Espresso Equipment/Fav Beans

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a stove top coffee maker with the handle extended to it's side, on a white background
Moka Alessi
a kitchen counter top with a clock on it and a glass next to the timer
My Homebrew Espresso Morning Ritual — Conrad Stoll
The Rancilio Silvia and Acaia Lunar scale, set up on the counter getting ready to brew.
a wooden bowl filled with coffee beans next to a scoop of ground coffee on top of it
The Best Burr Coffee Grinders Available in 2017: A Foodal Buying Guide
Fresh roasted coffee beans and grounds | Foodal's Guide to Coffee
coffee being poured into a white cup
Espresso Machines | Coffee Beans | Reviews
Seattle Coffee Gear - couple shops in Portland for espresso equipment
a coffee maker sitting on top of a counter next to some cups and saucers
Clive Coffee - Beautiful Espresso at Home
Clive Coffee - Water Ave Portland Great little shop for equipment - commercial and residential
a coffee grinder with beans in it on a white background and an appliance
The Baratza Sette 270 Espresso Grinder
Baratza Sette 270 Conical Burr Grinder - tried in Portland Coffee Shop