Review: 75114 First Order Stormtrooper

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It feels like a lifetime since 75114 First Order Stormtrooper was revealed at San Diego Comic Con back in June and ever since then I have been eagerly awaiting its eventual release. Thankfully that day has now arrived and the figure does not disappoint, actually surpassing my already high expectations.

Not only does the model look as sleek in person as it did in that original image but I think it is also priced very reasonably which only furthers its appeal and even tempts one to acquire multiple sets, at least in my case! At just £14.99 it would not be too expensive to assemble a small group of these troopers but they look equally impressive alone in my opinion, in part thanks to their impressive poseability.

Box and Contents

The box shows the First Order Stormtrooper in front of a burning village just like the packaging for Kylo Ren. A more action-packed shot might have been preferable here as the figure looks rather static and the proportions seem a little inaccurate due to the angle from which the image was taken. No such issues are present on the actual figure fortunately.

There is another image of the Stormtrooper on the back of the box along with small panels showing how the firing gun works and that both firearms can be holstered on the figure's thighs. Inside is one instruction manual and two bags of pieces. The helmet immediately stands out as you pour these out and is packaged in its own bag.

The Completed Model

Although construction is very simple the finished figure looks brilliant on display and also offers a great deal of playability. Most Constraction models of recent years have enjoyed extensive articulation and this one is no different as there are joints found at the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists and neck, although I must mention that the head movement is slightly restricted by the armour plating on the Stormtrooper's torso.

75114 First Order Stormtrooper

Nevertheless, you can easily create plenty of dynamic poses which effectively convey a sense of movement and I enjoy doing just that. The model is also very tactile so is perfect for battling other Buildable Figures or being stood beside them.

75114 First Order Stormtrooper

A pair of blasters are included, a F-11D blaster rifle and a SE-44C blaster pistol. Both are nicely designed and are recognisable when compared with the source material which is impressive given that a missile launcher is incorporated into the larger of the two. It would have been fantastic to see a Z6 riot control baton to add to the Stormtrooper's arsenal but I think that would require the price point to be raised. I expect it would be quite easy to design your own if you wish and I am considering taking on that challenge myself.

75114 First Order Stormtrooper

Both weapons can be slotted into the hands or onto the thighs where they are stored in the film when not in use. It bothers me slightly that the hand clenched into a fist is ill-suited to supporting the barrel of the gun but it does not look too bad and this is only a minor complaint.

75114 First Order Stormtrooper

The entire figure is armoured on the front and back, leaving relatively few gaps in its construction. The printed torso cover is accurate to the design seen in the film and there are even two white cylinders used to represent the thermal detonator mounted on the back of each trooper which is a lovely detail. This is only the second time these shoulder pad elements have appeared in white and many of the other panels are rare in this colour too so the figure should appeal to CCBS (character and creature building system) fans as well as those interested in Star Wars, although perhaps not to the extent of some of the other new characters in wave two.

75114 First Order Stormtrooper

I have saved commenting on my favourite element of the figure until last. I love the design of the First Order Stormtrooper helmet and it has been rendered perfectly here. The quality of the mould is marvellous and there is some lovely texturing which demonstrates a level of detail rarely seen in any LEGO set. The trooper certainly looks menacing to me!

75114 First Order Stormtrooper


This is an excellent figure. It looks superb from almost every angle and accurately recreates the onscreen appearance of these unassailable soldiers, at least based on the limitations of the Constraction elements and system of construction. The ease with which one can pose the figure is delightful and there are some impressive details included too, particularly on the helmet.

75114 First Order Stormtrooper

The few issues which I have considered do not detract significantly from the figure in my opinion and I do not hesitate to recommend it. I have yet to build all six of the latest wave but this seems likely to be one of my favourites.

75114 First Order Stormtrooper

We are going to take a short break from LEGO Star Wars reviews now and turn our attention to some other sets planned for release in 2016, including one of a financial ilk which is particularly exciting. Stay tuned!

14 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

I don't think that the helmet looks as good in the plastic as it does on the rendered images I'd previously seen. Still good though.

By in United States,

Financial ilk= Brick Bank :D

By in United States,

Nice review, Cap! Personally I think the stormtrooper is perfect for rendering in constraction form, and I can't wait for the review of Captain Phasma.

