Review: 75291 Death Star Final Duel

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The momentous confrontation between Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious has appeared in several sets, reflecting its notable significance during the Star Wars saga. 75291 Death Star Final Duel is the latest such design and seems rather impressive.

However, the various similarities between the new model and 75093 Death Star Final Duel have attracted criticism. The close resemblance between these sets is exceptional, although there are many features of the 2015 design that warrant replication here. Furthermore, the updated Darth Vader minifigure looks wonderful.


Few alterations have been applied to Luke Skywalker minifigures during recent years and this example is identical to the figure from 75093 Death Star Final Duel. The dark tan hair piece appears accordingly bland when compared with modern elements, although Luke's hair is relatively simple onscreen. The double-sided head looks good though, featuring smiling and severe expressions.

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Luke wears black attire, returning from three previous sets. The metallic silver buckle looks splendid and I appreciate the single black glove on Luke's right hand. Printing continues onto the back of the torso but the legs are undecorated, as one might expect. This minifigure carries a green lightsaber and handcuffs are provided for his arrival.

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75093 Death Star Final Duel introduced an updated helmet for Darth Vader and another improvement appears here. This minifigure includes metallic silver highlights on each arm, matching the armour across Darth Vader's torso, alongside accurate stripes. These designs appear exceptionally accurate when compared with Return of the Jedi and complement new printing on the torso and legs.

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The torso now features more realistic fabric texture beneath the chest control panel while the shoulder armour has become narrower. Moreover, this minifigure now includes printing on the reverse but that is hidden underneath the cape. The legs have also been updated to include a few streaks which represent additional fabric. These details are subtle but they reflect the film.

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While the torso and legs have both been adjusted, the helmet from 2015 remains unchanged, comprising two components that separate to reveal the scarred face of Anakin Skywalker. The white skin tone is perfect and I like his kind facial expression. In addition, the moulded detail on the helmet is excellent and Darth Vader is suitably armed with his red lightsaber.

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Emperor Palpatine includes the new hood element which was introduced during 2019. This component has not proven universally popular but its shaping works nicely for the Emperor in my opinion, combining smoothly with his fabric cape. The printed robes look relatively detailed as well, including an accurate metallic silver clasp on Sidious' torso.

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The head looks brilliant too, featuring realistic wrinkles and yellow eyes. The cruel smile and angry grimace definitely seem appropriate for the character from Return of the Jedi, although light bluish grey or white may have been more accurate skin colours. Two lightning blasts and Darth Sidious' unusual lightsaber, with a golden hilt, are provided for the Sith Lord.

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Two identical Imperial Royal Guards accompany the Emperor, wearing their attractive red robes. The mask component has remained unchanged since 2001 but corresponds with the movie and I like the cape which features red and dark red sides. However, the resulting shape seems inaccurate. Perhaps a unique cape could have been created for these figures, wrapping more closely around the shoulders. Each guard wields a force pike.

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The Completed Model

Every important feature of the Emperor's throne room aboard the Death Star II has been incorporated here and I think their arrangement is logical, despite differing slightly from the movie. Darth Sidious' rotating throne is flanked by two display screens alongside the reactor shaft and catwalk which both appear prominently onscreen. The catwalk should actually cross above the staircase but this configuration is considerably better for play.

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The model measures 34cm wide and 28cm deep when each section is folded outwards, as demonstrated above. That arrangement looks superb on display, especially when populated with minifigures, but you can also fold the model for storage. The configuration shown below measures 32cm wide and 22cm deep so occupies less space and I believe it still looks good.

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75291 Death Star Final Duel appears indisputably similar to 75093 Death Star Final Duel from 2015, matching its predecessor in shape and size. However, the arrangement of each section has been altered and the new model includes superior detail, especially around the entrance and the Emperor's menacing throne. Stickers beside the throne and surrounding the reactor shaft provide welcome detail that was absent from the previous design.

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While grey dominates the Emperor's throne room, the neighbouring reception chamber features dark red decoration. This colour scheme takes inspiration from the Star Wars: Complete Locations reference book and even includes a sand green statuette that corresponds with the book. Furthermore, the design seems reminiscent of 9526 Palpatine's Arrest so demonstrates pleasing continuity between the Prequel Trilogy and the Original Trilogy.

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Sliding doors allow access to the throne room. These function nicely but I think the designer could have incorporated a geared mechanism that would open the doors in unison. Moreover, this section of the model could probably have been excluded entirely without affecting the play value too significantly, thereby reducing the price.

