Review: 75293 Resistance I-TS Transport

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Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge has introduced various new vehicles, including the versatile Intersystem Transport Ship which gives inspiration for 75293 Resistance I-TS Transport. This model resembles the classic CR-90 Corvette and includes excellent detail, matching the original craft.

The external design appears remarkably faithful to the source material, capturing the angular fuselage and access hatches which distinguish this vessel from others. Furthermore, some interesting minifigures from Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge are included which is superb, albeit surprisingly few given the price of £89.99 or $99.99.


Visitors to Galaxy's Edge frequently encounter Vi Moradi, an enigmatic Resistance spy who also appears in the Phasma and Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire novels. Her distinctive black and blue wig has been replicated beautifully, combining two plastic colours and achieving a gradual transition between different shades. The double-sided head looks good too, displaying neutral and angry expressions.

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The minifigure wears an interesting orange jacket, proudly displaying the Resistance emblem which seems counterintuitive for a spy! Nevertheless, the design appears impressive and I like the communication device printed on her shoulder, matching the character at Black Spire Outpost. Moradi wields a standard blaster pistol, although two rifles are also included.

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Lieutenant Bek is more conventionally dressed in an olive green uniform, matching other members of the Resistance. The creasing appears fairly realistic and I like the metallic silver rank indicator. However, this design denotes the rank of admiral in the Resistance navy rather than lieutenant which is disappointing. Errors like these appear too frequently within the LEGO Star Wars range.

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Bek's distinctive Mon Calamari features look marvellous though. The character presumably originates from the polar regions of Mon Cala, corresponding with Admiral Raddus, given his grey skin which contrasts with Admiral Ackbar. The eyes also include extraordinary detail and another blaster pistol is supplied for the lieutenant.

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An unidentified Astromech Droid accompanies the Resistance heroes, taking inspiration from droids which transport prisoners during the Rise of the Resistance ride. The black and dark red colours are associated with the First Order and looks great here, especially in combination with metallic silver panels. Unfortunately, the dark red panels which should appear across the top of the head are omitted.

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LEGO has created various depictions of the famous GNK Power Droid, better known as the Gonk Droid. The latest example is simply constructed from bricks and stacked plates which is very basic, although the resulting shape reflects the onscreen droids. I am particularly pleased with the pearl silver 1x1 round plates that form legs and the sand green colour is superb.

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The Completed Model

Utilitarian transport vehicles appear throughout the Star Wars universe and the Intersystem Transport Ship shares various features with other designs, including the cockpit module and engine bank. Nevertheless, this model looks excellent. The vessel definitely exhibits suitable functionality, lacking the decorative features that appear on the Tantive IV or Radiant VII and focusing entirely upon practical effectiveness.

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The vessel measures 34cm in length which is smaller than I was anticipating, although this appears accurate when compared with the source material and minifigures. Additionally, the model feels notably heavy, featuring an extensive Technic frame which runs through the core and ensures absolute rigidity. In fact, few Star Wars sets are as tactile and robust as this one.

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Curved slopes are employed to good effect across the cockpit module, creating a relatively smooth exterior which corresponds with the vehicle at Galaxy's Edge. I appreciate the white highlights around the viewport but the central window panel is opaque. I think black tiles and slopes would have been more appropriate than trans-black here because the studs are very visible underneath.

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Rotating stud shooters are mounted on either side of the cockpit, nestling perfectly between some 3x3 arch bricks which were introduced with 75273 Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter. The shaping behind these weapons is brilliant, comprising several wedge plates that slot together neatly. Two blue 'ZZ' insignia are also displayed behind the cockpit, matching those visible on the Snowspeeder.

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Unfortunately, the white Technic beams which support the cockpit roof are partially exposed. The opening mechanism works nicely though, revealing space for one minifigure inside. That seems slightly disappointing because the cockpit appears larger from the exterior and several unsightly Technic pieces are visible surrounding the pilot's seat.

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Additional controls and display screens should therefore have been included to conceal the Technic elements, although one is situated in front of the pilot. This sticker looks reasonable, showing some mechanical detail and stars outside, but hardly resembles the original vehicle. Perhaps adequate reference material was not available when this set was being designed.

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The angular cargo section looks great, featuring blue stripes along either side and accurate stickers. I am particularly pleased with the white details towards the rear. The combination of light bluish grey and dark bluish grey panels is also effective and I love the subtle angle of the roof which is hardly discernible in photos.

