6865 Captain America!

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6865 Captain America's Avenging CycleMy wife is at football again (Southampton vs. Pompey away) so I should have time to crack open a few more Marvel sets today.

6865 Captain America's Avenging Cycle is the smallest and cheapest (£12) of the Marvel sets. It comes with three figures, an 'avenging cycle', and some weaponry and contraptions for the baddies. The box doesn't give them a name so I have no idea who they are!

As you can see, the standard City police motorcycle is used in the set and when stood next to a minifig it becomes apparent just how ridiculously over-sized it is, what with the handlebars level with his head! Nevertheless, once CA is on it, it doesn't look too bad.

6865 Captain America's Avenging CycleLEGO is to be commended for making the two baddies totally different: different colour bodies, different torso and leg printing, and different heads, which are printed on front and back.

6865 Captain America's Avenging CycleThe weapons and flying contraption round off the set, and are pretty good being made from gold, tan and dark tan pieces.

It's expensive at £12, but being the only set with Captain America in it, this is a must-have.

14 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Technically it's not the cheapest set, because all of the large Hero Factory styled figures are £11 each.

By in United States,

It's a reasonable set and it's also the only one apart from the Quinjet to feature the baddies from the new movie, so it may useful in as an "army-builder". I really like the design on the bad guys. Some people have speculated that they are similar to the Chitauri who featured in the "Ultimates" comic and turned out to be distant cousins of the shape-changing Skrulls, but director Joss Whedon has specifically stated that they are "something new" and are being kept under wraps. I'm less happy with the design of Captain America's head. It somehow looks a little wrong with the stud on top. I would love it if they did a figure of his WWII uniform with the blue GI helmet with a star on the front.

By in United Kingdom,

I want this set only for the figures. If you ask me, £12 for both of the small sets is quite a con and They should be £9.99 and even that's a tad on the pricey side.

By in Mexico,

The genericity (generic-ness?) of the alien goons sort of annoys me, but I suppose that's the fault of the movie and not of LEGO. No matter, my Loki will have a ton of Trolls at his disposal.

Cap looks cool though.

By in United States,

In all honesty, this is better than the CatWoman one. I'm not basing this on the superiority of Marvel's overall hero section, but this has representation of both sides very even in terms of weapons. Much better than an enemy cycle and a minifig.

By in United States,

Ah, Huw, no stickers again? Nice. I was never a fan of the stickers myself, but they make a set look nicer, and printed pieces cost more. Although that printed Bat-logo in this year's Batcave was nice.

Anyways, this is a nice little set. Captain America is awesome, and his shield is too. I am American, so maybe it just is the sentimental value. The two baddies look nice, if not a little generic. But Cap's cycle is a little too generic as well. It just seems like a generic motorcycle with a patriotic motif. There are stickers, which could make it more detailed. (I forgot that as I looked at Huw's pictures) The two evil base things are nice as well. Overall a good set, especially because it is the only on that comes with Captain America.

By in Bolivia,

It is great the aliens don't look at all like Marvel characters. They are great for an army. I wish this was a less expensive battle pack, with another alien instead of Cap so I could army build them.

By in United States,

To be honest, I don't really like this. The bad guys are nice, but I really dislike that Cap is in his 'Modern' outfit. He was way cooler in his WWII uniform. The bike seems lackluster and overall not very special IMO. I was expecting his bike to look like the Agents bike, but instead it's just a Dk red police bike. The bad guy craft is cool though. But even that 'turret' is pathetic. It's just a mound of tan/gold bricks. What I like about the Marvel sets is that is has the accurate and cool figs for the adults, and the smaller more generic vehicles for the children. I don't really think this set executes either very well. And at 13$ I'd rather buy a SW battle pack that has four minifigs.

By in United Kingdom,

I was hoping this set would be from the first movie. A couple of those Hydra agents would have been awesome, these aliens are a bit...meh. I'd get it for the Captain fig if it drops below £10 probably, which is the price point these size sets should be!

By in United States,

You really really should've added the stickers, this set looks to plain because you didn't.

By in United States,

I'm glad the two aliens each different details. It stinks when they cop out because they think they have an excuse like in the case of the twins from the Harry Potter's set. Even if the figures are similar they should have distinct differences.

By in United Kingdom,

Largest motorbike ever? A sort of tank-bike. Ok. Very sound MFs, all too expensive though as a set.
@ Andhe: Yes -Hydra agents please.
@ PaulC: Absolutely: 2nd WW GI helmet version please plus the belts and webbing in print.

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