Review: 42180 Mars Crew Exploration Rover

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The four space-related Technic sets that were released this month introduced much-needed variety and excitement to the theme.

The largest by piece-count and price is 42180 Mars Crew Exploration Rover which, rather than being entirely fictional like the other vehicles in the range, is inspired by NASA Mars rover concepts.


42180 Mars Crew Exploration Rover, 1,599 pieces.
£129.99 / $149.99 / €149.99 | 8.1p/9.4c/9.4c per piece.
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Educational and fun for kids to play with, but not very attractive

  • Plenty of accessories to aid play
  • Detailed interior
  • Incorporates only basic Technic functionality
  • Not a good display model

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.


I've not been able to find pictures of anything that looks even remotely similar to the model. If you know where to look, do let me know!


There's a fairly extensive sticker sheet, although many of them are used for decorating accessories rather than the vehicle itself. The classic space logos are of course the highlight!

The completed model

The 6-wheeled vehicle has a chassis that can be extended from a compact and space-saving form for transportation, to something with more capacity at the back for use on the planet surface.

There's no suspension on any of the three axles, but they are of the oscillating variety which should allow all wheels to remain on the ground when traversing rough terrain, but the implementation here does not work particularly well. The grey tyres with motorcycle brake discs inside them look great, though!

The round white spheres on top are the same as those used for our planet in 42179 Planet Earth and Moon in Orbit.

The crane at the back is fixed in place in both configurations and when expanded there's room at the back to transport the included accessories: rubbish and recycling containers, a fuel cell, and a surface exploration rover in a crate.

With the folding crane's arm extended, the cargo can be unloaded onto the planet's surface.

A small platform at the back can be lowered to surface level using a gear on the side. I presume it's to provide a means for the crew to enter and exit the vehicle because it's not big enough for unloading the cargo.

The frame around the cab hinges forward to reveal a nicely-detailed cockpit, comprising two seats, control panels, and a steering wheel.

The enclosed orange section behind the cab houses living quarters which is entered and egressed via an orange air-lock piece that's common across many of this year's space sets.

On one side there's a table, two chairs and cooking apparatus, while on the other, a toilet, shower and treadmill. There is nowhere for the crew to sleep, though.

It's unusual, and welcome, to have this level of detail in a Technic model.

The little rover, which folds up to fit into a crate, is very cute!


It's an interesting vehicle that offers playability while at the same time elucidating the features that such a rover and its crew would need on the red planet. Kids will enjoy expanding and contracting the chassis, loading and unloading the plentiful accessories with the crane, and imagining what life might be like in the crew accomodation. From a Technic point of view, its functionality is rather rudimentary, though.

It's not a particularly good-looking model, either, so probably not one to buy if your intention is primarily to put it on display.

It's not as good value, or as playable, or as attractive as 42181 VTOL Heavy Cargo Spaceship LT81, so I'd buy that one before considering this set.

41 comments on this article

By in Germany,

Ever since the first pictures were released, I have been in an internal conflict with myself: buy it, don't buy it? cab section says minifig size, cargo says not minifig size, wheels say maybe minifig size? I'm so confused...
I mean, can you imagine it standing next to 60434 to do the airlock-things and NOT look silly?
Alas, it's at the very end of my Space-Getlist, priority-wise. Maybe yes, maybe no, let's see at the end of the year.

By in United States,

@jkb said:

Couldn't agree more with everything you said.

By in United Kingdom,

I get that this is a Technic set, but these four sci-fi sets really need a mini figure or two, I actually think the scale would be pretty cool.

By in Netherlands,

These specific Technic space sets, more than any other Technic sets, make me long for the return of the Technic figures from the eighties.

By in Netherlands,

Make up your mind, Technic. Do you want to play along with the 2024 Supertheme or not? Nobody's forcing you to be here if you don't want to, you know.

By in United Kingdom,

I mean, the wheels are cool...

By in United States,

@Ridgeheart said:
"Make up your mind, Technic. Do you want to play along with the 2024 Supertheme or not? Nobody's forcing you to be here if you don't want to, you know."

This model's interior: But, but... I just wanted to have a good time!

By in Canada,

IMO, this is a terrible model. To me, Technic has to demonstrate some sort of 'mechanical' process. An opening door which is not attached to levers, gears, pneumatic or else is not a 'function' (city sets have that). The set is so incredibly wobbly it's not even funny (poor spacemen/women). There are many operations (the crane) where you have to rotate the knobs quite a bit to get anything moving (all this should be motorized - with a transmission). Also, the centre of rotation on a steering wheel should be in the middle of the wheel. Here the axis of rotation is way outside - can you imagine the force that would be required to move such a thing in real life? To me, Lego Technic is a teaching tool (that you can play with) Please Lego do not teach stuff that would not work or be functional in real world - (i.e. try harder).

