Review: 76277 War Machine Mech Armour

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The quality of Marvel mechs varies significantly. Some are expertly designed for their respective pilots, while others seem more generic and lack proper character. For instance, Iron Man mechs have struggled, capturing the hero's distinctive colours, but little else.

76277 War Machine Mech Armour should have an advantage, as War Machine's armour includes far more visible weaponry, which could be translated to a mech. Additionally, this set contains an exclusive War Machine minifigure, so has another opportunity to impress there.


76277 War Machine Mech Armor, 154 pieces.
£12.99 / $14.99 / €14.99 | 8.4p/9.7c/9.7c per piece.
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Articulation remains a problem, but War Machine's Mech Armour looks superb

  • Instantly recognisable as War Machine's mech
  • Bulky proportions
  • Well-integrated stud shooters
  • Desirable minifigure
  • No elbow or knee joints
  • Shoulder cannon could be bigger

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.


Even though several War Machine minifigures have already been released, this design differs greatly from earlier versions. The use of light bluish grey instead of metallic silver distinguishes this minifigure from others more than I expected, despite the predominant pearl dark grey colour remaining unchanged.

I love the tiny rivets across the faceplate, while the dark red eyes and the mouth look excellent. Another red highlight is shown on the torso and outstanding detail continues onto the legs, as well as the back of the torso. The layered armour around War Machine's midriff is effective in particular, including occasional dark bluish grey accents and several more rivets.

This version of War Machine lacks any additional weaponry attached on the back, sadly, but does come with an alternative hair element. The head, meanwhile, has now been used three times and works well enough for Rhodey, although I miss the double-sided head with a heads-up display, which was available between 2018 and 2022.

The Completed Model

War Machine's mech is predominantly dark bluish grey, with plenty of pearl dark grey and light bluish grey pieces included as well. These colours are invariably associated with War Machine and the mech is heavily armed, as expected, including three stud shooters. Also, the shoulders on this mech are bulkier than normal, so the whole mech looks stronger.

Unfortunately, the static limb elements introduced in 2022 remain in use. These severely limit the model's articulation and neutral poses appear especially awkward, in my opinion. Even so, you can take advantage of the angled joints for running poses and the shoulder joints are more dynamic than I feared, considering the additional armour around War Machine's shoulders.

The transition between the shoulder armour and the chest is superb too, as pearl silver robot arms are placed on either side of the minifigure. Again, these make the mech look bulkier and match nicely with the dark bluish grey spoiler element on the left shoulder. I like the printed 2x2 tile on the chest as well, duplicating the red arc reactor from the War Machine minifigure.

The mech's right shoulder includes a stud shooter, actually launching trans-red 1x1 round tiles on this occasion. I wish this stud shooter stood out a little more clearly because War Machine's shoulder-mounted armaments should be his most eye-catching feature. The flexible pearl silver hose is a perfect addition though, resembling an ammunition belt.

I was pleased to learn that this hose does not restrict articulation at all, nor does it look untidy from behind. The hose slots into a pair of 1x2 rounded plates with hollow studs on the back of the hips and the other end connects to a 1x1 plate with side ring beside the stud shooter. Each stud shooter features the same attachment point, so you can move the hose between them, if you wish.

There is another interesting feature on the back of the mech, where four additional 1x1 round tiles for the stud shooters are placed in a container. The storage space is helpful, but this also serves as a rudimentary backpack and further increases the apparent size of the mech, suiting War Machine well.

Trans-red is an ideal choice for the 1x1 round tiles because War Machine's palm repulsors are the same colour, as shown below. These are not very useful without articulated wrists, but their inclusion is welcome and the fingers are fully articulated. Furthermore, these palm repulsors are less important for posing War Machine than for Iron Man, given the wrist-mounted weapons.

While the lack of elbow and wrist articulation can perhaps be excused, the limited leg motion is a serious problem. Ball joints at the hips and ankles allow a degree of movement, but a neutral pose involves planting the feet in front of the hips, which looks strange. Exactly the same issue affected 76247 The Hulkbuster: The Battle of Wakanda last year, resulting from the ankles only rocking forwards a short distance, as well as the lack of knee joints.


