train ticket art

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a bunch of red and white paper with some drawings on it's back side
Distopian Future Scribbled Upon Used Train Tickets
Distopian Future Scribbled Upon Used Train Tickets : Ian Bowden : flickr
an orange and white ticket with people walking on the street in front of a city skyline
Bethany Y Milam Fine Artist / Tutor: Ticket Cut Outs
Please Mind The Gap: An Afternoon At Hampton Court Cut Out Train tickets on canvas 2011 5”x 4” £90 including frame
six orange and white tickets with words on them
- Liz Plummer
More altered train tickets from Daniela using typographic phrases
an orange and white train ticket sitting on top of a piece of black luggage bag
Bethany Y Milam Fine Artist / Tutor: Ticket Cut Outs
Please Mind The Gap: On The Underground Cut Out Train tickets on canvas 2011 5”x 4” £90 including frame
an orange and white piece of paper with holes in it
train ticket art - Google Search
two tickets are being sewn together on a piece of paper
Once Upon A Time - Lucy Thompson
A once treasured item that had the value of money is forever discarded once used. Here are some of my train tickets that I have been collecting for a while now and I have began to experiment if a sewing machine would actually stitch through the card. Knowing this worked I have taken the idea of Sashiko and used a sewing machine to create the line within the tickets.