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Hummingbird and her babies.
a small black kitten running across a white floor with it's front paws in the air
A Stupidly Cute Kitten! - 4th December 2013
(KO) Learning to walk on all fours. If he could just get them all going in the same direction at once he'd have it made. Hang in there fuzzy, you'll be up and running in no time!
a small kitten with blue eyes laying on someone's lap and looking at the camera
Today on Ten Cats - Comics by Graham Harrop
The saying is that some people wear their heart on their sleeve, this kitten is slightly different :-)
a small black kitten sitting on top of a green couch
Kitteh Kats
a cat looking at a hedgehog in a plastic container
Loki the Kitten Meets Harley the Hedgehog
Loki the Kitten Meets Harley the Hedgehog! So cute i can't breathe.♥♥♥ My two favorite animals!♥♥♥
a kitten sleeping on top of a fluffy white blanket
Calico Kitten -
Calico Kitten, if I could have another kitten I would have one that looks like this! Reminded me of the cat I had growing up!
a small white kitten sitting on top of someone's hand
Snowy kitten
a small brown and white dog sitting on the floor
Love! !
a small kitten is laying on its back in a pink blanket with it's paws up