76277 War Machine Mech Armour is definitely among the better Marvel mechs, thanks to the model's brawny silhouette and extra weapons. Furthermore, the colour scheme matches War Machine's traditional armour and the exclusive minifigure is also fantastic, leaning towards the character's appearance in the comics.

The articulation remains an issue though, similar to the mechs released in 2023. I understand that specialised limb parts make the mech easier to build for young children, but they severely hamper poseability. Nevertheless, I think this is an enjoyable set for the price of £12.99, $14.99 or €14.99 and the transition of War Machine into his mech form is seamless, as anticipated.

42 comments on this article

By in United States,


By in United States,

NGL this actually looks really cool! Don't care much for Marvel but I might still pick this up!

By in Netherlands,

Aww yiss, the War Machine Machine.

By in United States,

I picked this up as an impulse buy and it feels fitting of the character, so it is a mech that can be displayed among other Marvel sets. Nice little build.

By in New Zealand,

The best Marvel 2024 mech. But I still hate them. Why do they exist? for kids of course.

By in Germany,

@Maxbricks14 said:
"The best Marvel 2024 mech. But I still hate them. Why do they exist? for kids of course."

Never forget, LEGO is a TOY company!

By in New Zealand,

@UProbeck said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
"The best Marvel 2024 mech. But I still hate them. Why do they exist? for kids of course."

Never forget, LEGO is a TOY company!


Yes BUT, these don't appear on screen so they are clearly targeting kids for the play-ability, not accuracy. And if you don't know already Lego is no longer just a kids toy.

By in Sweden,

For a mech with such limited articulation I'd say it's among the better ones, if not the best one. The poses shown in the review are certainly good enough for me to want to buy one and pose one on the shelf, and for kids that want to play with it I don't really see it being a huge issue.

By in United States,

The simple storage for the extra ammo is clever and I wish more sets would include that. Most sets with stud/tile shooters include ample extra ammo but only a few bother to include a place for that to be stored when not in use.

By in United States,

I got this set a little bit after it came out the mech is sweet but being a marvel fan I was really disappointed in the war machine the mask looks awkward and the suit is okay but I don’t like legos choice of the light grey instead of silver.

By in United States,

I adore this set, it's by far the best of the Marvel mechs in my opinion. The Minifigure is nice but I don't love the light bluish gray printing, it makes him stick out like a sore thumb in my Hall of Armor. The graphic design is very nice though.

I think the build is perfect. I don't usually like those locked elbow joint parts but I think they work for a beefier mech like Rhodey's. This set just seems like such a great toy!

By in United Kingdom,

A great little set. I got it 1 January.

I removed a part from under each upper arm to increase the range of motion. You can now almost point the arm blasters forward at the same target. I also made the mech symmetrical and made some cosmetic changes including a little greebling:

By in United Kingdom,

It's a great set with an awesome minifigure.
It's a little strange it's branded under the Infinity Saga meaning it's meant to be an MCU set. Which clearly this was never in any movie. But I guess it doesn't matter. Still though I like it.

By in United States,

@Maxbricks14 said:
" @UProbeck said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
"The best Marvel 2024 mech. But I still hate them. Why do they exist? for kids of course."

Never forget, LEGO is a TOY company!


Yes BUT, these don't appear on screen so they are clearly targeting kids for the play-ability, not accuracy. And if you don't know already Lego is no longer just a kids toy."

Yeah it is. That adults find enjoyment in it doesn't change what it fundamentally is.

By in United Kingdom,

I feel like those pieces used for the arms and legs should have circular click hinges where the joints are (I'm thinking like the round Technic click hinges with the single bar), which would solve the problem of articulation, be able to keep studs (maybe lose the anti-studs) and is well within LEGO's capability.

This set, however, does look amazing and I've been quite tempted by it.

By in United States,

I had to check my phone multiple times to confirm that my brightness was up as I could have sworn these were black/white pictures. Very interesting set and color scheme.

By in United States,

Easily the best Marvel mech they’ve ever done. It almost feels like an extension of the minifig itself, partly because of the colors and how good it looks, and partly because War Machine armors are typically really bulky anyways, so the size fits in really well. Would definitely recommend if you’re a fan of mechs and/or War Machine.

By in United States,

Sweet! Now, Rhody has both a War Machine Buster and a War Machine Mech in his arsenal.