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Nevertheless, I like the dark red highlights on the doors and stickers are applied on either side, featuring the distinctive wall lights which appear throughout each Death Star. The sliding doors can be pushed against the staircase but extending this section reveals an alternating light bluish grey and dark bluish grey striped floor. That colour combination continues onto the stairs.

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This staircase appears exceptionally similar to the design from 75093 Death Star Final Duel, featuring identical colours and the same 1x1 slopes along each side. Ideally, the balustrades would be taller and more steps are visible onscreen, although I do like this mixture of smooth and studded surfaces. The trans-light blue control stations behind the staircase look splendid too but should not actually reach the floor, instead hanging beneath the dais.

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Pressing the lever beside the staircase will cause two steps to explode, again matching the earlier model from 2015. Unfortunately, the octagonal control stations above the dais cannot accommodate minifigures which is disappointing as the same problem has affected previous sets. Even so, their appearance is accurate when compared with the source material.

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The throne has also undergone few changes in relation to its predecessor, featuring accurate stickers on each arm rest and a rotating turntable underneath. However, the seat does feature clips on either side, allowing you to connect Luke Skywalker's lightsaber. Palpatine's lightsaber is attached to two clips on the back of his throne, varying from the 2015 model.

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However, the screens flanking the Emperor's throne are probably the most visible difference between this model and the last example. These appear while Palpatine is speaking with his advisors during the movie and display the Death Star II beside some Aurebesh text. The text reads 'SHEILD ACTIVE' so includes the same spelling mistake as 21103 The DeLorean Time Machine which is irritating.

Despite the spelling mistake, these stickers look attractive and complement two printed tiles. Furthermore, they line up perfectly with the hinged sections on either side so minifigures can access the catwalk. Alternatively, you can launch a figure from the ground which is enjoyable, although the minifigure rarely lands between the railings on the catwalk.

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Removing the hinged support underneath will cause this platform to collapse, recreating the onscreen battle between Luke and Darth Vader. This function was previously located on the opposite side of the throne and neither arrangement is truly faithful to the film, although this design is successful for play because the catwalk would otherwise obstruct the staircase.

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The reactor shaft is also attached to the central structure using hinges and looks reasonable beside the aforementioned display screens. Gaps between the dais and the reactor shaft do remain though and their height difference is slightly bothersome. However, I like the stickers which are situated on the exterior, improving upon the bland cylinder that detracted from the 2015 model.

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Four additional stickers are applied inside, depicting various conduits which are also visible during the film. The railings around the shaft look great and the base is not enclosed so any minifigures falling inside may be retrieved easily. More space around the reactor shaft might have been beneficial for displaying minifigures but I like the angular shape created by these 10x10 octagonal plates.

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While considerable detail has been lavished upon the throne room interior, the exterior looks unfinished by comparison. The dark tan 1x2 slopes seem out of place and I think the external walls could have been neatened. The printed windows look marvellous though, featuring pearl dark grey patterns that match Return of the Jedi.

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Luke Skywalker hides below the dais after falling from the catwalk so I am delighted that this area is easily accessible by detaching the upper level. Emperor Palpatine's force lightning is stored here and the central hook is intended for his cape, although that seems unnecessary because the throne comfortably accommodates the Emperor's cape.

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The numerous similarities between 75291 Death Star Final Duel and 75093 Death Star Final Duel have definitely affected the reaction to this set. I believe there was potential to introduce additional improvements but that should not overshadow the excellent design. In fact, this set reminds me of 75159 Death Star because both models are exceptionally similar to earlier sets, potentially distracting from their impressive quality.

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Furthermore, the 2015 model cost £69.99 or $79.99 so the modern price of £89.99 or $99.99 seems expensive by comparison. Inflation does not justify that rise and the improvements are fairly minor. I would therefore hesitate to recommend 75291 Death Star Final Duel without any discount but I do think those who missed the earlier design will appreciate this set.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

42 comments on this article

By in Puerto Rico,

Well, I love this as I wasn't able to buy the first version so I'll get the best one.

By in United States,

Maybe there'll be an alternate to make it the throne room on Kef Bir in the Rise of Skywalker, that could be neat

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 the back is printed on Darth Vader, it's in the picture, but you say right above that that it's not. Just letting you know!

By in United States,

I purposefully didn't get the 2015 version because I thought my 7200 Final Duel I and 7201 Final Duel II sets were more than sufficient with a little build I made to connect the two, but maybe I'm feeling nostalgic (If you pinned me down and twisted my arm, I'd probably say Return of the Jedi is my favorite Star Wars than just saying all of Star Wars is my favorite), maybe it's all the added detail, maybe it's the updated figs, but I really want this set and September 1st can't seem to get here fast enough. I haven't felt this way about a Star Wars set in awhile.

