Random set of the day: Assassin Droids Battle Pack

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Assassin Droids Battle Pack

Assassin Droids Battle Pack

©2009 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 8015 Assassin Droids Battle Pack, released in 2009. It's one of 36 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 94 pieces and 5 minifigs, and its retail price was US$11.99/£9.99.

It's owned by 13240 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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44 comments on this article

By in United States,

Assassinate! ASSASSINATE!!!

Wait, sorry, wrong franchise...

By in United States,

So the Assassin Droids here are kind of marketed as being part of the Separatist Army with the gray and dark blue color scheme on their speeder, and never an instance in The Clone Wars were they used as such. They were in Gha Nachkt's junker, and he was secretly allied with the Separatists because he found R2-D2 after a battle and was selling him to General Grievous, and any other time the Assassin Droids popped up, they were bounty hunters because they're just IG unit variants.

The only time they were really shown to be allied with the Separatists to my knowledge is the classic Tartakovsky microseries where they have lances and sped around on speederbikes tearing through Republic forces. There's also a bunch of Clones on speederbikes with lances, too, and Obi-Wan disguises himself as a Clone to get close to Durge, a bounty hunter that was leading the Separatists on Muunilinst. The Tartakovsky Clone Wars microseries takes the Rule of Cool and cranks that dial till it breaks off. Nothing about Clones and Droids on speederbikes with lances makes any sense and yet it works.

As for this set, yeah, it's an instance where LEGO just made a thing up to make a battlepack worth the price and not just the three metallic colored droids. Even the clips for the neck were lacquered. They look great. The Elite Assassin Droids, eh, they're just black. Cool, but, eh. Now had they made the speederbike and included the lance...

By in Singapore,

Somebody just reviewed this on Brickset a couple of days ago, what are the odds?

By in United States,

Considering there’s no actual minifigures this set is pretty good.
I wish they would start making more prequel, and animated show sets like rebels, and clone wars.
Instead of remaking another Anakin ship and a bunch of OT sets.
Does anyone else agree or disagree?

By in United States,

This is one of the first sets I remember getting. I absolutely loved to play with it and the corresponding clone battle pack!

By in United States,

This is one of the first SW Lego sets purchased in our household. Brings back memories of when our kids were younger.

By in United States,

Shiny assassin droids are excellent

By in United States,

I have this one and those shiny silver clips are some of my favorite parts to use!

By in United States,

This is actually one of the nicer battle packs. The speeder has some fairly substantial parts and the three silver droids are useful.

By in Canada,

I own this set!

By in United States,

The last (and only) OG "Clone Wars" set we got was Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter in 2015. I'd say we are about due for a random debut of Obi-Wan's Clone Lance Division vs. Durge's IG droid lancers.

By in United States,

I got the shiny Darth Vader minifig in this set! This inspired me to look him up on eBay....woah.

By in United States,

This wasn't a bad set per se but the old Assassin Droids seem like I could make them out of pieces from other sets, outside of the drum-lacquered ones. Those looked excellent.

By in Australia,

One of the first LEGO sets I ever bought with my own money

By in United States,

This was my first ever LEGO set!! Still have it on my shelf to this day <3

By in United States,

@nick3c said:
"Considering there’s no actual minifigures this set is pretty good.
I wish they would start making more prequel, and animated show sets like rebels, and clone wars.
Instead of remaking another Anakin ship and a bunch of OT sets.
Does anyone else agree or disagree?

Although I like the OT sets and Anakin's starfighters, I do agree. I liked Rebels and the Clone Wars better than many of the movies anyway; I understand they are not new but I would like to see some rebooted sets from those eras or some sets based on those series, like TLG did with Ninjago Legacy. Legacy is one of the greatest things LEGO has done in years, for fans who couldn't/didn't buy the original sets and are very nostalgic (me), for strengthening the Ninjago theme, and for making a larger profit themselves. It's genius and I'd like to see them do something similar with Rebels and/or the Clone Wars.

