Random set of the day: Groovy Friends Gems

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Groovy Friends Gems

Groovy Friends Gems

©2005 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 4875 Groovy Friends Gems, released in 2005. It's one of 20 Clikits sets produced that year. It contains 13 pieces.

It's owned by 34 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

Help me come to life! If you like the set I've chosen for you today, please pledge your support for me on LEGO Ideas so I have a chance of becoming an official LEGO set!

38 comments on this article

By in United States,

Bless you Huwbot for your generosity after such a long hiatus.

By in United Kingdom,

There's, literally, a hole in my heart that can, literally, only be filled by Clikits.

By in United States,

~ G R O O V Y ~

By in Canada,

doesn't this just warm your heart? :))

By in Australia,

@bananaworld said: "There's, literally, a hole in my heart that can, literally, only be filled by Clikits."

Which would make for the weirdest cardiology case study, ever.

By in Philippines,

This theme was revolutionary!, lol

By in United States,

...They still made these in 2005? I thought Lego had learned their lesson about "branching out" by that point, no?

By in United States,

It's a shame Clickits didn't play any role in either Lego Movie. Missed opportunity!

By in United States,

I finally gave in and supported Huwbot on Ideas . . .

By in United States,

That doesn't sound very sanitary. ABS is hygroscopic, so it's pretty hard to sterilize them.

By in United States,

45499 Clikits ring in trans purple x1

45499 Clikits ring in trans pink x1
47912 Clikits bracelet in trans light purple x1

By in United States,

The great ones have returned, praise their pastel and translucent glory!

By in United States,

Thanks for the correction on yesterday's RSOTD, didn't get there before comments closed but you are correct about the neck ring.

By in United States,

@PDelahanty said:
"It's a shame Clickits didn't play any role in either Lego Movie. Missed opportunity!"

But the did have a DOTS cameo in the sequel, long before that theme was even announced.

By in United States,

@Robot99 said:
"...They still made these in 2005? I thought Lego had learned their lesson about "branching out" by that point, no?"

There are also some 06 sets as well.

By in Australia,

So who is groovy here? Do you need to wear these because you are not as groovy as your friends or are the so called groovy friends enforcing wearing these band to mark the people that are ok to hang out with them, but. are not, like them, in any way groovy. On the whole it is all very disturbing.

By in United States,

All I know is that groovy was not something I was saying in 2005. Definitely not something I’d say about this set.

Edit (definitely not because of the gun pointed at my back) all hail groovy lord Huwbot for blessing us with these groovy Clikets this groovy night.

By in United States,

This is probably the grooviest groovy gems to wear groovily while hanging out with your groovy friends on a groovy afternoon enjoying the groovy gifts of our Groovy lord Huwbot. Bless his grooviness.

By in Australia,


Did anyone think Evil Dead? I know it has zero relation to Clikits, but still.

By in France,

Only 84 people own this set. How surprising...

By in Germany,

Groovy baby, yeah!

This set is absolutely my thing, baby!

By in Belgium,

Finally, Huwbot's back on track!

@Huw , how about another round of set reviews, there seem to be only three reviews on the entire Clickits range from 2005 on Brickset? Although, the review there is on this set may be sufficient :-p

EDIT: strange how the 'used' price (€7) is higher than the 'new' price (€2) here?

By in United Kingdom,

All hail the Supreme Clickits, really hoping for a third film, The Lego Movie 3, The Rise of the Clickits :)

By in Germany,

@Robot99 said:
"...They still made these in 2005? I thought Lego had learned their lesson about "branching out" by that point, no?"

They still haven't

By in Germany,

@T79 said:
"EDIT: strange how the 'used' price (€7) is higher than the 'new' price (€2) here?"
The set needs to have been used first in order to become truly groovy. ;-)

Seriously though, I don't know where these prices come from. When I check Bricklink, it shows no items for sale currently (neither new nor used) and no sales during the last six months. Odd.

By in United Kingdom,

@AustinPowers said:
" @T79 said:
"EDIT: strange how the 'used' price (€7) is higher than the 'new' price (€2) here?"
The set needs to have been used first in order to become truly groovy. ;-)

Seriously though, I don't know where these prices come from. When I check Bricklink, it shows no items for sale currently (neither new nor used) and no sales during the last six months. Odd. "

The new price probably refers to the sale price at the time they were available, whereas the used price is the current market price which is much higher as most have landed up in landfill making them weirdly more valuable now that their is no supply and is probably based on the last time one was sold. If you really wanted this now I don't think it would be that hard to find something similar from another manufacturer.

By in Netherlands,

It's good to see Huwbot's relationship with Clickits is still going strong.

If we ever run out of Clickits sets, please make an exception and put them back in immediately. The day Huwbot wouldn't be able to pick them anymore would be a sad day...

By in Puerto Rico,

What happened to the Spinosaurus article?

By in United Kingdom,

Lordmoral, when the new RSoTD post is added, the old one is removed from the front page. It's st8ll visible under the "random set" tag though

By in United States,

Also known as The 59th Street Friends Gems, this was Paul Simon's favorite LEGO set. Rumor has it that Art stole Paul's precious Clikits, and that is why they broke up.

By in United States,

The small blue 2x2 flower is an interesting part. I figured it could be used as a rosette/concho type part in architectural builds. And they do make it in white.

By in United States,

There are a few possible reasons for the price wonkiness:

1. The last recorded New sale occurred much earlier than the last Used sale, and prices on Used sets have risen sharply during that time.
2. The New set that posted that price was Incomplete, and priced accordingly.
3. There’s a weird quirk of the way Bricklink works, where many buyers exclusively buy Used parts because the perception is that they’re always cheaper than New parts. They put stuff on Want Lists, for Used only, with notifications turned on. As new Used listings pop up, they access those listings from the notification e-mails, and buy them without actually looking at the main catalog entry. Sellers use 6mo sales data and current listings to peg their prices, without actually looking at the main catalog entry either. If enough of the market is focused on Used vs New, it is entirely possible for the market to shift to the point where Used parts or sets are much more expensive than New ones without anyone actually noticing.

By in United States,

@Robot99 said:
"...They still made these in 2005? I thought Lego had learned their lesson about "branching out" by that point, no?"

Surprisingly enough, Clickits proved to be quite successful with its target audience, and lasted for a decent four-year run (2003-2006). So, perhaps LEGO branching out is not such a bad idea if it hits the right audience.

Clickits has indeed left its mark on LEGO, as LEGO recently sort of returned to it with their current DOTS line.

By in Puerto Rico,

@Wavelength said:
"Lordmoral, when the new RSoTD post is added, the old one is removed from the front page. It's st8ll visible under the "random set" tag though"

Thanks for your input, I found it.

By in Netherlands,

Click its! Remember when we had weeks filled with clickits? Fun times. :)

By in United States,

Huwbot's groovy selection for this groovy day is like, groovy, man.*

*Say it in Shaggy's voice from Scooby Doo to complete the effect!

By in United Kingdom,

Am I misremembering, or didn't Lego get sued over Clikits by someone who claimed to have invented them first and who argued that Lego had stolen their idea and designs?

I don't know where I heard that - probably BZPower I guess, as that was the only Lego fan-site I frequently visited back in the day - but it's like, just, this random half-remembered fact that's lodged in the back of my mind and I'm not sure what to do with it.

...Or was that just a joke, or a bizarre dream, and it didn't actually happen? I don't even know, honestly!

By in United States,

@LegoDavid said:
"Surprisingly enough, Clickits proved to be quite successful with its target audience, and lasted for a decent four-year run (2003-2006)."

Oh wow, I had no idea!

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