Review: 75272 Sith TIE Fighter

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Many distinctive TIE-series craft have appeared across the Star Wars movies and 75272 Sith TIE Fighter appears unusual, integrating geometric solar array collectors. Their triangular structure looks fairly interesting and some new elements are employed effectively here.

However, the cockpit module seems inaccurate when compared with its source material while the price of £64.99 or $79.99 feels remarkably expensive. The minifigure selection is comparatively modest too, although the Knight of Ren definitely demands attention and I hope this elegant starfighter will exceed my expectations.

Please be aware this review is spoiler free.


Several different versions of Finn have been produced since 2015. This example returns from 75257 Millennium Falcon and looks marvellous, featuring an intricate hair piece which closely resembles the onscreen character during Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The double-sided head provides similar detail and these facial expressions convey plentiful personality.

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Finn wears an excellent medium nougat jacket with colourful stripes across the shoulder. This seems reasonably faithful to the film and the dark blue trousers also look wonderful. I like the subtle creasing and metallic silver highlights which are visible here, along with the accurate reddish brown satchel. As usual, Finn wields a pearl dark grey blaster rifle.

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75256 Kylo Ren's Shuttle includes two exclusive Knights of Ren and another Knight of Ren appears here. This mysterious character looks relatively similar to its comrades, featuring black and pearl dark grey robes which correspond with the onscreen villain. I am particularly impressed with the headdress that was originally created for Pao from 75156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle, although its colour is unique.

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The mask includes exceptional detail which continues across the torso and legs, featuring worn fabric beside an authentic knife with red straps around its handle. This demonstrates remarkable attention to the reference material and the minifigure also employs an imposing bladed weapon, returning from the Lord of the Rings theme.

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An excellent First Order TIE Pilot completes the minifigure selection. This particular design has only previously appeared in 75194 First Order TIE Fighter Microfighter and is distinguished from others by the dark bluish grey stripe above the visor. The surrounding details are wonderful and I love the black hose which lines up perfectly with the life support pack on the torso.

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Multiple colourful buttons decorate this unit and the flexible uniform is nicely represented by creasing. That design is also visible on the reverse and removing this helmet reveals a standard Clone Trooper head underneath, matching the majority of First Order personnel. A black blaster pistol is provided for the pilot, should he need to abandon his starfighter.

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The Completed Model

Consistent features appear on every TIE-series craft and this vehicle certainly shares similarities with its predecessors. However, there are innovative features, especially with regard to the solar collectors which appear sleeker and more aerodynamic than earlier vehicles. Furthermore, this model measures 24cm in length and 22cm wide so is unusually large, due primarily to the lengthened wing pylons.

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Despite their impressive appearance, these triangular wings present some practical difficulties for the TIE Dagger. Landing is an important example but this set includes supports which connect beside the cockpit, as demonstrated above. The resultant structure feels stable and I like the trans-red highlights, although one pylon might have looked more attractive for displaying the model than two.

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The spherical cockpit resembles earlier Imperial and First Order starfighters, although their octagonal viewport design has been updated. This metallic silver printing corresponds with the onscreen vehicle but the viewport should be substantially smaller in relation to the surrounding armour. I like the printed windows above the pilot though and the fuselage shape looks splendid, most notably where the wings are attached.

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Opening the cockpit reveals space for one minifigure inside. The neighbouring control panels include some pleasing details and I appreciate the trans-red components. However, the external colours look notably inconsistent which is disappointing, particularly around the cockpit where black plates appear awkward within the broader light bluish grey bodywork.

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Fortunately, those elements are hidden from the rear. Several 3x3 curved bricks are positioned here, creating an accurate shape when compared with the movie. Furthermore, I like how the vital twin ion engines are arranged vertically, further distinguishing the TIE Dagger from past vessels where these nacelles flank the cockpit sphere. They have been cleverly designed as the engines fold downwards when the cockpit opens.

