Review: 75887 Porsche 919 Hybrid

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75887 Porsche 919 Hybrid is the second endurance racer in this wave of Speed Champions and it needs to stack up favourably to the 75886 Ferrari 488 GT3 Scuderia Corsa to make it worth picking up as well. In the real world, the car is interesting as it has both a conventional petrol engine and an electric motor that work together. In our world of bricks however, that doesn't really count for much – it just has to be worthy of the Speed Champions title. Let's have a look to see if it qualifies.

Here's the front and back box shots at the usual size of 190 x 140 x 60mm.

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The back again shows the real car on the bottom right...

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...and the contents are the normal format of 4 bags, 1 chassis, instructions and sticker sheet.

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30 stickers to be precise. If I wanted this many stickers regularly in my hobby I'd be collecting Panini albums. Bah!

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Interesting parts are a pair of left/right 6181713 (1X2, W/ Bow, 45 Deg. Cut) recoloured in white, and new lower profile mudguards.

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Here's a comparison to the previous type, as fitted to the Ferrari. They are 2x4x2 size so have less "dangle" and there is a 1x2 plate height notched out on the rear. No doubt car MOCers will be pleased to get these. On the replacement parts service, the design number is 35789 and though not currently available for sale, they look to be available in white, red, blue and dark green.

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The Minifigure

There have been several drivers of the car in real life, so the minifig this time is a male generic. The torso print is ok front and back showing the sponsors and manufacturer. After being spoilt by the tribute figure in the 75886 Ferrari, and by the fantastic prints in the 75885 WRC this one looks a little plain by comparison.

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He gets a spanner as an accessory but no wig for when he takes his helmet off.

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The Build

It goes together in the usual fashion. Here's the bulk of the bodywork.

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And here's the final product. Sticker whinge time again though. There's a lot to adhere, and some are really fiddly with the smallest of them having to go onto 1x1 tiles – not fun at all. I used the tip of a knife to help line things up but it's becoming more and more obvious that I need a trip to the opticians.

And for your viewing pleasure, here it is with the bulk of the stickers removed.

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The added play extras in this set are a set of pit lights, bench and a laptop for probing the Porsches telemetry.

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Here's a slightly different angle comparing it to the real thing

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The vehicle has been captured quite well and the stickers do go a long way to help the cause. It looks better from some angles than others. Side on, and three quarter views are very cool. You get a real sense of the low centre of gravity and you can see that the front splitter is practically dragging on the floor.

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The back is a little ugly though.

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The driver's red helmet complements the car colour scheme and the air intake pops up to allow the canopy to be removed.

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It's a perfectly good set but it hasn't set me on fire - though it's hard to pinpoint exactly why that is. I definitely prefer the 75886 Ferrari 488 GT3 Scuderia Corsa in terms of looks and I guess that's simply the reason - a personal preference. A quick and unscientific show of hands in my household yielded the same result.

There's already been a 919 in the 75876 Pit Lane and whilst this is an improvement over that particular model my (small) issue is that it looks incredibly like the 75872 Audi R18 e-tron quattro. It's just a shame that with the limited release slots available, this wasn't dedicated to something different looking or completely unique.

If you haven't got either of those sets then it won't matter at all to you but if you're a Speed Champions collector, you might feel short changed for the reasons above. It's only £12.99 / €14.99 / $14.99 for 163 pieces though and it fits the brief perfectly.

It's well worthy of consideration and makes a good counterpart to the Ferrari. I can't let a purely personal preference stand in the way of a recommendation, so I won't. It's very worthy of the Speed Champions label and I'd still recommend it.

What do you think? Please let us know in the comments.View image at flickr

Many thanks to the LEGO Group for providing Brickset with a review copy of the set. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

23 comments on this article

By in Indonesia,

Nice car. Just unfortunate it relies so heavily on stickers to look good. Without those @%^*! stickers it's a bit bland because of all the white, despite the creative design of the air vents / air intakes on the sides between the wheels.

By in United Kingdom,

I like it and think it looks much closer to it's real life equivalent than a lot of speed champions. It's a shame the road sign pieces are attached with the grey hook pieces as this doesn't look good from above, and I'm also disappointed that the windscreen decoration is a sticker and not printed as in some previous sets.

