Review: 40343 Spider-Man and the Museum Break-In

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LEGO has released numerous Marvel Cinematic Universe sets featuring Spider-Man but the web slinger's joyous friend, Ned Leeds, has not been available previously. 40343 Spider-Man and the Museum Break-In is therefore an appealing set, despite only containing 49 pieces, as it includes the first minifigure depicting Ned!

Furthermore, this pack features an exclusive head for Spider-Man and an updated Maria Hill minifigure, albeit one that consists entirely of existing parts. On that basis, this should prove to be a satisfying counterpart for the larger Spider-Man: Far From Home sets.


Many different Spider-Man minifigures have been created since 2003 but the figure introduced during 2017 is definitely my favourite. This design is incredibly detailed, featuring an intricate webbed pattern along with an appropriate colour balance between red and dark blue. The decorated arms are brilliant and I love the dual-moulded legs which look perfect in relation to the source material.

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Spider-Man's standard head is provided along with an alternative, presumably depicting the character eating some pizza or the churro mentioned during Spider-Man: Homecoming! This is a fun design but offers limited use elsewhere. Nevertheless, unique parts are always welcome and I appreciate Spider-Man's web accessory, represented by a printed 2x2 dish.

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Maria Hill originally appeared in 76042 The SHIELD Helicarrier, wearing her SHIELD agent attire. The new minifigure appears more casual, featuring Bruce Banner's torso from a couple of recent sets. I like this torso design but it does not accurately reflect Hill's upcoming appearance in Spider-Man: Far From Home. This double-sided head looks good though and the pizza tile is superb, despite seeming slightly out of place here!

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The most appealing minifigure in this set is definitely Ned Leeds and he looks marvellous, featuring a dark brown hair piece that was designed for Professor Flitwick but suits Ned perfectly. The torso piece originates from the Harry Potter theme too, although it now features medium dark flesh hands. Its dark red and dark blue pattern does not correspond with the movies but looks wonderful, perhaps hinting at a connection with Spider-Man.

40343 Spider-Man and the Museum Break-In

Ned's medium dark flesh head is new, including a smile on one side and a worried expression on the other. I love the subtle printing around his chin and these expressive designs appear fitting for Spider-Man's closest friend. Unfortunately, no accessories are provided with Ned but this is still an enjoyable minifigure.

40343 Spider-Man and the Museum Break-In

The Completed Model

Museum exhibits are often targeted by super villains and that seems to be the situation here. This set contains two such exhibits, focusing upon a pearl silver suit of armour and a trans-light blue gem. The plinths are simple but fulfil their purpose and I like the trans-clear dome that covers the gem, although the same building technique has appeared on past occasions.

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The robbery is evidently being perpetrated by a drone, presumably controlled by the same mysterious character as those from 76130 Stark Jet and the Drone Attack. Its tri-rotor configuration is unusual but looks great and the rotors are fixed on articulated arms, enabling dynamic displays. The model stands on a trans-clear base to represent hovering.

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40343 Spider-Man and the Museum Break-In comes with an excellent selection of minifigures and is therefore an enticing pack. This version of Spider-Man has appeared previously but is only otherwise available in 76130 Stark Jet and the Drone Attack at the moment while Ned is entirely new and I think he looks great, despite reusing some pieces.

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Maria Hill also incorporates several existing elements but they are less effective, failing to capture the agent's militaristic appearance from the trailers. Moreover, the price of £12.99 or $14.99 seems expensive given the small size of each accompanying model. Nevertheless, the exclusive minifigures will probably justify that price for many Marvel Cinematic Universe fans, as they did for me!

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments below.

36 comments on this article

By in United States,

Must buy for me!

By in United States,

Looks like a great little set!

By in United Kingdom,

good review

By in Belgium,

This - and the Ninjago/City packs just released - appear to be a new direction for Blister packs, where they actually state up front that they include unique elements. Whether that means they won't later appear elsewhere is anyone's guess, but if not, they just made the packs much more collectable. Lego and their dastardly attempts to prize away our lunch money!

Edit: just checked the packaging on this one and it doesn't mention exclusive elements. Unlike the City one. Will have to check Ninjago one when it arrives.

By in United States,

Thanks for the review! It's definitely on my Wanted List, although for 2.00 more and w/one less Minifigure than the other small people packs it's a bit overpriced, as mentioned. The new Spiderman headpiece w/his mask pulled up so he can grab a bite of goodness though... that's too cool! It would be perfect for a new Halloween Trick-or-Treat kid in my city. On his way to the next house but can't wait to get a mouth full of a full size Brickbar :)

By in United States,

When I saw the size of the set and how little was in it, I thought “well maybe it’ll be okay for $10”.



