Review: 30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex

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Excitement for the Nexo Knights theme seems to be developing very quickly and 70317 The Fortrex is the largest set of the first wave, so has also proven to be one of the most anticipated. However, before we move on to larger sets like that one we are going to take a look at 30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex, a tiny version of the Nexo Knights' enormous headquarters.

The polybag also includes Robin who seems to take on a role similar to that of Lloyd in Ninjago as he joins the team late and trains with them to become a warrior. We don't know a great deal about the Nexo Knights storyline yet but Lloyd has become a fan-favourite and I expect Robin to receive a similar response, particularly with younger audiences.


The Nexo Knights minifigures seem to include a vast number of brand new elements but this unarmoured version of Robin is fairly bland in that regard. However, that does not detract from the figure in my opinion as the detailed torso printing looks superb and the tousled hair piece is brand new in this medium dark flesh shade. Robin only appears in this polybag and 70333 Ultimate Robin, so I expect this polybag will prove very popular when it is widely released next year.

30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex

The torso looks absolutely brilliant in my opinion. I love the combination of medieval and futuristic designs and the mixture of metallic and fabric garments is just right. Perhaps the best part of the entire figure though is the charming cockerel insignia which adorns Robin's chest. This is a great subversion of the typical heroic animalistic heraldry and I hope that similar humour appears in some of the larger sets as well as the television series.

30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex

The Completed Model

Although this is a simple little creation, it is immediately recognisable as a miniature version of the Fortrex and reminds me of the Microfighters range as well as a ride-on toy of some kind. Perhaps the Nexo Knights' Fortrex is well known in the Kingdom of Knighton and merchandise is sold relating to the vehicle in the universe, hence Robin has a mini Fortrex here. We will have to wait and see.

30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex

Whatever its purpose might be, this small model includes many features of the larger one such as a working drawbridge and rolling wheels, although the treads are absent from the polybag version. There is room for Robin to stand inside behind the steering wheel and a stud shooter is mounted in front of him for attack or defence. There is even a ladder included for the driver to get into position, although you might prefer to view it as a radiator.

30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex

The offset construction of the two turrets at the front is impressive and this section also includes the brand new pyramid piece (the 'minimid'). Five are included in trans-neon orange, one of which is a spare. I think this is one of the less useful colours for this element but I look forward to getting some in pearl silver and pearl gold, colours which appear in other sets.

30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex

The colour scheme of the model is my only area of criticism. I do not like the combination of blue and trans-neon orange at all, but the LEGO design team for the theme has selected it so it must have proven popular with focus groups during the design process. Presumably most buyers will like these bold colours in which case they will be pleased to see them on this model!


This is a neat little polybag. It provides a nice taste of the Nexo Knights theme as well as a named character, but has not altered my original opinion. The range undoubtedly contains some excellent sets and a brilliant selection of new parts, but the colour scheme and some aspects of the design do not appeal to me.

30372 Robin's Mini Fortrex

It waits to be seen whether or not this mini Fortrex will make an appearance in the Nexo Knights animated series but I certainly hope so.

Stay tuned for a review of 30371 Knight's Cycle and some larger 2016 sets over the coming days and weeks!

30 comments on this article

By in United States,

Is there any hope that these sets will be released early? I have a 7 year old who is very excited about these and I would love to find some for Christmas.

By in United States,

Brave Sir Robin?

By in United States,

@Maxximus: I was just thinking that! I wonder if that reference was on purpose?

By in United States,

The light grey stud launcher is not at all common; I would get the set just for that.

I also love the chicken. PUHCACK

By in Canada,

Great review of a brilliant set. There are definitely limits to what can be achieved in a polybag set, so it's great to see one that so perfectly evokes what it's intended to be! Perhaps there might've been better wheels/treads to evoke the Fortrex look but I can't think of what they might have been. This set also has a great parts selection and — in my opinion — a great color scheme. The blue and orange contrast works great, and it's improved even further by the inclusion of two shades of blue.

Robin's hair and face are nice and versatile, and I agree, the humor of his chicken heraldry is fantastic!

By in United States,

@CapnRex101: Thanks for a great review! :) I don't know if I'll be getting these sets, however :(

By in United Kingdom,

I'm excited about Nexo Knights for some good new space/sci-fi parts, but disappointed for the lack of more traditional castle theme potential, all the armour and mini figures look way more sci-fi than historic/fantasy.

