At home workouts

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Back Fat Workout
Back Workout. Complete 45 seconds per move with 15 seconds rest. Repeat sequence 6 times. Link in bio for fitness app + fitness guides 🖤
Full body pilates at home workout!!!
The combination of strength training, pilates, and low-impact exercises changed my body and mind. I have never felt better.
Improve Your Posture: Stretch, Mobilize, Strengthen
To avoid looking like a shrimp when sitting, it's crucial to address posture issues caused by our modern lifestyle. We spend hours on cell phones or at desks with inadequate chairs, leading to posture deterioration. Optimal posture is essential for preventing muscle imbalances, joint strain, and chronic pain. Focus on stretching tight muscles and strengthening weak ones. Poor posture often shortens the chest, especially the pec minor attached to the shoulder blade, pulling the shoulders forward, particularly if the mid-back is weak. Begin by stretching the chest. If you lack a TRX, a wall suffices. Extend your arm into Y and T positions, holding each for 30-60 seconds while breathing deeply. Mobilize your spine to achieve optimal posture and strengthen the mid-back, particularly the mi
Before & After 🍑 Best Glutes Workout For A Shaped Booty 🍑 Check out Link in Bio for what I use🔥
Killer Abs for Girls