Review: 75268 Snowspeeder

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Some interesting 4+ models became available during 2019, depicting important vehicles from throughout the brilliant Original Trilogy. 75268 Snowspeeder expands this collection, hence its design has been updated dramatically for ease of construction.

Unfortunately, the streamlined aesthetic of the T-47 Airspeeder appears unsuitable for such basic assembly techniques. The broader shape seems reasonably accurate but many details are omitted and the accompanying minifigures look somewhat disappointing in my opinion.


Wedge Antilles has appeared in relatively few LEGO sets, despite his prominent role across the Original Trilogy. This minifigure wears an attractive helmet with dark green highlights and I love the subtle scratches. Exactly the same component appears in 75098 Assault on Hoth and the double-sided head also remains unchanged, including cheerful and frightened expressions.

However, recent Snowspeeder pilot minifigures have featured the same attire as minifigures flying other Rebel Alliance vehicles. That is not accurate when compared with the characters onscreen as the flares should have been removed and the ejection harness is rather different. Moreover, the gloves should be white and I am disappointed these alterations were not made.

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Updated depictions of the Snowtrooper were updated for the Action Battle sets during 2019. These appear slightly simpler than the minifigures from 2014, lacking a fabric kama, but I love the printed legs as an alternative and the torso armour looks superb, featuring suitable colours on the control systems. The dark tan gloves seem odd though and I think white would be more suitable.

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The helmet has remained unchanged since 2014 and looks wonderful, featuring black lenses and realistic texture on the flexible mask. Removing this component reveals a standard Clone Trooper head underneath which is adequate, although the backpack has been omitted. I hope this accessory returns in the future as they improve the appearance of Imperial Snowtroopers.

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The Completed Model

Speeder bikes have accompanied numerous Hoth sets. This rendition is extremely simple and lacks handlebars or weaponry, although the steering vanes look reasonable and I like the mudguard element employed towards the rear. Furthermore, there is ample space for the Snowtrooper to sit on the speeder bike and the absence of handlebars provides more room for holding his blaster.

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Gun emplacements are another common sight on Hoth and P-tower turrets evidently inspired this design. The dish shape has been replicated quite accurately and looks good while a disc launcher is cleverly integrated underneath, launching red 2x2 round tiles. Their colour loosely matches the onscreen laser blasts and space ammunition is included.

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Wedge Antilles' blaster pistol may be stored on an orange jumper plate behind the trans-light blue ice component, allowing him to take control of the gun turret. This cannot rotate which is somewhat disappointing, although I like the printed control panel and the surrounding ice and snow includes excellent moulded texture.

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However, the primary model is undoubtedly the Snowspeeder. Numerous models of this craft have been produced since 1999, following broadly similar construction techniques throughout that time. Of course, this design is considerably simpler than others and relies heavily upon an individual piece that was originally created for 75247 Rebel A-wing Starfighter during 2019.

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This vehicle measures 11cm in length so is significantly smaller than previous minifigure-scale Snowspeeder designs, hence there is only space for one minifigure inside. That is unfortunate but I like the printed control panel and the decoration on the nose looks good. The wing shape, on the other hand, has been simplified too much in my opinion. I like the repulsor housings but the wings should have been angled downwards and I believe that could have been achieved, despite the low age bracket.

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Viewing the model from behind reveals the importance of the angled wings even more as the speeder appears bland without them. The engine nacelles are pleasing details though and an accurate bank of cooling fins are located between them, below the rear window. Unfortunately, this section of the cockpit looks awkward but I am glad the harpoon was included and that can rotate. While its visual flaws are numerous, this model does feel extremely robust and suitable for play.

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75268 Snowspeeder has been created for young children and I think it succeeds in that regard. Despite lacking important details from the onscreen vehicle, this model does include some nice colours and various notable features. The rotating harpoon, forward laser cannons and opening cockpit, for instance, have been integrated effectively.

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Furthermore, the accompanying speeder bike and turret are welcome additions for play. These minifigures are unremarkable though, limiting interest for older collectors. On that basis, I would only recommend this set to its primary audience and I think the price of £17.99 or $19.99 seems fairly reasonable for that market, given the potential play value.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

20 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

It does look entirely suitable for the target age group & how they'll play with it.
Between my children's ages & the fact that I don't have a Wedge, this will be picked up at some point soon-ish

By in United Kingdom,

WRT minifigures, in particular the Snowtrooper, it seems that what TLG gives with one hand, it takes with the other. What I mean is that IMO the printed legs are a great improvement, but the lack of a backpack is a retrograde step.

