Random set of the day: International Space Station

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International Space Station

International Space Station

©2003 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7467 International Space Station, released in 2003. It's one of 6 Discovery sets produced that year. It contains 162 pieces, and its retail price was US$15/£9.99.

It's owned by 1376 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

26 comments on this article

By in United States,

So glad we're getting an updated, bigger version. This looks great - love the printed solar panels - but it's so outdated, both in terms of Lego design and the source material.

By in United States,

This makes me sad. I really wanted stich, and knowing they already made an ISS set is sad. Looks cool though, but was to soon.

By in United States,

^^ The panels in this set are stickers. But yes, funny this set should come up given the new Ideas set on its way.

By in United States,

Hello 7467, see you next year when you're all grown up! I got this as a kid and didn't think much of it, because it certainly isn't very playable and it's hard to see the intended layout of the ISS when it's less than half-complete and is translated into a very limited Lego parts palette. The complete ISS makes a much prettier picture.

By in United States,

I can’t wait to see the completed product after the designers mess with it. I think it will look grand.

In fifty or so years perhaps we’ll get the “Interplanetary Space Station” that’s based on real life ;-)

By in United States,

Oh wow, this takes me back to my days working at Sony Pictures Mobile, the cellphone game publishing division. Did you know Sony owned Q*Bert, the pottymouthed orange videogame character? When Sony bought Columbia, they wound up with the rights to Q*Bert because Columbia had made the TV cartoon series in the '80s!
Anyway, I bought one of these sets when it came out, and my boss at SPM also gave me one for Christmas. So I own two of these. W00T!

By in France,

I wonder how to display this one? Is there a stand or something?

By in New Zealand,

I love those panels and the shuttle face. Still use them today.

By in Singapore,

@Brick't: This set does come with a buildable stand, which for some reason was never shown on either the front or the back of the box, so buyers would have no idea there was one until they looked in the instructions. I don't remember if it was mentioned in the Shop @ Home description.

By in Finland,

It's great to see how they used so many different parts diversely in the body of this thing.

By in United Kingdom,

This random pick fits in well with Lego’s current Space obsession.

By in United Kingdom,

This random pick fits in well with Lego’s current Space obsession.

By in Finland,

Bought this when it was released so many years ago and have had it on my shelf ever since. Such a cute set, just regrettably depicts the ISS in its very work-in-progress state. Should have bought another copy to make a complete station...

By in United Kingdom,

I bet the new one won’t be £9.99.
I wonder how extortionate the Ideas version will be...

By in Australia,

Hh. I had absolutely no idea this set even existed.

By in United Kingdom,

I have this set. The stickers have *not* held up well. But it retains a certain charm because it reflects the incomplete ISS of the time. Also the mini shuttle was sweet as.

By in Netherlands,

I own this set. Unfortunately the stickers have crumbled and it is my most yellowed set ever.

By in Germany,

what a weird coincidence... The HuwBot is rigged! ;)

By in Hong Kong,

Yes, on mine, the stickers on the solar panels have all "shattered" as though there are cracks running through all the panels; the stickers are stuck on good though and can't get them off! The whole thing droops a bit too, at the end not supported by the stand. Nevertheless, it was a nice set for its time and still works pretty well as a display piece that doesn't take up too much space.

By in United States,

I really wanted this one. Never ended up with it though…

By in United States,

This is beyond coincidental, Huwbot has an advanced IA system on par with Skynet. Does it use this awesome computing power for good? It's frequency of posting RSOTD articles featuring Clickits suggests not...

LOL :)

By in United States,

This set looks fragile as a piece of glass.

By in Latvia,

Huwbot tries to remind us of the upcoming Ideas project?)

By in United States,

For a $15 set, it's pretty good. Yet, next year we're getting a lot better version.

By in France,

Legosonicboy, thank you for your answer. I was somehow sure that a stand or display solution was included but as you say, as it did not figured on the picture, I began to wonder if such an omission could possibly happen.

By in United States,

Eesh. I remember wishing I'd bought this, but it doesn't look anything like the ISS today. It's hard to even match it up to the existing structure, but I think I've got it sorted out. The dark-grey stanchion looks like it should have a second bank of solar panels at the midpoint, and be matched by one that points down. The horizontal section is the central core, and should be flanked on each side by three accordion-style solar panels that extend parallel to the core, and lay flat in the same plane as the stanchions. And right where the shuttle is attached, there should be two fat sections, with the larger of the two pressed up against the shuttle's ventral surface.

That didn't sound right at all, especially since TV/film rights usually expire if you go too long without using them. So I looked it up. According to Wikipedia, Sony _does_ own the rights to Q-Bert, but it has nothing to do with the TV show. Columbia owned Gottlieb, the company that produced the game. The TV/film rights were, therefore, in-house the same way that the DC universe is for WB. In 1984, Columbia sold off Gottlieb's assets, but kept the rights to Q-Bert, and those rights transferred to Sony when they bought Columbia.

The good news for the new one is that they now have a _printed_ solar panel tile. This means Ideas doesn't even have to burn a "frame" on producing the design, if they get the set into production before the element ID is allowed to go dormant.

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