9678 Twin-pod Cloud Car & Bespin

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9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud Car9678 Twin-pod Cloud Car & Bespin is a series two planet set and is the same as the series one ones in that it consists of a hollow planet, a minifig, a mini-model and a base to display them on. In the UK it costs £9.99 and in the USA it will be US$9.99.

The box can just about be flexed enough to remove the planet without tearing it. There's nothing in the box except the planet containing the parts, and the instructions booklet.

9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud CarThe 78 parts are contained in two bags, a lot of which are orange.

9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud Car 9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud CarThis is the first flesh-coloured version of Lobot: his first and only appearance until now was in the original Cloud Car set from 2002. He has some great printing on the back of his head.

9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud CarThe Cloud Car is an interesting build that takes advantage of SNOT techniques to build its distinctive shape. The two Curved 4 x 1 Double No Studs pieces on the sides are new in orange in this set.

9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud CarThe back of the Cloud Car reveals that the centre of it is built studs-forward.

9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud CarThe completed model showing the Cloud car and minifig on their stand, which is the same as those in the series 1 planets.

9678 Bespin and Twin Pod Cloud CarFinally, here's a close up of the printed tile.

The planet sets are at a price point that makes them highly collectable: the planets themselves are not much use other than for Christmas tree decorations but the combination of an often unique (or rare) minifig and a well-designed micro-scale model make them irresistible.

The price is not too shocking, but I suspect Argos will have them in a 3-for-2 deal in the UK at some point which will make it an ideal time to pick up all three.

17 comments on this article

By in Australia,

This is without a doubt the best Planet set to date, when one considers the rarity of a Cloud Car mini-build, and LEGO's first fleshie Lobot and second version of the character in nine years.

By in United Kingdom,

agreed, hope they do a third set

By in Australia,

Bring on a new Cloud City set, with the new Lobot and Boba Fett minifigs...

By in Canada,

Definitely the best set of the second series. Not sure we needed a third micro AT-ST and fifth X-Wing...

By in United Kingdom,

If there's any planet set I'm going to get it will definately be this one. It's a well designed mini set and figure and also as neither have seen the light for so long it's a great planet set. I wonder when Lego will make a full sized version of this set.

By in United States,

I bet at one point Lego will make a hoth with at-at. Will you be reviewing the others?

By in United States,

I will probably pick this up for the Lobot minfig. Not many Planet Sets catch my eye, but this one sure did.

By in United States,

The solid swooshability of the cloud car (much like the original set) had me sold on this one from day one.

By in United States,

This would be probably be the only planet set that I have interest in at the moment.

By in United Kingdom,

This looks like a good set, probably the best Planet set yet.

By in United States,

yup i agree. best planet set so far. Lobot rocks

By in United States,

Great set. but the Planet looks nothing like Bespin. it looks more like Raltiir in the Star wars video game Rouge Squadron Rebel Strike.

By in United States,

Thank goodness that the new Lobot is in a ten dollar set and not a hundred dollar set!

By in United Kingdom,

Don't think I'll get it, but I have to admit it's a great set. Minifig is wonderful and the model is pretty nice too.

By in Canada,

I am planning to get this set, mostly because of the Lobot minifig.

By in United States,

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A correctly colored cloud-car

By in Canada,

Does any one know if they corrected the issue of the planets being "exposed to the elements" as it is by being outside the box with no protection (like a plastic cover) or anything like that? And if they are still unprotected, did you notice any marks or anything on yours or others? I just remembered this being an issue in the last reviews, which really turned me off of buying these.

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