Fertility Support

Infertility 1in 6
1 in 6: Infertility
My journey consisted of countless tests, procedures, surgeries, endometriosis, PCOS, medicated cycles, losses, and IVF. It also consisted of many tears, sadness, and pain. When you're navigating infertility, hearing from others on their journey can provide much needed hope and support. There are also organizations who share similar missions in supporting those on their fertility journey. Resources such as @donoreggbankusa are invaluable. They offer dedicated Family Building Consultants, a co...
Infertility statistics
Infertility Statistics
My journey consisted of countless tests, procedures, surgeries, endometriosis, PCOS, medicated cycles, losses, and IVF. It also consisted of many tears, sadness, and pain. When you're navigating infertility, hearing from others on their journey can provide much needed hope and support. There are also organizations who share similar missions in supporting those on their fertility journey. Resources such as @donoreggbankusa are invaluable. They offer dedicated Family Building Consultants, a co...
Infertility defintion
My journey consisted of countless tests, procedures, surgeries, endometriosis, PCOS, medicated cycles, losses, and IVF. It also consisted of many tears, sadness, and pain. When you're navigating infertility, hearing from others on their journey can provide much needed hope and support. There are also organizations who share similar missions in supporting those on their fertility journey. Resources such as @donoreggbankusa are invaluable. They offer dedicated Family Building Consultants, a co...
Infertility quote
Infertility Journey
My journey consisted of countless tests, procedures, surgeries, endometriosis, PCOS, medicated cycles, losses, and IVF. It also consisted of many tears, sadness, and pain. When you're navigating infertility, hearing from others on their journey can provide much needed hope and support. There are also organizations who share similar missions in supporting those on their fertility journey. Resources such as @donoreggbankusa are invaluable. They offer dedicated Family Building Consultants, a co...
What you see vs. What they feel... Infertility is a lot of things, but simple, exciting, and easy are none of them. Though many may appear to be okay on the outside, likely, they are struggling on the inside with a lot of fear, uncertainty, doubt, sadness, and self-blame. Always be kind. You never know what silent battle someone is going through. Do you agree? ❤️ What else would you add to this list?
POV: When you have infertility and realize 2024 won't be the year you bring home a baby either... Infertility is so cruel and unfair. There are so many unknowns. So much waiting. So much pain.. To anyone on this journey, you are not alone. None of this is easy. None of this is fair. Know that you did nothing to deserve this. Infertility is not your fault. ❤️
Reflecting on your journey
When you reflect on your infertility journey... A fertility journey is anything but easy. It's emotionally exhausting and so hard in every way. Reflecting on what you've been through can be very emotional. So many sacrifices, what ifs, unknowns, and uncertainties along the way. Anyone who goes through infertility is a warrior. What is your fertility story? Where are you on your journey? ❤️ Meme: Kris Jenner
Father's day infertility Time To Celebrate, Safe Space, The Men, Not Enough, Enough Is Enough, I Want You, Want You
To the men struggling with infertility this Father’s Day
To the men struggling with infertility this Father’s Day...⠀ Father's Day has come, and I want you to know you are not forgotten. I know that too many of you are silently struggling and feeling so helpless. Often putting on a brave face for your partner while grieving on the inside and unsure what to do. There's not enough support for men on this journey, and I hope that this changes soon. This journey can be so heavy, and I wish that men had more communities, safe-spaces, and support to share how hard it is for them, too. I know another year has passed, and you thought this Father's Day would be different, that this would be your time to celebrate. I know you’re hurting and flooded by emotions and reminders that you don't have what you want so badly, too.
Infertility Rollercoaster
Fertility treatments are a full-time job, and anyone who goes through them is a warrior. It can become overwhelming trying to "do it all" while navigating infertility. It's important to prioritize your mental health, set boundaries, and do what you need to do to be okay. Does anyone else feel pressure to do it all?
Infertility & mental health confessions... Something people don't often understand is that infertility is a battle that can consume you. It can break you down and affect your mental health in countless ways. There is nothing simple or easy about infertility. It can feel like the most overwhelming, devastating thing to experience. Did you know women with infertility have the same levels of anxiety, depression, and stress as women diagnosed with cancer? (Fertility and Sterility)(NIH) ...
Companies offering fertility benefits Egg Freezing, Fertility Testing, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Employee Satisfaction, Employee Wellness, In Vitro Fertilization, In Vitro, Pregnancy Loss
Companies offering fertility benefits
Fertility benefits provide essential support for employees navigating fertility challenges. These benefits can include coverage for a range of treatments and services such as IVF, IUI, egg freezing, sperm banking, adoption, and surrogacy. By offering these fertility benefits, companies help alleviate the financial burden associated with fertility treatments, making them more accessible to those in need.
Infertility mental health Physics, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Emphasis, Statistics, Things To Think About, The 100
I never thought it would happen to me... 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss. 1 in 6 experience infertility. 1 in 100 experience recurrent pregnancy loss. All of these are the hardest, loneliest statistics to be part of, and somehow, I became part of each. Each loss and each month navigating infertility felt extremely difficult emotionally and mentally. It was the heaviest, most isolating weight to carry. A lot of emphasis is often placed on the physical aspects of infertility, but the mental ...
1 in 6 quotes Felt
1 in 6
I never thought it would happen to me... 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss. 1 in 6 experience infertility. 1 in 100 experience recurrent pregnancy loss. All of these are the hardest, loneliest statistics to be part of, and somehow, I became part of each. Each loss and each month navigating infertility felt extremely difficult emotionally and mentally. It was the heaviest, most isolating weight to carry. A lot of emphasis is often placed on the physical aspects of infertility, but the mental ...
1 in 4 1 in 6
1 in 4
I never thought it would happen to me... 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss. 1 in 6 experience infertility. 1 in 100 experience recurrent pregnancy loss. All of these are the hardest, loneliest statistics to be part of, and somehow, I became part of each. Each loss and each month navigating infertility felt extremely difficult emotionally and mentally. It was the heaviest, most isolating weight to carry. A lot of emphasis is often placed on the physical aspects of infertility, but the mental ...
5 Tips to Get IVF Coverage Ivf Cost, Health Insurance Plans, Financial Assistance, Reproductive Health
5 Tips to Get IVF Coverage
Fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), offer hope for individuals and couples facing infertility. However, the financial burden associated with IVF can be daunting, often serving as a barrier to access for many.