Review: 41194 Noctura's Tower and the Earth Fox Rescue

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With new summer releases just around the corner, it's the perfect time to finish looking at the largest Elves set from the beginning of the year: 41194 Noctura's Tower & the Earth Fox Rescue. Elves sets are known for their imaginative designs and being packed with moving functions and delightful features. This set is certainly no exception, and may just include my favourite moving function ever in an Elves set. Let's take a look at the surprises the designer has included for us!

The front of the box shows the entire set, with Noctura in her Tower, and Liska the Guardian Earth Fox unfortunately her captive. But there's hope - Farran has arrived and is using his earth magic against Noctura in an effort to free the Earth Fox. Meanwhile Molo and Hippo, the evil bats, are doing their best to prevent Liska's rescue. On the back of the box there's a series of insets showing the different play features of the set, which we'll look at later, as well as the successful rescue of Liska, reunited with his earth diamond. Inside the box there are five numbered bags, three instruction booklets and a small sticker sheet.


The minidolls in this set are Farran and Noctura. Noctura is new to this set. Her face has some lovely foreboding black detailing on her forehead and wears a suitably derisive sneer suitable to someone who is looking to capture magical animals. She has long black wavy hair (also a new piece) that cascades down her back (and changes colour to teal at the ends) and slightly over her shoulders. Her dress is terrifically detailed with silver and teal designs with a gold emblem resembling the four magic diamonds, with a similar detailed printing on her long skirt. Noctura is a rather striking minidoll as her dress is a one armed version with a long left sleeve that also includes a black glove. She has no printing on the back but it doesn't matter as it's covered with a black cape that's lined in teal. Fighting on the side of the animals is Farran, who has new outfit for this wave. This set finds him in a sleeveless green tunic with leather cross body holster and leather belt. He also has some gold detailing on his upper left shoulder. He also wears titanium metallic pants with brown boots with silver detailing (I'm thinking only an elf can get away with titanium trousers).

Also on the scene are Molo and Hippo, the evil bats. However, their expressions hardly look evil. We've met Molo in a previous review and he looks quite pleased with himself. Hippo similarly lacks the evil vibe and instead just looks rather clueless.

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Farran and Noctura both come with accessories. Noctura has a shadow staff with four slots meant for each of the animals' magic diamonds, along with a book filled with instructions for unsavoury things. Farran has a brick built magical earth shield that is almost as tall as he is. If you watch the webisodes, you learn how the different elves receive and learn to use their magical talismans.

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The side view of the minidolls shows the markings on Farran's arm as well the details on the accessories.

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The completed model

The first part of the build is Liska, the Guardian Fox. His build is not dissimilar from other brick built creatures. His head does have a longer and narrower snout than the lion, which makes sense. He also has pointed fox like ears with some "feathers" on either side of his face. He has a lovely detailed expression. His lower jaw is white, like the lion's which I think looks fine but wonder what a green lower jaw would have looked like.

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Liska's tail fans out into three parts, with each tip ornamented with green translucent cheese slopes. They're attached to his body using ball joints which allow for some articulation but not enough so that they don't look like a tail. There's room on Liska's back for one rider that has an appropriately designed seat cushion with a graphic of the four magic diamonds. Liska's feet are somewhat more dainty than other brick built creatures, but I didn't find them to be problematic for posing.

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Now on to the biggest and my favourite part of the build - the tower! There are three levels of the build, though admittedly only two of them are usable for minidoll purposes. The ground floor is clearly a working/lounging area for Noctura. On one side there's a small apothecary kitchen. There's a table that has a potion resting on top, but the main part of the space is for the cauldron with two bottles of ingredients. Thanks to a gear, the bottles can be tipped up to add ingredients in the necessary doses.

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On the other side of the aisleway leading into the tower, there's a very elegant chaise lounge on which Noctura can rest while she's making her malicious brews. The match to the table on the other side is found here with a refreshment for Noctura.

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I had originally thought that I might be able to avoid adding the stickers to this set, but sure enough, there are stickers that provide potion recipes, so I ended up adding stickers anyway.

Taking a look at the exterior of the ground floor we find some nicely arranged crystal formations on one side, while on the other, there's a conveniently placed key ready for Farran to pick up to free any magical animals. But wait - could it be a trap?

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It is - but looks like Farran got out of the way just in time.

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Moving to the next level, there are three spaces. One side of the floor is dedicated to defense, with a stud shooter manned by one of the bats. Maybe that explains the expression on his face? There's also a railing that has a chain on which to keep one of the magical creatures captive.

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On the other side of the floor there's a small balcony with railing that has a mushroom sprouting off to the side (because that's where one would always look for a mushroom). Attached to the railing is another chain meant for the magical creatures. But, there's another moving function here. Tip the mushroom down, and the railing will pop off, allowing for a rescue.

