Review: 41234 Bumblebee Helicopter

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41234 Bumblebee Helicopter is one of three small DC Super Hero Girls set that have just been released. We reviewed 41235 Wonder Woman Dorm and 41233 Lashina Tank just before Christmas.

This is probably the weakest of the three and to be honest it's a mystery to me why it exists at all...

Minidoll and Kryptomites

There's certainly nothing wrong with the Bumblebee mini-doll who is one of the lesser know characters. Also known as Karen Beecher, she's helpful, positive and smart, and she has the ability to shrink to the size of a bee.

It's certainly a good representation of the cartoon character although the choice of dark brown for her jumpsuit is a bit odd because it appears to be dark blue in all the pictures I can find.

She has dark skin and a fantastic hair piece. The yellow stripe is pained.

Her wings consist of a thin plastic sheet that's folder over double and attached to her neck.View image at flickr

Two Kryptomites are provided to give her trouble. One has a white stud shooting gun but can't stand up when holding it.

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The completed model

The bulk of the set builds Bumblebee's helicopter: a short stubby contraption with dual angled rotors. It's not much to look at although the colour scheme is pleasant enough.

It's armed with dual stud-shooters, mounted each side of the canopy. The 2x2 round tiles are printed, the other decorated parts have stickers applied.

At the back there are two 'cupboards' (4211491 (Mailbox, Casing 2X2X2, design: 4345, colour: Medium Stone Grey) ) with transparent doors to enable the storage of crystals.

The long yellow flexible piece with a hole at each end (6177333) is new. It's equipped with a hook at the end with which she can catch the Kryptomites.View image at flickr

The minidoll fits in the canopy although it's a tight squeeze and her wings get folded up a bit.View image at flickr

This box is also provided although I'm not entirely sure why: the crystals and trans clear plates fit in it but not a Kryptomite although presumably that's what it's for given the sticker on its lid.View image at flickr

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It's a pleasant enough set although pretty unsubstantial and it would be the last of the Super Hero Girls sets that I would buy.

But, why oh why does a flying super hero need a helicopter in the first place? I've tried Googling 'Bumblebee helicopter' to see if I'm missing something but nothing other than this set comes up. It seems a bit superfluous and probably exists only in the imagination of a LEGO designer that needed an excuse to make a set for the anthophila girl.

Nevertheless, I don't suppose that will worry most of those who buy or are given it. The long hook, box, crystals and Kryptomites provide plenty of play opportunities and that, after all, is the set's raison d'être.

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When I took photos for the 41233 Lashina Tank review just before I went away before Christmas I omitted to position the hinges at the front properly. It looks much better once done:

These sets were provided by The LEGO Group. The review is an expression of my own opinions.

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20 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

(BTW this is my first comment) An interesting set design, I probably wont be buying it but it seems to provide enough contents for children to have fun with it.

By in New Zealand,

She needs the helicopter because she's incapable of flight after her wings get crushed in the helicopter.

It's obvious, innit.

By in Belgium,

^ Why didn't Huw think of that?! ;)

By in New Zealand,

^ His mind works on a higher plane of thought. One of sanity, I believe...

By in Belgium,

Isn't the lower part of the thin plastic wings supposed to be placed between the hips and body?

By in Puerto Rico,

I was asking the same thing about why she needs a helicopter,probably to carry all that cargo.

By in United Kingdom,

^^ yes I think you're right...

By in United States,

Could maybe use the Bumblebee-marked parts of the helicopter to make something else connected to Bumblebee, like maybe her own dorm room? Or maybe get extra parts to build the helicopter a little differently so she has some more room in it? Or perhaps she could have a sidekick fly the helicopter instead, while Bumblebee herself flies?

By in Australia,

why does the helicopter need a tail rotor when it has counter rotating main rotor blades?

By in United Kingdom,

not the best dc superhero girls set but i,ll give it a 7/10 wonderwomans dorm and batgirls jet are the best looking and reasonably priced sets to be reviewed on brickset from this new girly theme.

By in Spain,

I have a request! Could you put these minidoll's hairpieces on regular female minifigures and share a pic? I really like these hairpieces but I always wonder if I should buy Friends sets and the likes just to use the hairpieces on my female minifigs...

By in United States,

Maybe the box full of crystals and trans clear plates, but marked for kryptomites, is really full of of ground up kryptomites...

By in Canada,

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way this helicopter should be able to fly. Its propellors are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The helicopter, of course, flies anyway, because helicopters don't care what humans think is impossible.

It's possible that the crystals in the storage container are meant to be the Kryptonite crystals that the Kryptomites are formed from. The Kryptomites themselves are as cute as ever, though it's a shame about the balance issues.

Bumblebee herself looks great, and probably looks even better with her wings attached properly. The plastic film wings both look more authentic and fit better in the helicopter than hard plastic wings would have. She also has great hair Is the mini-doll's jumpsuit really Dark Brown? In the official pics and review photos it looks more like Titanium Metallic, which is a close enough match to the black color of her jumpsuit in other toys.

The copter may not seem useful, but it doesn't look too shabby. It's got very bumblebee-like proportions, a stylish color scheme, and just enough play features for its size. It's a shame it's probably too small to link the propellors with a Technic function, but for a kid even independently spinning propellors tend to be a lot of fun.

Great review!

By in Canada,


I was going to say the same thing.

Looks like Bumblebee contracted the Kaman company to design her helicopter...and if it looked weird without the superfluous tail rotor, then it would be a great opportunity to discuss how helicopters work with your little ones.

Otherwise it's pretty cute.

By in United Kingdom,

> Bumblebee herself looks great, and probably looks even better with her wings attached properly

She does ... my reviews wouldn't be the same if there wasn't something wrong in the photos for you all to spot :)

I'll retake her photos later on.

By in United Kingdom,

@Aanchir I take my hat off to you for getting that Robert Cormier quote in. I do find the helicopter weirdly cute, though!

By in United States,

Asking why a flying superhero needs a helicopter is like asking why humans need a car... a helicopter is faster, saves energy, and what if it's raining?

By in United States,

This would look even more bee-like without the (unnecessary) tail rotor and bizarre hook thing. I actually kind of like it, small helicopters that don't look like the normal City stuff are so hard to come by these days...

And wow, her character design works wonderfully with the minidoll shape! They finally found a use for it that doesn't bother me at all. Great job.

By in United Kingdom,

I like those kyrptomites thingies. They are so cute. And the character herself is sweet with those wings. Huw wondered the point of this set - well if you are an 8 yr old female... this is the sort of things you like.

By in United States,

I understand why they added Bumblebee to the "DC's Superhero Girls" series. Diversity is important when making toys. I would have gone with Vixen instead, though. ( She's much more well-known, and a member of the Justice League. The set itself is a weird design. Bumblebee can fly so a helicopter is unnecessary. I don't watch "DC's Superhero Girls" so I'm not sure if she uses one in the series.

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