Review: 10267 Gingerbread House

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Ten years have elapsed since the Winter Village range was introduced and this appealing series maintains consistent popularity. Some fantastic seasonal designs have been created and I think 10267 Gingerbread House looks splendid, even when compared with other buildings which are considerably more realistic.

The decision to produce something more fantastical than many previous Winter Village sets has proven divisive but the model appears incredibly detailed. Furthermore, the minifigures are enticing and the price of £84.99 or $99.99 seems reasonable, comparing favourably with other Creator Expert sets.

Box and Contents

The packaging seems quite familiar, featuring an atmospheric seasonal background that corresponds with previous Winter Village sets. This design is attractive, although something more fantastical might have been suitable for the Gingerbread House. Turning the box around reveals its marvellous interior detail and the orange light brick, illuminating the fireplace, is advertised here on both sides.

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Winter Village sets are generally appropriate for communal building and two instruction manuals are accordingly provided. However, the division of construction between these seems uneven as the first manual features accessories while the second focuses upon the beautiful Gingerbread House. Three small stickers are included too.

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Only two minifigures are included which is unusual within the Winter Village collection, although I think additional characters may be unnecessary. The medium nougat Gingerbread Man loosely resembles the earlier Collectable Minifigure, featuring similar textured decoration and an identical moulded head. His pronounced moustache is unique though and the updated red buttons look nice.

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Similar detail adorns the Gingerbread Woman, whose beautiful pink icing contrasts with the reddish brown chocolate icing which has appeared on past gingerbread minifigures. The eyelashes and rosy cheeks are superb and I like the dress component. Unfortunately, these figures lack printing on their arms and legs but they remain appealing in my opinion.

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These adults are accompanied by an adorable Gingerbread Baby which is represented by a printed 1x2 tile. That decision has elicited some disappointment but I think it works perfectly. Presumably the baby was recently removed from the oven so remains on a baking tray! The printing appears suitably endearing and the baby's sleeping facial expression is delightful as well.

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The Completed Model

Many different buildings have been produced for the Winter Village range and the gingerbread house seems quite unusual, incorporating fantasy design features. Nevertheless, this model looks excellent, measuring 26cm wide and including some wonderful colours. The combination of reddish brown and white certainly gives the impression of iced gingerbread and its steep roofs are marvellous, recalling 10222 Winter Village Post Office.

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Striped candy canes are situated beside the house, identifying this location as Candy Lane. They are connected to the base using click hinges so can be angled according to your wishes. I think they look most appealing when displayed as shown here, although the instruction manual suggests tilting them both further so contradicts the packaging.

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Additional red and white candy cane sculpting surrounds the doorway and the same details are found consistently across this whole structure. Moreover, the black lanterns look superb and I like the green colour which has been chosen for the front door, contrasting with the relatively muted brickwork while matching the windows. An attractive doormat also appears here, welcoming gingerbread residents to their home, sweet home!

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Light bricks have appeared in multiple Winter Village sets, traditionally providing interior lighting. This example seems slightly unusual as the light brick is positioned inside the chimney breast. Pressing the smoke emanating from the chimney will therefore illuminate the fireplace. I appreciate this function and the outside fireplace is distinctive, although such architectural features are more associated with warm environments than colder ones.

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The outdoor dining space appears similarly incongruous within this wintry location. Its dark tan and reddish brown colour scheme is effective though and the Gingerbread Woman may be seated here, even while wearing her skirt. In addition, I like the logs which are stored beside the fireplace and the pink decorations beneath each window are lovely.

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Gingerbread houses are frequently decorated with white icing and this effect has been replicated well, perhaps depicting fallen snow. I am particularly satisfied with the 2x3 rock elements along the edge of each roof and the colourful 1x1 round tiles look brilliant. Even so, my favourite external details are the windows which are ingeniously formed using glittery trans-pink and trans-blue bricks, resembling jelly sweets!

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While the majority of this model comprises reddish brown bricks, the focal chimney structure seems comparatively realistic. Medium nougat masonry bricks are distributed here among dark orange and dark brown parts, creating some texture. The white ice cream element towards the top, representing smoke, seems rather small but that compromise is necessary for the light brick function.

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The reddish brown walls include comparable detail, most notably below each upstairs window where white plates and tiles are attached sideways to form beams. This construction technique is extremely effective and the roof peaks are impressive too, including some Technic connectors which provide an absolutely rigid connection between separate panels.

