Review: 30304 The Avengers Quinjet

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As a warm-up for CapnRex's Age of Ultron reviews next week I thought I'd take a brief look at one of the more elusive polybags to be released this year: 30304 The Avengers Quinjet.

As far as we know the only place it's available at the moment is from so I am grateful to Gabor in Hungary for sending it, and other polys it is stocking, over to me.

Counting the soon-to-be-released AoU version, this is the fifth Quinjet LEGO has made and the third microscale one, the first being 2012's 30162.

There's not going to be much I can say about a 56 piece polybag so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, however you will note that unlike the 2012 versions of the craft it's white and dark blue rather than drab grey. I presume that's because that's how it's going to appear in the movie this time round.

30304 The Avengers Quinjet

A neat feature is the use of a flag at the back for the loading bay door, which is flanked by red lights on either side.

30304 The Avengers Quinjet

The wings are hinged on the body and in two places along their length so can be positioned in a myriad of ways. Two seemingly obligatory flick-fire missiles are mounted underneath.

30304 The Avengers Quinjet

I won't judge how closely it resembles the craft in the films since I'm no expert but I'm sure the Capn' or someone else will pitch in with their views soon enough.

30304 The Avengers Quinjet

Note that the clear stand is not included in the set!

30304 The Avengers Quinjet

If you can get hold of it, do so, it's a cool model. Will it be available in a shop near you, or as part of a future newspaper promotion? Who knows!

CapnRex's Thoughts:

The shaping of the model looks to be fairly accurate for the size, at least compared with the larger version of the vehicle in 76032. I like the colour scheme and my only criticism of the set is that, unlike Huw, I am not very keen on the rear cargo bay door. The light bluish grey flag component is fairly large compared with the rest of the model and it stands out a little too much for me.

I look forward to bringing you reviews of the Age of Ultron sets next week!

18 comments on this article

By in United States,

Great review Huw. My only complaint about the set is the random stud in front of the cockpit. I think to get rid of that is to add a 1x1 trans-dark blue tile.

By in United Kingdom,

Yes I thought that looked a bit odd, too.

By in United States,

Looks just like the new set; not sure about the movie.

By in United Kingdom,

Huw is this not the 5th Quinjet because of the ones in the Helicarrier, I thought the clear stand was a great idea until I saw it was not included (still a great idea btw).

By in Belgium,

2499 Hungarian Forint or €8.24! Ouch!

By in United Kingdom,

^^ Are they Quinjets? I wouldn't know!

By in United States,

I can't wait for the Avengers: AoU reviews next week! Nice job reviewing the quinjet polybag, Huw!

By in United States,

Oddly enough I love my drab grey mini figure Quinjet over the mini figure blue and white one, but I like the colors of this one more than the other little one.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice review, Huw. So this is the sixth Quinjet to be released, and the fourth micro-scale. ;-)

@ Garfield-Jedi-20: Me too! :-D

By in United States,

With the release of the Helicarrier, LEGO could have made this a free promo. Seems like a missed opportunity.

By in United States,

Modok, Europe had a free promo with the set. The issue is I think this is too big to go with the Helicarrier.

By in Australia,

How long before there are more quinjets than X-wings?

By in United Kingdom,

Doing a search under "Quinjet", I can only find four sets - the full-sized and polybag from Avengers Assemble, and the full-sized and polybag from AoU. Add the Quinjets from the Helicarrier, this makes 5 sets in total. What is this sixth set being mentioned, please?

Oh, and before I forget - lovely review, as always, @Huw! :-)

By in United Kingdom,

I don't think there is one and thanks!

By in United States,

Nice review of a mediocre set Huw!

Even if I liked the microscale approach, which I don't, I just cannot get behind the new color scheme for the Avengers (also apparent on the Iron Legion Drones) and it just doesn't fit. If this Quinjet was silver with tiny repulsor engines, I'd be all over it.

By in Ireland,

Ive went on site,really wanted a few of these, need to learn Hungarian,why cant they have all same in each country.

By in Australia,

Damn! They have the Spider-Man polybag too, is it too much to hope they'd ship to Australia???

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