Review: 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina

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Luke Skywalker's remarkable adventures beyond Tatooine commence within Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina and 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina replicates this location with unprecedented accuracy. Some magnificent details are included, demonstrating absolute adherence to the movie.

Additionally, an excellent selection of minifigures is available here, comprising numerous new characters and alien species! Combining these outstanding minifigures with an impressive rendition of the Mos Eisley Cantina and various subtle Tatooinian details should create an appealing addition to the LEGO Star Wars theme.

Box and Contents

75290 Mos Eisley Cantina belongs to the Master Builder Series and the 18+ range, hence its packaging is quite simple. Nevertheless, I think this design looks attractive, particularly since Tatooine's twin suns are displayed in the corner and earthy tones stand out against the dark background. I would question whether this set, which offers considerable play value, is really appropriate for the 18+ age recommendation though.
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The box contains 27 bags which are numbered between one and eighteen while another bag houses the larger components. One instruction manual is included too, comprising 408 pages. That seems surprising as smaller models accompany the cantina and previous Star Wars sets have frequently featured another manual for separate vehicles.

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Unfortunately, the manual provides limited insight concerning the design process but it does include some comments from the set designer, César Soares, alongside information about the Mos Eisley Cantina and its patrons. The brief snippets distributed throughout the construction process are especially welcome, encompassing each character and minor structural details.

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26 stickers are applied throughout this set, although the vast majority of these are required for the two landspeeders. Printed elements are generally preferable and I think the eight identical stickers for the Ubrikkian 9000 Landspeeder could have been printed instead. The stickers do not affect my enjoyment of this set though and they certainly improve its appearance.

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Several particularly obscure Star Wars characters are available in 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina, alongside Luke Skywalker who has already appeared in multiple sets during 2020. This minifigure is identical to the version from 75270 Obi-Wan's Hut and looks superb, wearing accurate white clothing with realistic creasing. The bands wrapped around Luke's knees are particularly effective and I like his double-sided head with smiling and determined expressions.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi only features one facial expression which is slightly disappointing, although his facial hair includes lovely detail. His tan robe appears similarly impressive and I like the reddish brown fabric underneath. The metallic gold belt buckle demonstrates outstanding accuracy and matching golden highlights decorate both sides of the belt.

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This minifigure wears the new hood component that was introduced last year. I consider this design quite effective for Obi-Wan Kenobi, although the Jedi removes his hood upon entering the cantina and should accordingly have included an alternative hair piece. However, both Obi-Wan and Luke are suitably equipped with their lightsabers.

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Copious different Han Solo minifigures are available in LEGO sets, although this example has only appeared twice before. His presence here is certainly welcome, featuring the textured hair piece that was created specifically for Han during 2016. Moreover, I like this double-sided head and the smuggler's distinctive black jacket, with pockets across the front and back.

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Chewbacca underwent substantial alterations during 2014 but his standard minifigure has remained unchanged since then. The hairy texture across his head and torso looks brilliant, especially in combination with medium nougat printing. The metallic silver bandoleer is also attractive and I appreciate the highlights on Chewbacca's legs, matching those on his face.

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Han Solo also includes printed legs, although I think this set provided an ideal opportunity to create the definitive minifigure for this character during A New Hope. The version from 75222 Betrayal at Cloud features dual-moulded legs with printing on each side and comparable detail would have been wonderful here, displaying the red stripes on Han's trousers. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with these two minifigures that carry a blaster pistol and bowcaster, respectively.

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Despite being refused entry to the Mos Eisley Cantina, C-3PO and R2-D2 are important additions to this set. Both figures remain unchanged from their previous appearances and C-3PO therefore features fantastic detail, covering his head, torso and legs. The colourful cables on his chest appear particularly impressive and the metallic silver decoration on his right leg is excellent as well.

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R2-D2 features an extensive collection of dark blue panels across his round head and body. Their arrangement corresponds with the source material but decoration is completely absent from the back of Artoo's body. Much like with Han Solo, the graphic designer could potentially have improved R2-D2 for this set by continuing the detail onto his back and C-3PO's right leg would be perfect for representation with dual-moulding.

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Wuher previously appeared in 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina and this minifigure had remained exactly the same. His grizzled face looks absolutely perfect when compared with the original character, featuring grey sideburns which line up nicely with the hair piece. The facial hair and alternative angry facial expression are also splendid and this torso appears faithful to Wuher's simple onscreen attire.

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Each rendition of the Mos Eisley Cantina has contained Greedo, although this represents the first occasion where the bounty hunter has not been updated since his last appearance. This minifigure is accordingly identical to the depiction from 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina, featuring exactly the same medium nougat jacket with medium azure arms and legs. These colours appear reasonably faithful to the movie.

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However, teal was chosen for Greedo's skin tone when 4501 Mos Eisley Cantina became available and I think that shade might have been more suitable than sand green. Additionally, the minifigure from 2004 featured printed arms but these are undecorated with his unfortunate. Greedo is suitably armed with a blaster pistol though and Wuher also carries a blaster, in case any conflicts should become too riotous.

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While the aforementioned characters are necessities for Mos Eisley Cantina, I think Doctor Cornelius Evazan is probably among the most anticipated minifigures! This odious criminal appears prominently during the film and his disfigured visage is immediately recognisable in minifigure form, despite the exclusion of Evazan's distinctive nose. LEGO minifigures rarely feature noses but this design is successful in my opinion, taking that notable omission into consideration.

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Ponda Baba seems equally accurate, featuring an exclusive Aqualish head component. Its shaping looks marvellous but this element extends too far over the torso. Nevertheless, I am delighted with the fur printed around his face and Ponda Baba's bright orange jacket appears exceptionally striking, contrasting against his companion's reddish brown clothing that seems rather drab.

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Actually removing Ponda's arm is not recommended but Doctor Evazan includes a splendid shocked expression for recreating that moment, along with his typical snarling face. The two thugs are both armed with blaster pistols, reflecting their penchant for violence that becomes apparent during Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

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75052 Mos Eisley Cantina introduced three Bith Musicians and three additional musicians appear here, belonging to Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes. These minifigures are identical, even featuring the same pattern of dots across their large foreheads! I think they look superb though, due in particular to the intricate moulded detail which continues onto the back of their heads.

