Sherlock BBC - Benedict and Martin

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the man is holding his cell phone up in the air
Yep! Sherlock S04 EP03 "The Final Problem". Season 4. Episode 3.
two men in suits and ties standing next to each other with the caption peasants lol
They are literally the biggest trolls in existence.
two men in suits and ties standing next to each other with the words don't worry, there is a fake for people like you
40 Best Sherlock Quotes from 'The Final Problem' (4x03) | Scattered Quotes
40 Best Sherlock Quotes from 'The Final Problem' (4x03) - John Watson: Don't worry, there's a place for people like you, the desperate, the terrified. The ones with nowhere else to run. Mycroft Holmes: What place? John Watson: 221B Baker Street. See you in the morning. If there's a queue, join it. Mycroft Holmes: For God's sake, this is not one of your idiot cases!
a man in a blue shirt and black jacket is holding his hands on his hips
John - New Season 4 Promo still
two black and white photos with the same person covering their face in front of them
you was the best and the wisest man that I've ever know...and yes of course I forgive you <3
a man sitting on top of a snow covered ground
Sherlock - New Season 4 Promo still Ashejqjekkdkqka He's so attractive I'm crying
an image with the words i may be on the side of the angels but do not think for one second that i am one of them
#SherlockLives Limited Tshirt
"I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a second that I am one of them." Sherlock BBC
an image of a man with a quote on it
a black and white photo with the words i'm not a psychpath, i'm a highly functioning soctopathh
Not a psychopath
there are many different pictures of the same person in this movie, and one is telling them
NameBright - Coming Soon
Sherlock Holmes, a funny guy lol nerdtastic just fine entertainment and superb talent engagedbfor these fabulous scripts!! More
Sherlock Sherlock Bbc Quotes
a man holding a violin in his right hand and the caption reads, sherlock and his violin still a better love story than twilight
Sherlock and his violin More
two men sitting in chairs next to each other
Am I the only one terrified about Season 4?