Review: 41602 Rey

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Not every character is suited to the BrickHeadz style and I was concerned that 41602 Rey may be among them. Her grey Jedi robes are fairly distinctive within the Star Wars universe but might seem plain when compared with more colourful BrickHeadz figures.

However, this set has proven to be a pleasant surprise! Rey's elaborate hairstyle is not visible in official images and the colour scheme really stands out to a surprising extent too.

The Completed Model

Each BrickHeadz figure stands on a black base so you can display them all together very neatly. I like the 2x4 printed tile denoting that 41602 Rey belongs to series two, although it seems a shame that the bases are not decorated to match their respective character or subtheme. A simple Star Wars symbol would have been idea here and I think every BrickHeadz subtheme should follow a similar trend.

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Rey deviates slightly from the usual BrickHeadz template, using angled plates along the bottom edge of her robe. These are fitted to 1x4 bricks with studs on the side and I think the technique works perfectly, forming an accurate shape and raising the printed belt in relation to the rest of the torso. The printed design is simple but looks good in relation to the movie and another printed element depicts Rey's loose-fitting tabard.

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This brick is actually used on the front and back of the torso which is unusual, although it makes sense as the strips of fabric do cross Rey's back in the film. Her face is relatively plain, featuring a pair of eyes but no other printed detail. This matches the source material though and her swept hairstyle looks superb, nicely incorporating some reddish brown curved slopes and leaving the forehead entirely exposed.

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The true intricacy of Rey's hair only becomes apparent when viewed from behind. Layers of jumper plates, 1x1 slopes and curved slopes form a remarkably complex shape which is not visible in any of the official images or on the packaging, unfortunately. It is also worth noting that the set includes seven 1x1 quarter circle tiles, as well as a spare, which are brand new in reddish brown this year.

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My only criticism of this figure relates to the arms. Rey wears beige wraps around her forearms in the movie and leaves her shoulders exposed. This model instead includes light bluish grey sleeves which look out of place to me, although the aforementioned arm wraps might have conflicted with the colour of the hands. Nevertheless, this is not a major issue in my opinion and I am glad to see Rey's blue lightsaber included.

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This is an excellent addition to the BrickHeadz range. There are certainly other figures which are more immediately impressive but 41602 Rey has far exceeded my expectations, not least because official images do not properly convey the complexity of her hairstyle. The grey Jedi robes look marvellous too and I particularly like how the edge of Rey's clothing has been constructed using angled plates.

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I would therefore recommend this set, although 41603 Kylo Ren remains the best of the four Star Wars BrickHeadz released so far in my opinion. Hopefully the Original Trilogy characters that will become available in the next few months will be similarly impressive.

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13 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

The hair is nice, but aside from that, if 90% of the detail comes from printing, does this really deserve to be made into a Lego set?

By in United States,

@Brainslugged: Where are you getting the idea that 90% of the detail comes from the printing? If you replaced all the printed parts with unprinted versions of the same parts (in the same colors), it'd still be recognizable as Rey... just with slightly less detail in the upper torso. For that matter, I'm a little skeptical of the idea that sets need to "deserve" to be made—if enough people are interested in buying it, and it doesn't represent an undue burden to make it, I don't see why there should be any question of its legitimacy.

The detail on the hair of this figure is amazing! I've tried to make custom BrickHeadz but have a lot of trouble making hair that balances naturalism and detail with the generally blocky aesthetic. It is a shame that that detail isn't totally evident from the boxart. I sort of wish all of the BrickHeadz boxes hewed to a style similar to that of the original Comic-Con BrickHeadz, which helpfully featured a "projection" of the individual sides of each figure on the various sides of the box. I suppose though that even that might not perfectly capture the complex layering this set implements.

By in United Kingdom,

I like this one.. And I recently got my 4th brick head, it s Captain America, since buying belle n beast last July I'm really gettin into them... I want 3 star wars ones now Kylo Ren, being the first if he ain't sold out yet?

By in France,

I have all 4 Marvel BH and i think they are great. I think I’ll get the SW ones too

By in Germany,

This Brickheadz face replicates Daisy Ridleys expression perfectly. It's a marvel. ...

By in United Kingdom,

These things are fugly! I do not understand the appeal of BrickHeadz. Still - wouldn't do if we all liked the same thing.

By in United States,

haven't wanted a brickheadz before, but this one is oddly appealing!

By in United States,

I have all wide release so far excluding Wu and Finn. “This will be a fine addition to my colection.” I may get the two-pack, my Target still has three left.

By in Germany,

I got a few Brickheadz on sale for use as parts packs, and that's all these "things" will ever be to me. A cheap way (when on sale) to get certain interesting pieces.
Still can't wrap my head around why anyone would like these featureless faces. Look totally scary and ugly to me (although I admit with this figure it's perfectly fitting the source material).
Even worse that they are doing away with the seasonal vignettes in favor of BH versions this year. Will therefor be the first time in many years that I won't be getting the seasonal sets.

By in Australia,

I tried to do Brickheadz hair before but even when I think I've got enough slopes it's far too difficult. This is perfect, though, and I think I'll buy the double-pack if I ever see it.

@AustinPowers Savage! Remind me to bookmark this page for when I need to insult an actor with a Brickheadz counterpart.

By in United States,

so every even number year the seasonal sets have been a build that has made something that is similar to the Brickheadz. It only makes sense that since there is a theme that is built around it (Brickheadz) that they would fit the seasonal ones into it. When it comes to the detail I do not think that is the point of these. That is why there isn't any detail in their faces other than the eyes and almost all of them have printed portions to provide the bulk of the detail. I get it that people do not like these, but there are plenty of things that I do not want to see on this site and I just scroll past.

By in Germany,

@Baby Yoda: you're welcome.
Then again, I wasn't targeting the actress, but her onscreen character. Big difference.

And as for one final comment about Brickheadz: I try to keep an open mind, and I enjoy loads of things Lego, even some stuff that the majority would call crappy, but when it comes to Brickheadz, I am totally gobsmacked that anyone could like them.
I mean, be honest, apart from the hair/helmet-designs they all look absolutely the same. No challenging builds, no clever designs, nothing of any interest. Just square blocks in varying colours, arranged in basically the same monolithic shape, coupled with gormless faces that creep the hell out of every kid I know. Even Kryten's head has more interesting features, although he comes closest to what a living Brickheadz figure would look like.

By in Germany,

"I am glad to see Rey's blue lightsaber included." Previously Luke's, and even before that, Anakin's :)

@CapnRex101: I couldn't help but notice the high concentration of the word "shame" in your reviews. As my native tongue is not English, I'd like to ask for a bit of clarification.
Until now, I believed that "shame" carried a much more pronounced, much stronger meaning more apt for serious, incorrigible mistakes than your usage, for which I'd rather use "pity", "missed opportunity" or some other expression. Does the UK English really differ from my impression in this matter?

Thank you in advance!

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