing, but the forearms feature pleasing texture and each finger is articulated. The thumb's inward rotation is especially useful to create punching poses.

Hasbro Transformers sometimes incorporate backpacks to accommodate the transformation function and this transforming mech includes an equivalent backpack. The model looks awful when viewed from behind and could definitely have been improved, especially by rearranging the medium azure tyres. Maybe they could be disguised as thrusters or repulsors, unless this simple arrangement reflects the onscreen mech.

Converting the mech into a speedster is remarkably complex as the forearms and legs must both be completely removed, before dividing the torso and slotting an extension between the halves. Finally, the front wheels are reconnected where the legs were attached. The resultant vehicle measures 17cm in length and looks odd, although the shaping is reasonable.

While the domed head remains obvious, evidence of the original mech configuration is limited. The folding of the chest armour is particularly effective and I love the extended wheel supports, resembling those on Formula One cars. Moreover, the folded shoulders mirror side pods which seems appropriate, although they would benefit from another connection to the chassis.

The transformed cockpit cleverly retains the computer display and studs to secure Tony Stark. However, large gaps are visible around the cockpit and providing additional attachment points for the shoulders would have avoided such gaps. The transformation is interesting though and seems particularly successful towards the rear, where the spoiler is located.


Mechs presumably achieve consistent popularity, justifying their continued release. However, 76194 Tony Stark's Sakaarian has elicited understandable criticism because two comparable Marvel models have already been released this summer. I was certainly underwhelmed when this example was announced, but the design has impressed me!

The stocky silhouette and angular armour are appealing, defying official images which appear decidedly unflattering. Moreover, the transformation is superb in distinguishing this model from others, even though that speedster configuration looks awkward. The price of £29.99 or $34.99 feels somewhat expensive, but these minifigures are great and the set has therefore exceeded my modest expectations.

38 comments on this article

By in United States,

It’s a neat set, but the renders on the box and promo material look terrible. They make the set and Mini figures look so... fake.

By in United States,

Rock Raiders, pff. That's an Exploriens helmet on the shirt! They predate Rock Raiders by 3 years.

By in United Kingdom,

@WesterBricks said:
"Rock Raiders, pff. That's an Exploriens helmet on the shirt! They predate Rock Raiders by 3 years."

Good point. I associate the helmet with Rock Raiders but have added mention of Exploriens as well.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 will there be an article about Easter eggs such as the Exploriens helmet? It would be interesting to see the evolution of references in sets.

By in Netherlands,

Not the best set but certainly nowhere near as bad as the Hydra Stomper.

By in Mexico,

I appreciate that the designers went for some different colours and gimmicks here, but...a mech is a mech.

By in United States,

Another set I don't care about...although I do love the figures so I'll still buy it. So I guess LEGO wins again.

I have only built one mech and that was D.Va from Overwatch. Something about the pink and trans green stood out to me. Maybe I should build a larger space craft with that color scheme. People might like it at shows...

As for What if? I haven't watched it yet, but I should look into it sometime. I like the idea a little, although I don't know how plausible it is for some of these events to happen (this one seems possible though).

By in United States,

Uatu needs a bigger head. I'm not sure how well that'd translate to minifigure, but comic Uatu is classically something like 20 feet tall with a somewhat oversized head, and he looks "off" in traditional minifig style. The Watchers in GOTGv2 were consistent with the classic style.

By in United States,

@MGBricks said:
"I don't collect marvel, however, I am a bit concerned with how many mech sets there are.

Is it fun for marvel set designers to design yet another mech?"

I, too, find mechs completely boring and over-saturated however my 6 yr-old loves them. As long as they keep selling LEGO will keep making them.

By in Germany,

The transformation feature is pretty.. meh. I guess you'd have to invest some time to make this into a proper mech. But why should someone do that? There are better mechs out there. The figures are alright, though, as well as the colored pieces.

By in United States,

My big disappointment with this set is that the didn't use the new giant head piece for the Watcher.

By in United Kingdom,

Given I own three different Hulkbusters I don't think I'll be getting this one (especially as I didn't get the Ragnarok arena) but I respect their efforts to differentiate this one.