By in United States,

I remember this set was featured somewhat prominently in "The Search for R2-D2," a comic storyline from LEGO Club Magazine that (I think) ran from 2007 to 2008. After R2 went missing, Count Dooku ordered them to hunt him down (despite them apparently not being allied with the Separatists), since R2's memory had valuable Republic intel.

So yeah, it borrowed pretty heavily from a certain Clone Wars season 1 story... I loved following it as a kid though, because it was the only other real ongoing Lego storyline besides Bionicle. Alongside the LEGO Magazine comics, there was an animated webcomic following the misadventures of a squad of Clones and some comic relief battle droids both searching for R2-D2 as well. I still remember how invested I and my siblings got in the lives of clone troopers 1137 and 1139. Good times...

By in United States,

I bought this one at Walmart back in the day, I was in a Star Wars phase despite not having seen any of the Clone Wars, just buying small sets that caught my eye. How can that be 12 years ago?

By in United States,

Very fond memories. One of the first kits I had my son build when he was about 5. Still have it on display. Not spectacular by any standards but a very neat simple build for a kid to get into Lego and have some warrior/combat droids to fight with.

By in Turkey,

Sorry, I can't see these bots as minifigures, I just can't. Speeder looks nice though.

By in Canada,

Just like IG-11, this army building pack nobody asked for seems to have found its way to the heart of a few here. I'm somewhat impressed.

By in Australia,

Yeah, this wasn’t Lego’s best Battle Pack, but I guess we would have gotten bored with the repetition of Battle droids.

By in Latvia,

Christ, I had actually forgotten about assassin droids, it's been a bit of time since they've been in a set.

By in Australia,

Back when battle packs featured actual blasters rather than stud shooters.

By in United Kingdom,

For whatever reason, I have five of these and only two of the accompanying clone one. I guess I just really liked assassin droids?

By in United Kingdom,

After seeing IG-11's rehabilitation as a caring & protective member of society, I have real hope for the wonderful things these five droids could accomplish.

(As an aside, has anyone else now got an annoying blue, occasionally-animated, bell icon floating along over on the screen on the mobile site? Anyone know how to get rid of it...? I thought being logged-in meant adverts vanished?)

By in United Kingdom,

I'm guessing the silver droids aren't ACTUALLY IG-88 units, despite looking almost the same as IG-88 in 6209; but still, seeing several assassin droids all together reminds me of the character's classic-EU origin story, where there were five IG units, and the first IG-88 copied himself into three of the others (the fifth went his own way) - making four IG-88s referred to as A, B, C and D, identical in every way, with big goals for a droid uprising and B took on bounty hunter work in the meantime to pay the bills.

And after Boba Fett single-handedly scrapped three of them on independent occasions when they tried to steal the frozen Han Solo from him, IG-88 A went ahead with the plan to upload himself into the Second Death Star's computer core right before the Battle of Endor, where he was in control of the most powerful 'body' in the galaxy and NOTHING COULD STOP HIM NOW.

(The story finished there, but we all know how THAT ended xP)

My other memory of Assassin Droids is completely getting the PANTS scared off me when they popped up unexpectedly in the Star Wars Droidworks kids PC game. The first three waves of missions were all just carefree little 'drive your droid around and accomplish some simple objectives designed to teach you about physics in a non-threatening way', in the name of preparation to shut down an Assassin Droid factory; and they you get to the more final missions, and the music is far more ominous and you get points where you turn a corner and there's just ANGRY ASSASSIN DROID OUT OF NOWHERE. It was one of the first involved video games I played as a kid, so I was NOT prepared for that, and it traumatised me somewhat... I ran my droid away to hide in a corner and was too scared to try finishing the level for *months* out of fear that I'd encounter it again xD

I don't have anything to say on the set itself... I was entering my 'dark age' about this time, and had no investment in The Clone Wars series either; so I was aware of its existence, but nothing more than that. Then again, that's the case for *most* 2009/2010 sets for me... xD;;;

@MCLegoboy said:
"The Tartakovsky Clone Wars microseries takes the Rule of Cool and cranks that dial till it breaks off. Nothing about Clones and Droids on speederbikes with lances makes any sense and yet it works."
It was so good :D I couldn't get into the 2008 The Clone Wars, but I loved the classic microseries a whole heck of a lot!