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Black and red components have been combined to brilliant effect across the wings. Their streamlined shape looks magnificent and certainly captures the threatening silhouette of the original vehicle. I love the new 2x3½ wedge plates which form each pointed tip and combine perfectly with 4x6 wedge plates, returning from 75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter.

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Beyond their triangular shape, these solar arrays also incorporate two collection surfaces. The central wings are elevated above the larger structures which creates an interesting profile shape. Additionally, spring-loaded shooters are placed between the wing surfaces, matching the heavy laser cannons that appear onscreen. They are activated by pressing the 1x2 grille tiles behind each weapons.

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The separated wings look fantastic when viewed from the front or side but some unsightly dark bluish grey bricks become visible from behind. They are partially hidden by the substantial power convertors but I think there is potential for further improvement. Nevertheless, the trailing edges of the wings look great and their split arrangement is accurate, cleverly integrating trans-clear 1x4 tiles for strength.

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LEGO renditions of TIE-series craft have demonstrated continuing improvement during recent years and 75272 Sith TIE Fighter maintains that trend. The unusual design of the TIE Dagger looks superb here, especially when viewed from either flank where its triangular profile becomes most visible. I am similarly satisfied with the robust connection between the wings and the cockpit.

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There are some disappointing issues though. The cockpit viewport appears too large when compared with the movie and additional minifigures should undoubtedly have been provided because three feels insufficient to me. Moreover, the price of £64.99 or $79.99 seems rather expensive, most notably in the US. I would therefore recommend this set to those who appreciate its distinctive design, albeit only following a discount.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments below.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review is an expression of my own opinions.

46 comments on this article

By in United States,

Is this the most egregiously priced set in the history of Star Wars Lego (at least in the US)?

By in United States,

Looks like something from the early 2000s

By in Netherlands,

While I don't collect Star Wars, those triangle and wedge plates have great potential in future sets.

By in Austria,

Some interesting new parts, hope they'll show up in many more sets.

I look forward to picking up this and the 2020 X-Wing for 20€ each next autumn.

By in United States,

Why did lego decrease the figure count from 4 to 3 in the TIE fighter sets? That and the increased price lessens my desire to get the set. Although I will at a substantial discount

By in Mauritius,

Price ain't that bad when you compare it to the absolute state of the movie tbh.

By in United Kingdom,

As as avid collector of previous TIE vehicles I looked forward tthis release & indeed there are some nice parts & design changes from the previous TIE derivatives, especially the formation of the cockpit.

However the price is in no way justified, minigures aside it does not sit well with me so it will result in a hard pass and an unfortunate gap in my collection.

I get the feeling my LEGO purhases will be reduced in quantity as 2020 progresses should this price trend remain. I wonder once 'Brexit' gets under way how we in thr UK will fair price wise.

I'm still going to be a day 1 purchaser of the Microfighter Bantha however ;o)

By in United States,

$80 for -that- ?? Agree with @skypilot22 --looks 20 years out of date, like first gen SW sets.

By in United Kingdom,

Would venture to suggest that, perhaps thankfully, Finn's new hairpiece looks better on the minifigure than the character's in the movie ....

By in Germany,

Ah yes, enslaved EC Henry design.

By in Puerto Rico,

@Jahab said:
"Is this the most egregiously priced set in the history of Star Wars Lego (at least in the US)?"

Nah, First Order AT-ST is still the winner. These new SW Lego sets have been raised somewhat by $10 realistically.

By in United Kingdom,

When I first saw the collection of next years star wars sets on IG this was the one that stood out..
I love the Tie dagger and the expressions on finn's dual sided head are priceless, well done lego really looking forward to Obi wans hut review next!

By in United Kingdom,

I think it looks brilliant.

By in United States,

This thing looks so ugly to me. I do like those new wedges though.

By in United States,

Some of these newer ships are looking pretty cool and this one is no exception. This includes the resitance Y-Wing which I was previously uninterested in. After seeing it in person I now think it would go great alongside the "normal" Y-Wing. Regardless of the movie being good or bad I hope to get some of these sets.