By in United States,

Maybe it’s time to break out my old Battletech rules and see how I can modify them to use all these new Lego mechs instead of the 1” miniatures that come with the game!

By in Canada,

Another boring overpriced mech. I recently bought Iron Monger because I really liked the overall design, but I just cant display it with minifigs. There is a point where minifig scale becomes an issue and I know Iron Monger is quite large, but it absolutely dwarfs the accompanying Iron Man minifig. I have it on display by itself because its honestly a great looking mech, but this one is both ugly and very likely oversized. Lego mechs are absolute cringe because so often it seems like its just Lego trying to make some extra money off Marvel. Then Lego will go and throw in an exclusive Black Sabbath torso print into this garbage set so people will buy it for $35. Anyways, hopefully I can get this set at a discount some time so I can get that awesome Black Sabbath print, which to me is the best part of the whole set!

By in United Kingdom,

I prefer 76164 from 2020 as more instantly recognizable as Iron Man, probably slightly larger so more detail as well elbow articulation. However, another year so another Mech update to keep the kids amused.

By in United States,

@ResIpsaLoquitur said:
"Uatu needs a bigger head. I'm not sure how well that'd translate to minifigure, but comic Uatu is classically something like 20 feet tall with a somewhat oversized head, and he looks "off" in traditional minifig style. The Watchers in GOTGv2 were consistent with the classic style."

Yeah even in the "What if?" shows his head looks much bigger. I'm surprised he got a figure at all . . . because they keep him in the shadows.

By in United States,

I like the set (even if it is yet ANOTHER mech design) as they made it look just different from other mechs, especially with the varied colors/stickers. Agree with others that The Watcher ought to have been bigger than a MF but it's nice to have him represented (and he looks terrific!). My only 'bummer' is that i wish they would have included an Iron Man helmet and/or a modified Iron Man hand (like what we saw in the 'Civil War' Winter Soldier escape scene) as Stark is NEVER without some form of tech on himself or very nearby. Overall I think it's a solid set (I've got two of them) and thanks for the terrific review, Capn Rex!

By in United States,

I agree...I was pleasantly shocked that they released a MF of The Watcher. Glad that they did even if he's a 'Mini Watcher' ;)

By in United Kingdom,

@ambr said:
"I prefer 76164 from 2020 as more instantly recognizable as Iron Man, probably slightly larger so more detail as well elbow articulation. However, another year so another Mech update to keep the kids amused."

I can’t believe anyone can actually prefer that set, with that horrendously terrible bin lid part.
A part so bad that when that set turned up in a lego marvel cartoon, they changed it to a normal domed piece!

By in United States,

@MGBricks said:
"I don't collect marvel, however, I am a bit concerned with how many mech sets there are.

Is it fun for marvel set designers to design yet another mech?"

Maybe not, but they probably sell like hot cakes so that’s why they keep making them. When my kids (8, 6 and 4) want Lego sets it’s always Marvel Mechs.

By in United States,

Never a better time to be an Exo-Force fan than with the Marvel license! I mean Monkie Kid! I mean Ninjago! I mean Creator!

Seriously, I lamented that great theme when it died. But it seems like it’s multiplied and lives on everywhere!

If you like mecha, LEGO is the toy for you!

By in United States,

@peterlmorris said:
"Never a better time to be an Exo-Force fan than with the Marvel license! I mean Monkie Kid! I mean Ninjago! I mean Creator!

Seriously, I lamented that great theme when it died. But it seems like it’s multiplied and lives on everywhere!

If you like mecha, LEGO is the toy for you!"

Exo-Force walked so Ninjago could run.

By in United Kingdom,

There was a time when I was desperate for Lego to make some decent mechs. That now seems so long ago!

By in United States,

"...this armoured vehicle cleverly transforms into an outlandish speedster..."
Ooh, as a longtime Transformers fan, me likey.
"...the forearms and legs must both be completely removed..."
Me no longer likey. Transformers moved past that decades ago.

By in Australia,

@Spidermanager said:
" @CapnRex101 will there be an article about Easter eggs such as the Exploriens helmet? It would be interesting to see the evolution of references in sets."