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Furthermore, each band member wears exactly the same black jacket and dark bluish grey trousers, corresponding with the onscreen characters. Seven musicians are performing when Luke and Obi-Wan arrive at the cantina and some people have expressed disappointment that only three are included. While more would undoubtedly have been welcome, I think three is an appropriate quantity.

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Their appearances are completely identical but the Bith Musicians each play unique musical instruments. The first instrument, comprising black and pearl gold pieces, is based upon the fanfar, while the second accessory represents Figran D'an's kloo horn. A black Dorenian Beshniquel accompanies the third minifigure. These instruments are simple but they can be identified quite easily and I appreciate the variation.

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Numerous mysterious cantina patrons are shown onscreen and LEGO has chosen four to populate this set. Momaw Nadon belongs to the Ithorian species and his unusual head was originally produced for the Ithorian Jedi Master, named Noga-Ta, in 75051 Jedi Scout Fighter. This element looks magnificent and features two tiny eyes that closely resemble the onscreen character. Printing continues across the torso and legs and I love the decorated feet.

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Kabe resides in the tunnels beneath Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, stealing from drunken visitors as they depart. This distinctive Chadra-Fan minifigure incorporates a piece from the Monster Fighters theme, forming her ears. They appear quite large when compared with the movie but I think this design looks good, especially in combination with Kabe's printed head. Moreover, the unique torso closely resembles the original character.

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Among the diverse customers visiting the Mos Eisley Cantina, Labria particularly stands out. This devious Devaronian, whose real name is Kardue'sai'Malloc, features an interesting head component that is made from rubber and features two prominent horns. The dark orange head underneath displays an enormous grin which matches the movie but his alternative face looks calm. Despite not appearing clearly onscreen, Labria's elegant jacket and cape seem suitable for someone whose capture commands an extraordinarily large bounty!

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Hrchek Kal Fas introduces another alien species to LEGO, the Saurin. These reptilian beings share some visual similarities with Trandoshans and this minifigure accordingly includes a tan version of Bossk's head. The moulded detail looks splendid and I like Hrchek's clothing which matches the onscreen character but appears sufficiently generic that it may prove reasonably versatile.

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Following numerous exclusive minifigures, this lone Jawa returns from three previous sets. Tattered reddish brown and dark orange rags decorate the torso beneath two crossed straps, presumably carrying various trinkets. The head features piercing yellow eyes which are visible beneath the Jawa's hood and this figure carries an ion blaster for deactivating droids.

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Garindan identifies Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi upon their departure from the Mos Eisley Cantina, swiftly reporting their location to Imperial troops. This character is accordingly important but 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina provides his first appearance in minifigure form and I think the Kubaz spy looks outstanding, due in particular to his distinctive head element.

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This component slots underneath a pearl dark grey minifigure head before the new hood is placed on top, concealing the ingenious assembly inside! Garindan's goggles and snout are made from rubber but they feature lovely moulded detail. Additionally, I love the Imperial belt which betrays this minifigure's concealed affiliation and he carries a black blaster pistol.

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Pursuing the stolen Death Star plans, Imperial Sandtroopers are dispatched to patrol Mos Eisley. Two such minifigures are therefore provided and they include the new Stormtrooper helmet that was introduced during 2019. This element has proven extremely controversial, based primarily upon its large size and restricted motion. However, I think the moulded and printed detail across these helmets is exceptional.

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Both elements are decorated with sandy residue which continues across the torso and legs. These have remained in continued use since 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina was released during 2018 but the helmet has only appeared once previously, with 75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback Microfighters. The orange pauldron also returns from that Microfighter twin pack and the black pauldron was created for the Death Troopers in 75156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle.

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Both minifigures wear new survival backpacks, combining features of previous Sandtrooper figures with newer pieces that ensure greater accuracy. The sand blue highlights are notably impressive because they reflect the source material exactly. These figures also feature varied heads and multiple accessories, including blaster rifles, pairs of white macrobinoculars and a prod for directing dewbacks.

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The Completed Model

While the infamous Mos Eisley Cantina is undoubtedly the highlight of this set, two distinctive landspeeders are also included. The sleek V-35 Courier Landspeeder is especially interesting since this vehicle has not appeared in previous LEGO sets, passing quickly when Luke's X-34 Landspeeder approaches the cantina during the movie. Nevertheless, I think this model looks marvellous.

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The vehicle measures 17cm in length which seems appropriate for display beside 75271 Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder and its bright colour scheme stands out nicely within the Tatooinian environment. Flame yellowish orange highlights decorate both flanks and numerous stickers adorn this model, forming subtler details that would otherwise be omitted.

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I think the weakest aspect of this design is probably the canopy, which should appear more angular. However, this trans-black piece approximates the source material and is certainly the most appropriate selection from the components that are available. The white nose underneath looks absolutely perfect, faithfully replicating the graduated angles of the original landspeeder.

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Removing the canopy reveals space for one minifigure inside and a viewscreen which shows the Mos Eisley skyline. This craft is actually controlled from outside where another minifigure may stand behind the controls. Despite looking strange, this configuration corresponds with reference material for the landspeeder and its occasional appearances during Star Wars: Rebels.

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The prominent repulsor field generator behind the cockpit looks great and I like the stickers on either side too. The shaping of the flanks is outstanding, most notably towards the front where angled flag elements form air intakes. This design is fairly simple but the result looks splendid and maintains fidelity to the movie.

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Furthermore, the three thrust turbines are ingeniously attached using two Technic pins at their centre. The resulting structure does sometimes wobble slightly but remains quite secure and looks magnificent, despite appearing slightly wider than its onscreen counterpart. Black tiles depict radiator grilles at the rear, completing a satisfying addition to this set.

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Despite not actually moving onscreen, the Ubrikkian 9000 Landspeeder is potentially better known than the V-35 Courier. This unusual vehicle is shown parked outside the Mos Eisley Cantina during the movie and previously appeared in 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina from 2018. Remarkably few alterations have been made but swapping the earlier trans-clear 3x3 dishes with black elements is extremely successful.

