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No Worries, Turn Ons, Google Search
Google Image Result for https://poetryforapandemic.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/img_4387.jpg
a pencil drawing of two apples sitting on top of each other
Flower Drawing Inspiration
Flower Drawing Inspiration
three wooden figurines sitting on top of a table next to bookshelves
Spreeth peg doll family
a group of wooden figurines sitting on top of a white piano with the word otto meyer written above it
Le Roux peg doll family
two wooden figurines standing next to each other on a shelf with books behind them
Peg doll Flatmates and their dog
three wooden figurines sitting on top of a wooden table next to each other
Van Rensburg family
This is the first family I made through my business. I love to take a closer look at the people that the little dolls represent, to try and truly see them as individuals and then when you put them together everyone else can see them too.