Review: 80023 Monkie Kid's Dronecopter

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Monkie Kid and his team have a plethora of vehicles at their disposal: bikes, jets, container ships and now this 'dronecopter' which is neither an autonomous or remote-controlled drone nor a helicopter.

Nevertheless, the 1,462-piece 80023 Monkie Kid's Team Dronecopter, the second largest of this year's Monkie Kid sets, looks to be an interesting and colourful set particularly given it includes no fewer than ten minifigures.

Box contents

Parts are separated into 14 numbered bags, each containing roughly 100 elements. A lot of sets are packed like this now, and I like it. It breaks down construction into bite-sized chunks that can be completed in 15 minutes or so and undertaken whenever you find the time.

The instructions are split across two manuals, the first deals with the ancillary builds, the second the dronecopter so should you wish to share building duties you can do so easily.

For the size of the set the sticker sheet is fairly modest. The flexible black plastic sheet contains a cape for the spider queen minifigure.


The set includes a whopping ten minifigures, if we include the cat and big-fig: protagonists, antagonists and a random civilian.

Monkie Kid and team

The kid is accompanied by four of his team, one of whom is not shown in this group photo.

Sandy is a tough but peace-loving member of the team. The figure and his weapon are the same as those that appeared in last year's 80013 Monkie Kid's Team Secret HQ.

Mo appears in two of this year's sets and in this one he has a jet-powered cat carrier to travel around in.

Mei has a new outfit this year and the same version can also be found in 80020 White Dragon Horse Jet. However, both her helmet and hair are provided in this set.

This version of Monkie Kid is also new this year, but apart from differing facial expressions, it's the same in the majority of them.


Mr. Tang is in MK's team, and this is his only appearance in a Monkie Kid set so far.

Fei appears to be a random civilian, included so that the kid and his gang can rescue her from the Spider Queen's evil clutches. I guess it's good that such figures are included since they provide variety and often utilise generic torsos that have application elsewhere.

Mr. Tang's book has a printed cover which I'm told reads 'Journey to the West' and a printed tile inside.


Not only does MK have to deal with the Spider Queen and her motley crew, but Red Son as well!

The Spider Queen appeared in one of last year's sets but this year she's attired in a new frock and a plastic cape with a web pattern on it. I think she looks both formidable and awesome!

She's accompanied by two henchmen, Syntax, who also appears in 80022 Spider Queen's Arachnoid Base, and Huntsman who's also in 80020 White Dragon Horse Jet.

Syntax has six arms and two legs, so I guess he qualifies as an arachnid. I'm not sure what use he has for a fire extinguisher. The combined hair/visor piece covers his eyes but provides 6 more.

Also escorting the queen are two insects of differing designs. Sorry, I can't bring myself to call them spiders given the shortage of legs.

If that's not enough baddies, Red Son, who's the offspring of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, makes an appearance in this set too. He's cropped up in a few others both this year and last, but this version includes unique torso, leg and head prints, and he's wearing a 'half-skirt'

Some sort of jet-pack is attached to his back which presumably gives him the ability to fly.

However, he also has a similarly propelled hoverboard to provide the same function.

He's a cool figure with an equally cool accessory, but seems a bit unnecessary given there are plenty of other antagonists in the set. I don't know the story or scene from the cartoon that the set replicates: perhaps he's an important part of it.

Ancillary builds

Before tackling the dronecopter three containers are constructed, two of which can be attached to it and another which provides a means for the Spider Queen to shoot it out of the sky.

From the outside they look plain and boring, but they are actually one of the highlights of the set.

The one on the right is Mei's container which folds out to reveal a den, complete with television, arcade game machine, some sort of control panel in the centre, and an armchair.

They way it folds out is exceedingly clever and well executed.

The second container is Mr. Tang's apartment. It has a hinged roof and opening it reveals a desk and chair with a bookcase behind it, and stairs leading to bunk beds above. The bets are constructed upside-down and attached to what is the ceiling of the container. Again, it's very clever.

Not to be outdone, the Spider Queen has her own container, but this one is used for nefarious purposes.