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Minifigures enter the I-TS Transport through access hatches on both sides. They open in two halves which reflects the source material and I appreciate the elements inside that prevent the lower doors from moving inwards too far. However, the white Technic brick underneath the roof looks somewhat awkward.

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Removing the roof panel provides further access to the interior, which seems fairly spacious. There is ample room for some minifigures to stand inside, although the light bluish grey crate occupies significant space and contains two blaster rifles. The rocker bearings placed around the hold seem strange but I imagine these are intended to strengthen the blue walls inside as they might otherwise be knocked over quite easily.

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Eight cylindrical engines are distributed across the stern. The outermost engine nacelles are reminiscent of those on X-wing and U-wing starfighters, although the Intersystem Transport Ship is manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation rather than Incom. Even so, I like this design, despite some inevitable repetition while assembling the engines.

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Rear-facing stud shooters are also situated here. The original craft is only equipped with two twin laser cannons towards the front but these are integrated nicely. Moreover, I like the black 4x4 dome that represents the rear window. This component detaches relatively easily which is unusual but appears accurate and I am pleased that this vital detail was included.

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75293 Resistance I-TS Transport undoubtedly shares some visual similarities with previous models but represents an appealing departure from the prominent vehicles that appear most regularly throughout the Star Wars theme. The utilitarian design is distinct and the exterior compares favourably with the source material, featuring appropriate shapes and opening hatches on either side.

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The minifigures which are provided are welcome, although Nien Nunb pilots the Intersystem Transport Ship during the Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance attraction. Including the popular Sullustan pilot would therefore seem fitting and his omission is accordingly disappointing. The price of £89.99 or $99.99 feels expensive based upon the number of minifigures but the vehicle is sufficiently substantial in my opinion.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

43 comments on this article

By in Brazil,

Vi Moradi's figure looks so nice. Wish we could get her on a cheaper set.

By in Germany,

Pretty nice model. But I still wonder why they consider this ship well-known enough to produce it as a $99.99 set, but not the TIE bomber.

By in United States,

News of this set came as an extremely pleasant surprise, as it isn’t often that Lego mines ancillary Star Wars content for sets. Here’s hoping for at least one more Galaxy’s Edge themed set in the future!

By in Greece,

I like the look of this set and look forward to getting it, but there are several sets that I’m prioritizing before it. I wonder how overall sales will go, and if we’ll see more from the Galaxy’ Edge theme...

By in United Kingdom,

LEGO are now wilfully denying us Nien Nunb, I'm sure of it.

By in Slovakia,

It is sad for me that the transport does not have enough space. That should be main feature of transport. Even cheaper sets - 75140 can fit more minifigs than this one.

By in Jersey,

Good review, I may fork out to purchase one and make a few MODs. The minifigures are pretty cool too, but I agree a Nien Nunb would be awesome and well overdue!
I hope they do future Galaxy's Edge sets too!

By in United States,

@Graupensuppe said:
"Pretty nice model. But I still wonder why they consider this ship well-known enough to produce it as a $99.99 set, but not the TIE bomber."

This, right here. Now that's a solid point.

By in United States,

First-day purchase for me. As someone who has stood inside this ship at Galaxy's Edge, I appreciate how faithful the model is to the actual design.

By in United States,

Having been on the Rise of the Resistance ride (with @Snazzy_Bricks as a matter of fact), I can confirm that on the outside, this set is really accurate. The inside's quite cramped (I believe the actual vehicle can fit up to like 30 people), but overall this set looks really good. The minifig selection is nice too, though I can understand why some are disappointed about the absence of Nein Nunb. However, the R5 astromech unit appears extremely accurate with the exception of the panels (I guess lack of panels) on the top of the head.

Might have to pick this up if my budget will allow after several other sets LOL

By in United States,

As a $100 set, I would expect a few more minifigures, such as the previously suggested Nien Nunb, along with Hondo Ohnaka.

By in United States,

You guys think its possible to make the interior bigger somehow?

By in United Kingdom,

I like this. It channels the spirit of other transports like the Tantive IV, but with a more lego friendly shape (short and squat means more usuable interior). The figures are nothing special, but I appreciate how they are unique characters from the ride rather than repacks of common characters that you'll likely already have if you're buying a £90 lego set of a fairly obscure ship. Ifr there was a Rey or a FO Stormtrooper in here, I'd just get the feeling that they were wasting my time and money.