Personally, I believe 42178 is a much better set than 42180 (lot cheaper and looks better) and if I were to only get one set of this line, it will be: 42181 which has reasonably good functions, is sturdy and looks decent. Yet, I hope this set 42180 (and the whole line) will be popular because I want Lego to continue producing fiction Technic vehicles.

By in Canada,

Gives me The Martian vibes. I would so buy a set based on that movie.

By in United Kingdom,

There is absolutely no privacy in that crew cabin. Does everyone just close their eyes when someone needs the loo or uses the shower?

By in United States,

System and Technic? (confusion ensues)

Looks awesome though, love how it looks like it's made to work!

By in Belgium,

not really interested in this one, but as i buy almost all technic sets i will have to get this one

By in United Kingdom,

What are the big grey Technic parts the wheels/axles connect to? I've not seen those before.

By in United States,

@Loerwyn said:
"What are the big grey Technic parts the wheels/axles connect to? I've not seen those before."

The portal axle piece? Usually it has a couple gears in it, to increase ground clearance on a vehicle while keeping the drive train higher up.

There are two part numbers for it - 65124 / 92908.

By in United Kingdom,

@granto said:
"Gives me The Martian vibes. I would so buy a set based on that movie."

Ditto. Either the one Matt Damon drives around in that or the one Sam Rockwell drives around in Moon. So maybe there’s some NASA concept art out there of a rover like this that they’re all taking inspiration from

By in United States,

Its design brings to mind mid-90's Technic, with all those visible Technic beams and their pinholes. I kind of like it because of that.

By in United Kingdom,

@Brickalili said:
"So maybe there’s some NASA concept art out there of a rover like this that they’re all taking inspiration from"

There's a rover concept featured on the front of the box, so maybe that's it.

By in Germany,

@winbrant said:
" @Brickalili said:
" @granto said:
"Gives me The Martian vibes. I would so buy a set based on that movie."

Ditto. Either the one Matt Damon drives around in that or the one Sam Rockwell drives around in Moon. So maybe there’s some NASA concept art out there of a rover like this that they’re all taking inspiration from"

Would agree with "The Martian" vibe "

Yep, they used that one on the box of 60225. Clearly an inspiration for 31066, 31107 and 60348, too. Your camper on a different planetary body! =D

By in United States,

@HOBBES said:
"IMO, this is a terrible model. To me, Technic has to demonstrate some sort of 'mechanical' process. An opening door which is not attached to levers, gears, pneumatic or else is not a 'function' (city sets have that). "

And it gets worse! The wheels turn, without a combustion engine turning them! And the air lock doesn't actually seal! Utter shambles, they should be ashamed.

By in United States,

I feel the criticism against functionality is key, though is the same criticism being used against the rest of Technic considering how most sets in the theme are glorified model kits? I do think there is some kind of return to form with these space sets just in trying something that isn't construction or a supercar, but we still have a ways to go before Technic is back on track.

By in United States,

@EtudeTheBadger said:
"There is absolutely no privacy in that crew cabin. Does everyone just close their eyes when someone needs the loo or uses the shower?"

"In space, no one can see you clean."

By in United States,

As others have said - This 100% gives me The Martian vibes. The vehicle Matt Damon drove.

By in Germany,

@Onatu said:
"I feel the criticism against functionality is key, though is the same criticism being used against the rest of Technic considering how most sets in the theme are glorified model kits? I do think there is some kind of return to form with these space sets just in trying something that isn't construction or a supercar, but we still have a ways to go before Technic is back on track."
Amen to that.
I am so glad I am currently building Technic sets from the past I had or bought via ebay recently, like 8855, 8856, 8860 and 8868, because at least that shows how great Technic used to be. Why would I as a fan of true Technic sets like those want to buy any of the current offerings that to me are total disappointments. And that's being kind.

By in United States,

@AustinPowers: 42133 and 42148 are pretty great recent Technic sets. They're not licensed, so can focus on the mechanisms over appearance. And they're very cheap compared to [insert licensed supercar here]. Although there is one licensed Technic set I'm definitely planning to get, 42158, and I will admit to owning and enjoying 42122. I don't have a huge amount of interest in the licensed cars other than the Jeep, because what's the fun of Technic if you can't see the, you know, technical stuff? I got 42122 more because I've always been a Jeep fan then because I was interested in the mechanical stuff.

By in United States,

Funny enough, this is the only set from the Year of Space I'm currently itching to get. (Aside from a certain rumored CMF *wink wink*) Thanks to those Creator 3-in-1s a few years back my space shelf is pretty well full.

Normally I don't buy Technic sets at all. I usually get LEGO to display and Technic sets are often too big for a minifig to really fit with them and too small for a BIONICLE to ride. They also often feel a bit expensive for what's in the box, at least for me.

