9496 Desert Skiff

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9496  Desert SkiffBeing from the original Star Wars trilogy, this was one of the most anticipated of the summer Star Wars sets. A reworking of a Desert Skiff was long overdue: the last one (7104) was released in 2000 and is very crude compared to this version which does now look something like the prototype.

The set also comes with Sarlacc which is quite cool: you can fit a minifig inside the jaws, which snap shut.

9496  Desert SkiffIt comes with 4 minifigs, Boba Fett, as discussed below, Lando in disguise, Luke Skywalker and Kithaba, all of whom are new, according to the box.

Lando is much better than the last 'in disguise' version of him in Jabba's Sail Barge: the helmet looks to be the same design but has been painted this time.

We haven't had a Kithaba minifig before so he's all new. As someone has mentioned in the flickr comments to this picture, his red trousers stand out a bit much, don't they. Dark red would have been preferable. I think Luke is just sporting a new torso print.

One thing I noticed with this set is that the instructions are printed in a much higher quality paper than other 2012 sets: it's thicker and shinier so is less prone to creasing as you flick through it. It's no doubt more expensive, too.

Overall, a nice set, if a tad expensive, but then which Star Wars set isn't these days...

That's all I have time to write at the moment but for an excellent in-depth review, check out the one written by CapnRex101.

27 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Great review Huw! Glad to hear what you think about the set.
I love this set, my review is here: https://brickset.com/reviews/44215
EDIT: I just noticed a little typo Huw, you have put 'Scarlacc' in the second paragraph.

By in Canada,

Im not *that* big a fan of Star Wars sets, but I will definitely be getting this.

By in United States,

Slight mistake: There was actually another skiff in 6210, though for whatever reason it can't be seen in Brickset's main image. This one is still an improvement, though. I'm already calling a Jabba's Sail Barge in 2013...

By in Finland,

Got this set along with the new Jabba one and all I can say is 'loads' of very high quality SW minifigs - thanks Lego !

By in Philippines,

Being mostly a minifig collector, I'm just glad I didn't rush into buying the Slave 1.

By in United States,

This looks like a great set with possibly some of the best minifigs we've seen but what is desert skiff without a sail barge?

By in United States,

I can't wait until this, Palpatine's Arrest, and Jabba's Palace are released in the US.

By in United States,

This set looks like one of the best. Thanks for the early reviews, Huw and CapnRex101!

@CapnRex101 - Just curious - what did you call yourself before Clone Wars came on the scene?

By in United Kingdom,

I wonder why they chose to include Kithaba over the more famous Skiff guards like Barada or the Weequay who actually forces Luke onto the plank? Whatever the reasons he is still a great figure!

@Zacherano - I only actually joined this site in 2007 just after the characters from the then upcoming movie were revealed. I decided that Captain Rex seemed like a pretty great guy and the rest is history! Before that I simply quietly observed the news at Brickset.

By in United States,

Sadly this set is needed by collectors because of boba fett. He is already going for $25+

By in United States,

It seems strange how LOTR is released first in U.S instead of UK because LOTR was created by J.R.R Tolkein who lived in England right? While Star wars was invented in U.S by George Lucas. but does anyone know when the SW sets will come to U.S?

By in United States,

When does this set release in the U.S.?

By in United States,

^^^That is rather odd, isn't it?

By in United Kingdom,

Great reviews of a seemingly great set. Pay day needs to hurry up and arrive so I can go get this baby! Please lego release the sail barge set to go with it.

By in United States,

What is the RRP on this set? $24.99?

By in United States,

Nice review, thanks and this will be one I will lookout for.

By in United Kingdom,

This is a great little set, just finished building it myself. Quite a simple build but the end product is cracking and all four mini figs are top draw. A must have for OT fans.

By in United States,

No blind Han Solo and hand-cuffed wookie? Why is there fish coming out of the Sarlacc pit?

By in United States,

My son wants the Spider-man set pretty bad, and since we have made a rule this year to buy only 10 LEGO sets per year now, the Spidey set seems like its the number 10 (were on a budget). Although, after viewing this spectacular set and its lovely price, I might as well snag one for myself without him knowing! ;)

By in United States,

Unlike other SW sets, this seems like it's worth every penny. You get Boba Fett who is one of the coolest minifigs of the SW line, a brand new alien species head, Lando and Luke. Plus a detailed skiff and a Sarlaac. Seriously, I don't really play with my Lego's anymore, but I would defiantly play with this set when/if I get it. It's a perfect ratio of good guys, bad guys and things they can interact with.

By in United States,

I think his pants are good. I mean, yeah, like, having them dark red would look stupid because it would match his bandana. LEGO made a good decision making them bright red because if it would match his bandana, it's like how much some woman care so much to match their purse with their shoes. It would be just like that. If they actually did care about fashion, don't you think those weequays would have got rid of their ugly wrinkles with some 'ageless' cream at the nearest Sally's Beauty Supply? Also, does any one else think it's kinda weird that so many weequays in LEGO (everyone except Turk Falso) wear bandanas?

One more thing that I would like to point out: CRYING TIME! LEGO was so cautious to give Kithaba the bright red pants, but they made a GIANT mistake: even though Luke got the accurate torso he deserves, his right hand is flesh. Just going to point this out for the people who don't know that much about Star Wars: In the famous battle at Cloud City where Vader says to Luke, "I am your father . . . . . . *cough* *cough* This breathing apparatus doesn't work that well sometimes. I'm going to have to get that checked"(XD), he then slices Luke's hand off and watches it fall without volunteering to reattach it. The nerve of that guy! Anyways, Luke got a robotic hand like Anakin did in Episode II after his battle with Dooku. They both got black gloves to cover the the skeletal reconstruction fused onto their wrists. I wonder what the hospital bill for getting those robotic hands was. Must have been a lot of republic credits!

By in United Kingdom,

@billybobjoe - It is actually accurate, I think technology had moved on since the time that Anakin received his prosthetic limb so the hand was much more natural and he did not need a glove. He only puts the glove on after this battle over the Sarlacc due to Luke being shot in the hand during the skirmish. Therefore at the start of the scene both of his hands were normal flesh (although one of them was false).

By in United Kingdom,

I really want this set. Go sarlacc!!!!

By in Canada,

@billybobjoe, @CapnRex101

Yup, you're both right! Luke didn't put on the black glove until after his (artificial) hand got hit with a laser blast when he was on Jabba's sail barge, which was after he lept from this skiff to the main barge.

I cannot WAIT for this set to hit Canada!! Decent price, wicked minifigs and a great vehicle/playset too! I really hope they're planning on re-releasing the sail barge too, I missed out on 6210 but it's one of my most-wanted sets!

Can't wait for Jabba's palace either!

By in United States,

Sorry about what I said in that history-report length comment, CapnRex101, I found a picture at http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Luke_Skywalker, and you're right. Now I have another criticism: Even though he once wore the clothes he's wearing in the set, he wasn't wearing these clothes at this battle; They were all black :C

By in United States,

When are we gonna get these in the U.S.?????

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