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This alteration dramatically improves the appearance of the landspeeder in my opinion and I made this suggestion when reviewing 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina. Moreover, the designer has removed an extraneous stud shooter that appeared previously and some light bluish grey parts have been replaced with their white equivalents, ensuring a more consistent colour scheme.

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Unfortunately, the rounded shape remains imperfect but I think it would be challenging to introduce further improvements without increasing the scale. Several stickers are situated across the exterior and these correspond with the source material, although the striped 1x3 curved slopes could perhaps have been printed. Even so, the exterior looks brilliant, due in particular to the black windows.

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One minifigure can sit inside the Ubrikkian 9000 Landspeeder and a printed control panel is placed inside too. Otherwise, the interior seems fairly sparse and there is no obvious blaster storage which is disappointing, especially because this vessel is traditionally associated with Greedo who may require such facilities. However, I am impressed with the improvements that distinguish this rendition of the speeder from its predecessor.

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Imperial Sandtroopers employ dewbacks for transportation while hunting for the errant Death Star plans on Tatooine and a dewback is therefore included. This lumbering creature looks fantastic, accurately recreating their onscreen shape and colour. Another dewback appeared with 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina and featured exactly the same parts, although the printing has been updated very subtly.

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The new dewback features larger eyes than the 2014 example and the speckled decoration across its body is finer, albeit only slightly. The opening mouth remains identical though and teeth are printed inside. No further articulation is included but the legs are offset and appear accordingly dynamic, conveying the illusion of motion.

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Reddish brown elements depict the saddle, with pouches hanging from either side. These correspond with the original animals and incorporate two clips for storing weapons. You can replace the saddle with four olive green 2x2 curved slopes which slot neatly into the vacated space and look splendid, although removing them afterwards is quite difficult.

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Placing the dewback outside the Mos Eisley Cantina improves the appearance of this entire structure, introducing a striking contrast against the abundance of tan and dark tan elements. Additionally, a dewback is shown in exactly the same position during Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and I appreciate such remarkable consistency with the movie.

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The platform underneath the dewback appears realistic, featuring uneven terrain and an appropriate combination of tan and dark tan elements. The light bluish grey wall around the edge also looks marvellous and I like the water and food trough. This structure is connected to the cantina using Technic pieces and nestles beautifully beneath two 2x2x3 slopes which are integrated with the wall.

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While the Mos Eisley Cantina is undoubtedly memorable, limited canon information exists regarding its external appearance and layout. Nevertheless, this model maintains excellent accuracy when compared with its varied onscreen appearances and I think the designer has made sensible inferences to complete the building. Excluding its desert base, this structure measures 40cm deep and 26cm wide which provides ample internal space.

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Furthermore, the exterior is extraordinarily detailed. Buildings on Tatooine are made from sandstone and sometimes appear relatively bland so I was concerned that the Mos Eisley Cantina might look similarly dull. However, the external walls are covered with tiny windows alongside scattered dark tan or medium nougat bricks. These generate delightful texture, in combination with occasional 1x1 round plates which represent external wear.

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Two different moisture vaporators are connected to the Mos Eisley Cantina but they can be detached easily if you prefer. This example is smaller than the other, although their shape is consistent, comprising three chiller bars around the condenser. Similar moisture vaporators have appeared in earlier sets but this example features superior detail, due primarily to the ingenious use of wheels and a gear at the centre.

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Extensive detail continues across the rear wall and several hinges are visible here. They are required to open the model when viewing its interior and have been integrated nicely. Domes are situated at either end of the cantina, reflecting the distinctive architecture that is prevalent across Tatooine. These cover sections of the building, although the central section of the roof remains open.

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Completely enclosing the building might have been more accurate to the source material but I think this configuration looks more impressive for display. In addition, such distinctive shaping emulates the internal ceiling structure which is shown clearly during the film, exhibiting superb attention to the architectural detail without compromising access to the minifigures by including a fixed roof.

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The instruction manual makes specific reference to the dearth of reference information for the rear entrance to the Mos Eisley Cantina. Star Wars: The Clone Wars features this location on multiple occasions and the back entrance potentially appears in an episode entitled 'Bounty', although that may have been an inaccurate interpretation of the main entrance. In either case, this design looks good in my opinion.

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I like the mechanical detail beside the entrance and the sliding door looks splendid, matching others within this set. The door opens smoothly and an exposed stud is fixed inside the frame, allowing you to secure the door while it is open. Moreover, the door features some lovely sand highlights and the colour combination of tan, dark tan and medium nougat on the ground looks excellent.

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Another external platform is positioned against the neighbouring wall, making further use of Technic pieces for this connection. I was surprised to find that you cannot actually swap the platforms and reconfigure the cantina because the Technic pins and axles are not arranged correctly, although the distance between them is identical on each side.

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Various crates and mechanical devices are scattered here. These cannot be identified with specific details from the movies but they look superb. I particularly appreciate the new crate which is decorated with Aurebesh text reading 'cargo' and the Imperial symbol. Three of these boxes are placed throughout the set and this one contains a pair of black binoculars.

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The second moisture vaporator is absolutely gigantic, measuring 19cm in height and including tremendous detail. Once again, the vaporator features three chiller bars and these are connected using Technic rotor elements to ensure even spacing. Despite their fragile appearance, I have found the chiller bars quite secure and I love the white humidity sensors at the top, corresponding precisely with the film.

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Grille tiles, grille slopes and ingot components form mechanical detail surrounding the moisture vaporator. I think this looks fantastic, especially on the side which is shown below where a trans-red 1x1 round plate provides a nice splash of colour. The entire structure is attached at an angle to the Mos Eisley Cantina using one clip but it feels sufficiently secure.

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Extensive detail continues across the angled wall alongside the moisture vaporator, including various textured bricks and 1x1 round plates. This section of the model does incorporate some larger wall panels that lack any intricate texture, although I think they have been integrated quite nicely. The small gaps which accommodate studs and routinely appear on these panels actually form pleasing detail here!

