Review: 5003084 The Hulk

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This 27-piece polybag is a Toys R Us exclusive which has cropped up in various countries either for sale or given away as part of a promotion. In the UK it was given away with qualifying purchases at the Toys R Us store at Brick 2015 at the NEC last weekend.

It consists of a minifig-scale version of the Age Of Ultron Hulk and a small buggy.

The minifig is obviously the main attraction, it being unique to this set. LEGO has made a minifig-scale version of The Hulk before in 5000022 back in 2012 but this one is far superior, primarily because it's olive green which is a closer match to the colour of most on-screen representations of the character.

In addition, the legs are moulded from two colours so the purple of the shorts continues around the sides and back of the legs.

5003084 The Hulk

The head is printed on front and back with two different expressions: angry and angrier.

5003084 The Hulk

The back is also printed (sorry about the white cat hair!)

5003084 The Hulk

A very small buggy is provided on which the figure can sit, but the main reason for its inclusion is so that it can be ripped in two.

5003084 The Hulk

The two halves are connected by click hinge.

5003084 The Hulk

When in a rage, The Hulk can break it in two and lift the two halves.

5003084 The Hulk

There's also a sheet of stickers included which are not made of the usual sticker material: they are slightly thicker and I suspect they are reusable.

5003084 The Hulk

As free polybags go, it's excellent. If it's available in your area go and grab it. If not, you will have to resort to the secondary market: there are plenty of them on eBay although the prices are a little ridiculous at the moment!

22 comments on this article

By in Australia,

Good review Huw, and a nice little poly bag, shame it will unlikely be available in Australia. But LEGO, where is Agent Coulson! :P

By in Belgium,

and the sticker sheet is added so you can choose who's quad it is by adding the logos on them?

By in Canada,

great review Huw. by chance, did you get any extras?

By in United Kingdom,

Cat hair makes Hulk maaadd!

By in United Kingdom,

I got this on Saturday in Birmingham when I bought the reduced Simpsons House at the pop-up TRU in the NEC. I also got one of the mini-modular free with my purchase - so good. I was then cheeky and bought the passenger train (straight after) for another free modular, whilst purchasing the other two. Unfortunately the woman on the till said only one Hulk per customer - not a problem as she left me make two transactions to maximise my savings on the mini-modular. Whilst I was buying these my wife was buying me the SW advent calendar, and got a Hulk too!! I think the playability of the set is great and the ATV is well designed.

By in United States,

What are the stickers for? It looks like the Quinjet, the Hulk Cage, and the Hydra car and tank.

By in United Kingdom,

I picked it up at TRU at Bricks on Friday. The lady on the till then gave me another one for free. I then spotted the C3PO polybag behind the till and asked if I was able to purchase one of those and when she scanned it in the till it came up as free. So I got two Hulks and C3PO for £5. Made up for the entrance fee.

By in United Kingdom,

What was the qualification?

@ PicnicBasketSam: Probably included for little kids to have fun with (although it's unlikely they'll get this polybag), and fans to sell (if a collector) or use (if a MOCer).

By in United States,

No offense, but did this really need a review?

By in United Kingdom,

@ LE-GOlas: When the survey was launched, a lot of people mentioned that they wanted to see reviews of other types of sets, so that's what we're getting.

By in United States,

any idea when this will be in the US? want it!

By in United Kingdom,

Yeah, unfortunately Brick 21015 didn't have the first order tie so I decided to get the Fairground Mixer instead. I got this and love the minifig, now all I need is a bruce banner fig so I can do the full transformation! I also got the Bricktober Train Station so I was happy when I saw them there too. Great review Huw!

By in United States,

Is this the first set to include stickers that aren't specifically for the set itself, but for general usage?

By in United Kingdom,

@lego613master No, the Rocket Racoon polybag from last year had stickers and Ideas for where to stick this on the Milano set!

By in United States,

Very much looking forward to this being available in the US.

By in United States,

I can't wait to hopefully pick one or more up. I could use extras of the stickers. These will be from TRU sometime?

By in France,

I hope it will be available in France as well.
The Hulk bigfig could represent a much higher level of anger and this one, just the state after the transformation.

By in United States,

"The head is printed on front and back with two different expressions: angry and angrier."
I like that.

By in Australia,

Hi Huw,
Your review does this set Justice, but would u happen to know if it is available in
Australian toys'r'us's?

By in United Kingdom,

Any idea when this will be available in TRU UK shops. Bit of a hike to my nearest one.
And for sale or just qualifying purchase?

By in United Kingdom,

Last year rocket raccoon was at Brick and then they turned up in stores within a few weeks. As I'm not making it to Either Brick this year I'm hoping this repeats this year so I can pick a couple up.

By in Puerto Rico,

This should have happened with Winter Soldier, have the minifigure come with some accessories.

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