By in United States,

@MCLegoboy said:
"(A whole lot of interesting stuff)"

This is why I come to the RSotD articles whenever Star Wars is featured - to learn the lore of this strange, convoluted theme with crazy names and masks.

By in Germany,

One of the most annoying things is that after the very first BPs we never got a single real Battle Droid pack again.

By in United States,

I need to get a second one of these...

By in United States,

@nick3c said:
"Considering there’s no actual minifigures this set is pretty good.
I wish they would start making more prequel, and animated show sets like rebels, and clone wars.
Instead of remaking another Anakin ship and a bunch of OT sets.
Does anyone else agree or disagree?

my kids and I are watching rebels and that's all they want, i keep having to explain that the show is old and the sets are off the market.

By in United States,

@Jack_Sassy said:
"Christ, I had actually forgotten about assassin droids, it's been a bit of time since they've been in a set."

IG-11 was JUST in a set based on The Mandalorian. IG-88 was in sets from 2017 and 2018.

By in United Kingdom,

I came here to say this was the worst battle pack of all time, but it seems a lot of people quite like it.

By in United Kingdom,

This set was included within the 3in1 set 66341, which gave you 14 figures and driods and 3 vehicles to create your own stories with if your budget didn't stretch to one of the larger sets, or you wanted to expand around a larger set.

By in United States,

Kind of a silly battle pack looking back at it, but I loved it as a kid, like many others here. Having shiny silver assassin droids, as opposed to just putting cones on the battle droid bodies like I had been doing, was amazing for me.

By in United States,

@bananaworld said:
After seeing IG-11's rehabilitation as a caring & protective member of society, I have real hope for the wonderful things these five droids could accomplish.

(As an aside, has anyone else now got an annoying blue, occasionally-animated, bell icon floating along over on the screen on the mobile site? Anyone know how to get rid of it...? I thought being logged-in meant adverts vanished?)"

I see it too! It seems to be only on this article. Edit: It's on some other pages as well.

By in United States,

Nope. The only thing I see that doesn’t scroll up or down with the rest of the page is in he lower right corner where it says “^Top”, and takes you to the top of the page if you click on it. I don’t know how other peoples’ mobile experience works, but that’s completely useless for me, since clicking the page above the address bar will do the same thing a lot faster.

By in United States,

@LegoSonicBoy said:
"Somebody just reviewed this on Brickset a couple of days ago, what are the odds?"

Yeah it was me

By in United States,

I had this one as a kid, and it was one of my favorite sets. Maybe it's just my love of robots showing, but I adored swooshing it around and sending my droids on slapstick adventures.

By in United Kingdom,

@bananaworld said:
"(As an aside, has anyone else now got an annoying blue, occasionally-animated, bell icon floating along over on the screen on the mobile site? Anyone know how to get rid of it...? I thought being logged-in meant adverts vanished?)"

I see it on the desktop site as well... that little "notifications by Gravitec" symbol? Though it's tiny in the bottom-left corner on a larger screen. When I first opened Brickset today it popped up a message asking me if I wanted to receive notifications from the site, and the same message appears if I click the bell icon, so it seems to be related to that?

I guess that means it's a new feature being implemented, rather than an advert?

By in United States,

Whatever it is, this new "Notifications by Gravitec" has made it so that I can't rate user reviews anymore.

By in United States,

Clicking on "no thanks" doesn't get rid of it. There's no way I'm going to click "allow".

By in United Kingdom,

@bananaworld said:
""It's a feature, not a bug!"

Weird that the disappearance of ratings for user reviews and this annoying-as-heck notification icon aren't mentioned here: https://brickset.com/article/52652/change-log "

Huw did mention on one of the rejected ideas on the User Suggestions page that he was going to get rid of the ratings on reviews because not enough people rated them to make it worthwhile (https://brickset.com/suggestions/rejected, Brickset Comment on suggestion number 265).

That's all I know, though, so I dunno if it relates at all to this notifications thing or not.

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