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Rotating the gingerbread house reveals its intricately detailed interior. 10229 Winter Village Cottage features similar furnishings and their layouts are comparable too, although the model from 2012 has significantly more internal space. Nevertheless, I think the kitchen area looks marvellous, including a butler sink with a waste pipe underneath, an oven and some drawers with cookie handles.

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Furthermore, the tiled floor is excellent, incorporating white and teal pieces which create an attractive pattern. The teal 1x1 tiles have only appeared in two previous sets so appear especially enticing. The neighbouring lounge also offers exceptional detail, featuring an armchair with chocolate cushions and an imposing fireplace which is surrounded by stockings, candles and a charming family portrait.

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The aforementioned light brick also illuminates the internal fireplace, causing the trans-orange flames to glow. This function works nicely and the decorative grating between the indoor and outdoor spaces looks magnificent, despite the potential draft which might come indoors. Nevertheless, this interesting design distinguishes 10267 Gingerbread House from previous Winter Village buildings.

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An enjoyable sugary theme dominates the entire gingerbread house, even reaching the handles on some drawers within the lounge. I think there was the potential to include additional furniture but the designer instead decided to provide another door which seems sensible. On the other hand, there is limited room for minifigures beside the door because this area is partially enclosed.

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Two further rooms occupy the upper level, although there is no staircase for minifigures to access this space. The bathroom includes a bathtub which is quite unusual and it looks fantastic, featuring curved sides and taps. Fortunately, the bath contains chocolate rather than water and the gingerbread figures can therefore avoid disintegration!

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Many different LEGO toilets have been produced. This example seems relatively simple but I like the rug and the curved cistern looks great. Moreover, green and red towels are situated near the bathtub, resembling the Portuguese flag and therefore making reference to the set designer, Tiago Catarino. I like how the bathroom has been divided from the bedroom as well, despite the low roof height.

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Sweets represent more furniture inside the bedroom, most notably including the bed that resembles a pink wafer! The matching bedside table looks delightful and features a pink lampshade while the cot is cleverly designed using a 1x2x2 window frame. Unfortunately, the gingerbread baby cannot rest inside but these furnishings are exceptionally detailed and the consistent sweet theming is entertaining.

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Christmas trees are available in several Winter Village sets. This rendition resembles the model from 10263 Winter Village Fire Station, featuring layered wedge plates which create an impressive conical shape. However, this design offers superior texture and the decorations are more realistic, especially towards the top where trans-yellow diamond elements form the star. They were created for Elves but seem equally appropriate here.

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Numerous additional accessories surround the Christmas tree, including several wrapped presents. I am particularly satisfied with the green gift and its pretzel bow! The heart-shaped present looks great too, including the 3x3 heart plate that was introduced at the beginning of 2019. Lavender 1x1 curved pieces are also provided and the miniature truck looks perfect in my opinion.

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Some large toys accompany the smaller accessories. This train appears reasonably similar to earlier designs, featuring a camera piece at its core. However, the green and red colour scheme is excellent and loosely resembles 10254 Winter Holiday Train. The rocking horse is similarly attractive, providing enough space for the gingerbread baby to ride.

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Furthermore, you can place the baby into an elegant medium azure pram. Its traditional design feels ideally suited to the Winter Village and the cookie wheels are fun. The set contains a snowblower too, featuring swirled decoration on each side along with realistic augers that are represented by spinning Technic gears. Both accessories include handles which are positioned for minifigures to grip.

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10267 Gingerbread House represents an interesting departure from many earlier Winter Village sets, favouring fantasy over realism. However, the model looks absolutely wonderful in my view. It certainly captures the essential features of traditional gingerbread houses, including icing and colourful buttons which decorate the roofs while the walls incorporate striped candy cane designs.

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The minifigure selection is limited but adequately populates the gingerbread house and I like the tiny gingerbread baby, even though it is simply represented by a printed tile. Moreover, focusing attention upon the central structure rather than supplementary accessories was sensible in my opinion and the price of £84.99 or $99.99 represents good value, hence my satisfaction with this set.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments below.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review is an expression of my own opinions.

26 comments on this article

By in United States,

I can’t wait to see some one make a real gingerbread house modeled after this set: life-imitates-art-imitates-life!

By in United States,

Awesome review. One thing I was surprised to see was the box without a "Not an edible Gingerbread House" warning, cause that set looks delicious too.

By in United States,

@Bison Bricks: That's an amazing idea! And gets me thinking about the possibility of creating other gingerbread sculptures inspired by Lego sets... imagine a gingerbread Café Corner!