By in Canada,

@The_Teenage_Brickster perhaps when Amazon's Middle Earth series begins we'll see new Lego Sets for LotR. Providing Amazon doesn't butcher the Middle Earth universe as Disney has done to the Star Wars universe. Or demand an exorbitant premium for sets.

By in Canada,

@Lordmoral I think this set is worse as if it is $80 US that most likely means its $100 (at least) in Canada. 75201 is $50 CAD and 100 pieces less; so $50 for 100 more pieces. There is no way this set is worth $100!!

By in Netherlands,

I only want the Knight of Ren of this set. I already have Finn from the Falcon and I don't really care about the pilot, the ship itself really is a ''blink and you miss it'' type of vehicle in the film itself

By in United States,

I was looking forward to this set, but now I'm not so sure. That's why we have reviews, people!

By in Puerto Rico,

@shaase said:
" @Lordmoral I think this set is worse as if it is $80 US that most likely means its $100 (at least) in Canada. 75201 is $50 CAD and 100 pieces less; so $50 for 100 more pieces. There is no way this set is worth $100!!"

Specially when all lrevious Tie have been $70 USD, but in terms of bad set FO AT-ST has no equal.

By in United Kingdom,

I think the reason that I like this so much is because it reminds me a little of Colin Cantwell's original Tie Fighter prototype model.

By in United States,

At first, the design, and this lego version especially, was "meh". But - maybe I'm beginning to like it, the price and only 3 figures not so much. Maybe after year or two I'll pick it up, if I'll see it for ~30€ max.

By in United States,

Can I instead get the Tie Fighter from the mandalorian that has perfectly folding wings and landing gear!!!!!!???? But i love all tie fighters this ones ok just not a fan of the basic triangle wings compared to all other tie designs. To expensive will get when it's like 50% off

By in United Kingdom,

The Dorito Fighter! Haha will get this one early on! Really want the figs and the TIE is very imposing in its design. Love it!

By in Puerto Rico,

@LofElle said:
"Can I instead get the Tie Fighter from the mandalorian that has perfectly folding wings and landing gear!!!!!!???? But i love all tie fighters this ones ok just not a fan of the basic triangle wings compared to all other tie designs. To expensive will get when it's like 50% off"

I suspect LEGO and Disney were holding of a lot of Mandalorian sets after the revelations.

By in United States,

Great review! Agree that 3 mini figures it too few, considering the cost. Beyond the unique TIE, a Knight of Ren is the bait for collectors to buy this set. Why is Finn included? This is the same exact mini from The Falcon, why have duplicates so early-on, when other figures from the film have yet to be produced from The Rise of Skywalker waves? Clearly, this set should have included Rose or other Resistance fighters. The inclusion of one of the Sith Commanders (from the bridge of the Sith Star Destroyers) with their black and red helmets, would have been a better choice.
LEGO is really getting both lazy and cheap and we keep accepting it. Time for us to all voice our disproval with set price climbs. Do we realise that while the price keeps going up, there is less and less in the box? Less minis and less side builds for more money? In the words of Director Krennic... "are we all blind" - I think so. Time to rebel lest we continue to go less and less for more.
BTW: I like the site and will buy it. LOL =) I will write to LEGO to constructivly complain as well.

By in United States,

Looks like 80’s Tron and Star Wars had a baby... I kinda like it. ;)

But no no no to that price!

By in Germany,

Of the roundabout 50 brick sets (pun not intended) I bought over the recent months, less than a third have been LEGO, and the current trend in price hikes is certainly not going to change that anytime soon. Rather the opposite. And of those sets I bought that were actual LEGO, only two were purchased at RRP.
Go figure.

By in Germany,

I can't look at this set and not wonder about the questionable design decision of obstructing the two sides of the pilot's vision. Especially by sandwiched solar panels, which cast shadows on each other.