I like his armor; the pearl grey arms remind me of the pearl gold (I think) arms on the recent Iron Man armors, making me believe that Rhody’s suit has gotten some of that Stark nanotech magic. It is a shame that we didn’t get the double-sided head with the red HUD, though.

Overall, a very cool set.

By in United States,

I've always been a fan of War Machine; honestly, I think I like him better than Iron Man himself.

By in Germany,

There's a 'spoiler element' on the left shoulder!!!

I won't be looking at that then. Thanks for the alert.

By in Australia,

The mech looks good but I mainly wanted it for the minifigure. I love that it’s light bluish grey and not metallic.

By in United States,

I've already got 76243 and I just ordered 76241. I wasn't really planning to get another Marvel mech, but this review might have changed my mind.

@MutoidMan: The minifig arms are light bluish gray, not any pearl color.

By in United States,

@UProbeck said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
"The best Marvel 2024 mech. But I still hate them. Why do they exist? for kids of course."

Never forget, LEGO is a TOY company!


And also a ENTERTAINMENT company too as well!!

By in United States,

I've been collecting all these smaller mechs.
Most are good, almost all needed mods to bulk up but this one got it right out of the box.
The right thickness in the legs and arms and back. Gives it weight. Looks excellent.

By in United States,

The weirdest thing is minifigs have claw hands and their mechs have 3 fingers and a thumb...

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
"I've already got 76243 and I just ordered 76241. I wasn't really planning to get another Marvel mech, but this review might have changed my mind.

@MutoidMan: The minifig arms are light bluish gray, not any pearl color."

My mistake; guess I misread the article. The arms still look nanotech to me, either way.

By in United States,

@fourstud said:
" @person_that_uses_brickset said:
"One of the Lego Marketing leads is coming to my collage with a zoom call and it is open to the public.
It is Friday from 10 to 11 est. You can also ask questions. "

Hey this link isn't working even when I fix the error at the end. Could you share it again or message me? I'd love to watch this."

Does this work for you? This link works for me.

By in United States,

@abeverage said:
"The weirdest thing is minifigs have claw hands and their mechs have 3 fingers and a thumb..."
"If you're wondering why their hands are weird
And other science facts
Just repeat to yourself
It's just a toy
I should really just relax!"

By in Australia,

I buy all the Marvel mecha, and I really like them. They make for a really cool army of robots.

The only real complaint I have is the lack of variety. Spider-Man has three (four if you count Miles Morales) of the damn things, but not a single female character has one. Why can't Black Widow or Captain Marvel have mecha? "Captain Marvel doesn't need one!" Well, neither do Hulk or Thor, and they've got a mech each. Thanos doesn't need a mech, either, and he has *two*.

I just think it's a bit poor. C'mon Lego. Lift your game.

By in United States,

Yes to the minifigure, no to the mech.

@Zordboy said:
"I buy all the Marvel mecha, and I really like them. They make for a really cool army of robots.

The only real complaint I have is the lack of variety. Spider-Man has three (four if you count Miles Morales) of the damn things, but not a single female character has one. Why can't Black Widow or Captain Marvel have mecha? "Captain Marvel doesn't need one!" Well, neither do Hulk or Thor, and they've got a mech each. Thanos doesn't need a mech, either, and he has *two*.

I just think it's a bit poor. C'mon Lego. Lift your game."

I'd love a Captain Marvel "The Destroyer" Kree Genocide mech, that'd be sick.

By in United States,

@123MrBrick said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
" @UProbeck said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
"The best Marvel 2024 mech. But I still hate them. Why do they exist? for kids of course."

Never forget, LEGO is a TOY company!


Yes BUT, these don't appear on screen so they are clearly targeting kids for the play-ability, not accuracy. And if you don't know already Lego is no longer just a kids toy."

Yeah it is. That adults find enjoyment in it doesn't change what it fundamentally is."

Ah, here we are again! My astute AFOLs understand that any discussion must inevitably reduce itself to a Platonic discussion of essence and being.

'What is it to 'be'?' asked William Shakespeare.

'What is the meaning of 'is'?' asked William Clinton.

All good questions my fellow Philistine philosophers.

By in Australia,

@GBP_Chris said: "I'd love a Captain Marvel "The Destroyer" Kree Genocide mech, that'd be sick."

Thanos killed about fifty quintillion people. He still has two mechs.