Also interesting to note that in the film, isn't the foregrip of the blaster facing the opposite way of the LEGO Set?

By in Australia,

Looks like the Stormtrooper is a couple of cm shorter than the Phasma figure. Y dey do dis? I could understand if Lego didn't want another build experience that is 99.8% similar to Phasma, but come on man. It seems like a really silly and annoying design choice. I'd personally give it 3/5 based on this.

I fear that displaying a Stormtrooper next to Phasma will make it look as silly as displaying Jango Fett next to Darth Vader.

By in United States,

Well, he's really sweet... but I like Phasma more. Also can't wait to see your review of the Brick Bank!

By in United States,

Wow, the helmet looks even better than on the box pictures. Great review as always captn! Can't wait to see the review of the Brick Bank as well :D

By in United Kingdom,

@Rare White Ape Perhaps they did it because Phasma is taller than regular Stormtroopers. I personally would have been more surprised if she was the same size, as all other toy manufacturers have made sure to show the slight size difference with their figures. Why should Lego be any different?

Speaking of Captain Phasma, I found a single one at the back of a shelf in Sainsbury's today. I can't wait to build her, especially if the regular trooper is this good!

By in Canada,

Slight correction — this isn't the first time for those shoulder pads in white. They were also in 75109 Obi-Wan Kenobi. So the only really new parts here are the printed torso shell, helmet, rifle casing, and the 6M shells on the thighs. Nevertheless, it's definitely a great parts pack for people who didn't pick up Obi-Wan.

When I saw the movie it honestly surprised me how authentic the rifle in this set looked! Some discrepancies were inevitable, but overall I think LEGO did quite a good job with that!

I have mixed feelings about this set. On the one hand, it's very authentic-looking, but on the other hand, I feel it looks a bit boring compared to the "good guy" characters who have outfits with more dynamic color schemes. Since I also relate to the protagonists better as characters than any of the antagonists, really, I feel like Finn, Poe, and ESPECIALLY Rey are the standout sets of this wave.

As far as parts are concerned, my brother and I did buy Obi-Wan and Jango, which reduces our need for the First Order Stormie and Phasma, and I'm sure Finn's head sculpt will be more useful to me as a MOCist than any Star Wars helmet. Rey's might too, though its usefulness is lessened by the headgear. The First Order Stormtrooper is still a great action figure, just not one that I'm especially drawn to.

@Rare White Ape: Phasma appears to be 2.4 cm taller than the regular First Order Stormtrooper. That's not too great a difference, certainly not as great a difference as between Vader and Jango (three or four centimeters). You could reduce the height difference by 8 mm just by removing the friction ball cups in Phasma's ankles.

By in United Kingdom,

@Aanchir - Right you are, I have edited the article. Thanks!

It is interesting that you should list those three figures as your favourites. I expect I will feel precisely the opposite once I have them all, perhaps revealing the difference in the appeal of each set depending on whether you are primarily a Constraction fan or a Star Wars fan.

By in Canada,

^Yeah, that's probably pretty fair. People who are primarily Star Wars fans probably have much more of a tolerance than I do for sets being monochromatic, since even a lot of the ships from Star Wars tend to be mostly grey, white, or black! I tend to prefer more colorful sets and themes, for the most part, so it's natural that my favorite Star Wars buildable figures would tend to be the ones with more varied color palettes.

By in United States,

I believe Captain Phasma is taller than this guy because in the movie she is way taller than everyone else... So her being taller is actually attention to detail.

I'll probably get Phasma instead of this Stormtrooper. He's cool, but Phasma looks better in my opinion

By in Australia,

I'm buying one and making a riot control stick for him. Bzzzaawwooowww!

By in United States,

Well, this guy is pretty awesome! I have to say, I might be the only one to notice, but I love how the black CCBS bones look like the troopers underarmor like in the films! On a second note, I hope Lego releases an original trilogy storm trooper head, if just so I can buy a couple to surround Darth Vader. If there were no Captain Phasma, this set would definitely be my favorite!

By in Netherlands,

I own the other six as well, so I guess these six are also badly needed.

But first of all, I do have to see the movie again, and again, and again....

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