Review: 75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter

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Star Wars Resistance is the latest addition to the roster of Star Wars animated series and features some striking vehicles. Major Vonreg's attractive TIE Interceptor is a splendid example and 75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter appears outstanding too, accurately recreating the design and colour scheme of its onscreen counterpart.

Furthermore, this set contains a splendid range of minifigures, including Kaz Xiono who is the primary character within Star Wars Resistance. However, the price of £64.99 or $69.99 seems relatively expensive so I am hoping the quality of this set and the associated minifigures will justify its apparently inflated cost.


Despite occupying a prominent role in the animated series, Kaz Xiono is exclusively available here at the moment. His new hair piece looks fantastic, featuring an accurate colour scheme of black and dark tan. The double-sided head is decorated with two severe expressions which is reasonable, although an alternative smile would feel more appropriate for the character in my opinion.

75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter

Kaz wears a bright green jacket with dark green sleeves. The metallic silver highlights look marvellous and this design continues onto each leg, corresponding with the source material. The minifigure wields a black blaster pistol but lacks his Team Fireball helmet which is slightly disappointing, especially since an ideal component already exists and would only require some colour and printing changes.

75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter

Leia Organa only appears on three occasions during the first season of Star Wars Resistance but her return is welcome here. This minifigure looks quite similar to the version from 75140 Resistance Troop Transporter, sporting the same purple waistcoat with a sand green shirt underneath. However, the belt design has been updated slightly and there is additional creased detail on the new figure.

75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter

Purple does not correspond precisely with Leia's attire in the television series or Star Wars: The Force Awakens but the perfect colour is not currently available so this design is a good alternative. Moreover, the head is also new. Both sides feature smiling expressions and the dark tan hair element looks good when compared with the source material. Leia is always prepared for battle so includes a blaster pistol.

75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter

Many different Astromech Droids have appeared in LEGO Star Wars sets but R1-J5, generally known as Bucket, is an interesting example. His coverings have been predominantly removed, leaving behind an exposed photoreceptor which is printed on a 1x1 round brick. The tan helmet on top looks perfect in relation to the television series. Furthermore, this droid includes an extended central leg, making clever use of a trans-clear hand grip.

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Major Vonreg is definitely my favourite minifigure from this set, sporting an imposing red uniform that distinguishes him from other First Order pilots. The helmet is brand new and includes an angular visor which appears reminiscent of Mandalorian equipment. The metallic silver air supply nozzles look great and I love the moulded details across the top of the helmet, faithfully replicating Vonreg's onscreen appearance.

75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter

The character does not remove his helmet during Star Wars Resistance so a plain black head is found underneath. His torso is nicely decorated though, featuring dark red armour and a colourful life support unit. The dark red kneepads look splendid as well, although the minifigure lacks dark red boots. Vonreg carries a black blaster pistol, much like Leia and Kaz.

75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter

The Completed Model

TIE-series craft have been a popular subject for LEGO Star Wars since the theme started during 1999 and their design has remained fairly consistent since 9492 TIE Fighter was released in 2012. The new First Order TIE Interceptor definitely shares features with past vehicles, although this rendition is more reliant upon Technic elements than others and therefore feels exceptionally robust.

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The cockpit section appears particularly familiar, incorporating several building techniques which were used for 75211 Imperial TIE Fighter last year. However, the latest design is dominated by red and dark red elements and they are complemented by a few black streaks. I love the printing across the access hatch on top but a larger dish component would form a smoother spherical shape, matching the trans-black viewport.

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Nevertheless, both parts are mounted on hinges and they open to reveal room for Vonreg inside. Clips provide storage for his blaster pistol on the wall while the control yoke is cleverly represented by a dark bluish grey droid body. Furthermore, the exterior includes a communication antenna so matches 75101 First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter from 2015.

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Spring-loaded shooters are situated beneath the cockpit. These are activated using a dark bluish grey switch towards the rear which works quite effectively, although the button seems more prominent than necessary. Nevertheless, this is perfectly situated as the model is intended to be held here and it feels remarkably tactile.

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Each solar array wing is similarly robust, employing some Technic beams which connect them with the fuselage. Their external design looks magnificent. I like the combination between black and red panels while the shape matches the source material nearly exactly, making perfect use of the new 4x6 wedge plates. The dark bluish grey section at the centre is also accurate but further texture would have been beneficial.

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Other than its striking red colour scheme, the most distinctive features of Vonreg's TIE Interceptor are probably the angular cutouts at the rear of both wings. Once again, their shape corresponds precisely with the onscreen vehicle. Presumably these are intended to reduce the weight of the craft or provide improved visibility for the pilot, resembling the design of the Mining Guild TIE Fighters from Star Wars Rebels.

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The forward section appears more similar to the traditional Imperial TIE Interceptor, including two laser cannons and missiles launchers between the aerodynamic prongs. Unfortunately, the designer has not been able to replicate the gradual curvature of the solar array wings but I think that would be extremely challenging at this scale, especially given the need to maintain absolute stability.