By in United States,

Put this right next door to the Winter Village Bakery, and watch the horror unfold.

By in Hungary,

Very fun. I usually find winter stuff far too kitschy, but I could see myself getting this piece.

By in United States,

I love everything about this set except the male gingerbread figure. He looks like gingerbread Stalin.

By in United Kingdom,

Excellent review as always Chris. I'm still somewhat divided. Only 2 figures, it doesn't fit the regular winter village theme and the indoor/outdoor fireplace seems counter productive as a source of heat. But then again, those roofs are delightful, I hadn't seen them directly until now. The furnishings are also exquisite and really push me towards the set.
I think I'll end up, somewhat begrudgingly, picking this up. The fabulous details are too hard to not love. I'll just have to make a separate display from the rest of the village, and perhaps move Santa's Workshop along with it too.

In other news, does anyone know if 40338 Christmas Tree will be a GWP or a regular set? The train set beneath it has very much taken my fancy.

By in United States,

This thing is SWEET!

By in United States,

“despite the potential draft which might come indoors” ... I think the lack of a back wall presents more of a draft risk than the fireplace ;-)

Great review and lovely pictures though!

By in New Zealand,

Love it! Can’t wait to receive mine

By in United States,

I still feel like we could have at least gotten some Gingerbread Grandparents.

By in United States,

Love porno star gingerbread man, he's the best figure LEGO has ever made.

By in Canada,

And a baby in the oven... Hmmm adult innuendo in a Lego set... I guess cookies can have a little fun, but Misses cookie ought to have made Mr cookie sprinkle his crumbs on Misses cookie and not inside Misses cookie.

By in United States,

What an ingenious design, I love it! So many fantastic details here. It feels like we've reached an age with Lego where they're not really producing as many new parts and instead are concentrating on innovative uses of existing parts--which is awesome!

By in Malaysia,

Love this set. Will go well with unikittys sweetest friends set. :)

By in United States,

I don't go big on decorating for Christmas, and putting these holiday sets together is kind of what I do (while watching holiday movies of varying degrees of quality; they can't all be "It's a Wonderful Life") so this is a must-purchase for me.

By in United States,

"Presumably the baby was recently removed from the oven so remains on a baking tray!" is certainly a sentence I never expected to read on a Lego fan site.

By in United States,

As a gingerbread house it is really great. Kudos to the designer! I won't be getting it, however, because it doesn't fit in with the others and I am not a fan of Lego food. When I see a gingerbread house I always enjoy taking a little bit off and eating it. This set will only be taunting me!

By in Canada,

I’d like to see an article done up that discusses the Winter Village theme. Maybe comparing it with some of the off theme ski resort sets from Friends and Creator. One of my Lego goals is to have a sort of town hall and Central Park space set up with some Christmas display

By in United States,

It least it's not a lame re-release of a previous winter village model (10199 and 10249). Since I think this if the first village set with a toilet, there will be a long line of people waiting to get in the door! Also funny that the first restroom comes in the set with "non" people. Either way, mine arrives tomorrow and I look forward to adding it to the collection.

By in United States,

I think this makes a good stand alone Christmas set like the freebie Gift and Carousel sets last year, but it doesn't fit the Winter Village theme in my opinion. This would be a pass for me.

I think I would have rather seen a barn, a grist mill, a chapel, a restaurant, an inn, a bridge over a frozen river/pond, a ski slope, a different styled house, or even a pack of forest trees. Anything that would fit in a realistic quaint cozy village scene instead of something like this which belongs in a theme park or in a fantasy land.

By in United States,

Thanks for the review and pictures. I'll be picking this up when there is a GWP (probably during Black Friday). Hopefully, 40338 Christmas Tree will be the gift.

By in United Kingdom,

I'll probably get this set, it's nice to have one that can fit nicely with the equally "fantastical" Father Christmas workshop set.
Plus you can add the separate gingerbread collectable minifigure as a "son" of sorts to bump up the numbers.

By in Germany,

Looks ok, but it's not my cup of tea. Easy pass.

By in United States,

For the past couple of years my son goes down to SC to spend the winter holidays with his girlfriend and I have been sending them down a gingerbread house kit and a Hanukkah house kit. Since I found this, I can't wait to send it down along with the regular ones. I am also going to include the 2015 kit so his gf can do one too. They like to compete with who can do theirs the fastest. My son always wins and his sets have over double the pieces each time. I so wish I was down there when they see it!!!

By in United States,

Waiting for a Christmas promo GWP but definitely excited to get this set. Appreciate the nice review while I wait.

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