Review: Mixels Series 5 Klinkers

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Welcome back everyone for my final review of Mixels Series 5! This time I will be checking out the Klinkers. They are a steampunk-themed tribe and the headliner for the wave. The three models live in a junkyard factory and are "all about power, mechanics, and taking action" according to the website. For those who are at a loss at what steampunk is, Wikipedia has the answer: it "refers to a sub-genre of science fiction and sometimes fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery."

But do Gox, Jinky, and Kamzo live up to high expectations set by fans of both LEGO steampunk creations and the Mixels theme? Read on to see my thoughts on the tribe and of this series as a whole!

41536 Gox

Gox, who demands everybody treat him like royalty, can be compared to Kraw of the Flexers from Series 2 due to his cycloptic eye, moustache (of which he is obsessed with), and crab-like stature. Despite these similarities, he is actually rather unique! He uses Hero Factory claws for his four legs, which can accomplish many different poses.

Mixels Series 5: Klinkers

And with the gear on the back of his head, one can easily turn it to spin his eye! Gox's arms and fingers are also very poseable, which can convey a ton of expression. While he is my second favorite of the Klinkers overall, his construction was the most fun to me.

Mixels Series 5: Klinkers

Gox also comes with an annoying Nixel, which is a combination of the two others in the series found in Krog and Turg. Cat ears and bar feet make the little guy look exceptional! And indeed, the articulated arms are a plus, as well.

41537 Jinky

If you thought Gox was awesome, be prepared; Jinky is even better! This lanky fellow is a "heavy-metal bad boy", which is certainly an interesting personality choice. Jinky is chock-full of poseability, as his legs, feet, arms, AND shoulders can all be moved via ball joints and axles. He also has the best parts pack of the Klinkers, with pieces such as black gears, gold Exo-Force arms, a grey steering wheel, and even two smoke stacks!

Mixels Series 5: Klinkers

Although Jinky's jaw can sadly not be moved, he still conveys a lot of character with those two 1x1 eyes. All in all, Jinky is my favorite of the Klinkers and it is highly suggested that you buy him.

Mixels Series 5: Klinkers

41548 Kamzo

Kamzo is the workaholic who's always moody. He will only be happy if you keep him working with that large clamp hand of his! And what a hand it is, as it can be both articulated and spun. He reuses Nurp-Naut and Turg's eye piece (this time having TWO), which are mounted on jumper plates and can be oriented to look happy, bored, mad, sad or derpy!

Mixels Series 5: Klinkers

Other than that, Kamzo has the least amount of articulation of his tribe, and is rather bland in general. However he really does remind me of Krader of the Series 1 Cragsters, so it might just be the unoriginality of him. In short, he's my least favorite of the Klinkers.

Mixels Series 5: Klinkers


Mixels Series 5: Klinkers

The Klinkers definitely deserve their position as the main tribe of Series 5. All of them really have inspired designs and tons of personality and poseability. It was a gamble to make steampunk Mixels, but I think these turned out just about perfect and I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me.

Final Thoughts

Mixels Series 5 is, as a whole, a win. Although there are a few less-than-average characters, we have come to expect adorable sets full of cool parts, and these most certainly bring it to the extreme. The theme has, in my opinion, improved with every new series. With confirmation that Series 6 will be even better with both a Rainbow Cubit piece AND King Nixel, I'm sure future years and waves of this theme will be just as amazing.

Mixels Series 5: Klinkers

Mixels Series 5 are available in all good shops and at, so you can buy them all now to Mix, Max and Murp!

Thanks once more to Huw for the photos.

17 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

I cannot believe these are called Klinkers. Urban dictionary for clinkers might show why the choice of colour is appropriate.

By in Germany,

No review of the combined form?

By in United States,

^ If you guys want it, maybe. I know Brickset hasn't reviewed the Maxes since Series 1, so they weren't in my initial plan.

By in United States,

^^ They're called that because metal "clinks" when it hits other metal. I for one, have never heard it in any other context, so neither will most kids buying them.

I really like these guys, and for posability, Jinky wins. I think I like Gox's design more, though. Maybe I just like spider-legged creatures?

By in United States,

The Klinkers are by far my favorite tribe of all the Mixels. Kamzo is definitely the weakest link, but I love that you can change his expression so much just by turning the eyes. Jinky is my all time favorite Mixel so far, as his expression, parts, and articulation are all top notch. I'm not enthused about the new Frosticons at all; I was not real happy with the 2nd set of Infernites so I might stop buying new Mixels from existing tribes. Haven't decided on the Lixers yet as I don't care for their color scheme. Appreciate these reviews very much though!

By in United States,

Mmm... cheap steampunk LEGO. Why wouldn't you buy these? Best Mixel tribe yet, IMO.

By in United States,

I would like to buy all 3 of these particular Mixels, but I'm afraid of getting bit by the completeist bug.

Which is part of why I've been trying really hard to skip The Simpsons theme.

By in United Kingdom,

Clinkers- waste industrial byproduct from burning coal. Seems a good name for them.

By in United Kingdom,

These guys are great, all very characterful. Jinky is my favourite of this tribe.
I'll be picking up a complete set of all 3 tribes when I find them in a local store, and probably seconds of most for parts.

By in United States,

Well done, these guys were so much fun to build and really deserved the praise! And yeah, I agree with your build agreements.

By in Poland,

I think Gox looks the best, but part-wise, Jinky is the king.

Today i received a package with my 10226 Sopwith Camel, so excited to build it. ^^

By in United States,

I'm not typically interested in Mixels, but I really like these ones. Very cool theme.

By in United States,

Could care less about all Mixels but these look like such great little parts packs! Just built Metal-Beard so into that steampunk look and wanna build something steampunky.

By in United States,

I actually thought that Kamzo was the best for parts, due to the high number of silver bows he has--four 1x4s + two 2x2s!--not to mention the three brown 2x2 jumpers, which are super useful. I bought multiples of just him and none of the other Klinkers. I was thrilled to see that those parts were actually silver instead of just light bley.

By in Belgium,

I collect them all.

By in Denmark,

No Mixels series 5 competition???

By in United Kingdom,

Order from favourite to least favourite - Kamzo, Jinky, Gox.

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