I suspect from what I have read about the tv show, the mini fortrex will be something that Robin made/makes as his own little mini tank.

By in United States,

This set is not entirely accurate, but I am impressed at what they were able to accomplish at this scale!

By in United States,

That little pyramid looks like it could be really useful in other colors, but at the same time looks like it will be an absolute pain to get off of, say, the middle of a baseplate.

By in Belgium,

I really wish they made a reverse cheese wedge...

By in Belgium,

Is this the first/only appearance of the 1x2 panel in this colour as well?

By in United States,

I would have to disagree on the trans-orange and blue color scheme. I think it worked well for the Ice Planet 2002 theme, and maybe they're trying to replicate that here. Very nice review!

By in Canada,

Sorry, but this looks like a fancy bathtub with a gun. I know that LEGO is doing another TV show with this theme, but this model looks like something my 5 year old put together.

I like the new pieces and the minifigure is good, but the model just looks silly.

@ kipper147 - The pyramid has the bottom ridge for removal with a tool or fingernails.
@ UtarEmpire - I concur.

By in United States,

Thanks for the look. I agree about the torso printing--it is very nice. If only the design sensibility of the models was as refined as that. Personally, I'm totally into the color scheme for the knights. This one is a nice microfighter-type tiny set, so it gets a pass.

By in United States,

"Excitement for the Nexo Knights theme seems to be developing very quickly"

Really? Among my AFOL circle, most of us were like 'wtf...?' when we saw Nexo, a few of us thought they might be ok for some parts -- but as a theme, 'bleech' was pretty much the consensus.

But perhaps AFOLs aren't the target audience.

By in United States,

So he's a knight named Robin and he has a chicken on his coat of arms. Is this a nod to Monty Python?

By in Australia,

Technic rotor in blue is in 12 sets.

By in United Kingdom,

Those minimid pieces look like they'll split at the bottom edges even more than cheese slopes. Built a small set recently featuring quite a few cheese slopes and after a week they were all split. I've not even taken the model apart yet. I know you get quite a few spare cheese slopes in sets but you don't get enough to replace all the split ones that occur

By in United Kingdom,

Is this going to be a promotional set/GWP?

By in United Kingdom,

Oh dear, oh dear.

By in Canada,

@Morpeth: Of course AFOLs aren't the target audience for Nexo Knights. AFOLs are hardly the target audience for ANY sets or themes. Mindstorms, Architecture, and Creator Expert are the only strictly AFOL– and TFOL-oriented themes, to my knowledge.

Nevertheless, I have seen a LOT of excitement for Nexo Knights, whether it's here on Brickset, on other FOL-oriented sites like Eurobricks and BZPower, or on non-LEGO sites like Facebook or Kotaku. The hate I've seen for the theme tends to be from Castle fans who are worried it'll get in the way of future Castle sets, a handful of bitter Ninjago fans who are still bitter about Chima nearly taking Ninjago's place and see this as Chima's successor, and people who generally lack imagination or a sense of humor (most of whom have or had similar feelings about Ninjago).

By in United States,

Yeah, I thought the same thing. Even here on Brickset the theme and sets have gotten lukewarm at best reception.

That said, if I were a kid I'd probably like these a lot. This is a cute polybag and I like what they've done with the color scheme. Even so, not into any of the sets personally. I might pick-a-brick a bunch of the pyramids if they're ever available in more useful colors.


Wait, what would a reverse cheese wedge even look like? A wedge with a stud sticking out of the bottom? I'm not sure I get it.

By in United States,

Absolutely love this little set!

As a chicken owner, I love the symbol on the torso. It's a funny play on the whole heroic symbol... but I will say chickens can be vicious when they get worked up, which just makes the symbol better!

Any word on how this will be available (promotional, at certain stores only, etc)?

By in Belgium,

That pyramid piece will come in handy once lego decides to make a Paris Architecture set with the Louvre and it's glass pyramids... :)

By in United States,

I love those little trans-orange pyramids... perfect for an energy mace!

By in United States,

i love robin i can not wait!

By in United Kingdom,

Is it just me or does it look a bit like the sandcrawler

By in United States,

it's a little blue sandcrawler

By in United States,

certain parts of the theme look really interesting to me, mainly the king mech which i already have planned mods for

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