The space wave this year though seems to be changing that, having minifig scale cockpits and the creators encouraging you to use them with the recent City sets. Their size is still pretty massive, but given it's a sci-fi line-up I actually think that's a good thing! This one in particular gives me real Juggernaut from Star Wars vibes, and would look great with some of my Space Miners clinging to the sides. Still not sure if I'll get it, but of the three space vehicles they're offering it's the only one to catch my eye.

By in Germany,

@TheOtherMike : true, some of the smaller Technic sets are quite good, but even they are on a downward trend. That latest Bulldozer (42163) for example doesn't even have a B-model any longer.
Plus I meant the larger (or even "flagship") sets anyway.

By in United Kingdom,

@279 said:
" @Loerwyn said:
"What are the big grey Technic parts the wheels/axles connect to? I've not seen those before."

The portal axle piece? Usually it has a couple gears in it, to increase ground clearance on a vehicle while keeping the drive train higher up.

There are two part numbers for it - 65124 / 92908."

Thank you!

By in Netherlands,

I find it somewhat contradictory that on the one hand you say that it is not a fictional vehicle (because it's 'inspired by NASA Mars rover concepts') and on the other hand you've not been able to find pictures of anything that looks even remotely similar to the model. So, I guess there are no pictures included of the concepts in the instruction manual, correct?

By in United Kingdom,

@BeaR_the_Builder said:
"I find it somewhat contradictory that on the one hand you say that it is not a fictional vehicle (because it's 'inspired by NASA Mars rover concepts') and on the other hand you've not been able to find pictures of anything that looks even remotely similar to the model. So, I guess there are no pictures included of the concepts in the instruction manual, correct?"

There are a couple of tiny ones, the same as those on the box, but they look nothing like the model.

I'm gussing that the only aspects inspired by the concepts are that it's 6-wheeled and has an expanding chassis.

By in France,

It makes me think of the rover used on the Armageddon movie, but could be wrong.

By in United Kingdom,

@granto said:
"Gives me The Martian vibes. I would so buy a set based on that movie."

I was considering submitting an Ideas set based on The Martian but I’ll never do it. Hope someone does tho.

By in United States,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"Normally I don't buy Technic sets at all. I usually get LEGO to display and Technic sets are often too big for a minifig to really fit with them and too small for a BIONICLE to ride."

Another reason they should have kept producing the Technic figures, then.

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @GSR_MataNui said:
"Normally I don't buy Technic sets at all. I usually get LEGO to display and Technic sets are often too big for a minifig to really fit with them and too small for a BIONICLE to ride."

Another reason they should have kept producing the Technic figures, then."

Honestly with all those Mixel joints still floating around they could probably revive them even without new molds!

By in Canada,

@wronglook said:
" @granto said:
"Gives me The Martian vibes. I would so buy a set based on that movie."

I was considering submitting an Ideas set based on The Martian but I’ll never do it. Hope someone does tho. "

There's one on Ideas already. Needs more support, though has plenty of time left too.

By in United Kingdom,

Warning: incoming language pedant:

> offers playability while at the same time elucidating the features that such a rover and its crew would need on the red planet

Elucidating? Not - eliciting?

I mean, it would be great if the model had enough doodads and mechanisms to make clear what is needed to traverse the Martian landscape (better suspension!)

By in United Kingdom,

Seems to me to be just another city space rover where the mini-fig astronauts are MIA.
I would redesign so that the crane is more central and substantial to move around the heavy cargo from 42181.

By in United Kingdom,

This may be a new sub-theme of Technic play sets, compared to the other sub-themes of display sets with low functionality (42141), traditional high-functioning sets (42145, 42157), Control+ sets and supercars.

This kit has many simple functions. If each one were worth £10 then it might just about justify its price on play value, but they are simpler than average; probably suitable for a younger age than 11+.

Reddish Orange might be nice but yet another colour, with the need to have enough of it to make a decent MOC, seems like a tug on the nose ring. At least the panel and beam types in that colour are fairly versatile pieces.

To those of us with more Technic experience there might be more value as a parts pack. I like the motorbike brake discs, the grey 3x19 frames and the white spheres. Every kit is a parts pack! Maybe this one is "buy on discount" for me. Theoretical best price from £129.99 RRP might be £89.99 or even £87.10. Under £100 eventually though, for which 1599 pieces comes to 6.2p/p or less.

By in New Zealand,

I didn't have any interest in these Technic Space sets until I noticed that they might be compatible with the regular Space minifigs. And then I did some more investigation and decided that while they are technically minifig 'scale', they do not in fact accommodate minifigs in any practical way.

My feelings on this are:

* Why didn't they just make these sets fully minifig compatible?
* But actually my wallet is grateful because I would only have bought these sets if I could incorporate them into my City Space sets

I think they Creator sets were enhanced when they started including minifigs in them, I don't really understand why they don't do the same with Technic sets.

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