It's a shame that this is a John Lewis exclusive in the UK. It makes sense since it's based on a theme park ride thousands of miles away, but this does limit the chances to get it from either JL or Lego directly on a bit of a discount. I'm definitely going to try and get it though, even if I'm not sure when yet.

By in United States,

@LegosRNoice said:
"You guys think its possible to make the interior bigger somehow?"

It looks like it would be fairly easy to make the center section longer, maybe four or six studs longer.

By in United States,

I would love to get an upgraded U-wing at this scale.

By in United Kingdom,

As a canon junkie, the inclusion of the Vi Moradi figure is akin to a lot of fans longing for the 501st battle pack.

This really is a must buy for me, but I to was disappointed to find out that it was a John Lewis and Lego exclusive. That doesn't make it difficult to get hold of, but it does in my mind mean that the chances of discounts will be limited (it could be £10 cheaper I think) and also availability could be difficult if there are discounts.

I also think this set will be a bit of an investment too. I'm dubious about other Galaxy's Edge sets in the future. We could get the TIE Eshelon from the park, but is that distinctive enough? We could get a Savvi's Workshop where you build your own lightsaber maybe.

If there is another set it could well be a unique UCS or Master Builder series of Black Spire Outpost itself with smaller scale reproduction of the main attractions.

By in Puerto Rico,

@Graupensuppe said:
"Pretty nice model. But I still wonder why they consider this ship well-known enough to produce it as a $99.99 set, but not the TIE bomber."

I know, the same can be said of the Quadjumper. I love the ship colors (501st Blue) and figures but it feels expensive when we compare the $200 2019 Tantive IV set in terms of volume and figures and I quite frankly don't want ST sets except for the Mandalorian.

By in Germany,

Never heard of this vessel. Must have missed the film/series it appeared in.
But the colour scheme is cool. Add some splashes of yellow, black and trans-yellow here and there and you've got a neo-Classic Space like ship.

By in United Kingdom,

@AustinPowers said:
"Never heard of this vessel. Must have missed the film/series it appeared in.
But the colour scheme is cool. Add some splashes of yellow, black and trans-yellow here and there and you've got a neo-Classic Space like ship. "

Review says its from "Galaxy's Edge" which I think is a ride at Disneyland so you're excused from knowing it.

I do find the contrast between this and the last reviewed Star Wars set amusing; this is described as utterly solid, whereas the Knight's transport was largely hollow. A more pretentious man than I would suggest that is a metaphor for the Resistance and First Order's philosophies...

By in United States,

loved my visit to Galaxy's Edge, so this is a day one purchase for me!

By in United States,

I was going to go to Disneyland and see Galaxy's Edge in person in May... as you can guess that didn't really work out for me. So the set is a bit bitter sweet looking at right now.

$100 is pricey, but it's a solid set. Not flimsy like the Knights of Ren set is. I will get this transporter eventually, and hopefully get to see the real thing when I rain check that canceled Disney trip from this year.

By in United States,

I wish it came with the ride vehicle that the astromech droid resides in, but I’m buying this because I loved the ride and hope for more Galaxy’s edge sets/ride vehicles!

By in United States,

This set is currently available from pre-order from shop @home in the U.S. for anyone interested in buying one.

By in Brazil,

I can't be the only one that thinks this set has zero appeal for me that live outside USA and has zero chance to visit Galaxy's Edge ina nearby futue (even more with the covid pandemy)...

By in Australia,

@Graupensuppe said:
"Pretty nice model. But I still wonder why they consider this ship well-known enough to produce it as a $99.99 set, but not the TIE bomber."

My guess is this wasn't wholly LEGO's idea. There is a marketing push to sell exclusive Galaxy's Edge merchandise into Target stores and this is their contribution.

By in Australia,

great comparison shot with the Tantive.

By in Germany,

@Somnium said:
"I can't be the only one that thinks this set has zero appeal for me that live outside USA and has zero chance to visit Galaxy's Edge ina nearby futue (even more with the covid pandemy)..."


To get this straight, LEGO is now desperate enough for new source material to keep the Star Wars line afloat that they are producing sets based on some theme park ride?

