127 Pins
What happens during a frozen embryos transfer?
A few hours prior to an embryo transfer, the embryo is removed from liquid nitrogen and thawed in a specialized medium (fluid). The time between the thaw and embryo transfer varies between clinics. An embryo often initially appears collapsed at the time of thaw since water was removed from its cells when it was frozen. Over the next few hours, the embryo should begin to re-expand as water enters its cells. After the embryo has been thawed, it’s placed into a culture dish (a plastic dish wit...
Watch an embryo transfer!
Who has an embryo transfer coming up? ✨️ Have you ever wondered what happens during an embryo transfer? In this clip, embryologist @explainingivf shares some behind the scenes to show what happens during an embryo transfer for an IVF cycle. If you have any questions, drop them below. Who has a transfer coming up? 👇
When Does Implantation Occur After an IVF Embryo Transfer? Staff Retention, Behavioral Interview Questions, Team Morale, Interview Prep, Wealthy People, Interview Process, Professional Goals, Job Interviews
When Does Implantation Occur After an IVF Embryo Transfer? — The IVF Warrior
When Does Implantation Occur After an IVF Embryo Transfer?
Does an Egg Retrieval Decrease Your Egg Supply? Egg Retrieval, Egg Freezing, Fertility Testing, In Vitro Fertilization, Pregnancy Loss, Reproductive Health, An Egg, The Science
Does an Egg Retrieval Decrease Your Egg Supply? — The IVF Warrior
Does an Egg Retrieval Decrease Your Egg Supply?
4 interesting fertility facts to know
4 interesting fertility facts to know
What is the Perfect Embryo
As an embryologist, I've been asked a lot of questions about embryos. For example, what makes an embryo suitable for transfer? How do embryologists calculate which embryo is best for transfer? And what is the perfect embryo?
Can Male Supplements Enhance IVF Success Rates? Ivf Success Rates, Female Health, Ivf Success, Prenatal Vitamins, Lifestyle Changes, Second Child, A Doctor, Ups And Downs
Can Male Supplements Enhance IVF Success Rates?
"As a doctor and father of two children conceived using IVF, I know firsthand the ups and downs of the process. When I was going through IVF with my wife, I was shocked at how little attention was focused on the male and how much pressure was put on my wife. For me, I wanted to do more to help the process and support my partner. I knew there were various approaches to address male infertility, including lifestyle changes, medical treatments, and the use of supplements." @popstarhealth (sponsored)
Ivf grief Embryo Loss, Ivf Failure, In The Beginning, The Beginning, Anger
No one cares about embryos more than IVF patients. Embryo loss was devastating. In the beginning, I thought that each embryo would eventually equal a baby. When I experienced IVF failure, I was flooded with grief, anger, loneliness, confusion, and fear that it would never happen. I was completely unprepared. You see... IVF is often talked about from non-patients in a guaranteed congratulations, type of way. Yes, as patients, we have SO MUCH hope. But... IVF isn't easy. IVF isn't a g...
IVF Warrior quote
IVF Warrior
No one cares about embryos more than IVF patients. Embryo loss was devastating. In the beginning, I thought that each embryo would eventually equal a baby. When I experienced IVF failure, I was flooded with grief, anger, loneliness, confusion, and fear that it would never happen. I was completely unprepared. You see... IVF is often talked about from non-patients in a guaranteed congratulations, type of way. Yes, as patients, we have SO MUCH hope. But... IVF isn't easy. IVF isn't a g...
IVF QUOTE Cycling, So Tired, Content Ideas, No Worries
Over 12 million IVF babies have been born worldwide, and over 2.5 million IVF cycles are being performed every year. IVF offers hope and a chance to individuals and couples, but it is never a guarantee. Every embryo doesn't equal a baby. 1 in 6 experience infertility, and this number continues to grow. Right now, IVF patients everywhere are terrified. We are also sad, heartbroken, angry, confused, worried, and so tired... If dealing with infertility wasn't hard enough, there is now this a...
Ivf and infertility statistics
IVF global statistics
Over 12 million IVF babies have been born worldwide, and over 2.5 million IVF cycles are being performed every year. IVF offers hope and a chance to individuals and couples, but it is never a guarantee. Every embryo doesn't equal a baby. 1 in 6 experience infertility, and this number continues to grow. Right now, IVF patients everywhere are terrified. We are also sad, heartbroken, angry, confused, worried, and so tired... If dealing with infertility wasn't hard enough, there is now this a...
a woman with her stomach exposed holding a thermometer
How Long Does a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Cycle Take? — The IVF Warrior
IVF & FET Pregnancy Due Date Calculator Pregnancy Due Date Calculator, Due Date Calculator, Conception Date, Pregnancy Due Date, Period Cycle, Date Month Year, Date Month
IVF & FET Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
IVF & FET Pregnancy Due Date Calculator