It's hinged at the sides and opening it reveals a giant weapon, complete with two flick-fire missile launchers. Notice how the 6x6 dish fits perfectly into the hole in the roof.

The flick-fire missiles are operated by pressing down on the lime green beams at the back.

The dronecopter

The dronecopter is built in four stages, beginning with the cockpit which, for a pleasant change, includes a plain transparent canopy which I believe has only appeared in this colour once before.

The rotors on the side are hinged and when turned towards the back this section of he 'copter becomes a submarine.

The drone's chassis makes use of A-plates to join the arms at an angle and there's a handle at the back to hold the craft while 'swooshing'.

In common with real drones this one has four flimsy legs to facilitate vertical take off and landing which don't look great, but I concede are prototypical and practical.

Four identical motor housings are added to the arms which look more substantial than they actually are, being only a couple of plates thick. The propellers do not rotate other than by hand.

A well-armed gun turret, which houses a pair of flick-fire shooters, is mounted on the turntable of the chassis and is designed for Sandy to stand upon. A pair of speakers are mounted on the flag poles behind him: presumably he likes to bang out some tunes while shooting down his foes.

An impressive array of controls are laid out at the front, including two control levers that are appropriately sized for Sandy's hands.

The flick-fire missiles are operated using a trigger in the handle. When it's squeezed the 3l white beam under the turntable pushes upwards which in turn pushes an axle under the arrows upwards which causes them to shoot.

The cockpit is connected onto the chassis with ball joints and the two containers clip onto the sides to complete the 'copter.

The handle, which looks a bit like a tail, enables the craft to be picked up and swooshed. When it's fully loaded with both containers it's actually quite heavy, so you soon tire of doing so. There's also a worrying amount of flex in the handle and its mounting points, although because it's constructed using Technic parts bound together with pins it doesn't actually come apart.

There's a small gear wheel at the top of the handle which can be reached by your thumb and turning it rotates the gun turret thus enabling you to aim the weapons before discharging them with the trigger.


A huge drone-like flying machine is certainly an interesting concept that will resonate with youngsters, but I don't think it's an idea that'll take off, not with such puny rotors and heavy payload!

The craft itself is big, impressive and attractive in its red, yellow and teal livery, and quite fun to swoosh around. However, it looks better from some angles than others, the optimum one being that shown on the front of the box, unsurprisingly: the legs and handle can't be seen and the thinness of the propeller housings is not apparent.

The minifigure selection is outstanding and all the main characters from season two of the cartoon appear to be in it. There are plenty of foes for the team to battle, and kids will be able to have fun acting out a variety of scenarios with what's in the box.

The highlight of the set for me, however, are the containers: all three are cleverly designed and full of interesting details.

Overall, it's an interesting addition to Monkie Kid's arsenal and in my opinion one of the better sets in this year's selection.

Price-wise, it's £120 in the UK, which for 1462 pieces and 10 minifigures seems quite reasonable. In the USA it's $150 so for a change LEGO has priced it using an exchange rate that's closer to reality than usual, which does however make it seem slightly over-priced there.

Thanks to LEGO for providing the set for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

45 comments on this article

By in United States,

Brick-built drones are often oversized, but this one takes the cake!

By in United States,

Good review!

Of all parts of this set, I was pleasantly surprised with Mo's little cat carrier. It's roomy enough not to feel cramped but snug enough that you can tilt or even invert it without Mo tumbling over inside. Not only that, but the bars are sized just right so that if you tip it forward he'll usually stick his cute little kitty nose through the bars!

Red Son's role in this set is a little ambiguous. In the New Year's special, he temporarily allies with MK and his team to stop the Spider Queen, who has kidnapped both Monkey King and the Demon Bull King. But this outfit for him (with the mechanical armor and jetpack) is new (presumably to appear in a future episode), and as such it's unclear whether he's an ally or an enemy. Perhaps the ambiguity is intentional—as a "third faction" in this set's conflict, he can potentially fill either role in play scenarios.