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The center of the floor looks like a study, with a couple more tables with some interesting keepsakes - on one there's a skull in a jar, and on the other, what looks to be a snack (I'm guessing not for the skull). There's also a spider web that can be used as a doorway to this area.

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The stolen elemental diamonds are also on display here.

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My favourite part of the set is easily the top level, which is given over to the formidable bat at the top with two very impressive sets of wings. I confess I thought originally this was supposed to be a dragon, but the use of the horned pieces for ears and the fact we have mischievous bats as accomplices make me think it's supposed to be a bat. All of the promotional material show the bat in its fully displayed glory - shown here on from the front and back views.

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The bat head is quite remarkable in itself, and I like the use of sloped pieces in crafting it, particularly the translucent yellow cheese slopes for eyes.

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However the one thing that I didn't fully realize about this set from the pictures typically seen of the set is that the bat's head and one set of wings can be raised and lowered thanks to a knob and chain attached to a technic mechanism in the back

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Turning the knob will wind the chain, which then lowers the bat's head and multicoloured wings. The final effect is a shrouded second level with the elemental diamonds hidden from view. I think from this angle it still looks like a dragon.

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It's not quite as pretty on the other side, but it's not unattractive, either.

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Overall thoughts

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I really enjoyed this set. Like many Elves sets, there are a plethora of new parts and new colours, as you can see on the inventory page here. For the price point (646 pieces, $59.99, £54.99, 59.99€) you get two very different kinds of building experiences with the brick built fox and the tower. I really like how each of the Elves have brick built accessories - in this case, Farran's shield. The minidolls are marvellous and I particularly like Noctura's detailed printing.

For me, though the winning feature on this set is the giant bat that's the center feature of the tower. The bat head is a nice build, and that the bat head and wings can be raised and lowered is wonderful. It's an ingenious use of a moving function; many kudos to the designer for including this feature. I had a great time raising and lowering the bat, and I'm substantially older than the age range of 9-12 listed on the box!

Apologies for those who have been waiting for this review. I posted the pictures on flickr a couple months ago, and unfortunately sometimes non-LEGO life (i.e., work) gets in the way of my building.

I'm looking forward to seeing the Elves sets that will come out later this year, though there will only be two sets. Rumours have it that this is the last year for Elves. I certainly hope not; the theme comes out with some of the most creative and imaginative sets that LEGO offers.

24 comments on this article

By in Denmark,

Fully agree!
In respect of creativity, imagination and use of colors the Elves sets have been second to none.

By in United Kingdom,

"By the power of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!" I see Elves, but think Trollhunters! Isn't that right Master Jim!

By in United States,

kabba your right, its worst (worst as in best) in friends. they have many unique pieces and the builds are fantastic. wish we could have a resort in lego city :(

By in United States,

or a hotel, a giant cruise ship, a mall, Go Karts, a diner, just some thoughts :)

By in United States,

isn't that a bowcaster stud shooter? that turned this set from a "would be nice" to "must have!"

By in Norway,

Dark blue and teal is a surprisingly effective combo!

By in United States,

Why is the new Ant-Man set still not revealed if you can buy it in two days.

By in United States,

I love the color combination as well, I'm tempted to get 4 of these...

By in France,

Good to see you back for a review Megan thank you. Once more a very colorful and playable Elves set, those tiny bats are cute and I can confirm that little girls like them a lot, and the built animals as well. The tower filled with details and again good colors combination for a vilain's lair, a lot to build, a lot to do and play with... Looks like a good set.

By in United Kingdom,

Great review. I hope the Elves theme isn't coming to an end! :(

By in Hong Kong,

I guess Nocturna is collecting her own infinity gems huh?

By in United Kingdom,

It. Is becoming increasingly difficult to fine Elves sets - at least in our part of the UK so we are very far behind on these. A great shame as this review confirms they are still brilliant

By in United States,

I think the fox might be my favorite animal from this wave. The tower was fun, although not quite on par with previous Elves castles, but the use of teal is nice.

By in Netherlands,

Great review! I have been looking forward to it. It's always a joy to hear your thoughts on these sets! This set is both a castle and a villians lair, so I was curious how it would stack up to the previous two lairs. It's a bit too small for my taste, and the inclusion of the fox and bat mechanism really don't help. But as you showed us, it still has that charm and detail that can only be found in this theme

One question though. Why does the fox have eyelashes? Wasn't the fox a he? Or is he just that much into mascara and false eyelashes or something XD

By in Australia,

I haven't picked up any of this year's Elves sets. Some of the giant brick-built guardian animals haven't really piqued my interest, but I do like the fox and lion sets.