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Pearl silver rings are situated around the main entrance to the Mos Eisley Cantina. These are presumably intended for tethering large animals and their distribution looks good in relation to the movie. Furthermore, I love the 1x2 masonry bricks which are situated beside the entrance, depicting the recessed panel which is shown clearly onscreen as Luke and Obi-Wan enter the cantina.

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The doorway is elevated slightly which differs from the source material, although this design also elevates the internal entrance alcove. That has allowed the designer to include accurate steps inside so was definitely a worthy compromise in my opinion. The ground immediately in front of the entrance looks brilliant, combining tan and dark tan pieces along with smooth and studded surfaces to good effect.

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While the door should slide sideways, limited space is available so it opens upwards instead. The handle above this door has been cleverly disguised and I like the sticker which forms the entry control. Another sticker reads 'cantina' which looks splendid and returns from 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina, although the original location displayed different text in an unidentified language. Only part of the sign appears during Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope but it is shown clearly during The Mandalorian.

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The aforementioned hinges enable the cantina to open, providing comfortable access to the interior details and minifigures. While alternative solutions were possible, I think this was probably the most sensible design, particularly since this configuration does not interfere with the external appearance of the cantina. Moreover, the structure feels quite robust when folded together because the two main sections are linked using a Technic pin.

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Minifigures arriving through the main entrance must descend three steps inside the cantina, matching the original movie. Unfortunately, the steps divide when opening the set and I think they should have remained together for display. The reverse of the front door also seems fairly unsightly, although there are no incongruous colours and smoothing this area would have been extremely challenging.

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Three reddish brown chairs are situated here. Identical furnishings appear onscreen but the central chair is mounted on a 2x2 turntable and can therefore rotate accidentally. This can be resolved quite easily by replacing the turntable with a 2x2 jumper plate. The droid detector and an unsophisticated light fixture are included, maintaining complete accuracy to the film.

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White bricks dominate the bar, standing out against the surrounding tan and dark tan pieces. This design looks wonderful and the curved shape also corresponds with the source material, maintaining the standard established in other LEGO renditions of the cantina. The pearl silver tube around the edge of the bar is particularly effective and I like the hatch for Wuher to enter his workspace. The clips on each side of the bar provide support for this structure when lifting the model.

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Various beverages are available from the Mos Eisley Cantina, satisfying many species. This model accordingly includes an elaborate network of pipes and dispensers which look brilliant when compared with the movie. The metallic silver and pearl gold highlights are perfect and I like how an inverted lantern has been integrated, providing ample support for the pipes above.

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Additionally, I think the designer was sensible to avoid using printed IG-88 heads to represent drink dispensers. The same internal components from a Rolls Royce Derwent jet engine were used for both purposes during the filming of the Original Trilogy but I think the LEGO elements would appear out of place behind the bar, particularly since they feature red and orange details that represent IG-88's optical sensors.

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Containers for some mysterious trans-clear, trans-red and trans-yellow liquids are found along the bar and several bottles appear beside the wall, as demonstrated below. I like the decorated 1x2 slope that is visible here and two opening drawers are fitted underneath, containing a white bone. The colourful lights on the wall exhibit further attention to the original location.

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The most recognisable features of the Mos Eisley Cantina are its shaded alcoves, where characters meet to discuss their elicit dealings. Six alcoves are included here which seems appropriate. The first alcove provides space for four minifigures and includes an unusual light beside the entrance. Exactly the same unique fixture appears in an identical position during the film.

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More traditional furniture occupies the second alcove, including two reddish brown seats and a cylindrical table. These tables are invariably associated with the Mos Eisley Cantina and I think light bluish grey wheels are ideal to represent them. The lamps on top of each table look great as well, although 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina included glow-in-the-dark elements for the lamps and I would have been delighted to see them again here.

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Uneven windows are located inside each alcove, allowing beams of light inside and therefore reflecting the movie. The reddish brown tiles above the seats also look excellent and the two smaller alcoves include trans-red and trans-blue lights on their shared wall. These are based upon the confrontation between Han Solo and Greedo where bright lights appear prominently.

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Opening the Mos Eisley Cantina offers adequate access to the interior in my opinion. However, you can also remove individual roof panels above each alcove, illuminating them more clearly. This feature was not entirely necessary but greater internal access is always welcome and I appreciate how the handles for removing the roof panels have been disguised, much like the handle for opening the front door.

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Two further seating alcoves are located on the opposite side of the bar. The angled archway looks particularly impressive and I like the table and stools outside the alcove. Moreover, the reddish brown light fixtures on the walls look marvellous and pearl dark grey lamps are fixed above the seats, closely resembling the movie where similar lights are visible.

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Greedo confronts Han Solo on the left side of the bar, when viewed from the entrance. This model inverts that arrangement because these seats are intended for Han Solo and Greedo, featuring ejection mechanisms to recreate their deadly encounter. Identical functions already appeared in 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina and the mechanisms are activated using two switches that are hidden among the crates outside. Locating these switches on the opposite wall would necessitate removing the dewback to reach them.

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Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes occupy the final alcove, standing on an elevated platform which is simple but quite spacious. There is more than enough room for the three musicians provided here and five can be accommodated comfortably, albeit perhaps without their larger musical instruments. The original band comprises seven members and they could not fit onto the stage together but this design is sufficient in my view.

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Additional alcoves are visible beyond the bar onscreen but those have been excluded here. Instead, the designer has included Wuher's private storage room which is accessed through another archway. This arrangement loosely corresponds with photographs taken during the production of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, where stacked boxes appear behind an unusual Yam'rii visitor to the Mos Eisley Cantina.

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The storage area is relatively inaccessible for play which is disappointing, although some fun details are included. Additional beverages are found here alongside two further crates, one of which contains a dubious trans-red jar while the other stores macrobinoculars. These are nice additions to the model but I think there was the potential to include some references. Perhaps the gruff bartender could have kept a discarded battle droid head, alluding to the death of his parents during the Clone Wars.