Mr. Tang's book is also worth highlighting, since the Chinese text on the cover identifies it as a copy of Journey to the West! Both the cover and the inside page (depicting a spider demon) are printed, making me hope that the book reappears in future sets with different printed inside pages depicting other characters, sort of like how some of the books from Elves and Nexo Knights appeared in multiple sets with a variety of interior page prints.

Mei's container has some great details including a stand for her dragon sword in the center. I love how the arcade machine has Excitebike-esque pixel graphics on the sides. The Chinese character on the top reads "extreme".

Tang's little apartment container is also cute. The guitar makes me hope that he might have a musical talent we haven't yet seen in the show!

The spider villains' container is also satisfying. I love the triggers for the spring shooters, which fold out when the missiles are inserted but fold flat when they're deployed. It's simple but clever. The radar dish (which folds into the roof when closed and evokes a spiderweb) is also great.

The dronecopter itself is amazing. I love its heft, the springiness of the trigger underneath, and the way the curved slopes on the sides subtly guide the containers into a centered position when they're clipped on either side. The way the turret can be aimed and fired one-handed is especially neat.

By in United Kingdom,

@Lyichir , thanks for the additional information about what's what and who's who.

You are right about the book, I've added some photos.

By in United States,

What piece are the walls of the containers?

By in Denmark,

I'm not into this theme... but I really appreciate the outlandish builds. TLC have poured alot of love into these.

By in Poland,

Im bot a fan of oversized ships that sit one minifigs.
Yes design is cool. But this set is a mess to play with.
I love little containers though.
Wish we get builds like this in vidyo instead of those huge pieces

By in Malaysia,

Great review. This is a must buy for me.

By in United Kingdom,

Ooh, those containers give me flashbacks to Starcom!!

By in United States,

Random, but the review kept calling the spring shooters "flick fire".

By in United States,

That torso of Fei’s is certainly seeing a lot of use; I can think of at least one City and two Ninjago/Ninjago Movie figs that have featured it.

Edit: looks like it’s actually in over a dozen sets, though under two different part numbers for some reason...

By in United Kingdom,

@Cyno01 said:
"Random, but the review kept calling the spring shooters "flick fire"."

They are -- flick them up and they fire.

By in United States,

Does anyone know if the containers were built to be compatible with the Monkie Kid HQ set?

By in United States,

@ABrickinTime said:
"Does anyone know if the containers were built to be compatible with the Monkie Kid HQ set? "

Not really, since the containers in that set are "built into" the ship and not designed to come apart or stack. Each of those containers is (if they were actually "complete" and separately enclosed objects) roughly 9 studs by 18 studs, while the ones in this set are each 8 studs by 12 studs. That said, it's Lego. You could certainly modify the containers from this set onto the HQ, and having those textured container walls in two new colors is certainly a boon for doing so.

I'll also echo the sentiment that calling these spring shooters "flick fire" is needlessly confusing, because the types of Lego launchers that were originally described that way were ones in which the "flicking" action made up all of the energy that "fired" them, meaning you had to flick them awfully hard to get any meaningful distance. By contrast, these don't even need to be flicked—a light press is enough to release the spring and all its stored kinetic energy, making them much easier to fire.

By in United States,

@Lyichir said:
" @ABrickinTime said:
"Does anyone know if the containers were built to be compatible with the Monkie Kid HQ set? "

Not really, since the containers in that set are "built into" the ship and not designed to come apart or stack. Each of those containers is (if they were actually "complete" and separately enclosed objects) roughly 9 studs by 18 studs, while the ones in this set are each 8 studs by 12 studs. That said, it's Lego. You could certainly modify the containers from this set onto the HQ, and having those textured container walls in two new colors is certainly a boon for doing so.

I'll also echo the sentiment that calling these spring shooters "flick fire" is needlessly confusing, because the types of Lego launchers that were originally described that way were ones in which the "flicking" action made up all of the energy that "fired" them, meaning you had to flick them awfully hard to get any meaningful distance. By contrast, these don't even need to be flicked—a light press is enough to release the spring and all its stored kinetic energy, making them much easier to fire."


By in Canada,

The torso of Huntsman and the Queen appear to be mixed up.