LEGO, just...stop. I want to buy a freaking LEGO set again, but I haven’t in almost three years now besides $4 polybags because your pricing is OUT OF CONTROL. $15 is twice the legal minimum wage! A 49 piece set is not worth two full hours of work (especially not when the bootleg version will probably only cost $6). For $10 I might, MIGHT, have considered this.

But $15? GTFO.

By in United States,

I can't wait to pick this one up, it all looks fantastic!

By in United States,

Is this set only available at Lego Shop @Home?

By in United States,

Disappointed that it doesn't come with a chair.

By in Netherlands,

Good minifigs, and more castle like accessories are always good.

By in Senegal,

I almost bought this .;; but when I saw the price, I got wise.

By in Puerto Rico,

Nice, the museum builds look great as well both Ned and Maria but I hope one with Wu from Doctor Strange.

By in United States,

@Kalking- I don’t think it’s ridiculous. A minifigure pack is $4 and this pack includes 2 exclusive figures and one insanely detailed one with two different faces, plus small side builds. $13 would be better like the packs have been in the past but $15 isn’t ridiculous.

By in United Kingdom,

I love this. It's pushing hard against the legal restraints Hasbro have put upon Lego that they're not allowed to release minifigs without some sort of build in there as well. This is probably the bare minimum of pieces that Lego can include while still calling this a construction toy instead of an action figure. And hell, if this one sells, maybe we'll get more Marvel figure sets? Would love me some more comic-inspired designs. Kid!Loki and Squirrel Girl, please?

By in United Kingdom,

Can i get this now?
In the uk?

By in United Kingdom,

when is it available in the UK?

By in United States,

The fact people don't think it's ridiculous for 49 pieces for $15 you need help. $5 a figure is insane. Knock it off so the rest of us can enjoy cheaper LEGO. Otherwise LEGO will be charging $130 for a X-Wing in 5 years.

By in United States,

@David1985-- They already did... 6 years ago (10240). Not what you meant, I know. But realistically, what other company besides Melissa & Doug offers such high-quality toys? And be glad that this inflated premium only applies to these blister packs; everything else gets discounted on Amazon after a few months. Not happy with TLG's prices? You have two options: compare shop and stalk eBay for deals, or stop buying LEGO products. 'Nuff said.

By in United States,

"Yes!... Guy in the chair!"

By in United States,

Mine should be delived tomorrow with my lunar lander

By in United Kingdom,

Got mine today - yay!

By in Australia,

Wow $25 in Australia?

By in Australia,

$25 for three minifigs and a couple of pieces is insane, and I certainly won't be purchasing it.

Having said that, are we sure that's Maria Hill? Given the pizza, I thought it was MJ.

By in United States,

Looks more like Aunt May than Maria Hill or MJ if you compare their faces, theyre different and of course MJ is darker skinned and has different hair.

By in United Kingdom,

as soon as I can go to the nearest lego shop (i don't want to pay postage fees), I will get this

By in United Kingdom,

It looks like the flesh printing on that red head is actually quite good. Does this mean we're seeing an end to the problems?

By in United Kingdom,

Lego marvel polybag idea 2019 : 76135 'old lady who bought Spidey a Churro' 5 pcs/pzs

By in Poland,

Old starter sets had 4 figures. Small build for 10 DOLLARS. They were exactly as detailed as those. 12 dolars would be good enough

By in United Kingdom,

I'm normally very principled about getting sets for good value (8p per piece or less), but this one is too good to wait on, even if the Agent Hill fig kind of sucks.
Could use the Spidey head for an upside-down kissing scene like in the 2002 film.

By in United States,

Nice set, am definitely buying it but waiting for the 2 Marvel art sheet to go with my order.

My only wish is that they included the red-and-black costume.

By in United States,

Hopefully Ned shows up cheap on bricklink. I'm already putting together a custom Hill from existing parts and I have enough Spiderman so far.

By in United Kingdom,

I went to the lego shop today but it was out of stock so 3 pounds 95 p shipping here i come

By in United States,


Since when was LEGO a high standard toy? 1993? They can't paint light colors on dark at all, the figures printing in general is garbage, the colors still don't match at times. Stickers everywhere. Small pieces crack all the time, like cheese slopes.

But yeah 'high quality'.

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