
◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ 「Civil engineer CAT」 [ Net Memes ] 「Posters」 ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢
579 Pins
an advertisement with two cartoon cats on it's side and in the background there are images of different types of pipes
からあげのるつぼ on X
からあげのるつぼ(@karaage_rutsubo)さん / Twitter
an image of two cats with different expressions in english and japanese characters on the same page
からあげのるつぼ on Twitter
an image of two cats talking to each other in different languages and one cat is holding a banana
an image of three cats in different languages with captions written in english and chinese
an image of two cartoon cats in different languages
からあげのるつぼ (@karaage_rutsubo) / Twitter
からあげのるつぼ(@karaage_rutsubo)さん / Twitter
an image of some cats with different expressions in japanese writing and english characters on the same page
an image of two cats with different expressions in english and japanese characters on the same page
two pictures with cats in uniforms and one has a sign that says, i don't
からあげのるつぼ on Twitter
からあげのるつぼ(@karaage_rutsubo)さん / Twitter
an image of a cat looking at a computer screen with some question marks on it
からあげのるつぼ on X
世の中は とかくあったり なかったり 現場猫
世の中は とかくあったり なかったり 現場猫
an image of two cats with different expressions in english and chinese characters on the same page
an image of two cats in different languages
からあげのるつぼ on Twitter
Disney Characters, Disney
からあげのるつぼ (@karaage_rutsubo) on X
an image of a cat with a laptop in front of him and another cat sitting behind it
an image of a cartoon cat sitting in front of a laptop with another cat nearby