By in United States,

nice review, however you got the torso of the spider queen and huntsman mixed up

By in United States,

@Huw said:
" @Cyno01 said:
"Random, but the review kept calling the spring shooters "flick fire"."

They are -- flick them up and they fire."

"Flick fire" is an accurate term for the current style of projectile but in most circles it refers to the technic pin style that were utilized heavily in Star Wars sets 5-10 years ago. In general I see these projectiles termed "spring-loaded" and the older pin-and-axle combo (part 61184) are the flick-fire type.

By in Germany,

It's a pretty cool set, but man Lego should definitely step up their game with the transparent pieces, because that canopy is noticeably milky.

By in United States,

@Galaxy12_Import said:
" @Huw said:
" @Cyno01 said:
"Random, but the review kept calling the spring shooters "flick fire"."

They are -- flick them up and they fire."

"Flick fire" is an accurate term for the current style of projectile but in most circles it refers to the technic pin style that were utilized heavily in Star Wars sets 5-10 years ago. In general I see these projectiles termed "spring-loaded" and the older pin-and-axle combo (part 61184 ) are the flick-fire type. "

Yeah, i understood those ones to be "flick fire", i dont remember the last time i saw them, but yeah, most things use the 1x4 bricks that i thought were "spring shooters". And then theres the three kinds of "stud shooters", the big technic "spring missiles", and i forget what the balls are called, something with a Z. And the 2x2 round tile ammo "disc shooter" bricks, and then those new 1x1 round tile shooters too.

By in Finland,

"Red Son, who's the offspring of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, "

Not a big fan of the implications here

By in United Kingdom,

I usually don't like to be that person, so I can only apologise, but @Huw it looks like you've got the Spider Queen and The Huntsman's torsos mixed up. Great review though!

By in United Kingdom,

^ Yes, you're right. Most of the figures were in separate bags but not that pair for some reason.

I'll retake the photos in the morning.

By in United States,

Man, I just wish that the MK auxiliary builds were available independently. Cute little shops and neat containers, but I have nearly no interest in the bulk of the set. I think I am not along in that given no one seems to be selling those separately

By in United Kingdom,

@Huw , I think you’ve forgotten to mention that the cockpit of the drone copter can split off and become a small speed boat. Just fold out the 2 propellers that are attached by those side hinge plate bricks!

By in United States,

@The_Toniboeh said:
""Red Son, who's the offspring of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, "

Not a big fan of the implications here"

I think that’s the case in the original mythology, whereas in the theme both Ted Son and the Princess are Demon Bull’s kids. Granted, that may not be any less awkward.

By in United States,

A very expensive set but lots of color and a variety of builds that enhance the overall set rather than make it seem like you got a number of small sets all combined in one box.

Monkie Kid isn't my jam but this looks like an overall quality set. A grade of B.

By in United States,

@Gataka said:
"The torso of Huntsman and the Queen appear to be mixed up."
I was wondering why she had hair on her chest.

"Flick-fire missile" and "flick missile" are the official terms used for part 61184. Read 7670 & 7676 descriptions. Before the dedicated part was invented, loosely attached Technic axles with cones were called flick-fire missiles in 7787.
"Spring loaded shooter" is the official name for 15400. For example read desc. 75038
The Zamor Sphere launchers originated in Bionicle sets, and could also use thornax "fruit" as ammo.
The powerful shooter known as the "Technic Competition cannon" from its origin subtheme, part 76100 paired with 76110, is catchily called "aktivator."
However the term "Competition cannon" is often misapplied to the similar looking launcher and ammo parts 57796 and 57028. For some reason the aktivator was replaced in the great purge of the mid 2000s. Perhaps the new design was less likely to break and could shoot farther. Or the old metal spring stopped being manufactured and was outsourced or something necessitating a design change.
The new cannon and ammo are incompatible with the older ones. There is no good name for them: just through its early years, the 57796 "release housing" has been referred to as a "blunt shooter rocket" in 7781, and were flavored for 2007 Aqua Raiders as "aqua-missiles" in written descriptions and "torpedo launchers" in a TV spot. Most often they are just called generic missiles, launchers, rockets, etc... The only constant was the "don't shoot the crying kid in the face" warning in the instructions.
There are so many different forms of functional Lego ordnance that it would warrant an entire article. Most of the obscure lesser used launchers were only used in one or two themes, and had dedicated ammo and were out-of-system in general. But a strange case is the 61185 "shaft shooter" which had many useful connection points, was easy to fire yet was a single piece of plastic, yet never was used beyond its debut in two 2008 Mars Mission sets.

