Review: 75110 Luke Skywalker

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The Star Wars Battle Figures provoked a mixed reaction when they were announced as while some of them look fantastic, others seem rather dull. 75110 Luke Skywalker fell into the latter category for many, including myself, so I had relatively low expectations for this figure when it arrived a few days ago.

Now that I have built the set my feelings have changed very little, although there are some nice surprises and it certainly isn't as bad as some of the early images suggested it might be. Read on and see if you agree.

Box and Contents

The boxes for the smaller Battle Figures are very unusual, being rather tall in relation to their width so the model can be shown off in the best possible way on the front. Here Luke appears wielding his lightsaber and a blaster pistol while on the back we see some close-up shots of the accessories and head sculpt.

Inside are a couple of bags of pieces, a small instruction manual and a beam torso which is loose in the box. Pleasingly there are no stickers to be found in any of these Star Wars Constraction sets.

The Completed Model

This is certainly one of the less appealing Star Wars Battle Figures as it doesn't match the rest of the line-up for film accuracy or detail, but it is still a decent representation of Luke Skywalker in his Jedi attire. Most of the printing is found on the chest plate where there are some creases, a metallic belt and a flap which is folded in the corner just like in the film. Unfortunately the arm and leg panels are not printed so the figure looks rather plain on the whole.

75110 Luke Skywalker

The head received a great deal of criticism when images were first revealed but I think it looks reasonable in person. The hair features some great texturing and the angular design of the face does not bother me at all. However, the helmets featuring on most of the other Battle Figures look a lot better than this organic head in my opinion.

75110 Luke Skywalker

A green lightsaber, blaster pistol and a pair of handcuffs are included to provide additional options for displaying the model. Obviously Luke did not wield a blaster pistol when wearing these Jedi robes in the film but it's a nice accessory nevertheless. The tip of the barrel makes use of an ice cream cone element which is appearing for the first time in pearl silver.

75110 Luke Skywalker

Luke is scaled very nicely beside the rest of the sets in the Battle Figures range, measuring 24cm in height when stood up straight.

75110 Luke Skywalker


75110 Luke Skywalker is my least favourite of the figures in the new range. The model is lacking in detail when compared with others, although it is still a worthy addition to a display as Luke compliments 75111 Darth Vader very well indeed if you pose them together.

75110 Luke Skywalker

This is probably about the best LEGO could have done with the character using this system of construction, although the attire is not very well suited to a figure like this one as these panels cannot recreate the fabric of Jedi robes. It is not a bad figure but not one worth £19.99 or $19.99 in my opinion, at least not when compared with others at the same, or lower, price points. If you see it at a reduced price and already own 75111 Darth Vader then I would recommend this set, but if not I think you might benefit from looking elsewhere in the range.

Thanks to the CEE Team for sending us a copy of the set to review.

24 comments on this article

By in United States,

I actually like this set. I think I am going to have to pick up Luke and Vader. Excellent review CapnRex101.

By in United States,

Haven't been a huge fan of CCBS sets before; maybe I'll pick up one of these. Commander Cody looks best to me.

By in United States,

I want him and Vader for a display scene, but Skywalker is so ugly.

By in Netherlands,

sorry, but I still think the head looks like a Barbiedoll head.

By in {Unknown country},

Just wondering: how is the Luke minifig's white flap open? I'm pretty sure the official minifigure has a closed flap. . .

By in United Kingdom,

@Lama-mantis - The Luke Skywalker minifigure from 10236 Ewok Village has the flap open.

By in United Kingdom,

Its a PASS from me I'm afraid... I'm out.

By in United Kingdom,

I think that Luke is going to be very lucky that there's also a Darth Vader figure as I'm sure the only reason most people will buy him will be as a battle partner, rather than for the figure itself.

Strangely, the other figure with an organic head (Obi-Wan) seems to look a lot better than Luke - I think it's because we're more used to the angular design of this character from the Clone Wars show.

By in United Kingdom,

"Obviously Luke did not wield a blaster pistol when wearing these Jedi robes in the film but it's a nice accessory nevertheless."

Pretty sure Luke pointed a blaster at Jabba in ROTJ - he stole it from a guard :-)

By in Canada,

@legoverslinder: Well, this head is meant to look like a human head... barbie doll heads are meant to look like human heads... if they look anything alike that probably means they're doing their job correctly. Complaints like this always confuse me — you wouldn't criticize the Speed Champions sets because they look like model cars, would you?

