Review: 75226 Inferno Squad Battle Pack

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Star Wars Battlefront II was released during 2017 and provides ample inspiration for the LEGO Star Wars range, particularly in the story mode which follows the exploits of Inferno Squad. This elite Imperial unit is trained for ground or air combat roles and each member wears imposing armour.

75226 Inferno Squad Battle Pack could therefore be an interesting set. It contains an outstanding minifigure selection which should appeal to players of Star Wars Battlefront II and I think the character designs might entice other LEGO Star Wars collectors as these minifigures look magnificent in official images.


Inferno Squad is commanded by Iden Versio and this figure is unique. It does not include a helmet which is disappointing but the new head looks great, featuring a severe expression on one side and a grimace on the other. Moreover, this hair piece matches the character's appearance in the video game and her torso design is accurate too. I am particularly pleased with the red stripes on her right shoulder which correspond exactly with the source material.

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An intricately detailed life support pack helps to further distinguish Iden from the other three minifigures in this set, who are simply described as Inferno Squad Agents. I have usually supported Battle Packs containing generic characters but named squad members would probably have been more suitable on this occasion, especially because some effort has been made to differentiate them.

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For instance, one agent wears several black pouches around his waist, potentially corresponding with Del Meeko whose armour features more pouches than other squad members. This head also bears a resemblance to Agent Meeko while another minifigure includes a Clone Trooper head. Inferno Squad does not contain any clones but this design reflects Gideon Hask's appearance, as well as his angry personality!

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The torso shared by all three generic minifigures is based upon Gideon's armour and looks marvellous, although specialised designs for each character would have been perfect. Their helmets are wonderful as well, featuring an Imperial emblem and Inferno Squad's symbol alongside red lenses. Unfortunately, these are printed on a standard TIE Fighter Pilot helmet so their back remains open, as demonstrated above.

Seyn Marana is the fourth member of Inferno Squad but she only appears in the Battlefront II: Inferno Squad book. Her precise appearance is therefore unknown but this male head, with sunken eyes and gaunt cheekbones, is decidedly unsuitable! Each minifigure carries a stud shooter, two of which have been modified to represent larger weapons.

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The Completed Model

Battle Packs often include a small vehicle which does not appear in any canon material and this small speeder is no exception. The set description suggests that it takes inspiration from a TIE Fighter but it seems more akin to the Corvus in my opinion, Inferno Squad's Raider II-class corvette. Angled panels are fixed to either flank which loosely resemble similar structures on the Corvus, although those are in turn based upon a TIE Interceptor.

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There is room to seat one minifigure in the cockpit but no controls are included. I like the red highlights on the hull and the swiveling laser cannons towards the front look good, matching additional weaponry on the wing panels. Unfortunately, two blue Technic pins are partially visible behind the cockpit but the trans-light blue thruster at the rear looks alright. A round engine design would be more consistent with the Corvus though.

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I have been hoping that LEGO would produce some Inferno Squad minifigures since Star Wars Battlefront II was released and am delighted with 75226 Inferno Squad Battle Pack. All four human team members are included and they look fantastic in minifigure form, sporting detailed helmets and imposing armour. Ideally, their attire would be specifically designed for each character and Dio, Iden's droid companion, would have been a welcome inclusion but those might not be realistic expectations for a Battle Pack.

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The accompanying speeder is relatively simple but it works quite adequately for a Battle Pack vehicle. Perhaps a Microfighter version of the Corvus would have been more appealing. Nevertheless, I would recommend this Battle Pack purely for the minifigure selection, particularly to players of the Star Wars Battlefront II video game.

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36 comments on this article

By in United States,

I picked one up a few days ago. Some of my favorite minifigures in my 'Imperial Army' now, even if Iden and Del Meeko end up fighting on the other side of the war (just like my Agent Kallus and Imperial Mudtrooper Han Solo figures!) ;)

I do wish Iden's seeker droid thing was included though. It feels like a 'missing' squad member. If we are to get any other specific squads in Battlepack form, I'd hope Lego would take a glance at the older video game Republic Commando, since Delta Squad is well over a decade over-due for the official Lego treatment.