Yet designers are trying to tell us a TIE Bomber is too obscure and/or niche to produce as a set?

Seems they have lost their marbles completely by now.
But as I have lost interest in their overpriced offerings anyway, I don't even care anymore.

By in United States,

@StaticIsHere said:
"This set is currently available from pre-order from shop @home in the U.S. for anyone interested in buying one."

sweet, thanks for that tip

boom done ^_^

By in United Kingdom,

I like this set even though I've never seen the ship it's based on. Nonetheless, I would never buy it for that price and with such a poor minifig selection. I also wish it had more space inside.

By in United Kingdom,

I am sure now there will be a ROTJ Millennium Falcon with Lando and Nien Nunb announced, if not out, by this time next year.

By in United States,

I love that picture next to the Tantive IV, since I have that set it is very helpful and I can see that this is a rather large ship justifying the price.

I haven’t been to Galaxy Edge yet, was hoping for a big Disney World vacation next year, but thanks to COVID I’ll have to push that back another year.

Although seeing the price tags on droids and light sabers at Galaxy Edge, this might be the cheapest souvenir available. I might have to pick this up prior to actually seeing the ship or characters, especially if it goes on sale which seems likely given that Florida is a death trap these days.

By in United Kingdom,

On my list as been to Galaxy Edge CA before this ride arrived and will be doing the FL version of Disney I am sure sometime so will have this one on my deal watch list.

By in United States,

All Hail Lord Gonk

By in United Kingdom,

Great looking fresh new look spaceship from the outside, but from your review and instructions shame the internal space is limited to just the cockpit and the area in-between the bay door openings. Problem seems to be the base is only 4 studs wide, even though the roof is 12 studs wide? I understand that they are trying to be faithful to the original, but looking at the Hollywood photos the sloping walls appear to be closer to 60 degrees than 45 which would allow a wider base. In particular the 5 stud wide Technic beam frames could be rotated by 90 degrees creating a mini-fig passage from the bay to the bridge while still allowing for structural integrity. The area between the engines should also be used to store the cargo, even if only space for 3 studs wide? If I ever purchase I may have a go at attempting all of this.

By in United States,

@alfred_the_buttler said:
" I might have to pick this up prior to actually seeing the ship or characters"

I mean if you want an introduction to the characters just go to your local book store or Amazon and pick up the Phasma and Galaxy's Edge books. Both feature Vi Moradi, and Vi is on the cover of the Galaxy's Edge book so it should be easy to spot. Since Captain Cardinal doesn't feature in the theme park it makes sense why he was omitted from the set, but I think he would have made a good figure to the line up; since I think an all red FO Stormtrooper (that wasn't Sith Eternal) would have helped up the collectible aspect of the set.

By in United States,

@SeekerBear said:
"Having been on the Rise of the Resistance ride (with @Snazzy_Bricks as a matter of fact), I can confirm that on the outside, this set is really accurate. The inside's quite cramped (I believe the actual vehicle can fit up to like 30 people), but overall this set looks really good. The minifig selection is nice too, though I can understand why some are disappointed about the absence of Nein Nunb. However, the R5 astromech unit appears extremely accurate with the exception of the panels (I guess lack of panels) on the top of the head.

Might have to pick this up if my budget will allow after several other sets LOL"

"lol" :l

By in Poland,

@LegosRNoice said:
"You guys think its possible to make the interior bigger somehow?"

This is lego, you can expand it however your imagination and spare bricks let you.

By in United States,

Cool model, but the tax is too high for what it is. Or maybe I'm just getting poorer.

By in Germany,

Why is the MINI UPPER PART 6316696 of the Vi Moradi-Minifig not part of the parts list?

By in Netherlands,

Thanks for posting a picture of it with the Tantive IV.

This set just got promoted to my wish list.

By in Canada,

Is it just me, or do others also think Vi Moradi looks nude from the waist down at first glance?

By in Germany,

I love transport ships, but here I'm disappointed by the lack of space. Memories of 8019 come to mind - the "shuttle" that was able to hold one (!) passenger.

By in United Kingdom,

As a huge fan of the ride, I’ve just ordered myself a set to sit on my desk, using savings from my planned return to Walt Disney World in 2022!
For anyone into technology, the ride blows your mind. My daughter and even me are truly convinced we actually went into space and were captured by the bad guys... !!!

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