By in Greece,

Apart from the usual overpricing of SW sets (licensing, inflation etc etc), this model suffers from a) lack of stability (without the pillars) due to its wings' triangular shape and most importantly but totally subjectively b) lbg with black and red? How much more can a color combination suck??

By in Venezuela,

TBH what annoys me the most about this set (besides the abusive price, of course) is that the pilot is STILL a Clone Trooper. With the movie very audibly demonstrating that the First Order's legions are mixed, and seeing how the heads are always perfectly enclosed, I feel TLG is now missing a good opportunity to give us more assorted skin-tone heads, both male and female.

By in United Kingdom,

@Guyon2002 the Tie Interceptors are as well. You wouldn't say you'd not want one of those would you?

By in Canada,

Just saw the price in Canada on the site and this is definitely worse than 75201
75153 - 2016 - 449 pcs`/3 Minis - 49.99
75204 - 2018 - 369 pcs/4 Minis - 49.99
75272 - 2020 - 470 pcs/3 Minis - 109.99
I don't usually harp on the price to pieces as usually is should be the weight of the plastic. In this case there is absolutely no way this should be near $110 in Canada.

By in United States,

@Jahab said:
"Is this the most egregiously priced set in the history of Star Wars Lego (at least in the US)?"

Thought the same of the SOLO Tie set back when. Guessing TLG is trying to cash in before SW well dries up.

By in United States,

@ALEGOMan unfortunately, there is no close-up in the film, but you can see bunch of those in the distance. I wish they made Kylo Ren's new TIE instead, because it's awesome.

By in United States,

@blackdeathgr I have the DK book, The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary. The colors are correct, although the film version is a grey in between LEGO's Medium and Dark stone grey.

By in Australia,

the screen time of such craft is quite minute..(blink and it is gone)
This lego model does look slightly unfinished/plain compared to previous TIE for similar size (non-UCS); and particularly surrounding the red visor. the minifigs selection would be the main reason people would get to complete the Knights of Ren selection. Good try lego but more could be done.

By in United Kingdom,

Hi, great reviews as usual, just one comment tho, when u show the figure from the front, include the weapon so we can see it with them!

By in Germany,

I didn't spot it anywhere in the movie. And I sat through it. All. :((

By in Germany,

Wait, Finn is wearing a vest, not a jacket, isn't he? The arms are dark tan like his shirt, not nougat.

By in United States,

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it already, but why would any designers park this Tie like the way it is now? How it flies should have no effect on how it parks...therefore wouldn't you park it like the "last star fighter" where the nose is pointed up in the ceiling so that your pilot doesn't have to go up so many stairs/ladders?

By in United States,

@Rob42 said:
"Wait, Finn is wearing a vest, not a jacket, isn't he? The arms are dark tan like his shirt, not nougat."

You’re correct he does wear a vest in the movie. Finns vest is actually a couple shades darker & his long sleeve shirt is a dark-chocolate color.

By in United States,

Excellent review. Thank you for the insights & i too live the red & black combo. The ted/black might be my favorite color combo for LEGOs. I haven’t seen a good, close up & detailed image of the sith TIE fighter yet so im interested in just how much LEGO missed the mark when it come to the front view port. Hopefully its not too bad.

By in United States,

@Joe90 said:
"Hi, great reviews as usual, just one comment tho, when u show the figure from the front, include the weapon so we can see it with them!"

YES! Ive always wondered why the weapon isnt included. Sometimes the weapon is simply part of the charscter as much as the hairpiece. Take Baze Malbus for example; no weapon not a true representation of Baze.

I know this is a off subject & site but when buying a minifig off Bricklinks the weapon should be included. The backpacks, weapon or other accessories ought to be included unless stated otherwise. Just a gripe of mine.

By in United States,

I don't buy much LSW but I feel like the scale of these craft is inferior to that of 75039. The playability suffers at that size since it's harder for a kid to build around it with the bricks they have, and parents will be hesitant to buy a few sets to have a squadron.

By in France,

Not particularly interested in this set. I'm just gonna seek for the Knight of Ren on Bricklink.

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