Review: 10694 Creative supplement, bright

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It's not often we review boxes of bricks, in fact I think this might be the first time. That's probably because until this year, they have been pretty boring, useful only if you want to stock up on basic parts in basic colours.

This year however, boxes of bricks have been rebranded 'Classic', a product name last used in 1999, and are chock-full of useful parts in interesting colours.

The new range consists of six sets: small, medium and large creative brick boxes, a small 200-piece set and two 'creative supplement' boxes: 10693 containing mostly traditional LEGO colours and 10694 which is full of parts in colours more likely to appeal to girls. Naturally, that was the one I bought and is the subject of this review.

The box ably illustrates the range of colours included and shows some models that can be made from the parts within.

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

The back shows what's in the box. It's an interesting selection of parts. There are no plates but plenty of standard sized bricks and also a lot of slopes, both inverted and normal. There's also a smattering of small pieces: eyes, 1x1 round tiles, bricks with studs on the side, cheese slopes and so on which greatly add to the interest. I guess because this is labelled as a 'supplement' set, it doesn't contain windows, doors, wheels and so on which are a staple of models made by kids. Nevertheless, there's enough here to get started with, if this is the only LEGO set you have.

Instructions are provided for the illustrated models.

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

A nice surprise awaits when you open the box: the parts are bagged by colour and look very inviting.

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

I think the pedant in me would have preferred the dark purple parts to be in with the pink and other purple bricks though...

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

There are no boring black or other dark colours in the box, everything is bright and fresh! There's even a brick separator included...

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

One reason I bought the set was for these new wonderfully expressive 1x1 round tile eyes. The set contains a pair of each and two pairs of the normal ones that have been round for a few years, plus of course a spare of each. They can be used in two ways -- right way up and upside down -- to provide even more versatility.

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

Incredibly, this 303-piece set contains parts in 20 different colours, the rarest probably being the transparent bright green 1x2s.

A complete inventory is available here. Sort by 'in sets' and you can see which parts are uncommon.

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

So, what can you build with it... obviously nothing very intricate or SNOTty but here are a few I made earlier. The birds are shown on the box and are very cute :)

10694 Creative Supplement Bright

If you want to bulk out your bright colours collection, then this is an excellent purchase. Costing £18 / $20 for 303-pieces it's not as cheap per piece as the larger boxes, or indeed last year's 1000-piece 10682 creative suitcase, but then they include parts in colours you've probably got too many of already.

12 comments on this article

By in Puerto Rico,

I think these where done due to Lego so called "lack" of creation now.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice review. That's quite an attractive set, very creative.

By in United Kingdom,

The removal of the old basic bricks box (can't remember the number think it was 6199) is a shame, as a lot of people still want just 2x4's etc without going through the PAB wall

By in United States,

Thank you Huw for using the word "bright" to describe these colors instead of "pastel". Are there pastel colors in there? Sure, but when opening the box, one sees a wonderfully bright collection of colors. This is true of opening a Friends box. Friends has pastel, but the pieces and sets are more to a bright coloring.

These sets are highlighted in the back of Friends instructions this year, I believe, with the inspiration to build furniture for you Friends.

The birds are very cute, and I will find it hard to unbuild them when I get this box.

By in United Kingdom,

Are these going to supplement things like the Creative Tower, or will they replace them?

By in United States,

"which is full of parts in colours more likely to appeal to girls. Naturally, that was the one I bought"

Oh my.

By in United Kingdom,

^ I thought someone would read something unintended in that statement :-)

By in United Kingdom,

^You keep things balanced when possible, by reviewing things that might not be main-stream appeal. This way a wider set of people know about it...

Girls are the minority as far as LEGO sets are concerned, so hence the review...

What else would be infer from it??

By in United Kingdom,

Ah yes, of course :)

By in United States,

Thanks for taking a look at this set. I like the idea behind these types of creative boxes but I rarely buy them though, mainly because they inlclude too many parts in colors I won't end up using. What I really wish for is...
Castle Builder- Mostly grey and Drk grey 1xX bricks and plates, tiles, window, slopes,etc.
Modular Builder- 16x32 baseplate, Lots of windows, a few doors, 1xX bricks and plates, tiles, etc...

I don't think I'm alone in wanting something like this.

By in Germany,

It would really be nice to get parts for building furniture for modular buildings (plates, tiles, rare colours)

By in United States,

This are neat to see; I saw them at Target recently, and I hope we can pick up one or two in the time to come. You just KNOW Lego will be making money hand over fist if these supplemental boxes take off.

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