By in United Kingdom,

I don't know who these characters are, but I do know that I want them!

By in United States,

Great review. These minifigs are freaking amazing!!

By in Mauritius,

Not including a fourth helmet is a bit insulting really. I mean, I get why LEGO does it (Heaven forbid we get four identical coveted figures in a battle pack nowadays), but it's just outright anti-consumer behaviour.

Not like anyone wants to see Iden Versio either; Battlefront 2's campaign was incredibly bland and disappointing (although that goes for most of Disney Wars, really).

By in United States,

I'm disappointed that they used TIE Pilot helmets rather than stormtrooper helmets.

By in United States,

Maybe it's just me, but that speeder looks terrible. I know you buy a battle pack for the figures, but the build should at least look presentable. The color placement just looks awful to me.

The figures look really cool though.

By in United States,

Classic Space battlepack: four figures, two vehicles, and lots of smiles for ten bucks. Star Wars battlepack: four figures, one vehicle, and lots of drama/darkness/no parents in black and very, very dark grey for fifteen bucks. If Batman didn't work alone, he might get along with these Inferno Squad gents just fine.

By in United States,

This is the first time I've seen SWB2 mentioned without the microtransaction controversy.

By in United States,

The red and black serves as a very nice color combination on the helmets. Too bad the speedor was not just those two colors as well, instead of the light grey intermixed in. I don’t know the source material though, which perhaps might have the light grey. Just personal preference I guess. If I were to ge this, I’d make it just red and black. Some pieces aren’t available in black I suppose.

By in Netherlands,

This set is on my wish list. Though, I really really wish TLG would include 'proper' 'normal' SW blasters, instead of or at least next to those stud-poppers. Also, no helmet for that female TIE-Fighter pilot figure is a bit lame.
I don't know who these characters are as I never played the game, but I assume she has a helmet, even if she does not wear it all the time in the game, as a helmet must be part of her pilot/combat outfit!?! Are these characters TIE-fighter pilots in the game, or what else is going on here?!?!
Anyway, thanks for the nice review. The minifigs look pretty good, and the little speeder thingy build does not look too bad, and can always be modded or its pieces used in other MOCs.

By in France,

Great set from a minifigure perspective.
I hope that a Corvus set will be available one day.

By in Germany,

Not including a fourth helmet is a pretty lame move. At least they didn't throw in three Angry Clone heads, but one is bad enough.

By in United States,

@golem25 The following phrase is not something I thought I would be reading in 2019:
"(although that goes for most of Disney Wars, really)."
Would have expected this in some dystopic anime inspired future where corporations rule us with an iron fist. Thanks for the laugh!

By in United States,

Please TLG, please introduce a design again for the back of one-sided minifig heads to include the black body-glove so we don't have to keep looking at exposed fleshy patches on the back of helmeted figures.

By in Mauritius,

@Jotahesse1 give it a couple more years, lad, and that future will be real. Without anime girls unfortunately.

@darkstonegrey I wonder why they stopped doing the back body glove heads...... oh wait, I know; because flesh heads are cheaper and thus increase the profit margin. Who cares about our customers, right?!

By in United Kingdom,

Is anyone going to get the Brickarms custom guns for this instead? like the DLT-20A for Del, and the E-11 for Iden

By in United Kingdom,

I know i am

By in United Kingdom,

Been hoping for Inferno Squad figs ever since Battlefront II came out. They did in ok job imo but I wish there was more red on them, maybe on arms and sides of legs.
I also wish they did better face prints for Hask and Meeko and included hair. Not too bothered about there only being 3 helmets cos I don't care about the fourth member.

By in Germany,

Would have preferred to get a droid and a smaller (even classic Endor) speeder bike in black. Also, 3 times the same torso, they could have had 1 with a little change, also the heads chosen are not ideal, why did they have to put the angry clone head even in this? They're not clones, are they? C+ in my book, might get this for 10€ one day.