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However, the designer has included an enjoyable poster which demands the whereabouts of R2-D2 and C-3PO! The single line of Aurebesh text reads 'wanted' and the two droids appear underneath. Given his disdain for droids, I can definitely envisage Wuher scouring the cantina for these fugitives so placing the poster inside his storage area seems appropriate. Maybe he planned to notify Imperial personnel regarding the droids before being distracted by Obi-Wan igniting his lightsaber.

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Beyond the famous cantina, Mos Eisley features numerous interesting buildings. Two such structures are available here, although these do not take direct inspiration from any specific buildings. Nevertheless, they appear consistent with the architecture that is prevalent across Tatooine and these buildings connect to the cantina using clips, forming a cohesive display.

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However, I believe they look more impressive when separated from the cantina. The shorter structure measures 18cm across and the ramshackle Jawa shop measures 10cm deep, excluding its fabric awning. Their varied heights are appealing and these buildings are joined using additional clips. Unfortunately, these clips are spaced differently to those on the cantina, restricting the options for display.

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This model features wonderful external detail, corresponding with the cantina. Furthermore, I think its scale would be ideal for display beside 75270 Obi-Wan's Hut. Of course, the hermit's basic abode is positioned far from Mos Eisley during the film but they share relatively similar design features for display together, including their rounded doorways and colour schemes.

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An ancient engine is placed outside, lacking its cowling and therefore leaving the internal detail exposed. Scattered junk is certainly a consistent feature of Tatooine throughout the Star Wars saga so this seems fitting and I like the mechanical structure on the roof as well. This device appears appropriate for cooling the building and several light bluish grey antennas are also scattered across the exterior.

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The model is fairly open when viewed from behind. I am typically satisfied with such design decisions but this example appears odd because every other building is almost completely enclosed. I would therefore have preferred an opening rear wall and that could have been achieved quite easily. Even so, this issue detracts little from the whole structure.

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Various tools are stored inside with a cooking pot and a trans-clear mug. Life on Tatooine is extremely simple but I think the internal detail could have been improved, perhaps by adding some food elements or colourful jars. They might have been useful in disrupting the otherwise earthy colours which dominate the interior.

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Fortunately, the opposite end includes a trans-light blue kyber crystal, perhaps revealing that someone who deals in Jedi artefacts has visited Mos Eisley! Accessing this area is somewhat difficult because the building is very shallow, although I appreciate the removable roof sections. A black crowbar is also stored inside but the neighbouring dark bluish grey barrel is empty.

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Jawas appear frequently throughout Mos Eisley during Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, even entering the cantina as Han Solo departs. The set therefore contains a small shop from where the Jawa can conduct business. This model features another 8x8 dome to complement those on the cantina and I love the angled buttresses since these are evident throughout both Mos Eisley and Mos Espa during the films.

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Customers are served through an arched window which appears consistent with Tatooinian architecture and the fabric awning looks fantastic. This component features realistic damage and fits neatly around two reddish brown supports. I can envisage the awning becoming very desirable because it could easily form part of other Star Wars or Castle models.

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Several unidentified items are situated outside the shop, presumably originating from droids based upon their associated with Jawas. The medium nougat window element which forms a display stand looks brilliant and I am pleased to encounter another Imperial crate here. I hope this component will appear in future sets inspired by the Galactic Civil War era.

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This structure includes an additional sliding door which seems rather plain, lacking a control panel or notable texture. The light bluish grey colour looks reasonable but medium nougat or flesh shades might have been preferable in my view, perhaps taking inspiration from the door where C-3PO and R2-D2 hide from patrolling Sandtroopers. Nevertheless, the door functions perfectly.

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Opening the building reveals satisfying internal detail, including a reddish brown stool for the Jawa proprietor and multiple accessories. I think there is always the potential to include even more references and the table fixed against the wall seems rather high beside the Jawa. I am impressed with the vast selection of weapons and tools found throughout this set through.

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Myriad extraordinary locations appear throughout the Star Wars universe, including several which are represented in LEGO sets. I think 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina may be my favourite example, achieving an ideal balance between authenticity, play value and display value. The designer has included countless small details which compare favourably with the movie and I appreciate the unusual additions to this set, including the V-35 Courier Landspeeder.
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Furthermore, the minifigure selection is fantastic. The breadth of new alien species exceeded my expectations when the set was announced and they look marvellous. I think the potential remains to improve upon Han Solo, Greedo and the droids and further references might also have been distributed across the model. However, the price of £319.99 or $349.99 represents good value and I am accordingly delighted with the newest Master Builder Series set.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

69 comments on this article

By in United States,

Oh boy, this is the one we’ve been waiting for! Xmas can’t come soon enough :-)

By in United States,

Awesome! Great review!

By in United States,

Also, I’m very pleased they didn’t include yet another regular landspeeder in this set. That would have been an obvious addition but also extremely lazy on their part. Any fan of the movies knows the V-35 speeder, if not by name then by its appearance in the movie, so it’s a nice surprise to see it here.

By in United Kingdom,

Its impressive and very detailed and I love all the minifigs!!

By in United States,

One final thing, I still don’t understand why in 2020 they can’t include printing on R2’s back? Is there a specific reason why they won’t (or can’t) include printing on the reverse of this cylinder piece?

By in United States,

Can’t WAIT to receive this!

And I’m delighted by the return of the Master Builder Series. Definitely hoping for more sets in this line in the future.

By in Canada,

Man I love that Garindan!

By in United States,

The texture on the Garindan minifigure looks more like a custom handmade figure. I am also disappointed that Ponda's head mould looks too thick compared to his onscreen counterpart.

Otherwise I am very excited the large scale cantina, which is long overdue.

By in Hungary,

Amazing set! Also, I thought the black pauldron was introduced with Krennic's Shuttle...

By in United States,

Haha, I love the wanted poster!

By in United Kingdom,

Thank you for the long review, it would look fantastic next to other star wars vehicles sitting on sand coloured plates, which could also be used to connect with the smaller buildings.

By in United Kingdom,

Great review, Cap'n! Really captured the set and the scene.

I can hear the Modal Nodes & smell that dewback from here...

By in Portugal,

Lovely set. I wish they have accomplished this result with the Hoth UCS set.

You can feel the Mos Eisley vibe with the entire set, not only the cantina.