By in United States,

I'd buy more of these if it weren't for the gosh darn stickers.

By in Netherlands,

Thank you very much for including a complete car with and without stickers for me to compare! Can u please keep that as a standard part of the Speed Champions reviews?

By in Belgium,

Wow, really impressed how well they captured the real thing.

By in United Kingdom,

Doesn't set me on fire either. One redeeming factor - fold the sticker sheet up and one can have two cars!

By in France,

I've never been a big fan of speed champions, but this wave looks pretty cool

By in United States,

"It's a perfectly good set but it hasn't set me on fire" Who would want a lego set that sets them on fire!! Safety hazard!

Oh wait, you mean figuratively...

By in United States,

I love the air intake that lifts up to let you take off the windshield!

By in United States,

I will probably be getting this, as I have a soft spot for endurance racers, even though I have the other two sets mentioned.

Obviously I still agree that the stickers are a pain, but I also accept the fact that there's no way Lego could print that many pieces and keep the costs down. I did mention on the Ferrari review that craft tweezers help a great deal.

I'd still love to see some IMSA DPi's in this range, but due to their disagreements with the ACO/WEC I'm not sure that would happen. Perhaps the Toyota hybrid could be next though?

By in Germany,

Oh look, another LMP.

By in Finland,

Thank you for the stickerless photo. I hope this comes a trend!

To my eye it does not look so bad without stickers. The thing that bothers me the most is when detail like headlight are done with stickers. I do not mind decals at all.

I might get this for mods. Those new mudguards look sleek.

By in New Zealand,

...thought that was a solid black visor in the minifig photo for a second.

By in United States,

Beautiful model! I disagree with some online reviewers and prefer instead the back end of the E tron Quattro because 1. thicker 2. the vent stickers. However, the variety is what is awesome. It is these differences that make collecting fun and makes each model stand out. I love stickers but wish that Lego printed the windshield here. I wish they could come up with a way to represent how bulbous the actual headlights are as those are a beauty in the real car (a new 1x2 curve clear piece? Sticker on the inside). Nevertheless, a huge fan of this design here. I love your camera angles - especially in the side and 3/4 profiles : )!

By in France,

Stop reviewing all the Speed Champions set!! I started thinking that I should buy the Ford Fiesta. Later the Ford Mustang was also good. Then, the Ferrari Corsa looks great and has a female this one!! I will end buying all of them!! (And my wife does not allow me buying more!!)

By in Netherlands,

The first SP-model with doors? Great!

Still, for me the only one worth craving is the Mustang.

By in Australia,

Yeah, this one doesn't do much for me either. I found the Ford Mustang was the only one, of this batch, that was worth buying. If I'm bored or it's on sale, I might pick up the Ferrari later on in the year.

By in Australia,

I’m a motorsport fan and my whole life was spent coveting the wee plastic and die-cast models put out by the high end manufacturers like Tamiya and Minichamps.

As a Lego fan, I can get past the blockyness and awkward proportions of these sets, and as a scale model car fan my first reaction to the sticker sheets is usually one of amazement. They’re beautifully done! Typical high standards in Lego quality even extend to stickers.

Yep, I've got no problem with the dreaded sticker sheets. Call me a heretic :D

I actually really enjoy taking my time putting these stickers on, as it’s part of building a model car. If you disagree, try building a plastic kit!

I’m also a LeMans purist, so I welcome seeing loads of cars that earned fame and immortality at La Sarthe, even though some, like the R18 and 919, might look almost identical to the casual observer. To fans like myself, these cars represent the pinnacle of their breed.

I will enjoy building this car, that’s for sure!

By in United Kingdom,

@eMJee83 No it doesn't have opening doors.

By in Germany,

> "There's already been a 919 in the 75876 Pit Lane"

No and yes the 75876 has the 2014/15 model while this one is the 2017 model. I'm on the same page as @Rare White Ape. Even through I agree, this model is closer to the original then 75876.

And if you got to review the big Ferrari set. The single Ferrari is a GT3 while the one in the set is a GTE.

By in Greece,

Still laughing on the Panini sticker album joke!!!

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