Review: 21328 Seinfeld

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Sitcoms have provided excellent source material for LEGO products recently, especially within the Ideas theme. 21328 Seinfeld exhibits marvellous detail and countless references to the renowned series, arguably surpassing earlier sitcom-based models in these regards!

Several impressive minifigures are also available here, recreating each primary character with absolute accuracy. Additionally, this set benefits from the same advantage as 21319 Central Perk, which contains various useful elements and costs comparatively little. Interest may therefore extend beyond established Seinfeld viewers.

Box and Contents

LEGO Ideas sets are traditionally packaged in boxes with opening flaps and 21328 Seinfeld conforms to convention, also featuring the standard 18+ branding. That does seem appropriate here, unlike certain Ideas products with broader appeal. However, this model appears attractive against the dark background, particularly with five minifigure images underneath.

Nine numbered bags are found inside, along with the instruction manual which contains 176 pages. Once again, the minifigures are displayed on the cover, matching 21324 123 Sesame Street and 21326 Winnie the Pooh in that respect. Newman is fittingly isolated from the group, reflecting his enmity with Jerry Seinfeld throughout the television series.

The instruction manual information about Seinfeld and its characters alongside a profile of the fan designer, Brent Waller. Furthermore, brief comments from the set designer, César Soares, are provided with contributions from Crystal Marie Fontan and Madison O'Neil, who designed the graphics. Their appreciation for Seinfeld is apparent in the number of references included!

Stickers were historically uncommon in LEGO Ideas sets, although their increasing complexity has demanded increasing decoration. Twenty stickers are accordingly provided, although their presence only enhances the design, so these stickers do not bother me. Even so, there is a noticeable dearth of printed elements here, presumably because those were needed for the minifigures instead.


Each minifigure therefore includes unique decoration, beginning with Jerry Seinfeld whose double-sided head captures his personality perfectly. His bemused expression is particularly effective and I appreciate the buttoned shirt too. However, the most interesting aspect of this minifigure is definitely the new hair piece, which achieves fantastic accuracy when compared with the character's classic hairstyle!

Elaine Benes features an accurate hair piece too, although there is an interesting difference between the glossiness of both dark brown elements. Fortunately, the character also includes an exclusive double-sided head, while her jacket lapels incorporate a lovely metallic finish. The torso might appear bland without such highlights, which suit Elaine nicely.

However, my favourite aspect of this minifigure is certainly the dubious alternative expression that encapsulates Elaine's personality. In fact, that strength is consistent throughout these five minifigures. Both characters also include appropriate accessories as Elaine carries the goldfish from The Parking Garage while Jerry features his microphone. The decorated goldfish element returns from 21324 123 Sesame Street.

George Costanza captures marvellous detail from the onscreen character as well, recreating George's recognisable hairstyle with splendid texture. The head conveys great expression too, although no second face is provided because this hair component would not cover the reverse. Perhaps an entirely separate head could have accompanied the minifigure, displaying a more neutral face.

Characters from Seinfeld wear varying attires, without the same iconic status as certain other sitcom costumes. George's red jacket is instantly recognisable though, while Cosmo Kramer sports his lobster shirt from The Hamptons. These intricate lobsters look perfect and I love the double-sided head, displaying Kramer's famously vacant smile beside a concerned expression.

Among his many misadventures, George's efforts to recover a loaf of rye bread using a fishing rod remains especially memorable. Suitable accessories are therefore supplied, with a normal baguette representing the rye bread. Kramer, meanwhile, carries his classic tome 'The Coffee Table Book of Coffee Tables' which displays one sticker on the cover and another inside.

Brent Waller's original Ideas submission contained Newman, accompanying the four primary characters. Fortunately, the minifigure remains intact here and his cunning expression looks absolutely superb, with an alternative frustrated design. The hair piece also appears accurate and returns from Wayne Knight's previous minifigure appearance, as Dennis Nedry from 75936 Jurassic Park: T. rex Rampage.

Newman features his distinctive United States Postal Service jacket, incorporating the correct emblem from Seinfeld alongside accurate pockets. Unfortunately, the flesh decoration on this torso differs from the head, which has become a consistent problem. The minifigure carries a printed letter, as one might anticipate given Newman's profession.

The Completed Model

Following the release of 21302 The Big Bang Theory, 21319 Central Perk established certain design features that have subsequently remained consistent. This model accordingly includes familiar angled walls with studio lights, measuring nearly 32cm across and 18cm deep, which is reasonably consistent with previous sitcom-based LEGO sets.

The whole apartment includes medium nougat tiles which form realistic floorboards, with plates scattered among them to attachment minifigures and furnishings. These include the renowned Festivus pole that was developed by George Costanza's father, Frank. The pole is assembled simply here but looks perfect, contrasting starkly with the surrounding elaborate details.