Congrats Lego Star wars designers, good job

By in United States,

This is beautiful. Far outside of my budget, but I sure wish I could afford it!

@Pekingduckman said:
"The Cantina is incomplete without one of the greatest SW characters of all time: Bea Arthur's Ackmena. "

Hehehe... Ackmena would have made an odd addition, or even Chalmum himself (two Wookies in one set though...) but since both are pretty obscure I can understand their omission. But I would have loved to have seen them! Shame we don't get any EV droids either since Mandalorian shows they took over the bartending duties later on.

By in Venezuela,

Excellent review

By in Germany,

Great review.

But where is the news article about the unexpected re-issue of the Saturn V and Ship in a bottle?

By in Netherlands,

I can't believe LEGO has now produced two versions of the Ubrikkian 9000, the ugliest vehicle in movie history. Without that, the other landspeeder and bits and bobs of the town it could have been a better and cheaper set imho

By in Canada,

Great review, I can't wait to get it. But it should have included a Luke's Landspeeder as it is part of the whole scene. I own a few of these, from previous renditions of the cantina, but still, they belong to their own sets. For many like me we will have to buy the latest one and spend extra money.

By in France,

Nothing to say but : awesome. I may have to think about it a bit more but it might be one of the best SW set ever to me. I am even beginning to think about a way to spare my lego budget for a few months, as long as necessary, so that I can eventually offer me the great pleasure to buy, build, and admire it. While I was sure, when the set price was first revealed, that it would never be the case. The price could have been a bit lower without one or two side builds (non canon), but they are right in the spirit of G Lucas original creations and work IMO so... that little Jawa shop for example first surprised me but eventually proves that it could have had its place in Mos Eisley so all in all... Great job of the designers, and great review, thank you.
Edit : I would have appreciated, for that price, printed arms for Greedo :)

By in United States,

I would have liked to see Lego knock this out of the park.

Replace the Dewback with a Bantha
Ponda Baba’s head is too long and arms are not printed
Replace R2D2, C3PO, Jawa, and 1 stormtrooper with Hem Dazon, Feltipern Trevagg, Chall Bekan, and Wioslea
Add Djas Puhr, Takeel, Myo, Bom Vimdin, Atheloe, Mosep Binneed, Muftak, M'iiyoom Onith
Dual mold and print Han’s legs
Print on Greedo’s arms

The price would probably increase to $400 with so many new molds. But I am still buying this version.

By in Germany,

The cantina's back entrance/exit is depicted pretty clearly in the "Inside the Worlds of Star Wars" book (which was later compiled into "Complete Locations" and its updated New Canon reprint): It leads into a small, square buildin, which contains a phony shop and holds a disguised comm jammer on its roof.

By in United States,

Probably the best possible Mos Eisley Cantina that could be made as a LEGO set, and definitely my favorite of the massive Star Wars playsets. The designers did a marvelous job. $350 is steep in comparison to every other big LEGO building with about 3000 pieces but within the star wars theme, it isn't exactly the worst offender. Certainly more worth the hefty price tag than Cloud City or the UCS Star Destroyer.

By in United States,

There is actually one other difference between this Dewback and the Dewback which appeared back in 75052 - namely, this Dewback lacks printed teeth on the underside of its head.

By in Canada,

Lego should redo Assault on Hoth and make an equally detailed set of Echo base in the same manner as this set.

By in United Kingdom,

There wasn't a design process, so they can't include info about it.

All they did was "borrow" from the MOC's that have been done.

By in United States,

@mickywrx said:
"There wasn't a design process, so they can't include info about it.

All they did was "borrow" from the MOC's that have been done."

Which all borrow from the same source material. Any MOC and official set are going to look same-y if they happen to be built around the same subject matter.

Now if somebody had made a neon pink Cantina, with flashing neon-lights, blackjack and hookers and then Lego made a set of THAT we could call them out for steeling the idea. But with an official design from Star Wars a massive film franchise Lego has owned the license too for 20+ years now... there is no theft no matter how similar a MOC may look they have no grounds to stand on because again, same source material and also Lego is the one legally authorized by Lucasfilm and Disney to make such a model for mass market.

Arguably all the spectacular fan MOCs which are available "by buying the instructions" are in violation of official Lucasfilm licensing, but I imagine Disney and Lego turns a blind eye to such models because if they end up incentivizing buying official sets as part sources its still a profit for them.

I have seen people claim this with the Ghostbusters HQ and the Crocodile locomotive as well, but its really all incidental at this point. With such a massive AFOL fandom actively making MOCs based on real life subjects and pop culture stories, its kind of bound to happen that Lego will have things in the pipeline concurrent to fans making MOCs or even pitching it on Lego Ideas. Its a case of parallel development, its just Lego has to keep theirs under wraps for a year or two until the set is ready to launch while fans can go and share their finished MOC as soon as their photos are ready.

By in Finland,

But is there a chicken-duck-woman-thing waiting in the bushes of love included?

By in United States,

@ArcticPine said:
"But is there a chicken-duck-woman-thing waiting in the bushes of love included?"

Nah, that'd be better suited to an Obi-Wan's Hut set.

By in United States,

I cannot imagine how much time and effort goes into writing such a thorough review and capturing so many great photos for us to enjoy. Thanks so much!!!

By in United States,

@8BrickMario said:
" @ArcticPine said:
"But is there a chicken-duck-woman-thing waiting in the bushes of love included?"

Nah, that'd be better suited to an Obi-Wan's Hut set."

I don’t understand the reference...

By in United States,

Thanks for the great Review!

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @8BrickMario said:
" @ArcticPine said:
"But is there a chicken-duck-woman-thing waiting in the bushes of love included?"

Nah, that'd be better suited to an Obi-Wan's Hut set."

I don’t understand the reference...


It's from a Bad Lip Reading video.

I highly recommend their YouTube channel, especially their other Star Wars songs. "Hostiles on the Hill" is a particular favorite.

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @8BrickMario said:
" @ArcticPine said:
"But is there a chicken-duck-woman-thing waiting in the bushes of love included?"

Nah, that'd be better suited to an Obi-Wan's Hut set."

I don’t understand the reference...


