Review: 30461 Podracer

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Podracers have been a prominent feature within the LEGO Star Wars theme since it began twenty years ago, despite the peculiar structural design of these nimble racing vehicles. 30461 Podracer is the latest such model.

This craft looks good on its packaging and could therefore prove to be a welcome addition to the twentieth anniversary range.

The Completed Model

30057 Anakin's Podracer was released in 2012 but this miniature vehicle is considerably larger than its predecessor, measuring 15cm in length. That exceeded my expectations and the model looks great on display, featuring a subtle connective structure between the twin engines and the cockpit. Moreover, the proportions are reasonably accurate when compared with the source material.

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Both engines include marvellous mechanical detail. I am pleased with the tiny exhaust flaps on either side and the yellow air scoops look great as well. However, each scoop is only attached to the engine using one stud so they feel extremely fragile. The trans-purple energy binders are quite sturdy though and provide a firm mounting point for a trans-clear 12M shaft that links the engines to the cockpit.

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Unfortunately, the connection at the other end is less secure and the cockpit frequently rotates around this connection point. That might have been intentional as the engines certainly move in relation to the cockpit onscreen, although I would have preferred a sturdier connection. Moreover, the cockpit itself is lacking in detail, only loosely depicting the enormous air scoops that are integral to its design.

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30461 Podracer is slightly disappointing in my opinion. The engines are impressively detailed but that has resulted in certain compromises with regard to its structure. Furthermore, I think the cockpit could be improved as its present design bears little resemblance to the movie, particularly towards the front where the trans-clear 12M shaft is positioned.
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On that basis, I would only recommend the polybag to those who intend to complete their LEGO Star Wars twentieth anniversary collection or anybody who collects podracers. I think younger fans may find the structural issues notably frustrating.

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17 comments on this article

By in Netherlands,

This will make a fine addition to my collection.

How do I get my hands on one though?

By in Netherlands,

Honestly, it does not look good on the packaging at all. It also looks horrible IRL. That connection above the power couplings looks quite bad, it has 2 couplings for stability of the lego model but no effort has been made to make them appear as one coupling like in the movie, and the front of the cockpit seems to be bitten off by a Dewback.

By in United States,

At first I thought it was a miniature classic space set. I was disappointed. Easy pass.

On that note when will classic space be rereleased? ;-)

By in United States,

Wait this is new? I thought this was another classic set review

By in United States,

The air scoops up front look really awkward, especially considering that they should be arranged in more of a triangle shape.

By in United States,

I like it. It’s a nice polybag and a good inclusion. Great review as always.

By in United States,

Looks like the one from the Podracing Bucket.

By in United States,

The mini snowspeeder is much better than this. However, that grey stud representing Anakin looks better than the small Anakin minifigure in my opinion. ;-)

By in Puerto Rico,

This is a superb display piece.

By in United States,

Now this is podracing...

By in United States,

Great little set, I grabbed one at Target. Podracers have a special place in my heart because of the prequel hype even though I didn’t actually like the prequels.

By in United States,

I don't care for this polybag much. What we really need is a UCS model of Anakin's podracer!

By in United Kingdom,

Dear Brickset,
Please could you let me know why you deleted my comment? It was inoffensively critical of the review and set, but didn't violate any of the guidelines.
That you have actually taken on-board what I wrote and since changed the article is good to see, but isn't your usual, honest behaviour.

By in Germany,

Tbh, I don't see much appeal in this set. Podracers imho need a certain size to be able to look true to the source material and this one doesn't fit the bill. Almost everything apart from some of the engine details looks strange and unelegant to me.
Easy pass.

By in United States,

@Robot99: I assume LEGO doesn't feel confident releasing expensive sets based on the divisive prequels, although I wish they would. I grew up with love the prequels, and they introduced so many interesting vehicles.

By in United States,

Honestly, I don't mind this one as much. I've got the original one somewhere, and this one's definitely more fragile than the other one. Now the Snowspeeder, that's a nice and durable model!

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