Such details include an impressive cabinet, laden with colourful books, beneath two stickered images. The first portrays Uncle Leo while the second represents Jerry Seinfeld's documented love for Porsche and appears throughout the television series in this exact position. The curved light fixtures on the wall also demonstrate outstanding attention to detail.

Jerry's computer is located beside the main living space and that arrangement is faithfully replicated here, although the walls should not extend as far to separate the office area. The furniture inside looks excellent though, including two radiators and an accurate desk which is cleverly constructed by clipping the supports to the wall. This computer displays reference to Vandelay Industries, where George asserts he was interviewed to become a latex salesman.

Additional stickers form artworks on each wall, including the Memphis Chicks baseball poster which invariably hangs above Seinfeld's desk. The recognisable Kramer portrait hangs on the opposite wall, striking a wonderful balance between minifigure styling and recreating Kramer's bizarre appearance from the onscreen painting. Unfortunately, these details are less prominent than others inside the apartment.

Kramer's questionable installation of the Commando 8 air conditioner is represented as well, since the air conditioning unit is situated in the window. This assembly includes superb detail and features the Commando 8 branding outside the window. Otherwise, the exterior is notably unfinished, again matching earlier sitcom-based models and reflecting the nature of Seinfeld's studio filming location.

Another cabinet is packed with additional references to famous props and moments from the series, including Fusilli Jerry which is represented by a sticker on the bottom shelf. Moreover, the dark blue statuette depicts Jerry's inherited statue from The Statue, while the fictional film, Prognosis Negative, appears beside Fusilli Jerry. The neighbouring drawers and accessories provide welcome detail too.

The circular dining table is accurately positioned behind a sand green sofa. Sand blue would arguably have been more appropriate when compared with the source material, although the selection of available sand green elements is wider and the colour looks fittingly muted, which seems most important when displaying the apartment.

However, the cover of Kramer's book about coffee tables could certainly have been recreated more faithfully, capturing the distinctive marbled design which appears onscreen. The metallic silver decoration across the rug is attractive though, comprising ten printed 1x2 tiles. This dark orange table complements the aforementioned drawers and the telephone looks good, relating to several popular scenes.

The bathroom door is recessed into another alcove, while Jerry's bedroom would be located around the corner. This model only features the bathroom door though, matching the original studio. Furthermore, the red light fixture is present, alongside Jerry's bicycle. This component has never appeared in bright green before and its colour looks splendid.

Stickers are applied on each door, creating realistic wooden panels. The intercom system is included as well, beside a vertical pipe which corresponds with the original apartment. I love how the distinct colour bands continue across this pipe, albeit with pearl silver replacing light bluish grey because these candle components are not produced in light bluish grey, currently.

Opening the front door reveals another sticker which displays the apartment number, with one more door across the corridor. Jerry resides in apartment 5A while Cosmo Kramer lives on the opposite side, in number 5B. I am delighted that such detail continues in the corridor, although I suppose this was necessary for display because characters frequently arrive and depart.

The kitchen area includes wonderful detail, surpassing other sections of the apartment in that respect. The sand blue cabinets and angular arrangement of different units appears fantastic, corresponding precisely with the television series. Smaller furnishings, such as the dark blue stools beside the counter, are also provided and subtly connected to the floor using 1x1 round tiles with vertical shafts.

Jerry's fridge is decorated with various magnets, stickers and photographs during the series. These include a Superman magnet, a simplified advertisement for Skip Barber Racing School and a photograph of Larry David, with whom Jerry Seinfeld produced the series. Moreover, the red Porsche image also appears onscreen, while three bumper stickers make reference to The Yada Yada, which is frequently mentioned among the greatest Seinfeld episodes.

Beyond those stickers, the fridge is nicely constructed and integrates an ice dispenser on the front. The microwave, sink and kitchen roll holder look marvellous too, beneath cabinets which house various colourful accessories. While the kitchen arrangement is completely accurate, the normal poster has been swapped for an image from George's 'seductive' photographic session!

21319 Central Perk and 10292 The Friends Apartments both incorporate studio lights, which return here. These lights appear slightly more advanced than their predecessors though, with more substantial support rigs underneath. The white bulbs look superb and the angles of each light can be adjusted easily, depending on how you wish to display this model.

Viewing the apartment from behind reveals the surprising complexity of the kitchen, where the sand blue cabinets and microwave are ingeniously built into the external wall. The mismatched colours and conspicuous bulges are quite unsightly, but that appears consistent with the source material and earlier sitcom-based sets, where detail has invariably been focused inside.

While the apartment alone would have been sufficient, this set also contains a platform where Jerry Seinfeld can perform his stand-up comedy routines. Dark red curtains generally form the backdrop onscreen, but these textured masonry bricks are nice and I like the simple table, with ample space for Jerry to stand and perform alongside.