Bad Lip reading did a bad lip read of episode 4 in which they deduced Luke and Obi wan were discussing a Chicken Duck woman thing.

By in Netherlands,

My comment didn’t came through...sigh

Anyway, could somebody share the measurements of this beauty. I want to know if it’ll fit into my display cabinet.

And i’d like to know what kind of rubber the Garindan and Labria pieces are. The somewhat stiffer or the softer rubber?

By in United Kingdom,

I think the Brothers Brick review sums up my main concern with their closing statement......

"But if $350 for a pile of tan bricks and only 7 new minifigs seems a little steep, you wouldn’t be wrong."

nuff said

By in United States,

I kind of agree with the Brothers Brick review that the outbuildings feel like padding the cost a bit. Definitely feels like Lego had a pricepoint in mind and the developer was told to meet it.

However, I think you’d be hard-presses to make a BETTER Cantina in a mass-market product. I love playsets, and hate how many Lego buildings these days are little more than facades with no place to pose and rearrange figures. Without PLACES TO PUT THEM, minifigures are just something to collect, which does not excite me.

If the prequels hadn’t beaten the love of Star Wars out of me years ago, this set would have been a dream come true. It’s got some flaws, sure, but I think this’ll be remembered as a flagship set in the SW line much like Ewok Village or UCS Slave 1.

By in Russian Federation,


By in Canada,

In an effort to improve my overall health, I've lost 60 lbs over the last year.

I think this may just have to be my little gift to myself.

By in United States,

Such a fantastic and detailed review, thanks Rex! I am really excited about this set; I just checked LEGO and it was shipped out, yesterday.

The attention to source material is phenomenal here. So many small items were included to be as accurate as possible. I'm very happy they included 2 speeders other than Luke's land speeder. I have the Cantina 75052, but not 75205, so it's great they included an updated version of the Ubrikkian 9000.

And the mini figures... wow. It's cool to see so many iconic Ep IV characters (if only a few seconds of screen time) in one set.

This set is money well spent.

By in United Kingdom,

@Rob42 said:
"The cantina's back entrance/exit is depicted pretty clearly in the "Inside the Worlds of Star Wars" book (which was later compiled into "Complete Locations" and its updated New Canon reprint): It leads into a small, square buildin, which contains a phony shop and holds a disguised comm jammer on its roof."

While reference works like Star Wars: Complete Locations are considered canon, they are ripe for contradiction and not therefore used consistently when developing new products.

I imagine designers do use books like those for inspiration but rely primarily upon the direct source material and behind-the-scenes images.

By in Australia,

@GeordiePaul said:
"One final thing, I still don’t understand why in 2020 they can’t include printing on R2’s back? Is there a specific reason why they won’t (or can’t) include printing on the reverse of this cylinder piece?"

Nothing's stopping them, it's likely LEGO just cannot justify the cost of updating their production lines for something which will see relatively limited use.

By in United States,

So the Master Builder Series seems like an every other year thing much like the larger UCS sets (Falcon and Destroyer) could we see a ROTJ Master Builder set in two years? New Ewok set? Jabba Palace?

By in United States,

@Twolfboy21 said:
"So the Master Builder Series seems like an every other year thing much like the larger UCS sets (Falcon and Destroyer) could we see a ROTJ Master Builder set in two years? New Ewok set? Jabba Palace?"

In 2 years, I’d like to see the Geonosian Arena for the 20th anniversary of Attack of the Clones! A prequel-based MBS set would be nice, since fans have established an interest with the UCS Gunship.

By in United States,

@GeordiePaul said:
"One final thing, I still don’t understand why in 2020 they can’t include printing on R2’s back? Is there a specific reason why they won’t (or can’t) include printing on the reverse of this cylinder piece?"

They're lazy/cheap. In 2020, all minifigures should include the appropriate dual-molding and printing on every one of their parts.

By in United States,

@thehornedrat said:

"Notice, there arent any UCS Sequel Trilogy sets?

Why O lego? Because they won't sell?


That laugh is the same laugh I did out loud after reading your comment.

By in Australia,

@Aegis2000 said:
" @Twolfboy21 said:
"So the Master Builder Series seems like an every other year thing much like the larger UCS sets (Falcon and Destroyer) could we see a ROTJ Master Builder set in two years? New Ewok set? Jabba Palace?"

In 2 years, I’d like to see the Geonosian Arena for the 20th anniversary of Attack of the Clones! A prequel-based MBS set would be nice, since fans have established an interest with the UCS Gunship. "

The only true indicator of interest is if the Gunship actually sells well - at this point it's only achievement is to win a popularity contest. I'm not a big fan of the movies - and as a theme I find Star Wars sometimes lacking - but I do appreciate they have their supporters and I think broadening the scope of the theme is necessary for its long-term viability.

By in New Zealand,

Awesome review. I think it one of the best SW sets I own so far. I now glad I didn't buy any of the earlier sets based on Cantina. This sets basically has everything with more details. Regarding the open back on the one room house, I reckon it may be designed to be open? It's a Jawa's house afterall and linked to the junk store for easy access? I have so many to sat about this set and here are my thoughs:

By in United Kingdom,

spoilt for choice this Xmas, the wife wants Harry potter Diagon Alley and i wanted the technik Sian but also want the Cantina now, May have to break a habit of a life time and do some over time at work and just go BIGGG and buy all three.

By in Finland,

The open roof is completely correct

By in Switzerland,

Thanks Cap'n for this great review. I did enjoy the read and the pictures. :-)

Only a few days ago you did review 75978 Diagon Alley. I am interested in your personal opinion: Which of these two sets would you prefer? Which provides better value? Building experience? Both are licensed, large sets based on a location, and therefore maybe a comparison is possible.

By in United States,

@Snazzy101 - that’s understandable, but R2 (and similar R2 units) seems to come with so many, many sets that it would be worth it in the long run.

By in United Kingdom,

@xboxtravis7992 said:
" @mickywrx said:
"There wasn't a design process, so they can't include info about it.

All they did was "borrow" from the MOC's that have been done."

Which all borrow from the same source material. Any MOC and official set are going to look same-y if they happen to be built around the same subject matter.

