Review: 75115 Poe Dameron

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The second wave of Buildable Figures continues to impress with 75115 Poe Dameron. This set contains 104 pieces and is priced at £19.99, so is among the largest of the new range. This is an odd choice as the character would be better suited to a slightly shorter figure in order to better compare with other models.

I must confess that I was not particularly excited by this figure originally but it has surpassed my expectations on the whole. Further to my liking for the character of Poe in the movie I also think this is a fairly impressive model as there is plenty of detail and the head mould looks particularly brilliant. However, I must acknowledge that this figure is not without its flaws.

Box and Contents

Poe stands with his rifle at the ready on the front of the packaging and with his T-70 X-wing Fighter landed behind him. The back of the box shows the weapons and Poe from another angle along with a gallery of the other five figures in the latest wave.

Inside is a single bag of pieces and a small instruction manual. Disappointingly there is also a sticker sheet included as the designs on Poe's chest and flak vest are not printed. This is the only Buildable Figure to include stickers so far which is strange, although I should mention that they are quite easy to apply so do not detract from the model too much in my opinion.

The Completed Model

Poe is one of the tallest Buildable Figures, measuring over 24cm in height, which is not entirely appropriate as he is not particularly tall in the movie. Other larger figures such as 75117 Kylo Ren or 75118 Captain Phasma are much better suited to such a scale as they tower over other characters in the movie. By removing the high friction ball cup at the end of each leg you can reduce the height of the figure and this improves it quite significantly in my opinion.

75115 Poe Dameron

However, independent of other figures in the range I think this one looks pretty good. The orange flight suit is very striking and the black boots and gloves contrast nicely with the bright uniform. I love the grey straps which run from the legs, where the designs are printed, onto the torso where the belt is a sticker. I resent their inclusion but there must be a good reason for it and you can hardly tell if the sticker is properly applied.

75115 Poe Dameron

Most of the torso is covered by a flak vest and life support pack, just like in the movie. I appreciate the attempt of the designer to represent this using pieces rather than a print but it looks far too bulky and reduces the poseability of the figure which is disappointing. The small Technic panels are fairly rare in white at the moment so their inclusion will be welcome if you are hoping to harvest the model for parts, but in the context of the figure I am not keen on them. The black hose, on the other hand, looks fantastic.

75115 Poe Dameron

The articulation is typical of the Buildable Figures range. Joints are found at the ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck, although the upper body movement is restricted by the sheer size of the flak vest which gets in the way. Additionally, the dark bluish grey elements between the legs and the feet obstruct movement of the ankle joint and it has a greater range of motion with these removed.

75115 Poe Dameron

Poe is equipped with a blaster rifle and a pistol, both of which can be clipped to his thighs. The rifle includes a spring-loaded missile launcher but I prefer to display the figure with the blaster pistol as I think it suits a pilot better than a larger weapon even though the character is seen wielding such a weapon in the movie.


My issues with this set can be summed up with three potential improvements. Firstly, the flak vest and life support pack should be printed, make use of a fabric element or a new chest element with these details moulded. Additionally, I think the figure should be a little shorter and the price should be lowered according to the reduced piece count and size of the model.

75115 Poe Dameron

Nevertheless, this is a fairly impressive figure on the whole. The flight suit and gloves are represented accurately while the head is moulded and printed with a fantastic level of detail.

75115 Poe Dameron

Of the six Buildable Figures in wave two this is among my least favourites, predominantly as a result of the excellence of the others, but I still think it is worth picking up, especially if you find it at a reduced price.

10251 Brick Bank will be the subject of our next review, so stay tuned!

13 comments on this article

By in Australia,

Last picture; he definitely looks a little short for a Stormtrooper.

By in United Kingdom,

^ Finn's supposed to dress up like a Stormtrooper.

By in Poland,

Buildable figures sucks! :-(

By in United Kingdom,

These figures are going to be very popular, and I am quite sure we will see many more. Im waiting for Boba Fett. Great review, I hope they listen and take on board your comment's about stickers, we all hate stickers, please listen Lego!!!

By in Canada,

My main frustrations with this figure are how gappy the back is and how knobbly the knees are. The knee issue comes from the type of shells used and the way they are oriented — Rey does not have this problem because the thigh shells are pointed downward, covering the knees, but the shells on both the thighs and shins are pointed away from the knees. I do not particularly mind the design of the harness, although you're right that it does stick out an awful lot.

The head would be more useful without the helmet, but in this costume it makes more sense for him to have it.

By in United States,

He looks awesome and was a very nice character in the movie... but gosh, those friction extenders look awful, make him too tall, and limit poseability. Why are they even there?

By in Poland,

Uncanny valley again.
The last sentence was the most exciting!

By in United States,

Looks like a puppet from the Thunderbirds (or Team America World Police). The helmeted figures are great but the human heads just don't look right. Also shades of Galidor. /shudder

By in United States,

@Aanchir, with a figure like Poe, and other figures like Ray with removable head gear. It would have been cool to seen extra pieces supplied where you could swap out their helmet for a hair piece. But I imagine Lego wouldn't want to invest in a part like that. These parts are already super specialized as it is.

By in United States,

That harness makes me think of a safety bar for a Disney Land Star Wars roller coaster

By in United Kingdom,

Looks fine to me, but I'm only into the First Order stuff so he's a pass, unless he pops up on sale. Phasma - which I snagged about a week ago - is most excellent.

By in Poland,

My problem with this set is that he has a helmet and no second head. His hair looks really cool in the film and I want him with his hair visible.

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