Review: 75193 Millennium Falcon Microfighter

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The Star Wars universe is absolutely packed with iconic vehicle designs and the Millennium Falcon is probably the best known of all. The release of 75193 Millennium Falcon Microfighter does not therefore come as a surprise because this set is bound to prove popular, despite its similarity to 75030 Millennium Falcon from 2014.

However, a number of changes have been made to its design, reflecting that of the Sequel Trilogy craft. In addition, Han Solo has been replaced by Chewbacca on this occasion which could be a considerable draw as the Wookiee has not appeared in such an inexpensive set previously.


Chewbacca first appeared in 7190 Millennium Falcon and a nearly identical minifigure remained in use until 2014, when the character was redesigned. This version features dark brown fur with medium dark flesh highlights so is accurate to the source material but there should perhaps be some additional medium dark flesh hair around the Wookiee's midriff. The metallic silver bandolier across the torso looks superb though.

75193 Millennium Falcon Microfighter

The face also includes impressive moulded and printed detail, featuring a shiny black nose and eyes as well as bright white teeth. Chewbacca is armed with a pearl dark grey crossbow which looks good, although I think the stud-shooting bowcaster introduced in 2015 would have been even better as that element is more accurate to the weapon in the films.

75193 Millennium Falcon Microfighter

The Completed Model

This rendition of the Millennium Falcon is structurally very similar to its predecessor, using wedges and curved plates to form the mandibles and fuselage. The details on top are distinctive though, including a couple of dark red markings, round maintenance access bays and heat exhaust vents towards the rear. Printed 1x1 round tiles would have been wonderful but I think the black tiles look pretty good too.

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Chewbacca sits just behind the cockpit and is protected by a comically tiny windscreen. I always enjoy the absurd scaling of Microfighters sets which this is particularly apparent here given the unusual height of Wookiee minifigures and the shallow seat. Han Solo was more enclosed in 75030 Millennium Falcon as the side of the cockpit extended further around his legs. A dark bluish grey 1x2 bracket is used on this occasion and I think this works quite well, although the exposed studs look rather odd.

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The cockpit itself is represented by a printed 2x2 truncated cone, just as on the 2014 Millennium Falcon Microfighter. However, this one features dark bluish grey windows rather than black ones. Either colour looks good to me and I like the reddish brown 2x2 plate with two studs at the base of the seat. The twin stud shooters on top are also a new addition to the model, replacing flick-fire missiles on the original model.

Furthermore, the round rectenna has been swapped for a rectangular design that matches the Sequel Trilogy vehicle. The 1x2 jumper plate looks great, although it is a shame that the dish can no longer be angled up and down as it could in 75030 Millennium Falcon. I wonder what kind of rectenna will replace that lost on Crait during Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

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A row of trans-light blue cylinders and 1x1 plates line the rear of the model, depicting the sublight thrust drive. This design is quite effective and the fuel drive stabilisers, represented by 1x1 slopes, look superb too. It is a shame that there is not room for a fourth but I am impressed that the designer has included any given the restrictive scale of Microfighters.

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75030 Millennium Falcon is among my favourite Microfighters released since 2014 and I am equally satisfied with the new 75193 Millennium Falcon Microfighter. Many of the original model's most vital features are also present here and the stud shooters are a considerable improvement over flick-fire missiles in my opinion.
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The addition of Chewbacca is also very welcome as this version of the Wookiee hero has not appeared in a set costing less than £24.99 or $29.99 until now. I would therefore recommend this set to anybody who does not already own Chewbacca or 75030 Millennium Falcon as I think it offers good play value and the price of £8.99 or $9.99 seems fair.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your thoughts on the set in the comments below.

17 comments on this article

By in Puerto Rico,

A neat ship but call me when a fully armed and operational AT-AT UCS set is launched.

By in United States,

The ship looks weird from the front on and the bottom with the design of the carbo manifolds on the front. Doesn't look quite right.

Still, I love the details on top and the chance to get Chewbacca in a cheap set! It looks great next to the Ghost Microfighter.

By in United States,

I personally prefer the crossbow to the stud-shooting bowcaster as I think it looks sleeker. A great review and I am now seriously considering this set. Thanks CapnRex!

By in Canada,

Love this model and Chewie is awesome as well. A new design for Chewie is coming in the Han Solo Millennium Falcon and can’t wait to get that as well

By in United Kingdom,

If you don't have the previous Microfighter Falcon or Chewie then it's worth getting.
I don't think the updated design tweaks add anything (& possibly subtract) so, given I have the previous & a Chewie, I see nothing here worth getting

By in United States,

Straight to the parts bin, but I can't wait to finally get a Chewbacca for the price he goes for on bricklink (plus free pieces). I'll still wait for a sale though.

Thanks for the review. The set looks decent, but I never build the microfighters.

By in Canada,

I'll be honest, I only bought this set for the Chewbacca minifig and to bump up my total to qualify for free shipping.

By in United Kingdom,

Great micro fighter but I won’t get it as I already have Chewie!

By in United Kingdom,

Wow! Great micro fighter and cheap way to get chewie!

By in United States,

If you rotate the Modified Tile with Clip that attaches the rectanna by 90 degrees, and switch to middle arm of the Pneumatic T Piece, one would be able to angle the rectenna up and down...

By in United Kingdom,

The Microfighter series Falcon is one of the few true standout models in the Microfighter series and Chewy is great. This one however has a few flaws that one can only describe as irritating. The seating provides insufficient clutch and depth and poor Chewy falls out at the merest of swoops. That dark bluish grey 1x2 bracket substituted for 75030's Engine 2X4 is just awful and seems unfinished. And true enough one instantly mods the rectenna to pivot properly during the build while wondering, "Why did they do that!".

By in United Kingdom,

Unfortunately this is a no go for me as I have the almost-identical Microfighter from 2014 and a growing collection of dark brown printed chewies. But a good in-depth review all the same pointing out the differences and useful parts. I just find it a bit odd that this was released so soon since the last one but clearly any size of Millenium Falcon - big or small - is a banker!

The set was on backorder the other day in the UK so it's been pretty popular. Usually small sets don't have that kind of stock level issue.

By in Brazil,

Is it possible to rotate 180º the 2x2 brown piece that Chewbacca sits on? Cause the way it is now doesn't look very stable.

By in United States,

I believe that Chewbacca also made an appearance in the MicroFighter set, Wookie Gunship. Or maybe it was only a relative :-)

By in Australia,

@Somnium yes it is. It's literally a 2x2 plate with studs only on one half.

By in Australia,

@saturncoupe1999 that was just a generic wookiee, different colour and different printing.

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