Random set of the day: Naboo Swamp

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Naboo Swamp

Naboo Swamp

©1999 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7121 Naboo Swamp, released in 1999. It's one of 13 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 82 pieces and 4 minifigs, and its retail price was US$10.

It's owned by 7624 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

23 comments on this article

By in United States,

Huwbot's really been into Star Wars lately, I like it.

To this day, I have to say that this is a great design of the STAP. It's not perfect, but it's also not oversized and overexagerated like the ones from 2008 and after. Plus, having the traffic sign triangle is just so satisfying when it lines up with the plates over it.

And can someone tell me if the prototypes of Qui-Gon's hair and the lightsaber hilt featured in all the 1999 imagery ever made out into the wild?

By in Australia,

This was my first Star Wars set.

It was very simple (the swamp was basically 2 x 2 bricks on a large plate, with some vegetation thrown in for dressing), but I liked it for it's simplicity.

Plus, that orange clam shell was really cool.

By in United States,

I remember the few weeks leading up to TPM and all the story speculation my brother and I shared over the Lego sets and other toys. We were convinced that QuiGon was Anakin's father, JarJar was a Yoda-like character, and that Darth Maul would tempt Anakin to the dark side. Boy were we wrong! Lol

By in United States,

I'll be honest: I have far more nostalgic attachment to seeing these Episode I LEGO sets in 1999/2000 LEGO catalogs than I ever had for the Episode I movie itself.

By in United States,

I miss chromed lightsabers.

By in Brazil,

Would be cool a new set based on the Naboo Swamp.

But yeah, let's just get the 116th Anakin's Jedi Interceptor, the 51st Snowspeeder, the 14th AAT, the 39th A-wing...

By in United States,

I think I still have this one in the original box. Never took it out to build for some reason.

By in United States,

@lynels said:
"Would be cool a new set based on the Naboo Swamp.

But yeah, let's just get the 116th Anakin's Jedi Interceptor, the 51st Snowspeeder, the 14th AAT, the 39th A-wing..."

Hey now, no need to exaggerate the numbers! More like 97 AJI's, 40 something snow speeders and ahh who cares we all get the point. haha

By in Netherlands,

Mi sa likey lego lotso.

By in Germany,

I found this one among some bulk waste outside accompanied by some other pieces. I mean the pieces weren't in that good of a condition and it sure as hell wasn't complete, but I gladly took the opportunity and stuffed my bag with lego that day (Even crumpled up instructions came with it)

By in Canada,

@chuckschwa said:
"I remember the few weeks leading up to TPM and all the story speculation my brother and I shared over the Lego sets and other toys. We were convinced that QuiGon was Anakin's father, JarJar was a Yoda-like character, and that Darth Maul would tempt Anakin to the dark side. Boy were we wrong! Lol"

In hindsight, that could’ve been much better.

By in Australia,

This isn’t too bad, might have been the highlight of the year for Star Wars ( though the speeder bikes and Podracer look enticing to).

By in Turkey,

I just checked, this is the only prequal set that I've bought myself. Others are either gifts or from second hand bins. I'm just not into TPM sets, new or old. One exception to this is Amidala's Naboo Royal Starship. But I don't see that happening in Lego form, just too smooth and curvy.

By in United States,

The first OT and TPM waves in 1999 corresponded pretty closely in many respects. This was the TPM equivalent of 7128 Speeder Bikes from the OT wave, just like 7141 Naboo Fighter corresponded with 7140 X-wing Fighter.

By in United Kingdom,

Ah, memories ... I have this set. In pieces, but I have it!

Perfect size, nice little diorama overall and the way the STAPS were built was quite ingenious.

By in United States,

Pros: Nice little builder set, fun vehicles, Jedi with lightsaber, enough scenery to put you in the moment without spending lots of $$

Cons: Yet another Lego Jar Jar...those early sets were full of them...The BrikWars rules sets had armies of "Dungans" in their gameplay examples!

By in United Kingdom,

Aaaah! :D

The first Lego Star Wars set I ever got!

For that matter, the first Star Wars ANYTHING I ever got!

It's not an exaggeration to say that, were it not for this set - and, to a slightly lesser extent, being 'wowed' by the Millennium Falcon double-page spread in Lego World Club magazine a year or so later - I would quite likely never have become a Star Wars fan at all.

I actually... might not even have got this set at all at the time. See, my uncle and aunt had actually bought me 8505, Jungle Slizer, as a birthday present when we visited them that year. Ironically, of course, I would come to love the Slizers a few months later; but at the time, all I saw was 'weird robot thing with no minifigures, creepy, not interested'. So, my uncle gave us the receipt so we could take it back to the store, on our way home, and exchange it for a different set.

Just a couple of months before that, I'd seen the four-page feature of the Phantom Menace sets in the UK Lego Adventures magazine... and, knowing NOTHING WHATSOEVER about Star Wars at the time, was both baffled and intrigued by the tiny little snippets of lore it gave, alongside showing the sets, and what I imagined they meant. Perhaps quite naturally, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, with their glowing swords, were the main interest to me, though I never intended to follow up on that curiosity: but when we went to exchange that Jungle Slizer set, and I saw this on the shelf for the same price point?

My decision was... not quite *instant*, but it was definitely the most appealing option available to me, even without knowing anything about the characters.

I've literally never regretted that choice.

Qui-Gon's still one of my favourite SW characters to this day, and I just find his original minifigure here far more appealing than later versions. The set, while pretty basic overall, provided everything it needed to fuel an eight-year-old's imagination.

By in United States,

@LegoRobo said:
"For some reason, those battle droids always looked so cool! Maybe it’s because I’m a robot myself :)

Beep Bop!"

Hello fellow alloy-based lifeform!

Beep Bork!

By in United States,

This was my first Star Wars set too! Wild how with the exception of the blaster-holding arm, the Battle Droid figures have remain unchanged since the beginning of Lego Star Wars

By in Puerto Rico,

One of my first SW sets I bought, I was actually gifted this by my parents and I want a remake of this fun set.

By in Germany,

If they redesigned this as a 20$ set, I would buy it in a heart beat. Lego, we need more small sets!

By in Russian Federation,

Funnily enough, it was one of my little collection of early SW sets...
Not bad thing, except for MONOCHOME head of Jar Jar... Quite ugly piece...

By in Netherlands,

Untill 2015, I just bought star wars set for the figs. 1999 was a dim ( not dark ) age for me, but I just had to buy this set along with the lightsaber duel and the speeder bikes. It wasnt untill 2002 we got vader in a cheap set, but I was surely eyeballing the tie fighter&y-wing in 1999!

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