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an image of someone's twitter account with the caption that reads, heaven and hell do existt after death but you can choose which you go
Not sure if i should put this in humor or prompts because it is equally awesome as both.
a poster with the words plot twist written in different languages on it, along with an image of a sunset
Take Your Story in a New Direction with Our Plot Twist Generator
Will your story have ninjas? Will it be set in outer space? Will you secretly be royal? Find out with our plot twist generator!
a black and white photo with the words writing proms written in front of it
the text is written in black and white
Who is the character? What does the character want more than anything? And how can I prevent them from getting it?
a black and white photo with the words start your story with a sentence that is geniusly happy and upset, no double meanings
a poem written in the sky with clouds
the tweet is posted to someone on their phone, and it looks like they are
Still i Would like “She looked at him like a multiverse... She couldn’t tell if he was real although she wants him to be. In him she sees her past, her present and her future. With him she has endless possibilities and without him nothing would (be) matter.
the text message is being displayed on an iphone's screenshote, and it appears
A rotten bridge, a runaway carriage or drunk driver. Anything that could happen to anyone. Let it happen to them allenthelost I feel so much pain right now. kurosmind This post pleases me theravenofwynter Describe their death through a loved one's eyes during a moment of triumph. Describe their exhilaration about A
an image of some type of text that is in different colors and sizes, with the words
Female characters to avoid in your writing. Character development.