Now if somebody had made a neon pink Cantina, with flashing neon-lights, blackjack and hookers and then Lego made a set of THAT we could call them out for steeling the idea. But with an official design from Star Wars a massive film franchise Lego has owned the license too for 20+ years now... there is no theft no matter how similar a MOC may look they have no grounds to stand on because again, same source material and also Lego is the one legally authorized by Lucasfilm and Disney to make such a model for mass market.

Arguably all the spectacular fan MOCs which are available "by buying the instructions" are in violation of official Lucasfilm licensing, but I imagine Disney and Lego turns a blind eye to such models because if they end up incentivizing buying official sets as part sources its still a profit for them.

I have seen people claim this with the Ghostbusters HQ and the Crocodile locomotive as well, but its really all incidental at this point. With such a massive AFOL fandom actively making MOCs based on real life subjects and pop culture stories, its kind of bound to happen that Lego will have things in the pipeline concurrent to fans making MOCs or even pitching it on Lego Ideas. Its a case of parallel development, its just Lego has to keep theirs under wraps for a year or two until the set is ready to launch while fans can go and share their finished MOC as soon as their photos are ready. "

Where did I mention theft or stealing? I didn't, I specifically said "borrowed", which is what they've done, they're certainly not going to credit someone's MOC in the instructions.

Everyone who's ever built a MOC will take inspiration from other sources, nothing wrong with that, same as TLG doing it. I've done it myself. The point I was making went straight over you head though, unsurprisingly.

By in Canada,

While not 100% for me; I really do like the moisture evaporators, as well as that V-35 Courier Landspeeder. I also really like the 'feel' of it as a 'playset'. Yes; it has vehicles, and a Dewback, but it still feels/looks like something Kenner late-70's...well, if they could've.

Still; seeing stuff like this really make me wish I was still running (or restarting) my WEG TT Star Wars RPG. I've hear/read so many people using this stuff w/the games (miniature battles/skirmish, P/P RPG, other tabletop), and why not? Customizable 'miniatures'(:D), vehicles, structures...all w/the ability simulate 'battle damage':)

By in United States,

So glad they were looking out for the Dewback and provided the sweet guy with food and water :)

By in Netherlands,

Building it right now, and Wow. Absolutely one of my all-time favourites. And thanks for the great review!

By in United States,

I agree with you about Ponda Boba, his head goes way too over the torso. I think the version of him in The Complete Saga game looks better honestly. Great set, I’ll try to get it.

By in Singapore,

Hi! Would you be very kind to share what the size/dimensions of the box are? I've been looking everywhere but couldn't find.

By in Czechia,

My lack of faith is not disturbing... Eventhough, I have 4 old Cantinas at home, I want this one badly...

By in Germany,

@JoannaBlanding said:
"Hi! Would you be very kind to share what the size/dimensions of the box are? I've been looking everywhere but couldn't find. "

Hi Joanna,

sizes of the box: 58cm width x 46cm height x 12,5cm depht,
the finally built cantina itself: 58cm width x 52cm depth

Got this original set two days after release, day1-buy without any thinking and lucky to get the GWP Yoda's lightsaber 5006290. It is an amazing, great set you won't regret to buy...

By in Czechia,

Hey, for some reason I think it looks a lot more 'towny' with the two smaller buildings seperated, unlike on any of the official pictures.

By in Australia,

Are we all just going to ignore the fact that these stormtroopers don't have angry-clone faces?!?

Also [insert obligatory comment regarding excitement for the Garindan fig]

By in Sweden,

Many thanks for an exceptional review, including all those photos from just about every possible angle, showing each and every detail!

@CapnRex101 said:
"Greedo confronts Han Solo on the left side of the bar, when viewed from the entrance. This model inverts that arrangement"
But on the box art they sit in one of the left alcoves, probably as that's more accurate to the movie with the brown tile behind Solo and the table design.

@CapnRex101 said:
"While the door should slide sideways, limited space is available so it opens upwards instead."
Which means the two previous sets were actually more true to the movie in this aspect.

As for the 18+ branding that doesn't make much sense as Lego themselves have defined the Master Builder Series as playsets. Also, this certainly doesn't seem like an advanced build.

By in Canada,

I disagree on Ponda Baba's head extending too far down. Not saying it doesn't, but as a Lego minifigure, I think it's appropriately exaggerated. I'm disappointed, however, that Lego chose to go with a minifig head/hairpiece combination for Labria. Considering the alien was supposedly based off of a devil Halloween mask as a cheap and easy way to populate the cantina scene, I think a one-piece mold would have looked far more accurate.

By in Sweden,

As for the main entrance door sliding upwards instead of sideways I just rewatched the scene in Star Wars (A New Hope) and there's actually no door at all to be seen, neither in the original nor in the special edition, it's just an open entrance. Seems to be the same in The Mandalorian.

Rewatching the scene made me further appreciate how well this set really captures the cantina, both the interior and the little that is seen of the exterior.

By in United States,

I am not a fan of dark instructions, browish pieces are barely visible, like the cape on Obi-Wan's minifig...
But I do appreciate that they write: "Han doesn't hesitate to shoot first" :-)

By in United Kingdom,

The black pauldron was in the 2014 mos eisley

By in Netherlands,

@Henry_D said:
"18+ is quite ridiciolus"

Well, i don't agree with you. I lately build the Central Perk set from Friends. That set has 4 types of brown, and in the manual it is very dificult to see what color is required. So perhaps this set has similar difficulties.

By in United States,

I did report the issue with instructions to their customer service because it seems an issue only with brown pieces, which have a black outline and end up really hard to see. Black pieces in comparison have a white outline, so they are clearly visible.
I hope they can fix it.

And I'm sure kids can better see these instructions than 'old' AFOLs so "18+" should be a guarantee that I won't need my glasses to build the set :-D

@rolfkunst said:
" @Henry_D said:
"18+ is quite ridiciolus"

Well, i don't agree with you. I lately build the Central Perk set from Friends. That set has 4 types of brown, and in the manual it is very dificult to see what color is required. So perhaps this set has similar difficulties. "

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