It would be a pity if Elves wraps up, this year. It's been a good theme.

By in United States,

hey weird question but, When do the season 9 sets come out? Lego shop at home says august first but many other sources say june. Also there in lego land which means they should come out soon. Anybody know the real release date? also unikitty sets are on

By in Poland,

I love fact that almost every Elves set has mechanism hidden in it!

By in Germany,

Thanks for the great review. I haven't got this set yet, and reading this (and looking at the pictures) just made me more resolved about buying it. As has been the case with a few other reviews of yours :-) One rather important thing - I think the fox is female, see the episode of Elves series here:

By in Canada,

Good review! One thing you didn't mention that is probably worth bringing up is that each side of the tower has Technic pin holes so you can link it with the lab in 41195-1! While the tower is not as big or impressive an evil lair on its own as Ragana's castle or Cronan's fortress, I think it's still pretty nice and has some decent interior detail. And being able to combine it with the lab certainly helps make up for its somewhat small size.

The color scheme of the tower is somewhat reminiscent of the 2015 ghost sets from LEGO Ninjago, but makes some unique choices in using Bright Bluish Green, Aqua, and Cool Yellow instead of Spring Yellowish Green. The Aqua-colored ground and floors give me sort of a lunar vibe, as do the giant glowing mushrooms in a 19th century sci-fi sort of way. I was puzzled at first why the branch on the left side of the tower was built studs-down in the instructions, until I realized it was so you can hang one of the bats upside down from it! It's very nice that they gave you points to attach all four of the elemental creatures, even if you have to borrow the chains from some of the other sets to do it and none of them will have a nice lock like Liska's. Also, I think the white ammo that the bats' shooters fire is meant to be balled up spiderwebs, which I think is pretty clever!

Liska is maybe my favorite of the elemental creatures — I love her fluffy triple tail and tiny little paws! Like many brick-built creatures from the Elves theme, she's very streamlined and doesn't seem out-of-place when placed beside a mini-doll or a smaller molded creature. I do think her neck looks a lot better when you angle it up against her body rather than stretching it out horizontally. I also think the white lower jaw looks pretty nice since it matches her tummy! The mirror-patterned stickers are a fun detail on both Liska and the tower.

Noctura and Farran are both great character designs. It's interesting to me that Farran is the only one of the Elves so far who has changed their skirt/trouser style. He used to wear looser breeches that stopped above the ankle, but in this set he wears more form-fitting pants. His new armor looks great and I love the fox motif on his shoulder strap! Noctura also looks really unique with her single-sleeved dress and Bright Bluish Green cape and gown patterns. Her staff is a bit unassuming on its own, but looks very unique with the elemental diamonds attached.

Overall, the set has a good value for money and definitely lives up to the 9–12 recommended age with its elaborate Technic function! I'm very happy to have it in my collection. ^_^ Thanks for the review!

By in United Kingdom,

Annoys me slightly when people say these are girls sets. Would have loved these along with my pirates when I was a kid!

By in United States,

Thanks for this review, Megan! I've been meaning to write up one and you beat me to it, but I also wanted to call out the bat feature as it's not at all marketed on the box or site. It almost feels like a "spoiler" surprise that the designers want builders to discover. And like many Elves sets, the execution is better when seen IRL than on the box.

I will say to those who label these as "girl" sets that Elves have been equally attractive to my 7 yo son (and many of his guy friends) as to my 5 yo daughter (and many of her ... guy friends). In fact my daughter plays "Elves" on the playground with boys who also love (and have) this series. ( Yes, I have been actively promoting it.). And yes my son assembled most of this kit.

I do find the shrinking size of the biggest set in each season suggestive that maybe this segment of the market has a lower cap. Personally I got Ragana's Castle but never found the Goblin King's a justifiable buy. It might be that Lego can't squeeze high margin boxes out of this line, and perhaps that hurts its profitability?

I hope not, because Elves introduces a charming, organic, and colorful-but-not-garish aesthetic that Lego sorely needs.

Oh, and the Netflix series had a surprisingly good last episode that redeemed its overall mediocrity.

By in Canada,

@Padmewan: The biggest sets haven’t really been shrinking consistently… after all, first half sets like this one usually don’t get as big as second half sets. Wave by wave, the biggest sets have been the Treetop Hideaway ($50), Sky Castle ($80), Secret Market Place ($60), Shadow Castle ($100), Goblin Village ($60), Goblin King���s Fortress ($70), Noctura’s Tower ($60), and Elvenstar Tree ($80). So Noctura’s Tower is pretty much just as big as any of the first-half Elves sets to date, and this year’s actual biggest set is bigger than last year’s!

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