Between the four models based upon sitcoms which LEGO has produced, 21328 Seinfeld is undoubtedly my favourite. The apartment is absolutely packed with details from the television series and myriad references, comfortably exceeding past products from that perspective. The scale also appears appropriate, potentially complementing 21319 Central Perk on display.

The minifigures appear outstanding too, while the price of £69.99 or $79.99 represents superb value. I imagine such good value and the appealing selection of 1326 pieces might even entice LEGO fans without any interest in Seinfeld because these elements could certainly prove useful for alternative creations, since Jerry's apartment appears reasonably generic.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

45 comments on this article

By in United States,

I adore this set and can't wait to get it - the only thing really throwing me is the wood paneling stickers for the doors. I think the effect is partially ruined by the big gap necessitated by the door handle.

"No [stickers] for you! One year!"

By in Norway,

I look forwards to reading this review - after I get the set. I haven't been this excited about a set since I was a kid :D

By in Germany,

Thank you very much for this great review.
Even though I am not really a Seinfeld fan, I will certainly buy this set. If anything its tremendous value for money makes it a superb parts pack full of interesting pieces. The minifigs to me are simply an added bonus.

By in Australia,

Wow, even though I've never seen Seinfeld, I love this set. It feels fantastically lived in, and with a few minifig and part swaps, could represent a perfect generic apartment.

By in United States,

Thank you for the great review! Ahhh ok, I thought the blue statue was supposed to be his Superman figure. The Statue from that episode makes sense.

By in United Kingdom,

I'm with @AustinPowers on this one. Not really a Seinfeld fan, but a nice build, good parts pack & bonus minifigs. Thanks for the very comprehensive review.

By in United States,

You had me at "Sitcoms." I watched Seinfeld during its original run and am currently in the middle of rewatching it with my kids (who absolutely love it), so this is a must buy. The show really does hold up.

By in United States,

I like how they included Kramer's apartment door across the hall...and also made it obvious how that hallway would have some problems with physical space if it was a real apartment building.

By in Portugal,

As a Seinfeld fan it was a day one purchase for me. Thoroughly enjoyed the build and the minifigs.

The biggest turn off for me are the door stickers which dont cover the door pieces appropriately. The forward facing ones at least match the plastic color so dont look too bad, but the apartment door stickers show a large contrast.

By in Netherlands,

My favorite sitcom. I wonder if we even saw the little ‘computer room’ in Jerry’s apartment in the show…

By in United States,

@merman said:
"My favorite sitcom. I wonder if we even saw the little ‘computer room’ in Jerry’s apartment in the show…"

I don’t think so. I think the apartment was just a studio in the first season with no back rooms!

By in Netherlands,

The amount of stickers is off-putting for me so a no buy for sure.

By in Spain,

Good set and clearly an interesting build. I'm simply not interested though.

By in Sweden,

I might have to get this set for the sticker of the cow oven mitt.

By in United States,

Just started building this set. Spent an hour laying hardwood floor in Jerry’s apartment

By in United Kingdom,

This and the two Friends sets just show how poor the Big Bang Theory set is.

By in United States,

This set looks great and I’ve already bought it - just need to build it.

BTW, in the US having a brick wall as a backdrop for stand up comedy is very common.

By in United States,

Just like the *FRIENDS* set, they need to release a Monk's Cafe set now. I would LOVE that!

By in United States,

Thanks for the terrific review, which has swayed my opinion on buying this, despite my ever-decreasing space for LEGO. It also makes me want to watch again all of the episodes of the show. The set looks really good, and the minifigures mostly do, as well, but there is something about the glasses worn by Newman and George Costanza that don't look right to me and make the faces more cartoonish than necessary.

By in United States,

This set does what it sets out to do and does it well.

The set is of an inherently good size for a Lego set. It doesn't need to be huge to be appropriately scaled. The size enables lots of detail without being cluttered or exhausting to build. The minifig selection is good and what you'd hope to find.

I give the set an 'A' grade.

By in United Kingdom,

@MeganL said:
"This set looks great and I’ve already bought it - just need to build it.

BTW, in the US having a brick wall as a backdrop for stand up comedy is very common."

Yes, including perhaps the greatest stand-up performance in history: McBain's 'Let Get Silly' from The Simpsons! I think Seinfeld typically appears with a red curtain behind him though.

By in United States,

C'mon, I can't really be the first to say it here...

"These pretzels are making me thirsty!!"

By in Sweden,

Thanks for a great review of a great set! You misplaced the fridge a little though, pushing out the pipe.

I really like the floor of this, and how 1x1 plates are used for minifig connection points instead of jumpers - regular studs look so much better than hollow/open ones.