By in France,

I have bought it for minifigs only, not being a player of the video game. And those are excellent, even on their own. The main character has much personality with the face and hair selected, and I particularly like the color tone chosen for her skin. Great addition to any SW collection, whether you know and like the game or not. And the fact that there is no helmet for Iden doesn't bother me at all, as there are already three of them (they are really good) and I would not have displayed her with it as I really really like her head and expression. A good minifigs pack, as the parts of the mini ship will be used elsewhere for me. Good review again Cap'n thank you.

By in United Kingdom,

I got this pack yesterday and i think the reason Iden don't have a helmet is because you can still see the second expression with the helmet on.

By in Puerto Rico,

Other than Iden this is like 70% accurate to the source but I can find a way to work with that (adding a droid can be fixed and Iden and her team could have added a fourth member that perished before the battle of Endor).

By in Australia,

Still not put into stores in Western Australia yet!

By in United States,

@xboxtravis7992 Delta squad made a cameo appearance in Star Wars The Clone Wars. I think it was around the time Savage Oppress came out.

I think instead of the 4th member for the squad, the should have added a helmet for Iden and an Imperial officer representing her dad.

By in United States,

I think Iden is Iden, Meeko is the pouch guy, and Hask is the sunken eyes guy. I don't think Marana is meant to be represented in this set since most people know Inferno Squad from the game. So to get a 4th minifig they basically went back to the generic clone/stormtrooper face.

By in Austria,

So if I'm not mistaken, this is the first ever LSW battlepack to include a female character or trooper. Now why in the Nine Corellian Hells is it too much to ask for to just
1) Put 4 helmets corresponding to the 4 figures into the set.
2) Replace the damn angry clone that nobody likes with a generic female head like the one from the Resistance Fighter in 75177. I couldn't care less about the New Canon, but I still think the fans of this game and its corresponding book deserve an appropriate faceprint for one of the main characters.
3) Make a model that doesn't look like complete crap. This thing bears no resemblance to either a TIE or a Raider-class corvette.
4) Get rid of the stud shooters for good, I have like a billion of the damn things.
5) [Non-related] Make the battle packs exciting again! Generic Clones and Stormtroopers are fine, great even. But: So far there has been a single battle pack (75133) which included non-humans. We need more of those!

By in United States,

I like the set! Will likely buy a 2nd... Wish the builds could be more source-authentic. Believe I’ve only made use of 5 builds, over the years, all of the rest have been parted out.

By in United States,

A Pay-To-Win LEGO set!? ?? At least the figs look good.

By in Mauritius,

@Ephseb you conveniently forgot all the droid-related battlepacks (these count as non-humans I dare say) and the Bounty Hunter battlepack (can't be bothered looking up the set number)

By in United States,

I’m not really a SW or LEGO SW fan, although some of the sets really do look awesome. This is one of those instances. I’m really happy though for the SW fans that will be able to enjoy this. Looks like a great little set.
As always, a great review, CapnRex101!!

By in Canada,

If anyone is 'meh' on these characters because the Battlefront II single player campaign was 'meh', read the book... it was awesome. I don't want this set because of the game, I want it because of the book. Too bad Seyn Marana looks more like Emperor Palpatine than a young woman though :P

By in Slovenia,

A reminder to all of you that are having problems with a missing 4th helmet or want to get rid of the stud shooters that this set, like most of others, are intended for children to play with. :-)

By in United Kingdom,

I look more like Janina Gavankar than that Iden figure does...

By in United Kingdom,

well, I've got the Brickarms guns, just need to get the set now

By in United States,

I just picked up 2 of these and love it! I prefer the Inferno Squad book to Battlefront II. I always thought stormtroopers should have dark uniforms, starting back in 1984 when I wanted to build an army of TiE Pilots instead of Stormtroopers with my Kenner figures!

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