ARTS AND CRAFTS: for classes

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an image of a white board on the floor with markers and paint bottles around it
1.4M views · 28K reactions | This one took awhile. The painting is SOLD, but I will be releasing new work soon! If you want to be the first to know about available paintings and upcoming exhibitions, use this link to sign up. | Blackstock | Chilled Pig · golden hour
1.4M views · 28K reactions | This one took awhile. The painting is SOLD, but I will be releasing new work soon! If you want to be the first to know about available paintings and upcoming exhibitions, use this link to sign up. | Blackstock | Chilled Pig · golden hour
a woman sitting on the floor looking through a white object with her hands over her head
233K views · 120K reactions | | LIFE WITH BROTHERS | lifewithbrothers · Original audio
233K views · 120K reactions | | LIFE WITH BROTHERS | lifewithbrothers · Original audio
there is a poster on the ground with words written in white and blue letters that read it makes me feel like art - can be made by anybody
Timothy Foss on Instagram: "Art can be made by anyone. We just tend to value things on their merit score (who’s better) or how they perform in the marketplace. Because I want to share this work and to keep making work, your support is so vital. The marketplace is what we’re stuck with. But let’s use it where we can to spread the love. If you make something, try to see it as a thing that never existed before. It doesn’t even have to be a reflection of who you are. It definitely doesn’t have to matter if you’re talented or skilled or not. I like trying to get better at seeing what happened as much as what I can do to change it. That’s just something we can use in life anyway. It’s part of why art matters. And making art matters. It’s just a miracle we make things at all! That we’re her