By in United States,

Excellent review and I’m stoked about this set. I’m generally a fan of the TV and movie stuff that comes out through Ideas since hey…how else are we gonna get official LEGO of some of this stuff, seriously?

Is Brent Waller the only two-fer Ideas designer or are there more in that club? Are there any three-fers?

By in Sweden,

@blogzilly said:
"Is Brent Waller the only two-fer Ideas designer or are there more in that club?"
Had to look up what else he made the original fan design of - 21108: Ghostbusters Ecto-1!

By in United States,

Is anyone going to mention the fact that the bathroom door swings the wrong way? The hinges should be on the right! It's a shame with all the work designers put in to miss this detail.

By in United States,

Vandelay Industries is a company George made up, he lied that he had interviewed for a Latex salesman position to extend his unemployment benefits. S3 E17 'The Boyfriend'.

By in Canada,

@blogzilly said:
"Is Brent Waller the only two-fer Ideas designer or are there more in that club? Are there any three-fers?"

JK Brickworks aka Jason Allemann has two official Ideas sets, 21305 and 21315. Three sets if you count the Bricklink Designers Program 910028.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @MeganL said:
"This set looks great and I’ve already bought it - just need to build it.

BTW, in the US having a brick wall as a backdrop for stand up comedy is very common."

Yes, including perhaps the greatest stand-up performance in history: McBain's 'Let Get Silly' from The Simpsons! I think Seinfeld typically appears with a red curtain behind him though."

In his life as a stand-up comedian, Seinfeld was a regular at the Comedy Cellar on MacDougal in New York (at least in the late 90s/early 2000s), which has a rather iconic red brick wall as its backdrop. My memories of that venue make the stage scene my favorite part of this set!

By in United States,

Jerry, these are load-bearing walls! They're not gonna come down!

By in Germany,

@ShinyBidoof said:
"This and the two Friends sets just show how poor the Big Bang Theory set is."
In hindsight, probably, but things evolve. I bet you if a TBBT set was released nowadays it would look just as good.

By in United Kingdom,

This set truly is the master of its own domain.

By in Netherlands,

@imemine98 said:
" @merman said:
"My favorite sitcom. I wonder if we even saw the little ‘computer room’ in Jerry’s apartment in the show…"

I don’t think so. I think the apartment was just a studio in the first season with no back rooms!

If you look closely the first few episodes, there's some sort of alcove window, which is replaced later with normal windows and a straight wall (to match the exterior shots).

By in Australia,

Its a cool set and very detailed but make a Sitcom Theme instead and leave the Idea's theme to original submissions.
There have been at least 5 'The Office ( US )' submissions all reaching 10k supporters, which may take the place of another really good original submission.

By in Netherlands,

Thanks for the great and thorough review.

This set is such a memory trigger for my TV memories.

Stop crying and fight your father.

They say you grow hair, look like Stalin!

I do wish George had a second head, he did have some happy moments after all.

By in United Kingdom,

Alright, next I want a Golden Girls set complete with lanai.

By in United States,

As an avid Seinfeld fan, I was probably going to pick up this set regardless of how it turned out, but I'm so pleased with how it looks. Can't wait to get it!

By in United States,

@julianhandford said:
"Its a cool set and very detailed but make a Sitcom Theme instead and leave the Idea's theme to original submissions.
There have been at least 5 'The Office ( US )' submissions all reaching 10k supporters, which may take the place of another really good original submission."

I don't really get how The Office would "take the place of" another submission. You can choose to vote for as many Ideas as you want. Plus, none of those sets have been approved, meaning that none of them took the place of original ideas in the final product line.

By in United States,

I've always been a fan of Seinfeld and even have a t-shirt with "The Kramer" portrait on it. However, I'm just not interested in a Seinfeld Lego set. I guess that's okay, it's not like I have every single Star Wars, Batman or Spiderman set either.

By in United States,

Happy Festivus for the rest of us!

There was no way I wasn’t getting this set, but with this review I may need to get two!

You got to love that black box without any tinsel on it, it will look lovely beneath my Festivus pole!

By in United States,

Is the hidden green bottle Hennigan's no-smell, no-tell, scotch?

By in United States,

Another nice feature of this set is that, much like the recent White House set, when fully assembled it fits neatly inside of the box it came in. I love this for storage/saving space.

By in Netherlands,

I do love the attention to detail, which is on par with (if not outright surpassing) the previous sitcom-sets.

I just don't like any of the previous sitcoms (or this one, for that matter). I'll happy pre-pre-order an IT Crowd or Black Books-set, in that I'll happily throw money at the screen just to have those sets made at all - with this level of care and craftsmanship.

As it stands - no, this is not for me.

By in United States,

As much as I do not want this.. I want this...Watched Seinfeld when there were new episodes being broadcast and 'The Contest' is one of my favorite sitcom episodes of all time, maybe it goes on my Christmas list...

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