By in United States,

Sheilds!? Lego's quality control seems to really be on a downward trend.

By in United Kingdom,

@Veyniac said:
"Sheilds!? Lego's quality control seems to really be on a downward trend. "

Presumably they're relying on most buyers not speaking Star Wars' language natively.

By in United States,

@Mister_Jonny said:
" @Veyniac said:
"Sheilds!? Lego's quality control seems to really be on a downward trend. "

Presumably they're relying on most buyers not speaking Star Wars' language natively."

That must be it; in Bespin, they don't follow the grammatical rule of "I before E except after C, and exceptions like neighbor and weigh."

By in United States,

If it weren't for the price, I'd definitely get this one. As is, it's probably going on the long list of Star Wars sets I'd like to own, but can't quite justify spending the money on. It's a great representation of one of my favorite scenes in any Star Wars film.

I go back and forth on the Emperor's skin tone. Looking at pictures of Sheev in ROTJ, tan is probably the most accurate color, though it doesn't quite capture it. Of course, Lego is always weird with skin tones, even giving different skin tones to characters played by the same actor (Jeff Goldblum, for example). Still, the biggest problem I have with Palpatine is actually his face print. I can't quite put my finger on why, but I think the face print that appeared in 10188 and 8096 is the best we've had yet. It just looks more like the Emperor to me.

By in United States,

The comparison photo between this model and the 2015 one is striking! Definitely not worth the $20 price increase, but the improvements they've made are readily apparent and I feel that a 5 year gap is a decent turnaround time for such a central scene in the series. It's a shame that Star Wars has had such a brutal ppp increase in the last few years because that's really the only issue here

By in United States,

Wow looks much "beefier" than its previous rendition. The best thing for this set is that updated Vader. He finally gets arm printing and even back printing!

By in United States,

I'd say that given the visual improvements it's worth the price, especially considering how skeletal the previous one looks for $80

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for the direct picture comparison between the new and old sets, so those that already have it need not worry to much, and those that don't may wish to wait for a discount as only 775 pieces. Not sure how much this will appeal to kids, as a single scene from episode VI means more to adults, whereas there has being so much more new material for their generation since then. Personally, the new vehicles from the Mandolin are were I'm spending my Star Wars money this year, although I can see how some may enjoy a change of build.

By in United States,

Neat set. But as usual, overpriced by $20 or $30.

By in United States,

I think it looks better in the folded storage mode, that's likely how I would display it.

By in United States,

The printing on the back of Vader's torso is just pointless. Do we ever see Vader without his cape, or even with it blown out enough to see his back?

By in United Kingdom,

@Murdoch17 - Thanks, that has now been corrected. I confess that I did mix the two Darth Vader minifigures up while writing that section of the review, before taking the photos!

By in United States,

I just remember Brian Regan’s rule:

“I before E, except after C, and when sounding like A as in neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays, and all throughout May, and you’ll always be wrong no matter what you say!”

By in United Kingdom,

@mdonahue7 said:
" @Mister_Jonny said:
" @Veyniac said:
"Sheilds!? Lego's quality control seems to really be on a downward trend. "

Presumably they're relying on most buyers not speaking Star Wars' language natively."

That must be it; in Bespin, they don't follow the grammatical rule of "I before E except after C, and exceptions like neighbor and weigh." "

At the risk of being a pedant, it’s more orthographical than grammatical, and the mnemonic is: ‘i’ before ‘e’ when the sound is ‘ea’ (as in ‘tea’) except after ‘c’.

By in United Kingdom,

I haven't bought it but I like this one alot...

By in United States,

I wish LEGO gave consumers some other important scenes instead of renewing a set that’s only five years old. A true Ewok/Endor set would be nice, and we haven’t seen a Jabba set in a long while...

By in United States,

During Palpatine's attempted arrest in the Republic Executive building on Coruscant near the end of the Clone War, Palpatine lost his gold - hilted lightsaber. Why is it included in a set based on a scene years later?

By in Canada,

I don’t have this set or the 2015 version, it just doesn’t appeal to me. Great review though!

By in United States,

Would this be a recommended purchase if I didn’t pick up the original model?

By in United Kingdom,

@HandPositions - The Emperor wielded another lightsaber during the Lords of the Sith comic which occurs after Revenge of the Sith, suggesting that he possesses at least three. I imagine he owns many lightsabers and treats them as relatively disposable, contrasting with their revered status among other Force users.

By in United States,

@HandPositions said:
"During Palpatine's attempted arrest in the Republic Executive building on Coruscant near the end of the Clone War, Palpatine lost his gold - hilted lightsaber. Why is it included in a set based on a scene years later?"