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @The_Toniboeh said:
""Red Son, who's the offspring of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, "

Not a big fan of the implications here"

I think that’s the case in the original mythology, whereas in the theme both Ted Son and the Princess are Demon Bull’s kids. Granted, that may not be any less awkward."

No, in this theme Princess Iron Fan is still the Demon Bull King's wife and Red Son's mother.

In the original myth, the Demon Bull King, like the Monkey King himself, was a shapeshifter, so it wasn't that implausible. In the show for this theme we haven't really seen DBK transform except by using the tech Red Son upgraded him with, so it's a little less clear how Red Son was... er... conceived. But then again, it's a cartoon... best not to worry too much about the finer points.

By in United States,

Red Son looks to be the best part of the set IMO. Wish that minifigure and hoverboard could have come in its own polybag.

By in Brazil,

Very nice review! I don’t intent to purchase any of the Monkie kid sets, but they seem quite enjoyable and full of cool minifigures and colorful parts. If I were a kid, I’d probably have lots of fun with them!

@Huw, I believe there’s a typo just after you describe the bunk beds, when you say “bets”.

By in United States,

The story shown on the television in Mei's container is also interesting.

It is one of the stories inside another traditional Chinese novel, Investiture of the Gods (Fengshen Bang ???).

The story is about Ne Zha ?? killing the third son of the Dragon King.

Ne Zha ?? also appears in Journey to the West ???, fighting against Monkey King during Monkey King's rebellion against Heaven.

Coincidence? Just to show some random Chinese dragon story? Or hint to another set (or theme)?

By in Germany,

@Huw said:
"^ Yes, you're right. Most of the figures were in separate bags but not that pair for some reason.

I'll retake the photos in the morning."

Please don't, it looks so funny.
Reminds me of Rimmer after having posed as Kochanski in the Red Dwarf episode "Balance of Power".
"Holly, this is not my breast..." ;-)

By in United States,

@Norikins said:
There are so many different forms of functional Lego ordnance that it would warrant an entire article. "

And it sounds like it would be fascinating!

By in United Kingdom,

Torsos swapped and main minifigure images now corrected :)

By in Netherlands,

That bull fire kid looks metal. The containers look fun. But I'm not on board for the drone. I think it looks bad, the colors aren't appealing to me at all.

By in Germany,

Again, the structures are the strength of this set. LEGO should give us more city buildings and less vehicles in the monkie kid universe. So glad we got flower fruit mountain at least.

By in United Kingdom,

Fantastic set as this is how I was hoping the interpretation of the Marvel Avengers Helicarrier 76153 would look with the enclosed copter quadrants, and the clever use of attaching containers. The only improvement I would make would be to change the propellers so that they turn when suitably geared.

By in United States,

@WemWem said:
"Brick-built drones are often oversized, but this one takes the cake!"

Could be going for a 1:1 scale


By in United States,

I really don't like the drone much, but the containers and cat-carrier are delightful, and the minifigure collection awesome! Given the way Bricklink costs work out, it might be cheaper to buy the whole set than to try to Bricklink the parts I want, and perhaps I could sell the drone to make some money back...will have to think about this. This round of sets has tempted me a lot more than the first one did!

By in United States,

Interesting. I like the ancillary builds from all the Monkie Kid sets better than most of the main build of each set, and that's the problem. They're needlessly expensive and large sets, so my response is so far that I don't feel compelled to spend my dollars. It's neat, but space and money is limited.

By in United States,

The final image/thumbnail still has the torsos mixed-up.

By in United States,

This is giving me Ninja Turtles vibes and I like it.

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