That’s a really good idea for an article. Lego sets are sometimes chock full of Easter eggs and hidden references.

By in Australia,

@Guyon2002 said:
"Not the best set but certainly nowhere near as bad as the Hydra Stomper."

I'm going to say that, I really liked the Hydra Stomper. I thought I wouldn't like it at all (because it's just a Hulkbuster in green ... and I already own three Hulkbusters, not counting the current line of mecha) ... but I was having a bad day and bought it, on impulse.

And I absolutely love it. I think it's gorgeous.

At least it has elbows.

The ankle joints are still worryingly-loose (I don't know what the heck Lego has done to it's ball-joints, lately, but they're not good. Which is really concerning if they're going to keep releasing 400 mecha sets, every six months), but the feet hold the legs in place easily enough.

By in United States,

The helmet on his shirt may match the Black Sabath shirt, but the font/shape of the writing is (I think) clearly intended to be Metallica

By in United Kingdom,

The planet Sakaar was introduced in Incredible Hulk (Vol. 2) 92 (2006). Not Thor: Ragnarok (2017).

By in United Kingdom,

@TheOtherMike said:
""...this armoured vehicle cleverly transforms into an outlandish speedster..."
Ooh, as a longtime Transformers fan, me likey.
"...the forearms and legs must both be completely removed..."
Me no longer likey. Transformers moved past that decades ago."

Parts former with significant back kibble... I too am rather underwhelmed with the 'transformation'. I'll probably still buy it though...

By in United States,

@PixelTheDragon said:
" @peterlmorris said:
"Never a better time to be an Exo-Force fan than with the Marvel license! I mean Monkie Kid! I mean Ninjago! I mean Creator!

Seriously, I lamented that great theme when it died. But it seems like it’s multiplied and lives on everywhere!

If you like mecha, LEGO is the toy for you!"

Exo-Force walked so Ninjago could run. "

I would say that Exo-force sprinted so that Ninjago could run a marathon. Exo-Force was absolutely amazing, but there were some off sets. Ninjago has consistently given high quality sets for longer than most in house themes ever.

By in Germany,

Not gonna lie, I couldn't care less about mechs. Never found them remotely interesting, not even when I was a kid. So this set like all the other mech sets does nothing for me.
The only piece in this set that interests me is the Tony Stark torso with the tongue-in-cheek print. But thankfully I don't have to buy the set in order to get it.

By in United States,

@PixelTheDragon said:
" @peterlmorris said:
"Never a better time to be an Exo-Force fan than with the Marvel license! I mean Monkie Kid! I mean Ninjago! I mean Creator!

Seriously, I lamented that great theme when it died. But it seems like it’s multiplied and lives on everywhere!

If you like mecha, LEGO is the toy for you!"

Exo-Force walked so Ninjago could run. "

Ninjago is running a marathon while Monkie Kid passed out from exhaustion after the first few feet.

By in United States,

This is one of those sets that DARES you to buy two just so you can make the two distinct models, like 70592 and 71720.

By in United States,

@Maxximus said:
"This is one of those sets that DARES you to buy two just so you can make the two distinct models, like 70592 and 71720. "

Then again, I can see getting THREE different mechs out of the Salvage MEC.

By in United States,

I don't care about Black Sabbath but I love this Tony Stark minifig with the Exploriens shirt design. Probably unlikely that this torso will end up in the Lego store Build-A-Minifig bins.

By in United States,

@CDM said:
" @MGBricks said:
"I don't collect marvel, however, I am a bit concerned with how many mech sets there are.

Is it fun for marvel set designers to design yet another mech?"

I, too, find mechs completely boring and over-saturated however my 6 yr-old loves them. As long as they keep selling LEGO will keep making them. "

“As long as there are 6 yr-olds LEGO will keep making them.”

There! Fixed it for ya :)

By in United States,

@MGBricks said:
"I don't collect marvel, however, I am a bit concerned with how many mech sets there are.

Is it fun for marvel set designers to design yet another mech?"

Would you prefer another Vehicle or Aircraft?

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