Play feature. Kids will enjoy it more if Luke (and Vader, at the risk of spoilers) can duel Palpy instead of just blocking his lightning.

By in United States,

@HandPositions said:
"During Palpatine's attempted arrest in the Republic Executive building on Coruscant near the end of the Clone War, Palpatine lost his gold - hilted lightsaber. Why is it included in a set based on a scene years later?"

Episode III heavily implied that Palpatine has two lightsabers, since he loses one during the duel with Mace but uses another one while fighting Yoda afterwards. This was later confirmed in The Clone Wars where he wields both at the same time while fighting Maul and Savage. The lightsaber used to duel Yoda is probably the one depicted here and in the Lords of the Sith novel mentioned by CapnRex101.

By in United States,

@BigGuy4U said:
" @HandPositions said:
"During Palpatine's attempted arrest in the Republic Executive building on Coruscant near the end of the Clone War, Palpatine lost his gold - hilted lightsaber. Why is it included in a set based on a scene years later?"

Episode III heavily implied that Palpatine has two lightsabers, since he loses one during the duel with Mace but uses another one while fighting Yoda afterwards. This was later confirmed in The Clone Wars where he wields both at the same time while fighting Maul and Savage. The lightsaber used to duel Yoda is probably the one depicted here and in the Lords of the Sith novel mentioned by CapnRex101."

But the lightsaber used during the duel in the Galactic Senate building is not fully gold, as depicted in the set.

By in Australia,

... so how long until the next one of these gets released?

By in United States,

Great thorough review of a good set. I have 2 Vaders, 2 Lukes, and a Palpatine already so the set is passable for me. The new Vader arms being in the Bespin Duel greatly lowers the worth of the set and helps me pass on this Death Star Duel. Instead, I will hopefully buy the Bespin Duel which comes with the latest and greatest Vader, a much rarer Luke, and a great display build for the best plot twist in cinema.

By in United Kingdom,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @HandPositions - The Emperor wielded another lightsaber during the Lords of the Sith comic which occurs after Revenge of the Sith, suggesting that he possesses at least three. I imagine he owns many lightsabers and treats them as relatively disposable, contrasting with their revered status among other Force users."
He's probably covered by insurance. Pretty sure the insurance industry is Dark Side :~P

The Emperor (on the phone): Hi, yeah, it's Sheev Palpatine. I'd like to put in a claim for a lost gold-hilted lightsaber.... No, *Sheev*. Steve is my cousin on my dad's side... Yup, gold-hilted... What do you mean I'm not covered because of 'contributory negligence'? What the force does that mean? Do you know who I am? I'm a master of the Dark Side!... An online appeal form? You do not know the power of the Dark Side of the Force... Yes, my email is still sheev You'll send me the form? [sound of insurance claims adjuster choking and falling to the floor]

By in United States,

Anakin lost one lightsaber hilt to a Geonosian factory accident, then a second hilt when Obi-Wan swiped it on Mustafar. Obi-Wan then gave that hilt to Luke, who let his hand keep it as a parting gift. Anakin ended up with a third hilt during the OT, and Luke got a second one in Ep6. Palpatine has had a few days to make a new one by the time Ep6 rolls around.

He could have had several stashed all over the place. Any time he couldn't afford to be caught packing, but he was worried that he might need to fight his way out of a mess, he might have had one hidden nearby. So, one in his office, one in the Senate chamber, one in his personal quarters, one in his primary means of conveyance, one in the bathroom (because you never know when your irate son might bust in with a bowcaster, looking for revenge), and so on.

By in Germany,

Great review and comparison! I think LEGO has missed the opportunity to combine the Episode XI version with a possible Episode IX version of the throne room. Either build the throne room as pictured or have a second building instruction for a destroyed and tilted version. Also the inclusion of a room with a Sith wayfinder would have been nice. Let's wait until 2025.

By in United Kingdom,

@HandPositions said:
" @BigGuy4U said:
" @HandPositions said:
"During Palpatine's attempted arrest in the Republic Executive building on Coruscant near the end of the Clone War, Palpatine lost his gold - hilted lightsaber. Why is it included in a set based on a scene years later?"

Episode III heavily implied that Palpatine has two lightsabers, since he loses one during the duel with Mace but uses another one while fighting Yoda afterwards. This was later confirmed in The Clone Wars where he wields both at the same time while fighting Maul and Savage. The lightsaber used to duel Yoda is probably the one depicted here and in the Lords of the Sith novel mentioned by CapnRex101."

But the lightsaber used during the duel in the Galactic Senate building is not fully gold, as depicted in the set."