A Brickset member said this months, if not years ago, but they felt there is no clear evolution to minifigures, we have steps forward, then these improvements are forgotten in future revisions to the fig. At the time I didn’t fully appreciate what they meant, but now I do.

This, of course, is based on the premise that minifigs in 4+ sets are part of the overall SW minifig universe, not “juniorised“ versions. I don’t think this is the case though, I would expect this version of the Snowtrooper to now appear in all future sets, such as the AT-AT. Admittedly I haven’t checked the AT-AT set pics before writing this comment.

However, maybe its just the 1x1 tile that forms the “new” backpack” is not suitable for this age range and will return in the other sets. This would make sense as the fabric piece for the kama would be difficult for younger
builders (its difficult enough for this old man!) and that’s why its been omitted in this set.

By in United States,

I think the builds are pretty much perfect for the 4+ target, but I haven't seen a discount yet and at $20 it's at least $5 overpriced.

By in Spain,

Meh... Maybe if a 40+ model... Oh,wait! ;¬P

But very playable for small kids.
Thanks, CapnRex101, for reviewing even these sets for 'little' audiences.

By in United States,

SNOT techniques in a 4+ set? Lego is getting risky...

By in United States,

A really positive aspect of this series is the omission of stickers in favor of printed parts, particularly for unique computer elements. A second positive point for me is the inclusion of minifigure weapons rather than stud shooters. It nearly places them at greater value to me than battle packs when I consider those two factors.

By in United States,

There's actually 2 Wedges in the set. One as the minifig depiction of the Rebel pilot, and the other as the snowspeeder itself.

By in Norway,

After seeing the printed backpacks here I had to check if the ones in the AT-AT were like that as well, and it looked to me as if they are... My very first LEGO trooper was one of the original snowtroopers with the backpack molded with the helmet, and that is certainly better than this (in a non 4+ set at least).

I kind of like the look of this snowspeeder. It might not have curved wings, but it seems the most accurately scaled.

By in United States,

I see quite a lot of upside to this little set.
-This is the only 4+ SW set which includes a vehicle for both the protagonist and antagonist
- Printed pieces (No stickers)
- Both minifigures have great printing that extends to their legs
- An additional display section with disc-shooting feature
- Weapons instead of stud shooters
- No increase in price

By in United States,

No stickers
No stud shooters
Scaled to the AT-AT
No stickers

I bought one already and like it.

By in United States,

It may not be very accurate, but I’m still pleasantly surprised at how detailed it is (in its own way)... and for the price of a typical Star Wars set with a single ship, you could have four or five of these and be well on your way to a Battle of Hoth!

By in United States,

I’m a fan of this Star Wars 4+ line and look forward to pulling them out of storage (new in box) when I show my son the OT in the next couple years.

A great intro to LEGO and the saga for a little one.

By in United States,

This would probably scale well with a normal AT-AT build. I actually like them in a weird sort of way. It’s a nice caricature that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

By in Germany,

One Question: If 4+ Sets can exist without any studshooters why do BP need them?

By in United States,

@guachi said:
"No stickers
No stud shooters
Scaled to the AT-AT
No stickers

I bought one already and like it."

That's true.....

Maybe I should pick one up.....

By in Australia,

I think all of these 4+ sets have been done really well. This one is Chibi as all hell and being built on the one base plate means it will swoosh easy and take some hard hits during play.

If the goal of 4+ is that an average 4 year old child could theoretically build this completely unassisted, then I think these hit the nail on the head. While angled wings would be possible at this scale, sticking to the 4+ goal would be pushing it.

Good job Lego!

By in United States,

WOW! This review is somewhat harsh. As an AFOL, I love this set. It reminds me of the Mini / Micro, forgot what they were called, economy line of vehicles that Kenner put out between Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi. I think it’s fun!!!

By in Netherlands,

Set looks good for its age bracket, but I'm extremely confused why sets like this exist.
4 year Olds shouldn't be watching Starwars and neither should 5 year Olds.

By in United States,

Way too expensive for a set that only has 91 pieces. Not to mention for young kids.

By in United Kingdom,

Why didn't they just copy the folded wings from 75074 Snowspeeder Microfighter. This also had around 90 pieces for $9, so $20 seems a bit steep.

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