Review: 30615 Edna Mode

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LEGO has produced several sets based upon Pixar films in recent years, the latest of which take inspiration from Incredibles 2. Designing Pixar minifigures must present a considerable challenge as the proportions of the characters are often exaggerated so seem unsuitable for minifigure representation.

30615 Edna Mode exemplifies this. The fashion designer appears rather odd in minifigure form, due primarily to the small size of her head when compared with the source material. Nevertheless, Edna Mode is a tremendous character so I have been excited to add this polybag to my collection and hope it will surpass expectations.


Edna Mode is exceptionally conscious of fashion so wears an impressive striped dress in the first film. Unfortunately, her short legs are somewhat restrictive and it looks more like she is wearing a shirt than a dress, although I like the metallic silver bands across both sides of her torso and the corresponding pearl dark grey arms look superb too.

30615 Edna Mode

This black hair piece was created for Irina Spalko from the Indiana Jones theme but it suits Edna quite well, recreating her hair style from the movies. Her distinctive round glasses look alright too and I love the double-sided head that features a huge grin on one side and a disgusted expression on the other. Both designs are perfectly representative of Edna's eccentric personality.

30615 Edna Mode


Edna Mode is one of my favourite characters from any Pixar film so seeing her in minifigure form is an absolute delight. However, there are certainly areas of this figure which could be improved, most notably around her head. The character in LEGO The Incredibles includes a new element that combines her hair and glasses, thereby exaggerating the size of her head. That component looks magnificent so it would have been wonderful to see that here.

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However, it would be unrealistic to expect the manufacture of a new piece for a promotional polybag like this one. On that basis, this is a reasonable minifigure and I would recommend adding it to your collection if you are a Pixar fan.

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15 comments on this article

By in United States,


And yeah, the figure isn't perfect, especially when compared to the game's variant.

By in United States,

While this is great, Edna’s nose in the movies is rather prominent and she doesn’t look right without it.

By in Hungary,

Perfect character for the director (actor: Linda Hunt) of NCIS Los Angeles :)

By in United States,

With the Incredibles figures, they should've molded the heads to match better like they did with the Simpsons. This doesn't look like Edna. Hair should be flatter on top and wider. Glasses also bigger, wider on the face and the missing distinctive nose of hers hurts the look too.

By in United Kingdom,

Worth note, this version in the game (which is unlocked by the code on the polybag) is called Edna Mode (Juniors) which implies it was designed to match the Juniors sets even if the packaging doesn’t make this distinction.

By in Denmark,

I totally want to add her for my collection. When reading the review, I now think I’ll buy 2 of her. I agree with the others that the minifigure isn’t perfect, but it’s better than nothing.

By in United States,

How exactly do we add this to our collection? Where do we pick one up? I haven’t seen it available anywhere except with the Incredibles game preorder. Has it been made available anywhere else? Do we have to turn to bricklink/eBay?

By in Netherlands,

This has been said before, but I'll say it again: they should have gone with the CMF series 5 Egyptian Queen's hairpiece. It really is a shame that resurrecting that part for this set would have cost too much for a polybag if that was the case (which is most likely).
Well, the print on said hairpiece had a habbit of fading away on mine (had to buy a new one on BL) so if that happend to yours you can at least put it on this figure :)

By in United States,

I like it but more than anything I think it actually needs a short black skirt/material piece to go between the torso and legs. That would have made her one-piece dress look right.

By in United States,

Maybe to represent her dress they could include a printed 1x2 brick. It could also be printed on the back.

By in Puerto Rico,

I love this character, wonder how Darth Vader will feel with her:
"Hey, is my suit ready, where is my awesome cape?"
Edna: "No capes!!!! Here, have a hologram one."

By in Denmark,

Mr Incredible also takes quite a step down when comparing the digital to plastic version.

By in United States,

I think a reuse of Mayor McCaskill’s hair piece in black would be perfect instead of the one used in this polybag.

By in Puerto Rico,

I feel like they would've been better off just doing Frozone.

By in Singapore,

This would be the perfect chance to use the existing Cleopatra hairpiece..

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