I’m afraid that’s a bit like complaining that the First Order stormtroopers don’t have fully black blasters and is therefore inaccurate or that the 501st Clone troopers don’t have full blue arms or full white arms, but blue shoulder padded areas and white arms. Lego was never going to make dual-moulded arms or a dual-moulded black/pearl gun with red streaks. Little inaccuracies will happen and we’ve just got to live with them. It would cost a lot of money to make a dual moulded gold and black lightsaber hilt for one character just because it’s accurate. I could go on...

Anyway, it doesn’t really matter if he has a gold lightsaber to kids or another colour. At least he has one. If you’re really that picky, I’m sure you have some spare hilts in various colours that are spare in virtually every other system set.

By in United Kingdom,

That must be it; in Bespin, they don't follow the grammatical rule of "I before E except after C, and exceptions like neighbor and weigh." ]]

You’ve spelt ‘neighbour’ incorrectly. ;)

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 , I've been waiting for your review of the new AT-AT. Will there be one anytime soon?

By in United Kingdom,

@donutboy - Yes, I am intending to publish that review this weekend.

By in United States,

@Slobrojoe said:
" @HandPositions said:
" @BigGuy4U said:
" @HandPositions said:
"During Palpatine's attempted arrest in the Republic Executive building on Coruscant near the end of the Clone War, Palpatine lost his gold - hilted lightsaber. Why is it included in a set based on a scene years later?"

Episode III heavily implied that Palpatine has two lightsabers, since he loses one during the duel with Mace but uses another one while fighting Yoda afterwards. This was later confirmed in The Clone Wars where he wields both at the same time while fighting Maul and Savage. The lightsaber used to duel Yoda is probably the one depicted here and in the Lords of the Sith novel mentioned by CapnRex101."

But the lightsaber used during the duel in the Galactic Senate building is not fully gold, as depicted in the set."

I’m afraid that’s a bit like complaining that the First Order stormtroopers don’t have fully black blasters and is therefore inaccurate or that the 501st Clone troopers don’t have full blue arms or full white arms, but blue shoulder padded areas and white arms. Lego was never going to make dual-moulded arms or a dual-moulded black/pearl gun with red streaks. Little inaccuracies will happen and we’ve just got to live with them. It would cost a lot of money to make a dual moulded gold and black lightsaber hilt for one character just because it’s accurate. I could go on...

Anyway, it doesn’t really matter if he has a gold lightsaber to kids or another colour. At least he has one. If you’re really that picky, I’m sure you have some spare hilts in various colours that are spare in virtually every other system set. "

I know that the kids may want to give Sheev Palpatine a lightsaber as well, but, truthfully, he does not use a lightsaber in the scene the set is based upon.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 -- I almost asked for an overhead shot but realized the shot of the reactor shaft angle shows the catwalks I was curious about. I have to admit I wish they were somehow studded though.

I'm very on the fence, as I do like the improvements (changing the floor coloration was smart) but the 2015 build holds such a special place in my heart and I'm not sure I'd want to replace it. I definitely don't need the 'improved minifigs' which all feel like steps down to me, save Vader, so maybe I could buy a copy without minifigs at a healthy discount... but again, even so, feel divided.

I do wish they could find a way to improve the catwalks for future releases.

By in United States,

I am very sorry to be this archaic here, but here goes. And bear in mind I almost never take a position like this. However, this set is a bust for me due to one part...Luke’s phoned in hair piece.

Now, I’m likely being over-sensitive to this, mainly because I feel that Luke Skywalker overall has been handled in such a trashy manner over the past few years, and I’m tired of it. I’m being overly emotional but I’m copping to that. I’m nothing if not openly self-evaluative.

LEGO owed it to Luke and to us to update the hair to match up to something that has a bit more zest to it. His hair in ROTJ is not nearly the bulb that this interpretation would have you believe. They’ve made an effort on Han Solo and Luke’s hair from New Hope with much success. It’s time to look at the reference and really give this character it’s due. Or ‘do...if you prefer. ;)

Sorry for the rant, but this, uh, kinda bugs me. :D

By in United States,

It doesn't mean he wouldn't have had one stashed in the room somewhere. Most likely there would have been a hidden panel on the throne.

By in United States,

@TheInfamousBobaFett said:
"What is the reason for a $20 increase? Oh nothing!
This should still be $80!!! It has the same figures and piece count!
I want it so bad since I didn’t get the original but $100 is such ridiculous

There’s no reason for this being $20 more we all need to join together and stop buying over priced sets like this to show Lego they need to fix their shit

I’m seriously starting to hate Lego "

Well, I just bought mine yesterday 11% ($89) off at a nearby Walmart store. You can try there if you want.

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