By in United States,

@Zordboy said:
" @GBP_Chris said: "I'd love a Captain Marvel "The Destroyer" Kree Genocide mech, that'd be sick."

Thanos killed about fifty quintillion people. He still has two mechs. "

We need a LEGO Thanos-Copter. Because.

By in United States,

@Zordboy said:
" @GBP_Chris said: "I'd love a Captain Marvel "The Destroyer" Kree Genocide mech, that'd be sick."

Thanos killed about fifty quintillion people. He still has two mechs. "

They all came back, give him a third mech.

Captain Marvel killed a sun and didn't think to restart it until Monica suggested it at the end, give her three mechs - one for each planet she doomed.

Also Ultron mech, because that'd just be cool and alongside Carol will complete the villains set.

By in France,

@Maxbricks14 said:
" @UProbeck said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
"The best Marvel 2024 mech. But I still hate them. Why do they exist? for kids of course."

Never forget, LEGO is a TOY company!


Yes BUT, these don't appear on screen so they are clearly targeting kids for the play-ability, not accuracy. And if you don't know already Lego is no longer just a kids toy."

Yes, but toys are meant to be played with. So play-ability is important.

By in Switzerland,

@person_that_uses_brickset said:
" @fourstud said:
" @person_that_uses_brickset said:
"One of the Lego Marketing leads is coming to my collage with a zoom call and it is open to the public.
It is Friday from 10 to 11 est. You can also ask questions. "

Hey this link isn't working even when I fix the error at the end. Could you share it again or message me? I'd love to watch this."

Does this work for you? This link works for me.

Worked for me. Thanks!

By in United States,

@person_that_uses_brickset said:
" @fourstud said:
" @person_that_uses_brickset said:
"One of the Lego Marketing leads is coming to my collage with a zoom call and it is open to the public.
It is Friday from 10 to 11 est. You can also ask questions. "

Hey this link isn't working even when I fix the error at the end. Could you share it again or message me? I'd love to watch this."

Does this work for you? This link works for me.

Yep, I just got rid of the "registration" at the end after all. Thank you!

By in Germany,

@Loerwyn said:
"I feel like those pieces used for the arms and legs should have circular click hinges where the joints are (I'm thinking like the round Technic click hinges with the single bar), which would solve the problem of articulation, be able to keep studs (maybe lose the anti-studs) and is well within LEGO's capability."

Agree, totally missed opportunity! It would revolutionize Mech-Building and -Playability, if they designed the piece in this (or similar) way.

Oh well, at least we can dream about this.

By in United States,

@person_that_uses_brickset said:
" @fourstud said:
" @person_that_uses_brickset said:
"One of the Lego Marketing leads is coming to my collage with a zoom call and it is open to the public.
It is Friday from 10 to 11 est. You can also ask questions. /registration "

Hey this link isn't working even when I fix the error at the end. Could you share it again or message me? I'd love to watch this."

Does this work for you? This link works for me. /registration

Thanks for letting us be part of your education. That was interesting. It is always inciteful to listen to stories from people who have had a wide variety of experiences and a lot of success.

As a critique of her speech, I am almost always stunned at how such successful people in the public eye still make basic presentation mistakes. It was crazy how many times she stared at the ceiling and waved her hands in front of the camera. She almost seemed like a criminal in the dock. Her basic speech patterns, topics, and inflections were quite good but perhaps a bit monotone. I wish she smiled more. It was very powerful the few times she did.

From a content perspective, she was also very good at saying a lot without providing much detail. I'm struggling to think of one thing I learned about Lego from her discussion. Nevertheless, she is obviously very intelligent, and I enjoyed listening to her insights about human nature and creativity. Thanks again.

By in United Kingdom,

I was pleasantly surprised to see a proper old style helmet design, with openable face mask. I was expecting this set to include a single moulded helmet, as LEGO seems to have adopted that cheaper design for Iron Man minifigures in recent years, much to the annoyance of many. Having been previously disappointed by almost all previous War Machine minifigires, it was nice to finally get hold of a half decent one! And in such a cheap set, too! I would have been disappointed if the helmet was the single moulded version. A very nice set for the price, and extremely good value for money! Nice to see that LEGO have sorted the hip joint attachments on the actual mech this year (no more staggered hips), but I still hate these new moulded arms and legs that don't offer any articulation.

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