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75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter looks tremendous, whether or not you have an interest in Star Wars Resistance. Its striking colour scheme stands out against other TIE-series vehicles and the interesting wing profile has been replicated with impressive accuracy. Moreover, the model is sturdily constructed so it offers excellent play value from that perspective.

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However, the price of £64.99 or $69.99 is rather expensive, especially since only four minifigures are included. They are individually superb but a couple of additional characters should certainly have been provided, the most notable being Jarek Yeager who occupies an integral role within the animated series. For those reasons, I would only recommend this set following a significant discount, despite its attractive design.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments.

23 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

good review. The printed Round Plate reminds me of the old lego vikings shields.
PS can i expect a review of set 75242 Black Ace TIE Interceptor ?!

By in United States,

Great review, and a great fighter. I agree about it being slightly overpriced, but I was able to pick this up at Walmart yesterday (05/25/19) for only $56.00 here in the US.

By in France,

I got it and I can confirm it's a brilliant set.

By in United States,

Yes most stores in my area that I have visited are also carrying it at $56 to. Its a fun set!

By in United Kingdom,

I admit it... I'm too far into the Legends continuity to ever get out of it, and seeing a red-marked TIE Interceptor just makes me think of Baron Fel's 181st. Though it looks like they had considerably *less* red than Vonreg likes to use.

By in Austria,

^The story arcs dealing with Baron Soontir Fel's past in the Dark Horse Rogue Squadron Comics were some of the best in that series.
I wish the new canon had some good new fighter and ship designs, so we'd get some Lego sets that are more appealing.
It may just be me, but I think the wings are too steep. RebelBuilder's TIE Interceptor just looks much sleeker and overall better than this one. I'm also not a fan of the connection between wings/wings and wings/cockpit. The figures are probably really cool if you're into the show.
I hope that a remake the OT TIE/in (if there ever is one) will be less of a ripoff in terms of the price than this one.

By in United States,

Great review! Thank you. I look forward to adding this to my Tie Fleet.

By in United States,

The red and black color scheme is very attractive. Adds a bit of color to your shelves.

By in United States,

This set instantly become one of my favorites after I built it. It stands out so much compared to the regular Gray, Black & White ships in Star Wars. The Minifigures are also very unique & highly detailed. I bought the Trans Red 6x6 dish from the 75101 First Order Special Forces Tie Fighter to put on this set to go better with the red color scheme & it’s looks even better to me with the Trans Red on it.

By in United Kingdom,

Love this set ..

By in Australia,

As much as I want this set, $110 is far too much. No chance of getting it on sale either as it’s a Toyworld exclusive. My local Toyworld still has 2016 sets on sale for full price!

By in United Kingdom,

I really like the look of this set- the red certainly sets it apart from other TIE fighters- but I think I’m going to wait a price drop or the episode ix Tie interceptor that will inevitably emerge. Still, I’d be very happy to add this to my collection in any case!

By in United States,

I LOVE the positive comments on this post, so much negativity in the Star Wars community now. The set looks great but I’m going to wait for a Fireball set (crosses fingers)

By in Puerto Rico,

LEGO fans: "new OT Tie Interceptor please (not me personally)."
LEGO: "Here is a new Sequel Trilogy Tie Interceptor called Tie Fighter (and primary villian character name)."
Fans: "We hope the same thing isnt done to the Tie Bomber and we get an OT and one from.the ST."

By in Netherlands,

Color scheme on this is very nice and I don't even collect Star Wars.

Nice use of angled plates to get those black shapes on the red wings.

By in Netherlands,

It is a great TIE Fighter, but way too expensive.
In the Netherlands this set is 75 euro and that for just 500 pieces (including 4 minifigs).

By in United Kingdom,

A truly stunning object to build & to behold.

If you're not bothered about specific characters, and just want the model, I bought this set new VERY cheaply on eBay ("no minifugures" is the key phrase; bargains abound).

By in Netherlands,

It was a nice addition to my Tie-fighter collection. And it really stands out between all the grey, blue and black Tie-fighters,.

By in United States,

Great review. I immediately bought this because I get very tired of the never ending medium stone gray that is the main building color of Lego Star Wars. As to the price; I am an AFOL. $ 70.00 is a refreshingly low price to those of us who buy the large $ 200.00 to $ 400.00 sets. It is a wonderful design and the color scheme is great.

By in Finland,

Pretty good set but that price is just evil

By in United States,

Great review! I really like Star Wars Resistance and this set, so this was a must-buy for me. I actually got in on May the 4th when it was on sale, but haven't found time to build it yet.

By in United States,

I like this set, but still can't decide if I want to get it or not. Just the fact that it's from the First Order decreases its appeal already, not to mention the TV show... But that color scheme... Dang it!

By in United States,

I've watched all the episodes of Star Wars Resistance aired thus far (in other words, all of Season 1), and I gotta say that having two serious expressions on Kaz's head is the most unrealistic thing in this set.
Kaz is an immature goofball who alternates between manic and panic.
So this must be the Season 2 version of Kaz, after the catastrophe.

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