I agree with this review that this is a good set but one of the less interesting ones. The only things that I'm particularly drawn to are the head (which could be useful for action figure MOCs of human characters, since unlike the helmets it's reasonably generic) and the Light Nougat hand. To its credit, though, it does look more complete than some of the other $20 sets, since the lower legs are armored front and back.

By in United Kingdom,

@Diodrama - Yes, but only when wearing the full caped robe and the blaster doesn't look anything like this one.

By in United States,

just picked up cody today, great figure, if a bit bare in the bak of the legs.

By in United Kingdom,

That's not LEGO. This is a LEGO site. That's not LEGO.

Not interested.


By in United Kingdom,

PS Handcuffs? Is he into kinky stuff?

By in United States,

I like the look of the General Grevious model myself, all the others look rather... odd.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice review, but I'm completely surprised you (and nobody else for that matter, surely I'm not the only one who's noticed?) didn't pick up on the fact that, in the UK, Luke is more expensive than the Jango and Cody sets, when all three the same price in the majority of other countries. Luke's a tough sell at $20 already, being the weakest set of the wave, but seems to be a nearly impossible sell at £20 when Obi-Wan (at the same price in the UK) is much better imo.

I still don't understand why there's such a massive premium on Luke in the UK at all. Can anybody explain why? It's little wonder though that the LEGO Store I went to yesterday had a shelf full of Lukes when the other 5 were selling decently and only had half full shelves of them 3 hours after opening.

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for the review! I still feel like that fleshie hand looks really out of place but that's just my opinion.

By in United States,

The thing that I find myself thinking here is that while this isn't very attractive as a LEGO item, this and the other similar ones compare rather favorably to conventional action figures (aside from painting detail). For one thing, Luke's and Obi-Wan's heads are very sharp molds/sculpts. If this principle could be applied on a smaller scale, it could be very attractive, detailed buildable and posable action figures. Of course, toy licenses would prohibit LEGO from doing that I assume, but it's a nice thought.

By in United States,

The head looks like Luke, that part looks fine. But the blaster and cuffs only seem there for the sake of being there, and he's almost entirely black. I really don't like Luke either... when can we expect reviews of the more exciting figures?

By in Canada,

@PicnicBasketSam: Since Darth Vader was reviewed yesterday and Luke was reviewed today, it's possible Brickset is going to be reviewing a new set each day.

By in United States,

"Jedi attire"? "Jedi robes"? For a Star Wars fan I'm not sure you understood the original trilogy. By Episode 6 there are no Jedi. There is no structure, no culture or tradition Luke is ascribing to, he knows nothing about the minutia of Jedi life, all he ever got was a couple of pep-talks and some zen philosophy. The entire growth of him as a Jedi was personal, and he's just wearing clothes.

Do you really think off camera Yoda said "here Luke, wear this black uniform, it's a Jedi uniform"?


By in United Kingdom,

Horrific, just horrific! Amour and robots fine but human characters are a no. Btw hi all I'm new to the site ??

By in United Kingdom,

In resonse to DanRSL, of course your observations are accurate, however, having grown up on the original trilogy I too would have referred to both this figure and variants as Luke in Jedi outfit, afterall, that's how the action figure was referenced and, as inaccurate as that may have been, it is how we all identified this version of Luke from others (Luke Bespin, Luke Hoth etc. etc.)

This is not a Star Wars fansite and I would not expect everyone viewing the site to have as extensive an understanding of the Star Wars lore as some do. That the outfit, both used in the Lego set and described above with the cloak may not be Jedi uniform but it is the most straightforward way of describing them, as they are worn once Luke has embraced fully the disciplines of the Jedi, surely?

Anyhow, this isn't meant to instigate a debate or be offensive to your point of view, I just felt that it was a bit unfair to CaptainRex to pick him up on something so specific.

By in United Kingdom,

@DanRSL - Luke is very definitely wearing Jedi attire. It is not the traditional style but neither was Anakin's clothing in Episode III, although obviously for very different reasons. We even see him wearing the full robes when he arrives at Jabba's Palace, only to abandon the shroud when he faces the Rancor.

It is also incorrect to suggest that there are no Jedi in Episode VI. Luke may have missed some aspects of Jedi philosophy but he had ample opportunity to learn from Obi-Wan through the Force.

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